WMO Executive Council Panel of Experts On

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WMO Executive Council Panel of Experts On

WMO Executive Council Panel of Experts on Polar Observations, Research and Services (EC-PORS) Task Team Activities Status December 18, 2013

Introduction The following pages provide a high level synopsis of activities underway or of interest to the Panel of Experts on Polar Observations, Research and Services. A primary responsibility for each of the Panel members is highlighted in this shade of red and, where appropriate, a secondary area of interest in this shade of blue.

This is not an exhaustive list; rather its intention is to stimulate discussion amongst the Panel members. In addition to a short précis on each of the teams, there are three appendices including;

One; A list of action items from EC PORS IV Two; Upcoming events relevant to the mandate of EC PORS Three; A list of current active members

EC Panel members and teams are requested to consider the action items noted and provide precision to the Secretariat. For full background material on EC PORS and related activities please see; http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/polar/index_en.html

Task Foci for Activities General;  Antarctic Observation Network (AntON) Leads Antarctic  Review – update resolutions of record S. Colwell  Review – update standard regulatory material J. Stander

Panel members; J. Carrasco, R. Hartig, J.M. Hörler, A. Klepikov, J. Renwick, K. Satheesan, K. Falkner Specific monitoring on the exchange of Antarctic data will take place from January 1- 15 2014 including all Antarctic collection stations, National Meteorological Centres (NMCs), Status Regional Telecommunication Hubs (RTHs) and the World Meteorological Centres (WMCs). The ATT will meet February 24, 2014 in Wellington. General;  Includes observations from research and monitoring networks, satellite, in-situ and new technologies  Monitor effectiveness of basic observing systems and support standardization of observing practices for Polar Regions Leads  Polar Space task Group to provide coordination across A. Snorasson Observational Space Agencies in support of cryospheric and polar M. Drinkwater (PSTG lead) Framework research and applications. J. Key (GCW Lead)  Global Cryosphere Watch implementation strategy to ensure glaciological and permafrost communities are engaged including CryoNet and SnowWatch  Follow / influence the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) including space-based observations  Ensure integration and interoperability with the WMO Information System (WIS)

Panel members; G. Béchard, E. Brun , H.W. Hubberten, M.-L. Ou, G.M. Pedrini, C. Xiao, O. Hov, J.M. Hörler, L.-O. Reiersen, K. Satheesan

For non-panel member of the PSTG and its subsidiary, the SAR Coordination Working Group, see; http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/sat/pstg_en.php 1 Task Foci for Activities

Polar Space Task Group; The report of the third meeting of the PSTG (May 22 - 23, 2013) is available at http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/sat/pstg_en.php. The PSTG continues to collect cryospheric science requirements and priorities via workshops and interactions with representatives of the Cryospheric science community with periodic reporting to CEOS, CGMS, EC-PORS and the Consultative Mechanism on High Level Space Policy. They seek to align commitments taken through respective Agency programmes.

Global Cryosphere Watch; The GCW website http://globalcryospherewatch.org/ is operated on behalf of WMO by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC). Progress continues on the GCW Data Portal interacting with CCIN and WGMS.

Version 1.0 of the GCW Implementation Plan (October 19, 2012) is available at. http://globalcryospherewatch.org/reference/documents/; the governance model for GCW consists of an Advisory Group and Task Teams some of which may have groups (e.g. Snow Watch Group Status of the Products Team). The conceptual framework is available at; http://globalcryospherewatch.org/about/framework.html. A meeting will be held the week of January 20, 2014 to further develop the GCW AG.

The co-chairs of EC PORS have recently endorsed the proposal for the project entitled “Satellite Snow Products intercomparison and evaluation EXercise – SnowPEX” which responds to the goals outlined by the GCW Snow Watch workshop held in Toronto in January, 2013 with efforts to inter- compare, validate and quality assure current global or hemispheric satellite snow products to help quantify the uncertainty of long term trends of the seasonal snow pack deduced from satellite data.

Arctic HYCOS; A draft project document for the ARCTIC-HYCOS project has been developed. Work has begun to define Arctic-HYCOS stations from the broader list of GTN-R stations input to the Global Run-off Data Centre (GRDC) in Koblenz. A meeting of the team is being planned for mid-March 2014.

