How Will My Child Be Assessed This Term?

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How Will My Child Be Assessed This Term?

English Term: Spring Teacher: Ms Afshan Siddiqui

What will we be covering this term?

1st Half Term:  consolidation of punctuation  introduction to regular, comparative & superlative adjectives  introduction to collective nouns, prefixes and suffixes  analysis of the features of a balanced argument  writing balanced arguments  introduction to contractions  writing in the first, second and third person  comprehensions; analysis of texts  dictation  spellings and sentences  revision and assessments

2nd Half Term:  consolidation of punctuation  note taking  introduction to imperative sentences and writing instructions  the use of time order words  analysing features of a traditional story  traditional story writing and drafting  analysing features of formal and informal letter writing  letter writing: formal and informal  comprehensions; analysis of texts  dictation  spellings and sentences  revision and assessments

How will my child be assessed this term? Homework is an integral part of ongoing assessment. Homework will be set every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In addition to this, your child will also be assessed by weekly spelling tests and end of unit tasks. There will be an assessment at the end of every half term. Class participation is also necessary.

How can I help my child in this subject? Your child should be reading every evening, they are provided with a reading book from school and their progress must be recorded in the Reading Record Book. Having a consistent reading routine will benefit your child greatly. Pupils should enjoy reading books of their own interest, therefore regular trips to the library or bookshops will also be helpful.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child’s progress in this subject? Please feel free to contact me at school from 8.30-3.10 if you have any questions or concerns. English Literature

Term: Spring

Teacher: Ms Afshan Siddiqui

What will we be covering this term? * Books may be subject to change

1st Half Term & 2nd Half Term: Class Reading book: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis  analysis of the book cover and blurb- what does it tell us about the book?  language used by the author; analysis of the author’s style  identification and analysis of common phrases  character analysis and comparison  analysis of character’s points of view  arguments for and against specific characters  writing balanced arguments  language that describe good and evil  comparative writing regarding different author’s style  analysis of the features of fantasy writing  reading with intonation and expression  writing a chapter in the style of the author  Fact file of an aspect of World War II- delivery and presentation

How will my child be assessed this term? Your child may be given homework based upon the current class reading book. This may be in the form of written work or reading.

How can I help my child in this subject? Please encourage your child to read and complete the necessary chapters specified so that they are ready to study the relevant section in class, for the following week.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child’s progress in this subject? Please feel free to contact me at school from 8.30-3.10 if you have any questions or concerns. Maths Term: Spring Teacher: Ms Afshan Siddiqui

What will we be covering this term?

1st Half Term: Children will be focussing upon the following concepts –

 reading and writing vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers, including ordinal numbers to at least 100  rounding any two-digit number to the nearest ten  understanding that more than two numbers can be added together  solving word problems involving numbers in ‘real-life’ using one or more steps  classifying and describing 2D and 3D shapes  recognising and using the four compass directions  reading the time to 5 minutes on an analogue clock and a 12-hour digital clock  measuring and comparing using standard units (kg, g)  knowing relationship between kilograms and grams  suggesting suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure mass

2nd Half Term: Children will be focussing upon the following concepts –

 describing and extending number sequences  understanding that more than two numbers can be added together  solving word problems involving numbers in ‘real life’ and money using one or more steps  understanding division as grouping or sharing  recognising that division is the inverse of multiplication  recognising that halving is the inverse of doubling  recognising simple equivalent fractions  solving a given problem by organising and interpreting numerical data in simple lists, tables and bar charts How will my child be assessed this term? Homework is an integral part of ongoing assessment. Homework will be set everyday and due for the following day. Your child will be assessed by daily mental maths tests and class work. In addition to this, there will be an assessment at the end of every half term. Class participation is also necessary.

How can I help my child in this subject? Ensure that your child knows by heart all times tables up to 12, is confident with addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and can quickly derive doubles of a whole number. They should also be familiar with length and mass conversions. It is also helpful to frequently ask your child to read both an analogue and 12-hour digital clock.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child’s progress in this subject? Please feel free to contact me at school from 8.30-3.10 if you have any questions or concerns. Science Term: Spring Teacher: Ms Afshan Siddiqui What will we be covering this term?

1st Half Term: Rocks and Soils Through this topic children should come to recognise that underneath all surfaces is rock which they may not be able to see, that rocks get broken down into pebbles and soils which from different rocks consequently have different characteristics. Experimental and investigative work focuses on:  considering whether a test is fair  measuring volumes of liquids using appropriate apparatus  making comparisons  drawing and suggesting explanations for conclusions.

Work in this topic also offers opportunities for children to use their understanding of science to explain observations about rocks and soils, for children to collect evidence to test ideas, and to recognise hazards and risks.

