Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium Job Application Form

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Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium Job Application Form

Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium Job Application Form

How to apply

1. Read the job description / person specification for the post carefully.

2. Fill in the Application Form on a computer and save it with your name and the job title as the file title.

3. Write a covering letter, clearly stating how your qualifications and experience match with that required.

4. Please email the completed form and covering letter to: [email protected]

5. Applications received after any set deadline cannot be considered. If the application states “rolling deadline” then please send your application as soon as it is completed.

Once the deadline has passed, Winchester Science Centre will select candidates for interview based on the information provided on the Application Form and covering letter. Using this information, the Panel will review how the application meets the criteria set out in the Person Specification and Job Description.

Please clearly state your previous experience that links to all of the requirements of the role. Candidates whose experience does not match the Essential Criteria will not be considered.

Please write or type in black ink.



Post Applied for: a. Personal Details

First Name Preferred title (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Ms) Surname


Telephone Daytime: Mobile:


Do you require a work permit to work in the UK? Yes/No (Asylum & Immigration Act 1996) b. Disability The Disability Discrimination Act defines disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes/ No Please give details of your special requirements in the workplace, if any:

c. Where did you hear about this job?

d. Future job opportunities at the Winchester Science Centre If you are not selected for interview for this post, would you like us to keep your details on file and contact you about future opportunities at the Winchester Science Centre? Yes/No



1. Education and Qualifications Please detail your formal education i.e. the schools and any college/university you attended.

Please detail any additional qualifications or relevant training courses you have attended.

2. Employment History – please indicate if paid or unpaid and dates of employment.

Please give details of any employment experience you have had, including voluntary positions if relevant, with the most recent post first. Freelancers with a large number of short term contracts may wish to select their most relevant work experience.

3. What interests you about this role at this point in your career?

4. How do your skills and previous experience match the requirements of this role? 3

5. Other relevant information Please use this space to tell us about any other relevant information you would like us to consider in assessing your application.

6. Criminal Record The post requires that the employee can pass a CRB/DBS check.

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence in the UK or Northern Ireland? Yes/No

If Yes, please give full details:

I confirm that the information submitted on this application form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if subsequently it is found that information given is inaccurate that dismissal may occur.

Signed: Date:


The information on this page is not used to shortlist candidates for interview.

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Winchester Science Centre is opposed to discrimination on any grounds. We therefore operate selection policies designed to ensure that all applicants are treated equally regardless of age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic or national origin. In accordance with the Codes of Practice of the Commission for Racial Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission we monitor the effectiveness of our equal opportunities policies, and therefore ask all employees to provide the following details. The information you provide is for monitoring purposes only.

Name Gender Date of birth Disability: The Disability Discrimination Act defines disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Do you have any disability which may affect your safe and comfortable use of WSC? Yes/No

If yes, please advise us of your special needs in using the building’s facilities.(Please consider access needs, interpretation requirements, specific facilities)

Nationality Place of birth

Ethnic Origin - Please state your ethnic origin below (tick one box only). This does not mean your nationality or place of birth, but colour and broad ethnic group. These categories are recommended by the Commission for Racial Equality. A White B Mixed C Asian or Asian British

 British  White and Black Caribbean  Indian  Irish  White and Black African  Pakistani  Any other White background  White and Asian  Bangladeshi Please write below  Any other mixed background  Any other Asian background Please write below Please write below ______

D Black or Black British E Chinese or Other ethnic group

 Caribbean  Chinese  African  Any other  Any other Black background  Please write below Please write below ______


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