PDOC HR Strategy & Benefits
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PDOC HR Strategy & Benefits
1. Introduction
1.0. Purpose and use of the handbook 1.1. Scope 1.2. Role of Human Resources Department (HRD)
2. Terms & Conditions of Employment 2.0. Probationary Period 2.1. Work Hours & attendance 2.2. Official Holidays 2.3. Time Sheet
3. Leaves 3.0. Annual Leave /Amount of Leave 3.1. Compassionate Leave 3.2. Serious Illness of an Immediate Family Member 3.3. Sick Leave 3.4. other Leaves
4. Medical Care & Benefits 4.0. Free Medical Care. 4.1. Special Services. 4.2. Medical Examination upon Termination. 4.3. Company’s Medical Unit. 4.4. Medical General Administration.
5. Health, Safety and Environment 5.0. Introduction to safety 5.1. General Statement of Health and Safety Policy
Petrodar Operating Company - Human Resources Department - Employee Handbook
6. Employee Conduct 6.0. Personnel Records/ Data Protection 6.1. Absence without notice 6.2. Dress Code “ Male & Female” 6.3. Transportation to take Up Employment and other administrations 6.4. Family Transportation 6.5. Passports and Permits 6.6. Residence Permit 6.7. Employee’s Dependents 6.8. Renewal of Official Documents 6.9. Residence Visa for Expatriate Dependents
7. Employee Group Benefits and Services 7.1. Group Benefits & Services Tables 7.2. Loans benefits
Emergency Loan Car Loan Building Loan
8. Training and Development 8.1. Training procedure 8.2. Requirements & Authorization steps
9. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT & PAR Guidelines 9.1. The main purpose of (PMS) 9.2. Benefits for employee 9.3. Legal Guidelines for Appraisals 9.4. Performance Appraisal– Three Phases 9.5. The Role of the Supervisor 9.6. The Role of the Reviewer 9.7. PA Interview 9.8. Performance Appraisal Program 10. Grievance Procedure 10.1. General Principles 10.2. Grievance steps
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1. Purpose and use of this Handbook
The purpose of this Handbook is to provide PDOC employees (staff) with administrative and organizational rules, regulations, policies, procedures and general information governing personnel matters relating to the PDOC workforce. Each employee should become familiar with these policies and procedures. It is requested that employee should consult HRD if they have additional questions or want further clarification of these policies and procedures.
1.1 Scope
This Handbook is a summary and clarification of some of the basic procedures in the Personnel Policy Manual (PPM) that apply to all PDOC Staff. Should any conflict exist between this Handbook and the PPM, then the latter shall prevail. However, HRD may have more detailed departmental instructions which relate to a specific department or area which are not included in this Handbook.
1.2 Role of Human Resources Department (HRD)
The Human Resources Department, upon approval by OEPA, PDOC Management Committee (MC) and/or PDOC Board, as the case may be, will be responsible to notify PDOC staff with all new or revised policy and procedural statements and accordingly updating this Handbook with all additions, amendments and/or revisions.
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2. Terms & Conditions of Employment
2.1 Probation Period
Each new employee shall be on probation period for up to 89 days of his employment. During this period, the Company may terminate his service with notice.
2.2 Age Limits:
The minimum recruitment age is 18 years & the maximum is 50 years, candidates who possess special qualifications may be recruited in specific position. The employee should submitted his birth certificate , the recorded certificate in HRD shall be deemed to be the employee's birth date for all purposes during his employment period , the employee shall be released from service upon reaching 60 years of age & his service may be extended for operational reason not exceeding 5 years.
2.3 Work Hours
Office-based staff Field Working Hours
Working Hours 9 Hours from 08.00 am to 05:00 p.m (12) hours per day Breakfast /Lunch time (1) hour lunch time As per work schedule Rest day Friday and Saturday 30 days on & 30 days off During Ramadan W.H will be reduced by 2 hours for Muslims Remain the same Non Muslim will lead normal working hours Infant nursing mother One hour is reduced for two (2) years after N/A delivery
Attendance Office & Field based employees must report to work on time and be ready to start work and continue until working hours end. Daily employee attendance report shall be prepared by the relevant departments and endorsed by the Section Head/Superintendent and sent to the Department Manager.
