Precept Upon Precept Daniel, Pt 2 Events of Interest Around the World BC 7

ASSYRIA Sennacherib King Sennacherib’s mountain climbing is first mention of “Alpine Sports” 0 0

Assyria develops water clocks

Assyria’s famous library, >22,000 clay tablets (history, medicine,

astronomy, astrology, astronomy)

Pharaoh Nechos (Egypt) starts canal bet. Nile & Red Sea

orders first circumnavigation of Africa from Red Sea


BABYLON Nebuchadnezzar 605 Jerusalem falls to Babylon (Daniel taken captive) 0 0

Neb. builds Hanging Gardens, traverses the Euphrates below the river bed

Babylon: First use of colored glazed bricks (blue) on Ishtar portals

Babylonian astronomers dev calendar of 12 months, banking practices

Acropolis (Athens) is begun

Temple of Artemis (Ephesus-Turkey)

Temple of Apollo (Corinth)

Aesop Fables, Papyrus introduced to Greece

581-497 Pythagoras: geometry, introduces the musical octave

Sun dial used in Greece, China

Greek philosophers develop theory of earth floating free in sky

Greek scientist taught that all life develops from amphibians

Greek anatomist discov diff bet veins, arteries, connect bet brain, senses

Romans adopt arched ceilings from Etruscans

Romans: first stone bridge

551-479 Confucius (China)

521 Buddha

Zoroaster (god of Light, god of Dark)


Mayan civilization (Mexico) 0 0

500 Indian surgeon performs cataract operations

India constructs dams

Cyrus the Great 439 Cyrus the Great takes Babylon


Introduces regular courier service by horseback (pony express)


Persians wear tight fitting leather clothes

First coin with picture of ruler

Xerxes I 485 Queen Esther

485-424 Herodotus, Father of History

462 Soldiers & judges (Athens) receive regular salaries

Greece: Ball games, Carrier Pigeons, Trumpet competitions

Greece-2M citizens:1M slaves, Athens-50K citizens: 100K slaves

470-399 Socrates

440 Hippocrates, Father of Medicine

427-347 Plato

384-322 Aristotle, teacher of Alexander the Great,

340 Aristotle lays foundations of musical theory 4 0

0 Indian Empire begins

Alexander 336 Alexander defeats Darius III of Medo-Persian Empire


the Great 330 Alexander orders his admiral to explore Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf,

Euprates Greek explorer reaches Britain

323 Principles of Euclidian Geometry

312 Construction begins on Appian Way (Italy)

307 Alexandria (Egypt) is center of Greek learning

Jews develop trading centers in Egypt

3 0 0

300 Sun temple built at Teotihuacan (Mexico)

Romans & Greeks: play ball games, board games, dice

275 Colossus of Rhodes completed (destroyed by EQ 40 yrs later)

275 Lighthouse of Alexandria completed

264 First public combats of gladiators in Rome

276-194 Eratosthenes suggests that the earth moves around the sun,

estimates earth’s circumference (fairly accurate)

255 Jews write Septuagint (Old Testament in Greek)

218 Hannibal crosses the Alps

215 Great Wall of China built to keep out invaders (1,400 mi long)

Unification of Chinese weights, measures


200 Rosetta Stone engraved 0 0

200 Use of gears leads to invention of ox-driven water wheel for irrigation

170 First paved streets appear in Rome


167 Maccabean Revolt…Miracle of First Hanukkah! Epiphanes

Macedonians sold as slaves in Rome: males $50-75, females $1,000

Empire of 147 Romans control Greece


7 Provinces 1 0

100 First Chinese ships reach east coast of India 0 82 Oldest extant amphitheater erected at Pompeii 71 Revolt of slaves under Spartacus 70-19 Virgil, Roman poet 65-8 Horace, Roman poet 63- 14 Augustus Caesar 63 Former slave of Cicero invents system of shorthand 62 Founding of Florence 50 earliest form of oboe (Rome) 47 Herod appointed governor of Galilee 46 Julian calendar: 365.25 days, leap year 42 Brutus & Cassius defeated, commit suicide 40 Herod appointed King of Judea 31 Mark Antony & Cleopatra defeated, commit suicide 4 Birth of Jesus Christ (after adjustment of calendar)

From The Timetables of History by Bernard Grun