Student Computer/Internet Contact
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Student Internet/Computer Use Contact
Heartland Christian Academy provides computers and internet access for educational purposes. Students and their parents/guardians must sign this contract for the student to use the computers and internet.
Student Agreement I will: Use the internet to do research for assignments and/or interests that are directly related to my school work. Respect the privacy of other users and not modify files, other data or passwords belonging to other users. Comply with copyright agreements for data and documents including media such as pictures and music. Respect the computer and other equipment while using them. Adhere to all rules of courtesy in communication. Tell a teacher/supervisor immediately if I have a problem.
I will not: Provide or gain unauthorized or inappropriate access to material or computers or another student’s work nor take part in activities that result in the loss of that student’s work. Play games that are not authorized by school staff. Use chat lines or check personal email. Download any programs or files to school computers. Use personal disks including USB (Universal Serial Bus) drives, without a teacher/supervisor’s permission. Give my (or another person’s) name, address, phone number or other personal information on the internet.
Student I understand these rules and will follow them when I am using school computers and the internet. I understand that if I do not follow these rules, I will lose my computer/internet privileges and may be subject to disciplinary actions by school officials. See handbook for further information.
______Print Student Name
______Student Signature Date
Parents/Guardian I have read the above guidelines and have discussed them with my student. I will not hold the school responsible for materials viewed by my child that violate this policy. I understand that my child will be held responsi ble for violation of the above guidelines. I give permission for my child to use the computers and internet at Heartland Christian Academy.
______Print Parent/Guardian Name
______Parent/Guardian Signature Date