Minutes of the October 14, 2008 Meeting Township of Mahwah Community Cable TV Committee

Members Present: Gail Reynolds (chairperson), David May (delayed arrival), Alex Michelini, John Roth, and Peter Wendrychowicz (vice-chairperson),

Meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M.

. . On motions from John Roth and Alex Michelini the minutes of the September 9th meeting were accepted.

. Mahwah Day – In spite of the weather, the committee felt that Mahwah Day was a success. Over 100 “Goodie” bags were distributed. The “flat screen television” on our table was a hit with everyone who came by the MCN table. Alex Michelini felt that the sound for our interviews could have been better. The committee had been concerned that the extraneous noises might be a problem but John Roth was successful in editing a great video of Mahwah Day for broadcast. A letter, signed by the committee, was sent to Ms. Dawn Dapuzzo thanking her for a great Mahwah Day.

. Programming – On Friday night sound on Channel 78 was garbled because of a Cablevision feeder problem. If the problem happens again the Cablevision will have to come over and change the feeder. John Roth is refining the questions for the Mayor Martel interview on our show. The proposed interview with Les Paul is still in progress.

. Saddle River Lions Club- After discussion and clarification, and on a motion from Alex Michelini and a second from Pete Wendrychowicz the MCN committee voted to add this group to our list of community users. The vote was 3 to 1 in favor of the motion.

. Budget for 2009 – A 2009 tentative budget proposal of $5,500 was discussed and, on motions from Messrs. Roth and Wendrychowicz, the proposed 2009 tentative budget was approved by the MCN committee. The proposed budget will include a new studio quality video camera and a heavy-duty tripod. Messrs. Roth and Wendrychowicz Additionally, Messrs. Roth and Wendrychowicz motioned for the approval to purchase additional ink cartridges, professional quality microphones, cables, microphone stands and floor lighting with the unencumbered funds for 2008. Motion passed unanimously. . Verizon Update – there has been no additional informational from Verizon. . Miscellaneous- New shirts were also going to be ordered for new appointees to the committee and to replace the worn -out ones of the other committee members. . Adjournment -On the motion by Gail Reynolds, and a second by David May, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07PM.

The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 7:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, Peter. J. Wendrychowicz