2.4 Official Holiday: The Company grants Public Holidays with pay as announced by the Government.
2.5 Absence: Unexcused absence from work (including periods of late arrival at, or early departure from work) will be penalized by loss of take –home pay for that period.
2.6 Time Sheet:
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Employee time sheets showing days worked, it will be filled in by each employee and signed by department manager. If time sheets are not properly submitted, pay may be held until employee working days are verified.
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3. Leaves
3.1 Annual Leave The office base employees after completion of one year of continuous service with the employer are entitled to annual leave, and it shall be tabled during the year according to the needs of work. The concerned Department Manager for his sole decision based on work and operational requirements can grant the whole leave requested by employee, or defer it or part of it to the nearest time. However, when an employee resigns or his service is terminated, leave not utilized will be for encashment equivalent to “gross salary per day” at the time of termination. When the employee’s service is terminated before the completion of one year of joining the Company, he will not be entitled to annual leave. However, completion of a period equal to one year, less his annual entitlement is deemed to make up the period of one year. Amount of Leave:
Executive Executive Expatriates Nationals Non Executive Expatriates Field Nationals Non Executive Single status Field 45 Days /year Nationals Single status Employees 45 Days /year Nationals 20/70” Employees 40 Days/year 20/70” 28 On 28 Off 40 Days/year Family /45 year 28 On 28 Off Family /45 year 3.2 Compassionate Leave: This leave is granted for the death of employee family member in or outside Sudan As follows (Death Certificates should be submitted):
Death of employee's Father/Mother, Spouse, Death of employee's Father/Mother, Spouse, 77 Days Days immediateimmediate Family Family Children,Children, Brother/Sister Brother/Sister
Death of the husband Leave with pay in Death of the husband Leave with pay in Islamic ofof a aMuslim Muslim female female accordanceaccordance with with Islamic Islamic Islamic Shari'aShari'a employeeemployee Shari’aShari’a
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3.3 Serious Illness of an Immediate Family Member: In the event of serious illness of a member of the employee’s immediate family only, leave of absence with pay up-to 10 calendar days in or outside Sudan after submission of Medical Certificates should be produced either before or on return to HRD. In case of the death of the employee’s wife or any of his children, the Company shall bear the cost of transporting the dead body to home of record and the cost of passage for an escort.
3.4 Sick Leave: An employee’s Sick Leave shall not be accepted without being certified by a report issued by the Company Medical authorities “HSE Department” before Sick Leave start day. The sick employee is eligible for salary payment for the number of days he was absent. The salary is calculated for the remaining months of the first year of employment services as follows: First three months – full remuneration Second three months – full remuneration Third three months – ½ remuneration. Fourth three months – ¼ remuneration. If the sick leave period exceeds the first 12 months, then the sick employee is considered on sick leave without pay, during which the employee shall be referred to the Medical Board to decide whether he is fit for work or not.
3.5 Other Leaves:
Circumstances Employee Category Entitlements
Hajj Leave Muslim Employee with One year Services 15 calendar days Maternity Leave Female Employee 4 weeks preceding and 4 weeks following delivery. Leave without Pay Exceptional reasons /obtain president approval 90 Days
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4. Medical Care & Benefits:
4.1 Free Medical Care: Employees and their eligible members of families are entitled to receive free medical treatment and care at the assigned medical facilities in Khartoum (Panel Clinics) and field clinics which include consultations, investigations, treatment, and surgical operations in addition to some special procedures.
For the purpose of medical benefits the term eligible dependents will cover spouse and dependent children and parents of all established employees residing in Sudan, PDOC Trainees are entitled for medical coverage for themselves only, Employees going abroad for a short period on official business or duty and rotation/annual leave and who incur medical expenses during such a period may claim reimbursement of such expenses only if the medical case happened while they are abroad.