2nd Half Term:Teeth and Eating Work in this topic should reinforce and develop children's knowledge of their personal health and how this relates to diet. They should learn about how teeth are related to diet and the importance of dental care. Experimental and investigative work focuses on:  deciding what evidence to collect  deciding whether evidence is sufficient to support conclusions. Work also offers opportunities for children to relate understanding of science to their personal health and enable them to describe an adequate and varied diet for humans, recognising that there are many ways of achieving this; explain how they should look after their teeth and recognise why they need to do so; suggest questions about diet to be investigated; make relevant observations and present results in bar charts and tables

How will my child be assessed this term? Homework is an integral part of ongoing assessment. Homework will be set every Friday and due for the following Friday. Assessment will also be based on class discussion and class work. There will be an end of topic assessment.

How can I help my child in this subject? Having access to relevant information books, CD-ROMs and encyclopaedias will help them enhance their research skills and will encourage them to take more interest in the topic being covered.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child’s progress in this subject? Please feel free to contact me at school from 8.30-3.10 if you have any questions or concerns. Geography

Term: Spring

Teacher: Ms Afshan Siddiqui

What will we be covering this term?

1st Half Term: Types of Weather In this topic, children will be focussing on how different types of weather are formed and how they affect our daily lives.

2nd Half Term: Extreme Weather and Weather Worldwide Children will be focussing on the formation of extreme weather e.g. floods, tornadoes, hurricanes etc. Through the use of real case studies, newspaper articles and videos, children will learn how these extreme weather conditions affect countries across the world, the people and their lives.

How will my child be assessed this term?

Assessment will be based on class discussions and class work.

How can I help my child in this subject?

Having access to relevant information books, CD-ROMs and encyclopaedias will help them enhance their research skills and will encourage them to take more interest in the topic being covered. In addition to this, newspaper articles related to extreme weather conditions will also be useful for your child to read.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child’s progress in this subject?

Please feel free to contact me at school from 8.30-3.10 if you have any questions or concerns. History

Term: Spring

Teacher: Ms Afshan Siddiqui

What will we be covering this term?

The Vikings

Children are introduced to the idea that people from other societies have been coming to Britain for a long time. Children find out how Viking influence spread through different parts of the world and how, over a period of years, the Vikings eventually settled in Britain.

Children will develop their understanding of chronology, describe and identify reasons for and results of historical events, situations and changes and consider different ways the past has been interpreted.

How will my child be assessed this term?

Assessment will be based on class discussions and class work.

How can I help my child in this subject?

Having access to relevant information books, CD-ROMs and encyclopaedias will help them enhance their research skills and will encourage them to take more interest in the topic being covered.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child’s progress in this subject?

Please feel free to contact me at school from 8.30-3.10 if you have any questions or concerns. How will my child be assessed this term? There will be an assessment at the end of every half term. The pupils will also be tested on memorisation of relevant du’a and the 99 names of Allah. Class participation is also necessary.

How can I help my child in this subject? Please encourage your child to read stories from the Qur’an, lives of the Prophets and of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Further, help your child to learn the du’as by heart and to maintain them by re-revising them so that they form part of your child’s daily routines.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child’s progress in this subject? Please feel free to contact me at school from 8.30-3.10 if you have any questions or concerns. P. E. Term: Spring Teacher: Ms Afshan Siddiqui What will we be covering this term?

1st Half Term: Gymnastics

. explore combinations of floor, mats and apparatus, and find different ways of using a shape, balance or travel . practise an action or short sequence of movements, and improve the quality of the actions and transitions . show control, accuracy and fluency of movement when performing actions on their own and with a partner . devise and perform a gymnastic sequence, showing a clear beginning, middle and end . adapt a sequence to include different levels, speeds or directions . work well on their own and contribute to pair sequences . explain the differences between two performances . identify when two performances have the same elements and order, and comment on their quality . understand what is involved in the process of improving a performance . Cross curricular lessons combining P.E. with R.E- revising and correcting misconceptions in regarding the movements involved in Salah using the Prophetic Sunnah as a guide.

2nd Half Term: Invasion Games

 use a range of skills to help them keep possession and control of the ball  pass, receive and dribble the ball, keeping control and possession consistently  use a range of skills to keep possession and make progress towards a goal, on their own and with others  weigh up the options and often make good decisions about what to do  know how to use space in games  explain how to keep possession and describe how they and others have achieved it  identify what they do best and what they find most difficult  recognise players who play well in games and give some reasons why

How will my child be assessed this term? Your child will be assessed at the end of every lesson where s/he will be given feedback by the teacher or his/her peers alike. Opportunity for self-assessment will also be given.

How can I help my child in this subject? You can assist your child by practising the activities given above.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child’s progress in this subject? Please feel free to contact me at school from 8.30-3.10 if you have any questions or concerns.

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