General  The Global Integrated Polar Prediction System (GIPPS) including WWRP-PPP and WCRP-PCPI; a research and Leads Research operational focus from daily to inter-decadal timeframe P. Lemke Framework  Monitor requirements of research scientists and advise J. Stander operational community  Link with Services Framework

Panel members; B. Arheimer, K. Falkner, O. Hov, T. Jung, K. Krogh Andersen, V. Rachold, P. Taalas, J. Renwick

Global Integrated Polar Prediction System (GIPPS); Status WWRP – PPP; The Implementation and Science Plans of WWRP - PPP have been finalized and published as a WMO publication. They are available at; http://polarprediction.net/en/home

The reports of the working groups of the "ECMWF-WWRP/THORPEX Workshop on polar prediction" are now available at: /www.ecmwf.int/newsevents/meetings/workshops/2013/Polar_prediction/

WCRP – PCPI; Dr. Cecilia Bitz (Univ. of Washington) co-leads with Ted Shepherd (Univ. of Toronto).

Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project (S2S); A joint WWRP-WCRP–THORPEX initiative published its research implementation plan in June 2012 available at; http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/wwrp/new/S2S_project_main_page.html. A trust fund has been established and there is an agreement with WMO to host an ICO in Jeju, Republic of Korea. 2 Task Foci for Activities

PORS members are requested to advocate for contributions to the respective trust funds.

General Leads  Factors contributing to service improvements Services A. Devaris  User perspectives Framework  Framed in a global context

Panel members; A. Frolov, A. Jönsson, L.-O. Reiersen, H. Tangen, J. Ikävalko, C. Xiao,

Non-Panel members; T. Stipa, A. Holman, R. Tatusko

The Services team continues its work through teleconferences to advance the work programme set by PORS-4.

EC 65 (May 2013) noted intentions to pursue Polar Regional Climate Centres (PRCCs) and Polar Climate Outlook Forums (PCOFs), and identification of the relevant service requirements in the Arctic, Antarctic and “Third Pole” regions. The International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG) Status held its meeting October 21-25 in Reykjavík under the Theme: “Ice Information for Marine Safety and Security”. The meeting proposed a mechanism under the auspices of the Nordmet Co- operation Agreement to advance the goals of developing Polar Region Climate Outlook Forums and a Polar Region Climate Centre network. The Co-chairs of EC PORS have contacted the current chair of the Council (Arni Snorrason) to initiate a discussion a path forward that would engage the other Arctic circumpolar nations (Canada, Russian Federation and the United States) who are not part of this Agreement. General Leads  IPY Legacy; International Polar Initiative (IPI) International D. Grimes  Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Polar Initiative R. Vertessy

Panel members; J. Carrasco, A. Klepikov, V. Rachold

Non-Panel member; V. Ryabinin

International Polar Initiative; The latest draft of the IPI Concept paper was presented to WMO Status Executive Council in May-June 2013. Despite very positive support from the polar / cryosphere communities, this has yet to result in overt support from funding agencies. It appears that there will be a reconsideration of the proposal in January 2014 to focus the IPI on stronger cooperation and coordination of existing polar activities (e.g. the end-to-end observations-analysis-prediction- services-user interface) as is envisioned by WMO polar and cryosphere initiatives such as GIPPS, GCW, and AntON. The potential linkages of IPI and the ICSU Future Earth initiative could be also considered. EC-PORS will continue representing WMO in the inter-agency Steering Group for the IPI. The Panel will review the final Concept of IPI, when it becomes available, and submit to EC-66 (June 2014) recommendations on the optimal level and modalities of WMO participation in IPI, should this initiative be endorsed by other international organizations.

GFCS; The IBCS-1 elected a Chair (Anton Eliassen – Norway) and two Co-Vice-chairs (Linda Makuleni – South Africa and Laxman Singh Rathore – India). It established a Management Committee consisting of 28 persons and a Partner Advisory Committee still to be populated. The Board also approved a Compendium of initial GFCS projects with projects 17, 28, 29 and 30 having relevance to the work of EC PORS. For more information see approved documents with resolutions at: http://ibcs-1.wmo.int/documents-english.

The IBCS Management Committee will hold its first meeting Jun 16 – 17 2014 just before EC 66.

3 Task Foci for Activities The second session of the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services will take place in Geneva from 10–14 November 2014. For more information on the GFCS see http://www.gfcs-climate.org/

The Task Team on Data Policy (S. Colwell, member for EC – PORS) discussed the next steps and agreed that it was essential that the draft resolution be discussed widely; each Task Team member will outreach to seek comments on the draft from within their respective groups and provide further feedback to the other members of the Task Team. Steve distributed the report on December 9. The draft Resolution will also be presented to the WMO EC Working Group on Strategic and Operational Planning (February 2014) for informal feedback.

