Smlouva O Spolupráci Při Realizaci Odborné Praxe Studentů

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Smlouva O Spolupráci Při Realizaci Odborné Praxe Studentů

Cooperation Agreement concerning a guided work experience placement of FBE MENDELU students

I. Contracting Parties

Mendel University in Brno Faculty of Business and Economics registered office Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno represented by doc. Ing. Pavel Žufan, Ph.D., Dean person authorized to act in factual matters: Ing. Jaroslav Pakosta Company ID No: 62156489 VAT identification number: CZ62156489 Bank details: KB Brno, 7200310267/0100 (hereinafter the "Faculty") and

Organization name registered office ...... represented by: person authorized to act in factual matters: Company ID No: VAT identification number: Bank details: (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider") made this Cooperation Agreement concerning implementation of a guided work experience placement for students.

II. Subject and Purpose of the Agreement

1. This Agreement sets forth the obligation of the Provider to enable full-time master's students to undergo a professional work experience placement as part of their study programmes accredited by the Faculty of Business and Economics (Economics and Management, Business Politics and Administration, System Engineering and Informatics). 2. The guided work placement required must last at least 6 weeks, outside the teaching hours during the academic year, or 30 working days during semesters, or 150 working hours on the basis of a job agreement. The subject "Guided Work Placement" is worth 8 ECTS credits (out of 120 in total).

1 3. In order to increase professional and practical knowledge of the Faculty students, the contracting parties have agreed to organise a free professional work placement under the following terms and conditions:

III. Terms and Conditions for Work Experience Placement, Provider's Duties

1. The work placement shall take place on the Provider's premises and facilities at the time agreed by the Faculty, the relevant student and the Provider.

2. There will be no labour law relations between the student and the Provider. Students will not be entitled to any remuneration for their work during the placement. Any issues concerning relevant compensation for damage are governed by relevant provisions of Act 262/2006 Coll., Labour Code, as amended, and Act 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended.

3. The Provider will enable an authorised representative of the Faculty to enter the workplace, where students undergo their work placement, at a previously agreed time, and to provide the authorised representative with all necessary information.

4. The Provider undertakes to ensure that the working conditions of the students comply with legal regulations. In particular, the Provider must inform students about work regulations and any other legal regulations concerning the organisation, and the content and the course of the work placement.

5. The Provider will ensure that students undergo health and safety training. Should there be an accident, an "Accident Report" will be made and sent to the Health and Safety Technician at Mendel University in Brno within three days of the accident (students will be insured with Kooperativa).

6. At the end of the work placement the tutor (authorised by the Provider) will fill in a Work Placement FBE Student Evaluation Form (hereinafter the "Form", Annex 1 to this Agreement) and this form shall be handed over to the authorised Faculty representative in a printed and electronic format by students. Credits for undergoing the work experience placement shall be awarded on the basis of this form.

7. Students may also work on their thesis whilst on the work experience placements.

IV. Duties of the Faculty

1. An authorised representative of the Faculty will select suitable students and hand over to them all necessary information concerning their work experience placement.

2. The following authorised Faculty representative will ensure contact between the Faculty and the Provider: Ing. Jaroslav Pakosta.

2 3. The Faculty is obliged to inform the Provider about any changes and circumstances which might have an impact on the work experience placement and health and safety of both participating parties.

V. Joint Provisions

1. This Agreement has been executed in two counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original. One counterpart shall be received by the Faculty and one by the Provider. The Agreement may only be amended by written supplements signed by both parties.

2. This Agreement has been concluded for an indefinite period of time, and shall come into force and take effect on the day of its signing by both parties. This Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the contracting parties or by giving three months' notice which starts running on the first day of the month following the month when the notice is delivered to the other contracting party.

3. Should any of the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement be violated or not fulfilled, either of the parties is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement. Withdrawal from the Agreement must be done in writing and it comes into effect on the day following the day when the withdrawal is delivered to the other party.

Brno, dated:In………………on……………..

doc. Ing. Pavel Žufan, Ph.D. Provider

Annex: 1. Work Placement FBE Student Evaluation Form

3 Annex 1

Evaluation of a Guided Work Experience Placement of a FBE MENDELU Student

Tutor of the student, company: Name of the Student: Main job position during the work placement: Work placement dates:

Work placement evaluation (each criterion is evaluated from 0 - 5 when 0 is the minimum and 5 is the maximum).Should you wish to comment further on the respective category, please use the space below each of the questions. 1) Quality of knowledge and skills required by the job

2) Ability and willingness to learn

3) Ability to use own initiative, creativity, activity (compliance with tasks before deadlines, ability to carry out a task without being delegated, own initiative)

4) Becoming part of a team at the workplace (team work, integration within the team, adaptability)

5) Communicative skills (oral and written, internal and external communication)

6) Precise, punctual, in compliance with work regulations (internal regulations), participation in meetings

7) Contributions of the student to the company

Total points:

Would you consider employing this student in your company in the future 1?

Final statement: I recommend × I do not recommend awarding credits for this work placement

Dated: Tutor's Signature

1 A positive answer does not entitle the student to ask for employment. An answer to this question enables the Faculty Management to determine if students are adequately prepared for their working lives. 4

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