Cuckfield Rural Parish Council
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The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Committee Room above Staplefield Village Hall on Monday 18th March 2013 at 9.25pm.
Members Present: Jon Gilley (Chair), Pete Bradbury, Brian Wright Also Present: Liz Bennett (Clerk), Maria Fielding, Elliott Fielding
PUBLIC SESSION Maria and Elliott Fielding spoke regarding application 13/00987/CON and 13/00988/FUL The Bungalow, Handcross Road, Staplefield. They pointed out that the application was rejected last time and this new application does not address many of the issues raised. It is still a two storey building when a 1.5 storey building was recommended and it still involves the loss of a small building. The design is inappropriate for the conservation area. The applicant claims to have consulted with the neighbours but the Fieldings have not been consulted.
1. Apologies for absence. Apologies were accepted from Bob Birthwright and Brad Williams.
2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda. None received.
3. Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 18th March 2012. The minutes were AGREED and signed by the Chairman.
4. Planning Decisions The following decision was noted: a. 13/00430/FUL Millfields Farm, Broxmead Lane, Bolney. First floor extension. Granted.
5. Planning Applications a. 13/00987/CON and 13/00988/FUL The Bungalow, Handcross Road, Staplefield. The demolition of an existing dwelling and the erection of a replacement dwelling and detached garage. The committee object to this application on the same grounds as the original application– that it conflicts with policy H12 of the Local Plan and also that the garage is too far forward. This application has not materially changed. b. 13/00828/FUL and 13/00829/LBCBridge Farm, Cuckfield Road, Burgess Hill. Single storey rear extension, built into garden bank, to provide family/garden room. No objection. c. 13/00965/FUL Hazelwood Farm, Sparks Lane, Cuckfield. Formation of new dormer to existing roof. New ground floor extension. This was delegated to Brian Wright and the clerk to give Brian more opportunity to
Page 1 of 2 study the plans. d. 13/00985/FUL Pickwell Farm, Pickwell Lane, Ansty. Demolition of an existing garage and erection of a new one in an adjacent location. No objection. e. WSCC/023/13/CU Horsgate Lodge, Hanlye Lane, Cuckfield. Change of use from day school (planning use class D1) to residential school (planning use class C2) for special needs children. No objection.
6. Correspondence. None received.
7. Reports from any other meetings attended. None received.
8. Minor matters, for noting.
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