General  Set boundaries of interest – Polar / sub-polar  Inform and engage WMO Constituent bodies (Regional M. Ondras Secretariat Associations, Technical Commissions, Executive Council W. Zhang Partnerships – and Congress) B. Goodison Engagement -  Continuity of engagement amongst Panel members B. Angle Communications  Review - update Terms of Reference J. Gill  Input to WMO Strategic Planning  External engagement

This activity is ongoing with successful engagement of Regional Associations, Technical Commissions (particularly CAS, CBS and CHy) and Executive Council.

The International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG) held its meeting October 21-25 in Reykjavík under the Theme: “Ice Information for Marine Safety and Security”. The meeting proposed a mechanism under the auspices of the Nordmet Co-operation Agreement to advance the goals of developing Polar Region Climate Outlook Forums and a Polar Region Climate Centre network. The Co-chairs of EC PORS have contacted the current chair of the Council (Arni Snorrason) to initiate a discussion a path forward that would engage the other Arctic circumpolar nations (Canada, Russian Federation and the United States) who are not part of this Agreement.

The Arctic Council Task Force on Scientific Cooperation held its First Meeting in Stockholm from December 10-11, 2013. This group is investigating improvements in the cooperative framework for access by scientists, sharing of samples and data and the overall promotion of scientific cooperation. One source of inspiration for the task force is the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes/COMNAP and the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat. Also, the Forum of Status Arctic Research Operators/FARO which facilitates logistics and operational support for scientific research in the Arctic. We have also raised the role that WMO could play in this; you may recall our unsuccessful attempt for WMO to be designated an observer to the Arctic Council

Terms of Reference; The Terms of Reference are available as Information document 4 for the Fifth session of EC PORS at; http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/WIGOS_6_EC_PORS/EC- PORS-5_DocPlan.html

Group on Earth Observations; We continue to monitor activities related to the GEO Workplan item (WA-01-C3)”Information Service for Cold Regions”

Secretariat support; WMO is considering the establishment of a GCW “International Project Office” (IPO) in the Secretariat in coordination with interested partner institutions. This will likely be discussed in the programme and budget discussions at the next Executive Council to help prepare the budget for 2016-2019. External support will be required.

Prepared; December 18, 2013 By; B. Angle

4 Appendix One Summary of Action Items from EC PORS 4 March 13-15 2013

The following broad themes were identified for all Panel members, teams and secretariat to consider in their activities;

 Guidance on GCW governance and implementation, including long-term mainstreaming as a new program that will be considered by EC-PORS-5 in 2014;  Need to articulate EC PORS priorities in the context of WMO’s SOP (e.g. mainstreaming GCW) considering how elements of the GCW are reflected in the WMO Results structure; . (e.g. CryoNet Expected Result (ER) 4 "WIGOS", GIPPS under ER5 "Research")  Advocate in the context of WMO Strategic and Operational plan for GIPPS, GCW, hydrology and marine transportation;  Service elements of and advocacy for GIPPS;  Scope WMO interests in Long-Term International Polar Initiative;  Potential for a Polar Regional Climate Centre for Arctic, Antarctic and the Third Pole in the development of the implementation strategy considering the substructures and governance model of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS);  Improve “cross pollination” of the work of Task Teams to integrate objectives and outcomes;  Improvement of resource mobilization especially through the WMO RMO office;  Contribute to the communication of requirements of Space Missions to assist with the business case to the space agencies with some emphasis on the 3rd pole and other alpine environments;  Modalities for WMO and its Members to incorporate the Polar dimension in WIGOS and WIS, its WIGOS regulatory material, including metadata, QM and WIGOS Operational Information Resource, as well as instruments and methods of observation practices and standards within CIMO Guide;  Engage partners and build on the relationships with the Arctic Council and the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, ICIMOD and IICWG;  Clarifying relationship between GCW and GEO Cold Regions initiative;  Develop a discussion paper on funding observation and monitoring projects engaging the Resource Mobilization Office for advice.

Note that many of the tasks outlined below are scheduled for conclusion by end of December 2013 to prepare for the Fifth meeting of the Panel tentatively scheduled for February 25-27, 2014 in Wellington, New Zealand.

