BEA Executive Committee Meeting
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BEA Executive Committee Meeting
October 24, 2011
Montrose Elementary
Attendance: Patti Cooper, Jon Bunker, Mike Kane, John Bosse, Alex Jordan, Dan Jax, Abby Cave, Michael Vincent, Mindy Hall, Rachel Niswander, Melissa McCarthy
I. September Minutes: approved with one correction – Rachel Niswander did not attend the OEA dinner @ OSU Golf Course on 9/22/11.
II. Treasurer’s Report: Received $20,000 from Chris for our Professional Development Fund. When you are reimbursed from the PDF, a check from Chase Bank will arrive at your home address. BEA made a $300 donation to BEF in memory of Molly Davis.
III. Vice President’s Report: BEA donated over 1,500 food items to The Bishop Griffin Food Pantry and Brookwood Presbyterian Church food pantry. Both locations were extremely grateful! Pizza winners will be announced soon!
IV. President’s Report:
A. OEA Rep Assembly: our delegates are Mindy Hall, Rachel Niswander, Andrea Brown and Stephanie Shouldis. We also have 3 alternates. Assembly will be held in early December.
B. High School Initiatives: Mindy reported from her meeting with Mike on this issue. Mike assumed part of the responsibility, as he has pushed for many of the best practices initiatives. UbD and PLD fit together; IB only goes up to 10th grade, all best practices are part of the district’s Continuous Improvement Plan. Teachers are feeling overwhelmed with the added responsibilities but not added time to learn them well…this can be said for all buildings!
C. OEA Endorsed Candidates for Judges: As reported in September minutes, OEA has endorsed the following candidates for Judge: Andrea Peeples, David Young, Eric Brown (only judge to testify against SB 5/Issue 2), and Lori Tyack for Court Clerk.
D. HB 153: New law in effect 2013 – ties student achievement to teacher pay. Bexley was asked to participate in a pilot study, and Dr. Johnson said no. Pay will be based on building reports, but individual teachers will meet with administrator to view teacher report. Building reports will be based on 3 years of data. You will be hearing more about this issue from your administrator.
E. LPDC: Each teacher is responsible for making sure they know the status of their license! LPDC will meet on the following dates: Nov 1 and 15; Dec. 6. 2012 meeting dates: Jan 3 and 17, Feb 7 and 21, Mar 6, Apr 3, May 1 and 29 and June 8. Call Margaret Hahn in the CO to get on the schedule. Remember: you must have a plan submitted before any coursework or professional development hours will count toward renewal! See a LPDC committee member with any question you may have: Monica Miars, Denny Devine, Jon Hood, Christy Ayers, Harley Williams, Michelle Frenz, Laura Lipsett.
F. BEA Website: URLs have been purchased. There are some issues with the servers. Please send any info you would like put on the website to BEA webmaster – Chris Amspaugh @ Cassingham. As soon as the server issue is resolved, the website will be ready to go.
V. Building Reports:
A. HS: 1) IB meetings are scheduled on the same day as BEA meetings. 2) Columbus State teacher replacing Dave Valentine – is he able to join BEA? His compensation has not been published.
B. MS: suggestion was made to give money for pizza lunch from the food drive to the food pantries.
C. CA: no report
D. MA: no report
E. MO: no report
VI. Partnership Council: Jan 12, Mar 8, May 10
VII. Next BEA Meeting: Monday, November 28 in HS room 4261 (down the hall from CO)
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa McCarthy
BEA Secretary