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Oxford Latin Course I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 1 1. Latin vocabulary info on one side of the card, English meaning(s) on the other side. Put derivatives on the side of your choosing. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards. 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. [See www.wordinfo.info] Chapter 9: gaudeō, gaudēre, gāvīsus sum = to rejoice, be glad [enjoy, gaud, gaudiloquent, gaudy, gaudily, gaudery, joy, joyful, joyfully, joyless, joyous, rejoice] habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus/a/um = to have, hold, possess; deliver (a speech) [cohabit, cohabitation, exhibit, exhibition, habeas corpus, habiliments, habit, habitable, habitant, habitat, habitation, habitual, habituate, habitude, have, Homo habilis, inhabit, inhabitant, inhibit, inhibition, prohibit, prohibition, prohibitive, rehab, rehabilitate] prō certō habēre = to be sure (that) moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus/a/um = to advise, warn
[don’t confuse moneō with maneō] [admonish, admonition, admonitory, demonetization, demonetize, demonetise, demonstrativeness, demonstrator, demonstrater, mint, mintage, minter, monetary, monetarily, monetize, money , Juno Moneta (a name related to the goddess Juno “The Warner”), money mad, monition, monitor, monitoring, monster, monstrance, monstricide, monstrosity, monstrous, monstrously, monstrousness, monstrum (s), monstra (pl), multimonstrous, Quod erat demonstrandum. = "That which was to be demonstrated [or proven].", Quod erat demonstrandum, Q.E.D., QED, undemonstrable, undemonstrative, undemonstratively, counterdemonstration, counterdemonstrator, demonstrable, demonstrability, demonstrableness, demonstrably, demonstrance, demonstrate, demonstrates, demonstrating, demonstrated, demonstration, demonstrative, demonstratively] taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitus/a/um = to be quiet [reticence, reticent, tacenda, tacet, tacit, tacitly, taciturn, taciturnity] tacē = Be quiet! bibō, bibere, bibī, ------= to drink [ aquabib , beverage, bib, bibs, bibacious, bibacity, bibation, bibber, bibbery, bibbing, bibbler, bibler, bibbeler, bibbling, biberon, bibesy, bibition, bibitory, bibosity, bibulous, bibulously, imbibe, imbibed, imbiber, imbibing, imbibition, imbibitional, imbrue, imbrues, imbruing, imbrued; embrue, imbue, imbues, imbuing, imbued, multibibe, ombibulous, preimbibe, reimbibe, reimbibing, tipple, tippler, tippling, winebibber] cōnscendō, cōnscendere, cōnscendī, cōnscensūrus/a/um = to board (a ship); climb up; mount (a horse) [ascend, ascendance, ascendance, ascendancy, ascendant, ascendant, ascendingly, ascension, ascensional, ascent, condescend, condescending, condescension, descend, descendant, descendent, descent, scan, scandal, scandalize, scandalmonger, scandalous, scandal, scandent, scansion, scansorial, scintiscanner, slander, transcend, transcendence, transcendency, transcendent, transcendental, transcendentalism] accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus/a/um = to receive; get [accept, acceptable, acceptance, accipe hoc, accipiter, anticipant, anticipate, anticipation, anticipatory, apperceive, apperception, apperceptive, cable, caitiff, capability, capable, capacious, capacitor, capacity, capstan, capsule, caption, captious, captivate, captivation, captive, captivity, captor, capture, case, casement, cash, cashier, catch, cater, caterer, chase, conceit, conceited, conceivable, conceivably, conceive, concept, conception, conceptive, deceit, deceitful, deceivable, deceive, deception, deceptive, emancipate, encapsulate, except, exception, exceptionable, exceptional, forceps, imperceptible, imperception, imperceptive, incapable, incapacitate, incapacitated, incapacitation, incapacity, inception, inceptive, incipiency, incipient, inconceivable, intercept, interception, interceptor, misconception, municipal, municipality, occupancy, occupant, occupation, occupy,
Continued Oxford Latin Course I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 2 1. Latin vocabulary info on one side of the card, English meaning(s) on the other side. Put derivatives on the side of your choosing. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards. 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. [See www.wordinfo.info] participant, participation, participle, perceivable, perceive, percept, perceptible, perception, perceptive, photoperception, piscicapturist, preceptress, preconceive, preconception, preoccupation, preoccupied, prince, principle, purchasable, purchase, receipt, receivable, receive, receptacle, reception, receptionist, receptive, receptor, recipe, Rx, recipient, recover, recoverable, recovery, recuperate, recuperation, recuperative, susceptibility, susceptible, unacceptable, unexceptionable, unprincipled, viviperception] conveniō, convenīre, convēnī, conventus/a/um = to arrive, to reach [advene, advenement, advenient, Advent, advent, adventism, adventist, adventitious, adventitiously, adventitiousness, adventure, adventurer, adventuresome, adventuress, anteroventral, atrioventricular, auriculoventricular, aventurous, adventurously, adventurousness, avenue, chemoprevention, circumvent, circumventive, circumvention, connivent, contravene, contravening, contravention, convenance, convenances, convene, convenience, convenient, conveniently, convent, conventicle, convention, conventional, conventionalism, conventionalist, conventionality, conventionalize, conventionally, conventual, conventually, covenant, covenant, covenanter, dorsoventral, event, eventful, eventfully, eventfulness, events, eventual, eventuality, eventually, eventuate, eventuation, idioventricular, inconvenience, inconvenient, inconveniently, intervene, intervention, interventional, Inveniam viam aut faciam. = “I will find a way or make one.”invenient, invent, invention, inventive, inventively, inventiveness, inventively, inventory, misadventure, parvenu, peradventure, periadventitial, prevenient, prevent, prevent, preventative, preventable, preventative, preventible, prevention, preventive, preventively, preventiveness, provenance, provenience, revenue, souvenir, subvene, subvention, supervene, supervention, unconvenentionally, unconventional, unconventionality, uteroventral, venire, venire facias, ventose, venture, venture capital, venturer, venturesome, venturesomely, venturesomeness, venturous, venturously, venturousness, venue] īnsula, īnsulae F. = island; apartment building [circuminsular, ethological isolation, insular, insularism, insularity, insularly, insulate, insulation, insulator, insulin, insulinase, insulinemia, insulinlipodystrophy, insulinogenesis, insulism, insulopathic, isle, islet, isolate, isolate, isolated, (isolateral – not from insula!), isolation, isolationism, isolationist, isolative, peninsula, peninsular, peninsularity, thermal insulation] equus, equī M = horse [equerry, eques, equestrian, equestrianism, equestrienne, equid, Equidae, equine, equiod, Equisetophyta, equitation, Equus] vir, virī M.= man, husband; hero [centumvir, decimvir, decimvirile, duumvir, evirate, evirato, evirtuate, invirile, invirtuate, levirate, octovirate, quindecemvir, revirescence, triumvir, triumvirate, virile, virilescence, virilia, virilify, virilism, virilist, virility, virilization, virilocal, viripotent, viropause, virtual, virtualism, virtuality, virtue, virtuosity, virtuoso, virtuous] labor, labōris M.= work; hardship, suffering [belabor, belabored, belaboring, belabors, clinical laboratory, collaborate, collaborated, collaborating, collaboration, collaborationism, collaborationist, collaborative, collaborator, collaborators, elaborate, elaborated, elaborateness, elaboration, elaborative, elaborator, hot laboratory, inelaborate, labor, laboratorian, laboratory, lab, labored, laborer, laboring, laborious, laboriously, laboriousness, laborite, Labor omnia vincit. = “Perseverance [Work] overcomes all difficulties”, labors as in Hercules’ labors] nox, noctis F = night [equinoctial, equinoctium, equinox, noctalbuminuria, noctambulate, noctambulating, noctambulation, noctambulant, noctambulic, noctambulism, noctambulator, noctambulist, noctambulous, noctambulatory, noctidial, noctifer, noctiferous, noctiluca, noctilucence, noctilucent, noctilucine, noctilucous, noctimania, noctomania, noctiphobia, noctophobia, noctiphobic, noctophobic, nocturia, (also nycturia), nocturnae, nocturnal, nocturne, Nox (Goddess of Night), noxial, pernoctation,
Continued Oxford Latin Course I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 3 1. Latin vocabulary info on one side of the card, English meaning(s) on the other side. Put derivatives on the side of your choosing. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards. 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. [See www.wordinfo.info] seminocturnal, trinoctial] illā nocte = that night (abl. of time when) uxor, uxōris F = wife [uxor, uxoravalence, uxoravalent, uxorial, uxoriality, uxoricide, uxoricidic, uxoricidal, uxoricidomania, uxorilocal, uxorilocally, uxoriosis, uxorious, uxoriously, uxoriousness, uxorium, uxorodespotism, uxorodespotic, uxorovalence] novus, nova, novum = new [innovate, innovation, innovative, innovator, Non nova sed nove = “Not new things but in a new way”, nova, novel, novelette, novelist, novelty, novepithel, novice, novilunar, novilunium, novitiate, novobiocin, novoscope, novoverbifaction, novus ordo seclorum = “A new order of the ages [is born] or a new world order.”; Quid novi? = “What’s new?”, renovate, renovated, renovating, renovation, Villanova, Villanovan, vis nova] parvus, parva, parvum = small [parvalbumin, parvalbumins, parvanimity, parvanimous, parvenu, parvicellular, parvifolious, parvilocular cyst, parvipotent, parvipotence, parvipsoas, parvipsoatic, parvirostrate, parviscient, parvitude, parvity, parvity, parvocellular, parvoviral, parvovirus, parvule, parvum (small) opus (work); see also paucus, Paul, minor, minus] paucī, paucae, pauca = few [impoverished, Paul, paucity, Paulist, pauciflorous, paucifoliate, pauciloquence, pauciloquent, pauciloquy, pauciradiate, paucity, pauper, poverty] tacitus/a/um = quiet, silent [reticence, reticent, tacenda, tacet, tacit, tacitly, taciturn, taciturnity] tacitē = silently tōtus, tōta, tōtum = whole; entire [in toto = “entirely,”Non sibi sed toti. = “Not for self, but for all or Not just for oneself, but for everyone.”, surtout, teetotal, teetotaler, teetotalism, teetotally, teetotum, total, total energy expenditure (TEE), total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), total factor productivity (TFP), total heating value, total internal reflection, total (solar) irradiance, totalitarian, totality, totally, total material requirement (TMR), total organic carbon (TOC), total suspended particulates (TSP); total suspended particulate matter (TSPM), total suspended solids (TSS), totipalmate, totipalmation, totipalmi, totipotency, totipotent, totipotence, Vestra causa tota nostra est. = “Your cause is totally (completely) ours.” ] ingens, ingentis = huge, really big sīc = thus, in this way, so inter = between, among (+ accusative case) [interact, interaction, interactive, interamnian, interannual, intercavernous, intercede, intercellular, intercept, intercepted, intercepter, interception, interceptor, intercontinental, intercosmic, intercostals, intercourse, intercristal, interdental, interdict, interdiction, interdigital, interdigitation, interdisciplinary, interface, interfere, interference, interfluvial, interfoliaceous, interfollicular, interfraternal, interfulgent, interfuse, interfusion, intergalactic, interglacial, interim, interior, interject, interjection, interkinesis, interlapse, interlinear, interlingual, interlinguistics, interlock, interlocution, interlocutor, interlocutory, interlude, interlunar, intermalleolar, intermediary, intermediate, intermedio-lateral, intermezzo, intermission, intermittent, intermittence, intermodal, intern, internal, international, internationalism, internaut, internecine, internist, internuclear, interorbital, interosculant, interosculate, interosseous, interparietal, interphalangeal, interphone, interplanetary, interplanetary scintillation, interpose, interposition, interpunction, interpupillary, interregnum, interrobang, interrogate, interrogation, interrupt, interscribe, intersect, intersection, interseismic, intersomnial, intersomnious, interspersal, intersperse, interspersion,
Continued Oxford Latin Course I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 4 1. Latin vocabulary info on one side of the card, English meaning(s) on the other side. Put derivatives on the side of your choosing. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards. 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. [See www.wordinfo.info] interspinal, interstellar, interstice, interstitial, interstitially, interurban, interurbanite, intervascular, intervene, interverbal, interview, inter vivos, intervocalic, malinterdigitation, posterointernal, uninterrupted]