5 Unsuccessful or delayed Needs update Completed

Co- chairs a) Establish formal links with Arctic Council; May ‘13 b) Develop a white paper on Polar Region Climate Centres and Outlook Forums; Dec ‘13 c) Engage with WMO for the north (RA II, IV & VI) and for the south (all RAs); Ongoing d) EC PORS representation at ATCM XXXVI; May 20/28, ‘13 e) Report to EC-65 on issues where guidance or decision of the EC is requested; May15/23 ‘13 f) Provide PORS views to EC on the merits of the IPI Concept and propose the level May15/23 ‘13 of commitment on the part of WMO; 2-pager g) Consider supporting letter to AWI on GTN-P. Immediate

Secretariat a) Continue EC PORS engagement with the SAON Board at the next meeting in Ongoing Vancouver, April 2013; b) Influence the relevant Regional Associations and Technical Commission activities Ongoing to reflect the needs and requirements of the Panel; c) Utilize the white paper on services as a communication vehicle with PTC/PRA; Ongoing d) WMO RMO to seek opportunities with funding organizations for the development Ongoing and implementation of the GIPPS and GCW; e) Update the EC PORS ToR to reflect our current activities and submit to EC- Dec ‘13 PORS-5 in 2014; f) Use EC-PORS Trust Fund also for participation of invited experts to the EC- As required PORS Task Teams (including PSTG) meetings.

Antarctic Task Team a) Expand AntON by linking to existing websites, investigate which aircraft that fly to Ongoing Antarctica have AMDAR capability; b) Improve the number of ships reports, including by engaging IAATO (annual mtg Ongoing Punta Arenas April 22-24) and JCOMMOPS; A tabled document was sent to the IAATO AGM; hope to see more ship observations this summer season. c) Explore UKMO WOW (Weather on the Web) approach for getting observations Dec ‘13 from tour ships (contact Aiden Green); - The WOW is not setup for ship observations and also it does not feed observations out onto the GTS. d) Blacklisted stations – liaison with global centres to ensure NWP is not ignoring Ongoing useful data; ECMWF has taken action to remove closed stations and updated incorrect coordinates. e) Update information on AntON data transmission methods as precursor to Dec ’13 exploring tariff agreement opportunities; Data transmission methods were updated and sent to WMO f) Initiate registry of the existing Antarctic observing practices with the aim to Ongoing develop a best practice for observations in the harsh environments (Polar Regions, 3rd Pole and other alpine regions).

Observation Task Team Polar Space Task Group a) Finalize action plan for PSTG, clarify governance and engagement strategies and May ‘13 take action on initial quick wins b) Tailor the PSTG plan toward GIPPS and GCW and determine where to obtain May ‘13 consolidated sources of requirements c) Liaison with the IICWG to request assistance with satellite data acquisition Ongoing planning in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean d) Secure WMO Satellite Programme support for the PSTG Dec ‘13 e) Extract advice from the Panel on the current priorities and advise the PSTG-3 Immediate meeting in May.

6 Global Cryosphere Watch a) Further develop the GCW governance model & working group modalities of Dec ‘13 operation ensuring a light solution considering GAW experiences in engaging institutions for consideration by EC-PORS-5 in 2014 with a view to seek EC approval b) Develop, in coordination with the Secretariat, the proposal for GCW programme Dec ‘13 for consideration by EC-PORS-5 in 2014 with a view to seek EC approval c) Set criteria for membership on the GCW advisory board and the seek EC June ‘13 approval for consideration by EC-PORS-5 in 2014 with a view to seek EC approval d) Inform the GCW focal points on the agreed TOR Immediate e) Consider RA VI - 16 meeting as an opportunity to further elaborate GCW actions Sept 10/17 ‘13 within the context of WIGOS, targeting parameters such as snow depth to attract interest f) Ensure GCW is adequately addressed in WIGOS regulatory material Ongoing g) Once the GCW-IP is approved by EC, seek to have GCW engagement as a May ‘14 defined SAON task Research Task Team a) Advocate for the WWRP-PPP ICO and support for AWI – note; funding from Ongoing Canada and Norway expected; b) Support and advocacy for the PPP IP; ensure alignment of Services and Obs TTs Ongoing with service focus of PPP c) Request SG to write a letter requesting contributions to the WWRP PPP TF Immediate d) Seek further information on the WCRP Polar Predictability Initiative expressing May ‘13 our desire to have (seamless prediction) between this and the WWRP initiatives e) Operationalize some immediate outputs to entice funding agencies with examples June ‘14 of direct societal effect; draw the link to products and services; strengthen the research to service interface f) Encourage and involve APECS in the long term polar research initiative as Ongoing planning proceeds with linkages to both Services Task Team a) Finalize the White Paper on service requirements (Cunde lead for 3rd pole, more Dec ‘13 input on Antarctic needs is required) b) Use SWIPA and GCW IP to further elaborate service outcomes by thematic areas Dec ‘13 to further understand stakeholders requirements c) Mapping service requirements in target regions, Arctic Antarctica and the “Third Dec ‘13 Pole d) Further develop and focus the white paper and engage with other teams on the June ‘14 GIPPS perspective e) Engage RA VI RCC network and Beijing RCC (third pole) and influence upcoming Immediate RCOF Asia (April 8-10 2013) f) Ensure consistency with the WMO Service Strategy Implementation Plan May ‘13 g) Outreach to indigenous groups (ICC) Ongoing h) Outreach to policy makers (e.g. Arctic Council, ATCM,) Ongoing i) Liaise with an Arctic and Antarctic Task teams and consider a sub-group for the Ongoing 3rd pole (liaison with RA II)

