Persuasive Techniques in ads

1. Faulty Cause and Effect –


2. ______- doing what everyone else is doing, persuading people to do something by letting them know others are doing it.


3. “We’re the Best” -


4. ______-

Ex. Oil of Olay, it can help you look younger too.

5. Problem Solving –

Ex. 6. ______Endorsements/______- - famous person uses and promotes the product, and/or the use of a famous person’s words to persuade - OR could simply be someone else, a regular person, who endorses and support a product or tells his/her experience in using it

Ex. –

7. ______– words that capture a person’s interest or attention

Ex. FREE!!! New and improved!!!!! 20% more

8. ______-

Ex. “Finger-lickin’ good” “Be all that you can be” “Quality is job 1”

9. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition –

Ex. Long distance company – 10-10-220 # is repeated throughout commercial

10.______- associates a popular or respected idea with a product hoping to “transfer” a positive image to the product.

Ex. Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet Persuasive Techniques in ads

1. Faulty Cause and Effect – blaming one thing on something else that is unrelated

Ex. The teacher wouldn’t give me a pencil so I failed my quiz. (I failed because I didn’t study) AD – using Clearasil will make you popular, pretty, and desirable to date

2. ___Bandwagon______- doing what everyone else is doing, persuading people to do something by letting them know others are doing it.

Ex. “Eat more chicken” – Chick-Fil-A’s ads to make you think everyone eats there instead of at a burger place - Old Navy vests – everyone is wearing them!!

3. “We’re the Best” - claiming to be superior, not necessarily with proof

Ex. – 4 out of 5 dentists recommend Dentyne over leading gums -

4. ____Promises______- can be misleading or false

Ex. Oil of Olay, it can help you look younger too.

5. Problem Solving – points out a problem you didn’t even know you had, and offers/guarantees to solve it Ex. Slimfast - take off the weight and keep it off Febreeze – get rid of odors (and you may never have even thought you had them) 6. ____Celebrity__Endorsements/___Testimonial ___ - - famous person uses and promotes the product, and/or the use of a famous person’s words to persuade - OR could simply be someone else, a regular person, who endorses and support a product or tells his/her experience in using it

Ex. – Michael Jordan – Air Jordan’s, Ball Park hot dogs, MCI with Bugs Bunny Milk commercials with various celebrities Weight loss success stories with “regular people”

7. ____Catchy Words_ – words that capture a person’s interest or attention

Ex. FREE!!! New and improved!!!!! 20% more

8. ____Slogans______- a brief,striking, memorable phrase used to represent the product

Ex. “Finger-lickin’ good” “Be all that you can be” “Quality is job 1”

9. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition, Repetition - the product name is repeated at least 4 times

Ex. Long distance company – 10-10-220 # is repeated throughout commercial

10.____Transfer______- associates a popular or respected idea with a product hoping to “transfer” a positive image to the product.

Ex. Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet