Differentiated Instruction Lesson Plan
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Differentiated Instruction Lesson Plan
Subject Area: English Language Arts Grade Level: First Topic: Predicting and Story Sequencing using the story “Jasper’s Beanstalk” by
Delaware Standards: E.L.A. Standard 1: Use written and oral English appropriate for various purposes and audiences.
E.L.A. Standard 2: Construct, examine, and extend the meaning of literary, informative, and technical texts through listening, reading, and viewing.
Objective: Students will sequence three main events using the format: beginning, middle, and end.
Instructional Activity Objectives: Students will complete a graphic organizer to sequence three events by drawing pictures and describing the pictures through writing.
Materials: Big book copy of “Jasper’s Beanstalk” Index cards 3 graphic organizers for sequencing Dictionary of pictionary Clipboards Predicting graphic organizer
The levels that are numbered 1-3 found in the charts in this lesson plan are: 1 – Students who need extra assistance/below grade level expectations 2 – Students who are currently meeting grade level expectations 3 – Students who need extra challenges/above grade level expectations
Instructional Activities: Day 1 -Bring students to the carpet to introduce the new story. Show students the front cover and read the title. Tell students that before we read the story, we need to take a look at some of the words that we will see. I am going to break everyone up into three groups. Each group will be doing a different activity. Assign each group an area to go to and briefly discuss their activity. The descriptions are mapped out on the table below. Share the definitions that group 3 found/created. This segment should last 5-7 minutes.
Group 1 2 3 Activity Practice sight words Practice more Will find/create on flash cards. involved sight definitions to the words and following story vocabulary words words: on flash cards by decoding.
- When the vocabulary activities are finished, students should return to the carpet. They should have a clipboard, pencil, and a copy of the prediction organizer. Tell students that good readers predict what a story will be about before they read it. Have students draw and write a sentence about what they predict will happen in the story based only on the title and front cover picture. Allow students 3-4 minutes to complete the activity. Students will then share their predictions with the person next to them using the Think, Pair, Share method. Call on three random students to share their prediction with the whole class and ask them why they made that prediction. What led them to that idea? Ask students to place their clipboard at “rest position” while they read the story.
-The teacher reads the story the first time through alone. The students follow along. The teacher will stop halfway through the story and ask students to check their predictions. The teacher should say that good readers change their predictions as they go. It is okay to make a prediction that did not really come true. What we must do now is create a new prediction based on what is happening in the story.
-At the end of the story, students will revisit their predictions organizer on the clipboard. They will now add what really happened in the story in the box next to their prediction. They will draw and write and be given 3-4 minutes.
-Read the story once more allowing the students to echo read with the teacher.
Day 2 -Before reading the story, break students up into the groups of three like the day before. Students will practice the story vocabulary as indicated on the table below. Allow 5-7 minutes for the activities. Group 1 2 3 Activity Will practice sight Will practice sight Students try to think words on flash words on flash cards of synonyms for the cards. and sequence days words they created of the week. definitions for yesterday.
-Bring students to the carpet. Tell students that they will play a game. The teacher will call out an event from the story. If the event occurred in the beginning, students put their hands on their heads. If the event occurred in the middle they put their hands on their hips. If the event occurred at the end, students will touch their feet. Randomly call out events from the story and observe student responses. -Tell students that they will choral read the story. As they are reading today, they should remember what order the events occurred in the story. When they are finished, you will ask them to an activity that will require them to sequence events. Choral read the story.
-When finished, refer to the table below for activities.
Group 1 2 3 Activity Work with teacher Students will Students will to sequence pictures complete a graphic complete a graphic from the text. When organizer where organizer where finished, students they have to they have to predict will complete a sequence three what will happen at graphic organizer to events (B, M, E) the end of the story. sequence three and write a sentence They will sequence events (B, M, E) to describe each. three ideas that will and write a sentence Students will work happen to Jasper to describe. There with teacher in after he climbs up will be a sentence small groups to read the beanstalk. starter to assist with story for fluency writing. and build comprehension.
Day 3 -Students will be able to complete one of the listed activities below. Activities should be written down so students can pick. Materials should be made available. Students may pick any of the activities.
Complete a story map Re-create book through drawing Create 5 questions for the class to answer. Must include answers. Write and illustrate a connection you made with the story Create another page for this story. Predict what will happen to Jasper next.
Group 1 2 3 Reading Activity Listen to story on Read with teacher in Read with teacher in tape. Complete an small group if not small group after activity above when done so already. group 2. Complete finished. Complete an an activity above activity above. when not working with teacher.
-Share completed activities.