7 Appendix Two Selected Meetings of relevance 2013 - 2014

December 3 – 5 Asia CryoNet Meeting - GCW Third Pole Workshop, Beijing 9 – 13 9th ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 10 – 11 Arctic Council Task Force on Scientific Cooperation 1st Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.

28 – Jan 9 Antarctic University Expedition http://uantarctic.org/

January 13 – 17 GEO ExCom (13-14), GEO Plenary (15-16),GEO Ministerial Summit (17th) Geneva, Switzerland. 20 - 22 GCW Advisory Group meeting and CryoNet Team meetings, Reykjavik 13-15 GCW Advisory Group Meeting, Reykjavik TBD Second GCW Snow Watch Workshop; University of Bern or ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy

February 3 – 6 7th EARSeL Workshop on Land Ice and Snow, Bern Switzerland 10 – 13 International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction, College Park, Maryland 24 Meeting of the EC – PORS Antarctic Task Team 25 – 27 Fifth Meeting of the WMO Executive Council Panel of Experts on Polar Observations, Research and Services, Wellington, New Zealand. March 18 – 20 Meeting of Senior Arctic Officials, Yellowknife, NWT, Canada

April 5 – 8 Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 9 – 11 Second Arctic Observing Summit (AOS), Helsinki, Finland.

June 16 – 17 WMO Financial Advisory Committee, Geneva, Switzerland. 16 - 17 First Meeting of the Management Committee for the IBCS of the GFCS 18 – 26 Sixty Sixth Session of the WMO Executive Council, Geneva, Switzerland.

July 10 - 17 WMO Technical Conference (TECO) and Meteorological Exhibition WMO Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation, (CIMO), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. August 17 – 21 WMO/WWRP/THORPEX First World Weather Open Science Conference (WWOSC). Montreal, Quebec. 22 – 24 Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Workshop. Auckland, New Zealand. 25 – 27 Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference (OSC). Auckland, NZ. (SCAR) delegates Meeting. 30 – 31 IceFest - Antarctic Festival. Christchurch, NZ.

October 20 – 24 International Ice Charting Working Group. Punta Arenas, Chile

April 2015 3rd International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III) 25th Anniversary;International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Arctic Science Summit Week, Japan May 2015 17th World Meteorological Congress, Geneva

Further additions are welcomed

8 Appendix Three Active Members of EC PORS November 6, 2013

EC Panel of Experts on Polar Observations, Research and Services D. Grimes (Co-chair) Canada R. Vertessy (Co-chair) Australia ...... Australia J.M. Hörler Argentina G. Béchard (Dr/Ms) Canada J. Carrasco Chile C. Xiao China K. Krogh Andersen (Dr/Ms) Denmark J. Ikävalko Finland P. Taalas Finland E. Brun France H.-W. Hubberten Germany P. Lemke Germany R. Hartig Germany K. Satheesan India M.-L. Ou (Ms) Republic of Korea A. Snorrason Iceland G.M. Pedrini Italy M. Drinkwater Netherlands J. Renwick New Zealand O. Hov Norway H. Tangen Norway A. Frolov Russian Federation A. Klepikov Russian Federation J. Stander South Africa A. Jönsson (Ms) Sweden J. Key United States of America A. Devaris (Ms) United States of America K. Falkner (Ms) United States of America. NSF S. Colwell Expert from Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland B. Arheimer (MS) Expert in Hydrological Research (Sweden) T. Jung Expert from the WWRP Polar Prediction Project (Germany) L.-O. Reiersen Expert from the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) (Norway) V. Rachold Expert from International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) (Germany) ...... Expert from the International Arctic Social Sciences Association


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