Class of 2008 Weir/Fall 05
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Welcome to Honors Communication Arts II. The purpose of this class is simple: to create in each student an insightful reader and powerful writer. Because this class is preparatory for the AP classes available during the junior and senior year, great care will be given to nurture a beginning knowledge of the wide-ranging literary vocabulary used in the AP program, an awareness of how stylistic effects are achieved by writers’ choices and a development of analytical skills as students learn to write and read with increasing complexity and sophistication. Students will develop literary analysis skills, in both reading and writing, through a study of literary elements, authors’ styles, reading strategies, and library information retrieval skills. Through this designed course, each student will be challenged to develop his/her voice, speaking skills, grammar usage, broadening vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
Communication is important! If you have any questions, or ever need to contact me, I am easily reached at my email address, [email protected].
Novels and Textbooks The Natural by Bernard Malamud (summer reading program) Macbeth – Othello – A Midsummer’s Night Dream by William Shakespeare Les Miserables by Victor Hugo All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Remarque Animal Farm by George Orwell 1984 by George Orwell Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger We will use the textbooks Elements of Language and Elements of Literature by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Outside Reading – Students will be required to bring reading books every day to class and are asked to share these choices with their parents and peers. Each Monday, the class will focus on independent reading. Students will utilize class time to enjoy literature of their own choosing or read our current novel from class, after which they will respond in their writing notebooks to questions which target certain reading skills. Some weeks, however, we may need to use our Monday for other areas of study due to time constraints and lab availability. Students will be required to read 6 books for the year (minimum 150 pages). Books over 350 pages in length may count as 2 books. More information on this requirement is on a separate sheet.
Materials: These should be brought to class every day: 1. black or blue ballpoint pen and pencil 2. a three-ring notebook containing loose leaf paper, to be brought to class daily 3. current reading text 4. free reading book (student selected) 5. positive attitude This should be brought to class and kept in the classroom: 6. an 80-100 page spiral notebook (not a larger one, please
Grading Procedures: Students grades will be based on the following: daily and weekly assignments, exams and quizzes, composition, projects (individual and group), and participation. Because of the pace of this class, keep up with all assignments. Semester finals are worth 15% of your grade. The grading scale is as follows: A = 90 – 100, B = 80 – 89, C = 70 – 79, D = 60 – 69, F = 0 – 59. Make-Up Work Policy In support of the district’s emphasis on college and career readiness, BVN’s Social Studies and Communication Arts departments are implementing the following make-up work policy. We believe this policy will help students learn time-management, interpersonal relationship, and self-advocacy skills. We also base these changes on the shared conviction that doing quality homework, in a timely fashion, enhances student performances on formative, summative, and authentic assessments, now and in the future.
1. Daily work / homework: Students are allowed two days, without penalty, to make up daily work / homework for each day of an excused absence. However, all late daily work / homework will be assessed beginning at 50% credit. Because assignments are intended to prepare students for assessments, late daily work / homework will not be accepted beyond the assessment for that unit.
2. Long-term assignments: Long-term assignments are due on the due date, regardless of student absences. Students will be penalized 10% for each day assignments are late, or 5% if the assignment is handed in later than the class period.
3. Assessments: Students must be prepared to take any missed assessment upon returning to school after an absence unless arrangements have been made between the student and the teacher (emails are great, but need to be received before the class period, not after or during). It is the student’s responsibility to make these arrangements. All assessments must be made up within one week of the student’s return.
4. Progress report deadlines: All student work must be completed by the published progress report and end of quarter dates unless specific arrangements have been made between the student and the teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to make these arrangements. Otherwise, no points will be given after the progress report date.
All late work must be turned in by each of the following dates:
Fall 2011 Spring 2012
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Progress Progress September 16, 2011 Report February 3, 2012 Report 1st Quarter 3rd Quarter October 14, 2011 Grade Card March 9, 2012 Grade Card Progress Progress November 11, 2011 Report Report 2nd Quarter Last Day of School Final Grade December 20, 2011 Grade Card Before Finals Card
Class Expectations:
1. Respect, respect, respect: Respect yourself, respect other students, and respect me and other teachers. Also, respect property whether it belongs to you, someone else, or the school. The "Golden Rule" applies in this classroom--treat others as you want to be treated. Behavior (disruptive, abusive, belittling, etc.) which prevents the learning process will not be tolerated. 2. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a score of zero.
