Research: Biome Name: period assigned due Group Members: I. Biomes, Ecosystems and Communities Read 64-65;110-121

1. Name of biome: specific location:

2. Research the following abiotic factors in your biome (poster) Read 66-68;96-98 3.1 Assess Q 1-3 a. precipitation amount and types b. wind c. average sunlight d. land forms e. average T f. salinity (if appropriate) g. soil types h. acidity i. seasons j. latitude k. altitude l. other

4. Label a world map with all locations your biome may be found. (add to poster). DUE:

5. Life in your biome’s community: Read 69-72 Create a set of at least 20 index cards. 3.2 Assess Q1-3

Select a specific community within your biome. On the front: Glue a picture of each organism on the front. Label with its kingdom and class. a. 5 producers. b. 10 consumers. Must include a combination of trophic levels: herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. May include insectivores and sanguivores when applicable. c. 3 scavengers. d. 2 decomposers. On the back: Identify its usual trophic level in the food chain. Ex: producer, consumer: 1, 2, 3, or 4, scavenger, or decomposer) If a consumer, identify the type of consumer Ex: (herbivore, carnivore, detrivore, omnivore, etc) If a consumer, list 2 or 3 types of food it might consume.

6. Create a food web using the same organisms you have on your index cards. Read 73-78 3.3 Assess Q 1-3

Use only the top 2/3 of your poster. On the bottom 1/3 list your abiotic information and use an illustration of your biome as background. Orient your poster PORTRAIT. NO PENCIL: Must be in marker and formal in finish. 7. Illustrate the following nutrient cycles for your biome Read 70-86 Create a video, diorama, mobile, etc. you choose. A. Carbon B. Water C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen DUE:

II. Relationships and communities Read 102-104 Create a pamphlet, handout, interactive, wanted poster, want ad, comic or magazine piece

8. Describe: a predator/prey relationship; a mutual relationship, a parasitic relationship and a commensal** relationship found in your biome. Supply pictures of all the organisms and describe how the relationships work. Be certain to include specific adaptations each species has evolved as a result of this relationship (IE: look like a poisonous butterfly; tail breaks off if caught, etc).

III. Biodiversity and current issues Read 158-165;166-171 Create a powerpoint, prezi or video presentation:

9. Identify at least 1 endangered plant in your biome Identify at least 4 endangered animal species in your biome. Choose 1 from each of at least 4 different classes of animals listed below: a. mammal b. bird c. reptile d. fish e. insect f. amphibian e. mollusk h. sponge i. other w/approval

10. For each of the above species: Provide a picture of the species Describe its habitat (what abiotic and biotic conditions does it thrive in) Describe its niche (what it does/how it survives within its community) Develop a food chain using your organism

11. Be prepared to discuss and give examples of the reasons for the significant population decrease for each of your endangered or threatened species.

12. EC: Paint a picture of the endangered plant and 1 endangered animal. Specifications will be provided to the artists. These will be displayed or painted on the walls.

Complete project due: Daily penalty for lateness: 15 points Useable Websites General: Nutrient Cycles (biogeochemical cycles)

Food chains and food webs Animal information: diets, habitats, niches Biomes: Ocean Ecosystems Coral reefs Cold desert (Antarctica) Soil community Forest Taiga, Boreal, Northern Coniferous Forest rest.html Deserts