4.2 Special Services: The following special services will be available free of charge to Company employees and other eligible persons: 1 All candidates for employment are required to undergo a medical checkup to meet the standards set by the Company’s Health Section for service in Sudan. 2 All types of surgical operations excluding cosmetic surgeries. 3 Treatment abroad after obtaining the respective approval (Doctors, HSE, HR, MC/HRC & OEPA) with the maximum of USD 25,000). 4 Dental treatment excluding orthodontia, artificial denture and cosmetic procedures. 5 All Laboratory Analysis. 6 Employees and other eligible person will be provided with periodic vaccinations against a group of pathogens. 7 Employees whose occupation involves a measure of industrial hazard will be examined at regular intervals as established by the Health Section.
4.3 Medical Examination upon Termination: PDOC terminated employee for whatever reasons is required to undergo a final medical examination prior to his departure. HRD will advice HSE of the impending termination and requests the examination. The employee may waive his rights to such examinations, in which
Page 8 of 22 Petrodar Operating Company - Human Resources Department - Employee Handbook case he should be made to sign a form in English and Arabic releasing the Company of any responsibility for the treatment of any medical condition that may arise in the future.
4.4 Company’s Medical Unit: The main purpose of the Company Medical Unit is to provide medical services for the employees and to facilitate assessment of the medical fitness of employees and to provide advice in issues related to disability resulting from industrial accidents and occupational disease.
4.5 Medical General Administration: Where the employee is finally declared unfit to perform his job duties, his case shall be referred by HRD, G/M Concerned to Vice President /President to consider termination of his / her services. An employee who is established to have sustained an industrial injury or occupational disease shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of the Sudan Labor Act. The condition of dangerously or seriously ill employees shall be advised to HRD who will arrange for the family to be notified. In the event of the death of an employee or a company guest, HRD will take action as appropriate. All medical records are considered confidential and will be kept in the Medical Unit. The Chief Medical Officer may make such information available to authorized persons at his discretion.
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5. Health, Safety and environment:
It is the company’s policy to ensure the highest standard of Health, safety & environment practices in operations. All candidates for employment are required to undergo a medical examination to meet the standards set by the Company’s Medical Officer for services in Sudan. You are expected to take an active role in maintaining and improving this environment, you will be inducted to all safety practices and procedures, emergency response, safe defensive driving, use of personal protective equipment, first aid, CPR and fire fighting.
5.2 General Statement of Health and Safety Policy The company will provide all necessary information, instruction, training and supervision for all employees across the group, so their work does not put themselves, their colleagues, contractors, visitors or members of the public, at risk. The Company will implement such arrangements as are appropriate, having regard for the nature of its activities and size of undertaking, for the effective planning, organization, control, monitoring and review of the preventive and protective measures. The Company will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safe selection, use, maintenance, repair or replacement of machinery and equipment. A similar standard of care will be taken to cover all substances for use at the premises, including handling, storage and transport. The Company will take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure safe access and exit to any place of work is provided and maintained. All employees must take reasonable care of themselves and any other persons who may be affected by their actions or failure to comply with safety rules and working practice at work. Employees must carry out any necessary duty which the law requires and cooperate with their employers to allow legal obligations to be met. Anything provided for health and safety purposes must not be misused. Attachments to this Policy set out our organization and arrangements for implementing this policy in greater detail. The Company will consult with appropriate employee representatives when reviewing this policy, organization and arrangements for carrying out its aims successfully. The contribution from employees and their representatives is viewed as essential in achieving a safe and healthy work environment.
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6. Employee Conduct
6.1 Personnel Records/ Data Protection In your own interest, it is very important that individual personal information be maintained in your personnel files. This may include employee address, home telephone number, mobile number if applicable, Educational & birth certificates, number of dependents, and beneficiaries and emergency contact names and numbers. These need to be current and up to date. Whenever there are changes. To achieve a proper balance between the legitimate needs of the business and the proper handling of your personal information, we have adopted the following guidelines:
6.2 Absence without notice When you are unable to work owing to illness or an accident, please notify your supervisor and give HRD with the certificates if any . If you do not report or late for work and the Company is not notified of your status, you will be subject to corrective action or reduction in pay or both.
6.3 Dress Code The Management Committee has endorsed the dress code for all employees as follows:- Males: Shirt, tie & trousers. Shirts should be tucked in with necktie. Safari suit is allowed. Proper working shoes. Females: Long Sleeve dress or long sleeve Blouse with long skirt. Short sleeve blouses and trousers are allowed for non-Muslims. Any dress must be below the knee. Traditional Sudanese is highly encouraged. Jeans, T-shirt, slippers and sandals and sandals are strictly prohibited as part of office attire. 6.4 Transportation to take Up Employment and other administrations: Employees below Manager Level recruited outside Sudan will normally be provided with economy-class air transportation from place of recruitment to Sudan (Business class for distance more than 6 hours flight). Employees with Manager/General Manger level will be eligible for business-class transportation. President and Vice President are eligible for First Class transportation. Page 11 of 22 Petrodar Operating Company - Human Resources Department - Employee Handbook
6.5 Family Transportation: Passages in the same class as the employee will be arranged for his family of expatriate proceeding to Sudan to take up residence, provided that Housing is available in Sudan and Vice President/ President approves the arrival of the family.
6.6 Passports and Permits: An entry visa is required for all foreigners entering Sudan for the purpose of employment or for a visit of limited duration must in all cases be sponsored by the Company (General Service Department responsibilities).
6.7 Residence Permit: After a new employee arrives in Sudan, an application will be made for a Residence Permit sponsored by the Company. The Residence Permit, which will normally be for one year, is stamped in the employee’s Passport.
6.8 Employee’s Dependants: A Visit Permit must be obtained from a Sudanese Embassy for all employees’ dependants coming from abroad before they travel to Sudan. And applications will be made for Residence Permit for his dependents under his sponsorship; renewal of Residence permits is the employee’s own responsibility.
6.9 Renewal of Official Documents: It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that all Passports, Permits, Licenses… etc. are renewed before they expire. General Services Department is available to help with the formalities.
6.10 Residence Visa for Expatriate Dependents The Company bears the cost of Residence Visa fees of expatriate Employees eligible dependents i.e. wife and maximum 4 children until 18 years of age.
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7.1 Employee Group Benefits and Services:
Expatriates National Type of Benefit Benefit Amount / % & description Direct Direct Partner Partner Hire Hire The employee has the right to be granted Salary Salary Advances Advance Three time’s per/year only. √ √ √ √ Income tax Deduction from Salary Social Insurance “National Employees” √ √ √ √ Zakat for Muslim employees. From G 9 & Below =Monthly Basic salary X 12 X 1/52 X Over time 1/42 X 200/100 per hours NA NA NA √
Meal Allowance SDG 200 less tax monthly for Office base employees NA NA NA √ Location Allowance For field employees 25% of the basic salary. NA NA NA √ PDOC Management are Provided with company car - Transporting Allowance Other employees are group transported -SDG 6 Per NA NA NA √ working day for non Transported employee. Off Duty Location For office base National employees. Allowance NA NA NA √ Emergency Loan NA NA Loans Car loans √ √ Building loan For All National employees after completion of one year Leave Allowance services, it is one month’s Basic Salary paid at the NA NA √ √ beginning of each year. Rewarded for employees completed Min. 6 months Merit Increment service assessed performance “% of Gross Salary” NA NA NA √ subject to OEPA approval for good performance. Training Opportunity Resulting from identified training needs √ √ √ √ Full coverage to employee & his Dependents -Treatment Medical Treatment Abroad after obtain HRC approval. √ √ √ √ For National Employees (Basic+Cola Less-10% income Eid Al-Fitre Allowance Tax). NA NA √ √ For National Employee (Basic+Cola Less-10% income Eid Al-Adha Allowance Tax). NA NA √ √ The sum insured is U.S.D$ 75,000 each to cover various Life Insurance situations as Death or total loss. √ √ √ √ End Of Service Benefits As prescribed in the Policy schedule NA √ √ √
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Expatriates National Type of Benefit Benefit Amount / % & description Direct Direct Partner Partner Hire Hire Eligible Max. 2 Children “allowance for children is:” NA NA NA Grade 1 = US$ 4700/child/yr Education Assistance Grade 2 to 5 = US$ 5000/child/yr √ Grade 6 (up) = US$ 5300/child/yr Secondary Educ. = US$ 8000/child/yr Emergency Assistance Death of a married male employee in service –annual to Widows remuneration √ √ √ √ Business Trips / external work assignment: -Air Ticket As per employee job level √ √ √ √ -Accommodation US$ 200 per day √ √ √ √ - US$ 40–70 US$ /day "As per employee grade" - Per Diem and Location Zone √ √ √ √ Medical treatment for an employee on business - Medical travel is available. √ √ √ √ Duty Visits Longer Than Per diem full paid Accommodation rates 15 Days: reduced by: Half from 16-90 √ √ √ √ Further quarter from 90-180 Employee Level Travel Class -First class irrespective of travel VP/President time. -Business class if travel time is less GM than 6 hours. -First class if travel time is more than 6 hours. Class of Travel Manager and -Business class irrespective of travel √ √ √ √ above time.
-Economy class if total travel time is Section Heads less than 6 hours. and Below - Business class if total travel time is more than 6 hours. Winter Clothes US$ 200 advanced to national employees for business trips to cold countries & shall be cleared upon NA NA √ √ submission of receipts (one time payment only). For employees whose work requires 24 hours coverage Shift Allowance and they are on rotation shift cycle. NA NA NA -Executives =SDG 188,57 √ -Non-executives =SDG 171,64 No overtime for staff who receives shift allowance. Commuting Allowance For fields living in a camp far away from their regular work location on monthly basis based on the distance. NA NA NA √
Scarce Skill Premium The said allowance will be paid for the identified categories at the professional levels from Grade 12 and NA NA NA √ above,
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Expatriates National Type of Benefit Benefit Amount / % & description Direct Direct Partner Partner Hire Hire For Sudanese employees17% of employee Salary paid Social Insurance by the company NA NA √ √ EX-GRATIA Death 12 months (Basic Salary) on the death of the national Payment employee NA NA √ √ Note: For further information or clarification, the employee should consult HRD.
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7.2 Loans benefits
The Company provides employees with classified loans subject to Loan fund & budget availability and respective Loan Procedure Regulations: (a) Emergency Loan. (b) Car Loan. (c) Building Loan.
Emergency Loan: The Company may make an emergency loan, in the following conditions: A sudden serious event or situation requiring immediate action e.g. House and or property damage due to floods, rains, fire, theft etc…. Death of employee's direct family member. Any other cases defined by VP/President.
Car Purchase Loan: Managers & Section Heads who completed a minimum of one year & Senior employees (i.e. Grade 12 to 14) after four years of continuous services in the company may benefit from vehicle loan and subject to having a valid Sudanese driving license. The car should be mortgaged to the company. Loan Amount:
No. of monthly Grade Amount U.S.$ installments Grade-15 and Max. of 26,400 48 above 14 - 10 Max. 16,800 48
Land/Building Loan: All national Permanent Employees who completed a minimum of three (3) years of service with operating companies, Ministry of Energy & Mining (MEM) or MEM’s companies including one (1) year in the Company may be granted Land/Building Loan as per the Land/Building Loan criteria. & No loan shall be granted to temporary employees on definite service contracts. The Loan amount is equivalent to twenty four (24) months of employee's remuneration (maximum SDG 200,000). This loan is repayable over ninety six (96) months or remaining period for retirement which ever is less.
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This type of loan may be given provided the land and/or building is mortgaged to the Company till full payment of the loan.
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8. Training and Development
8.1 Training & Development introduction
The Company provides adequate training in order to achive maximum productivity and to enhance the development of Sudanese employees in line with the company’s objectives of Sudanization and consistent with its manpower requirments.
The training and development programs will include preparing prospective employees through a training /development program, providing professional enhancement for fresh univeristy and collage graduates and ensuring on-going career development for potential employees designed to improve their knowledge and skills and enable them to assume higher responsibilities.
The company’s training and development programs are essentially intended for Sudanese. In special cases, evaluated at the management’s discretion on a case by case basis, non sudanese employees may be trained to meet specifically identified work requirements.
The training and development programs may include apprenticeship programs. On-the-job training programs. Job skill training. Development assignments, Rotation Assiginment, Job Enrichment, conferences or seminars and etc…
Expatriates employees part of their responsibilities is to transefer and share their knowledge and experinces to the national employees, and to teach and coach them the skills and competencies required for filling the job as per standard job description.