3. All papers are required to be in proper MLA format.
3. School is your job, so be responsible: come prepared by bringing your tools (paper, pencil, etc.) and be ready to work. Assignments are due as you enter the room. If your assignment is in your locker, it is late and you have a tardy. Also, students will be allowed few excuses from class for bathroom breaks – use time between classes.
4. All assignments are due at the beginning of the hour on the due date assigned. Late assignments may be turned in for 50% credit; they will only be accepted if within the progress report/grading period. After the allowable days of make-up following an excused absence, late assignments may be turned in for 50% credit. Any missed test, etc., will need to be made up the day you return to class. Long-term assignments are due on the due date – make arrangements to get it to me if you are absent.
5. Attendance is very important to your grade. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get your make-up work. Each day’s agenda will be posted on my website at the end of the school day. If you are absent, please check the site to see what you missed before your return to class:
Even though you are absent, I expect you to check the class website, and be prepared for when you come back to class.
6. Okay, here’s some good news. At the beginning of each quarter, each student will receive 15 points extra credit. These points are yours, but, tardiness, bathroom breaks, trips to lockers for forgotten materials, misbehavior, lack of materials (ex. pencil), and forgotten reading book will reduce your extra credit opportunity. One point will be taken for each occurrence. Any points not deducted during the quarter will be added to grades at the end of the quarter as extra credit. (The bad news is once all your points are used, the time out of class will need to be made up after school and trips to your locker will not be allowed.) No other extra credit opportunities will be offered.
7. I will follow school policy on tardies; on the 3rd & 4th tardy you will serve detention as well as lose a an extra credit point. Beyond your 4th tardy, the BVN tardy policy found in the student handbook will be followed.
Academic support time: I will be available most days before and after school in Room 344. I will also be in Room 344 every Wednesday during Academic Support Time. Scheduling an appointment ensures my availability.
Cell Phones and Ipods: I don’t like competing for your attention in my classroom, so please don’t be rude by texting on my time. Any cell phone used during my class will be confiscated. Ladies, keep purses on the floor, not on the desk, in order to avoid temptation. Gentleman, check the time on my clock, not on your cell. Ipods are also not welcome in my classroom during instructional time; they will be treated under the same rules as cell phones and will be given to an administrator. No Ipods during reading time.
I look forward to the coming year and working with each one of you!
Shelly Weir For the Parents:
Honors Communication Arts II Class Syllabus Weir 2010-11
Textbook resources have been selected for their connection to the curriculum in accordance with Board Policy 4600. The Blue Valley District has adopted the Holt, Rinehart, and Winston anthology series (9-12), which was new for the 2005-2006 school year. These materials include a literature anthology and a language (grammar and writing skills) text for each grade level.
I encourage your involvement in your child’s education. Consider reading the titles either before or as your child reads so you may engage in conversations about the literature. For your information, there are book rationales (summaries and connections to the curriculum) available for each title. Although there is really no substitute for reading a book in its entirety, these summaries will provide you with some discussion starters for you and your child. The book rationales may be reviewed in the high school libraries or accessed online at. In addition, professional reviews and/or critical essays are available online for each title . These links will be found at the same web address. If you object to your child reading a particular novel, please let me know. The district has a process in place for determining an alternate title. If you have any questions or concerns, contact me at your earliest convenience. I have listed below the novels that will be studied. Please know this could be subject to change based on the availability of books and other factors.
Please sign below indicating your receipt of this class syllabus. The signed portion should be returned to me. ------
I have received and read the directives concerning Communication Arts novels, texts, grading policy and deadlines, materials, and expectations.
______Student’s Name Parent’s Signature
______Student’s Signature Date
Any concerns: