Nursery 3 Short Term Weekly Planning Spring Term Week 1 05/01/09

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Nursery 3 Short Term Weekly Planning Spring Term Week 1 05/01/09


REFLECTIONS/NEXT STEPS Focussed activities this week will be a HA writing activity and a LA shared reading activity, with learning intentions from 30-50 month age band. This will free up more time for playworking, and will provide opportunities for joining in verbally (LAs) and forming phonetically regular words with known phonemes (HAs), as I discussed with some parents at Parents’ Evening last week. Some children will have photo cards and area symbols this week; I discussed with parents about broadening the children’s horizons with regard to the areas of provision they were choosing!

INDOOR ENHANCEMENT – Rubber or magnetic letters in water IWB: Draw own version of the gingerbread man at the easel, using chunky markers. (Model the elements the children will need for their drawings at circle time). This will be an activity one day for the pencil control group. Writing area: put up JP frieze on back of bookcase. Chalkboards available for ch to practice writing familiar letter shapes (model those on the frieze). Add a drawing sheet: who chased the gingerbread man? The children will need to remember and draw the characters from the story). Workshop: filling in bubble writing of your name with pipe cleaners, bent or curved to the shape of the letters. Maths: counting and labelling. The children will place groups of objects into sorting dishes, count them and label them with either a number card (MAs and LAs) or by writing the numeral on a clipboard (HAs). Small world: farm. Will need house, blue stones for a river, puppets of the fox and the gingerbread man so that ch can re-tell the story. Dough: gingerbread man cutters, raisins, cherries and mark-making tools, so that ch can make own gingerbread men. Sound station: add the talking pegs. The children have responded positively to the talking tins. Sand: satpin pictures and phonemes to dig out. The children will need to build words to label each picture by selecting phonemes from the sand.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Circle time – Listens to and joins in Is beginning to be aware Count pictures, which Listens to stories with Rapid recall: review the Learning intention with stories. of the way stories are cannot be moved. increasing recall. letter shapes: satpi structured. Joins in with repeated Count objects to 10, and Use a technology toy to (HAs, MAs) refrains and anticipates Uses vocabulary and beginning to count beyond record part of the ______key events in stories. language which is 10. story, as I look at the increasingly influenced Records, using marks illustration for my part Can segment the sounds Describes main story by own experience of that they can interpret of the story, and speak in simple words and blend settings, events and books. and explain. in a loud, clear voice. ______them together. principal characters. Count up to 3 or 4 ______Can segment the objects by saying one sounds in simple words Hear and say the initial number name for each Describe and record and blend them sounds in words item. about main story together. (LAs)

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