Politics of the European Union

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Politics of the European Union

PLS 401

Politics of the European Union

Dr. Phil Meeks Office: Adm 434

Phone: 280-1453 E-Mail: [email protected]

Course Description

This course provides a review of European cooperation and integration from the end of World War II to the present. It examines both the institutions and policies of the European Union. Issues addressed include economic issues, environmental and social regulations, admission of new members, movement of peoples, security and defense. This class fulfills Core certified writing classes.

Course Goals:

By the end of the course, students who complete all assignments should be able to:

 Recognize fundamental challenges of contemporary international organizations such as the European Union

 Understand the roles that European citizens and institutions play in addressing these challenges

 Analyze political consequences of decisions by European Union structures and responses by national institutions and individuals

 Know fundamental concepts used in political science to study international and comparative political behavior and institutions

 Use and evaluate evidence in debates of issues in world politics


1. One (15 p) research paper on some EU institution or national integration into/with the EU or on a specific policy problem. There will be oral in-class debate presentations on the paper. Students will be paired to present alternative policy prescriptions. Total paper project is worth 40% of the course grade.

2. In class midterm (20 % of grade) and take home final exam (30% of grade). 3. Attendance & Participation - 10% of the course grade.

Extra Credit: A journal with articles and personal commentary may be submitted.

Op-ed piece published in Creightonian gets double credit!

Required Readings:

Dinan, Ever Closer Union?, Lynne Reinner, 2nd Ed., 1999.

Guttman (ed.), Europe in the New Century, Lynne Reinner, 2001.

Schmitter, How to Democratize the E.U., Rowman & Littlefield, 2000.

Wood & Yesilada, Emerging European Union, Longman, 2nd Ed., 2002.

All Class Handouts

Recommended Readings:

NY Times (Daily) (print subscriptions available at Student Center); Economist, (weekly).

General information about writing papers

Papers should be double spaced, and typed or word-processed. Bibliography and statistical tables or appendices should not be counted toward page requirements. All sources should be cited and referenced in endnotes using a bibliographic format. (Consult stylebook if necessary) Plagiarism will be punished with an automatic failure for the entire course. Report should be broken down into sections but with continuous text on pages. All pages should be numbered.

Paper will be graded according to 1) quality of analysis, 2) comprehensiveness, 3) organization & clarity of writing, and 4) punctuality. Late papers will be penalized 5 points (out of 100) for each class period that they are late. PLS 401

Politics of the European Union

Class Schedule

Date Topic

8/22 Introduction

8/27 Theories of Integration & Organization

8/29 Historical Evolution of the EU - 1945-1950

9/3 Historical Evolution of the EU - 1951-1958

9/5 Historical Evolution of the EU - 1959-1968

9/10 Historical Evolution of the EU - 1969-1978

9/12 Historical Evolution of the EU - 1979-1988

9/17 Historical Evolution of the EU - 1989-1995

9/19 Historical Evolution of the EU - 1995-present

9/24 European Commission

9/26 European Council/Council of Ministers

10/1 European Parliament

10/3 Court of Justice

10/8 European Central Bank

10/10 In Class Midterm

10/15-17 Fall Break

10/22 Politics & Policy Making

10/24 Agricultural Policy

10/27 EMU & Finance Policy First Draft of Research Paper Due 10/29 Social & Regional Policies Policy Debates Begin

10/31 Environmental, Health & Educational Policies

11/5 Defense & Security Policies

11/7 Foreign Policies - Europe

11/12 Foreign Policies - ADCs

11/14 Foreign Policies – LDCs

11/19 The Politics of Expansion & Reform –I

11/21 The Politics of Expansion & Reform –II

11/26 The Politics of Expansion & Reform –III

11/28 Thanksgiving Holiday

12/3 Future of E.U. - Prospects & Problems

12/5 Conclusion/Evaluations

12/12 Final Exams Due

Recommended publications