8.2 Requirements, Authorization steps:
The table below sets out the levels, which have to be adhered to when nominating employees for external courses/attachments.
Nominee Level : The Line Section Head Advice to be sought by : Department (Manager) Advice to be obtained from : The respective G/M . Review by : G/M Finance & Service. Approving Authorities : President/Vice President. Approval from OEPA Training & development Section will contact the course center making the necessary arrangements and give details of the employee concerned. On receiving confirmation that training arrangements been completed, HRD Section will arrange for the advance payment,including travel, accommodation and per diem.
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Performance appraisal is processes by which organizations evaluate employee performance based on performance expectations/requirements standards and analyze the strengths and weaknesses for employees. The Performance of every employee in the Company shall be evaluated at least once a year.
9.1 The main purpose of (PMS) is to: Showing the employees how to improve their performance. Setting goals for employees, and link it with Organization Goals. Helping managers to assess subordinates' effectiveness and take actions related to hiring, promotions, demotions, training, compensation, job design, transfers, and terminations. It provides a system with which to link the organization’s mission and goals, and an employee’s performance objectives. It provides a way for supervisors to apply communication, coaching and feedback with their subordinates in measurable terms. It provides the basis for decisions regarding eligibility for annual compensation adjustments using criteria established by the personnel director. It requires training for raters and provides sanctions for failure to plan or rate. It provides a performance cycle that is as close to the end of the year as possible, and over the next year.
9.2 Benefits for employee: from PMS employees Understand: How their work contributes to Organization goals. Key competencies required to be successful in their jobs. What they need to develop in order to be successful. How their work/performance will be measured and recognized.
9.3 Guidelines for Performance Appraisals Performance ratings must be job-related. Employees must be given a written copy of their job standards in advance of appraisals. Analyze the strengths and weakness of the employee performance for better improvement. Specify the required action for improving the employee performance. Identify the training needs of the employee. Serve as basis for recommending an appropriate merit increase or promotion considerations in accordance with Company Policy.
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Managers who conduct the appraisal must be able to observe the behavior they are rating. Supervisors must be trained to use the appraisal form correctly. Appraisals should be discussed openly with employees and counseling or corrective guidance offered.
9.4 Performance Appraisal– Three Phases
Plan Goal setting Competencies development
Review Focus Employee and Supervisor Dialogue and realigning review goals as needed
9.5 The Role of the Supervisor Conduct the performance appraisal for his/her employee(s) on a timely basis. Maintain proper documentation of employee performance throughout the year. Provide justification for ratings on the performance factors. Discuss the ratings with the employee providing a clear understanding of the reasons for each rating. Provide employee(s) with clear goal and/or performance expectations. 9.6 The Role of the Reviewer Ensure the Supervisor is providing sound justification for each performance factor. Determine that the Supervisor conducted each performance appraisal in an impartial manner. Reviewer is not required to personally know the employee or his/her work since it is the ratings the supervisor assigned, the reviewer is checking.
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9.7 PAR Interview: Each supervisor shall meet with his employees to discuss the approved appraisal of the employee's performance during the review period. The supervisor shall emphasize the positive aspects of the employee's performance and make recommendations to employee to improve his/her performance.
9.8 Performance Appraisal Program
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10. Grievance Procedure
The Company’s grievance procedure is designed to ensure that any questions and problems you may have at work are quickly aired and resolved. We therefore encourage all employees to use the following procedure to facilitate this. We believe administration of our personnel policies is fair and impartial. We belive thaht the rights and privileges of our employees are protected under these policies. Most employee problems and grievances are solved quickly and naturally according to a prescribed procedure. If you have a query or grievance relating to your employment, you should discuss it with your Manager. If your Manager cannot resolve the issue, please inform him/her that you wish to raise a formal grievance. The Manager will then reconsider the issue in a formal discussion with you at which a note taker will be present. You will then be informed in writing of the outcome of the hearing. This hearing should take place within one week of the notification of a formal grievance and the outcome should be notified to you within a further week. You should submit your grievance to your immediate supervisor in writing . At any stage during the grievance processing, you may call upon the HRD for information and or advice on the company policies and procedures.
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