Enrichment descriptions


1 pvc tube – 2-4” diameter, approx. 8 inches in length

2 caps -2-4 inch, depending on what size pvc used

1 eye bolt (size) with washers

Drill 1 or 2 holes on the side (midway) of the pvc tube. Large enough for preferred item ex. Raisin vs peanut. Drill a hole in the center of one cap. Size large enough for the eye bolt. Secure eyebolt on the cap, add locktite to the nut. Drill a very small hole in the center of 2nd cap for drainage during cleaning. Use pvc glue on both ends of the tube and inside the cap - attach both caps. Use a quick link to attach the eyebolt to the exhibit.

Forage balls and Attached forage balls

-boomer balls,

2 feet length of chain,

2 quick links

Use 4, 6, and 10” boomer balls (or whatever size you have). Drill 3-4 small and 2 large holes throughout ball (size?) If it’s intended to be attached - start by drilling a 1 inch hole in the center of the 10 inch ball on 2 sides (directly across from each other). This hole needs to be large enough for the chain to fit through. Drill a few more small holes for the food item to fall out. Snake the chain through the large holes of the ball, so there is chain coming out either side of the ball. Attach the quick links to each end of the chain and clip onto the mesh on the inside of the exhibit.

Note: for safety purposes stretch the chain out so it is tight and the ball rests snug against the mesh. (this inhibits any animal getting between the ball and the mesh). It is also easier to clip one side first then fill items through the large hole with the chain, then connect the other end of the chain to the mesh.


1 pcv tube 4” plus.

1 corresponding cap

1 corresponding adapter

Approx. 1 foot of chain or enough to get around the diameter of the pvc tube.

1 bolt, 1 nut, 2 washers 2 quick links

Material strips-burlap, towels, socks etc

Glue the pvc cap to the bottom of one end of the tube, making sure you have a good seal. Glue the female end piece on the other end of the tube. Wrap the chain around the tube so it sits underneath the female end. Secure the chain to itself using the bolt washers and nut. Clip the quick links on at 2 points on the chain so it can easily connect and hang on the mesh. Add dilute juice and provide strips (to soak up juice) in the exhibit.


Large plastic cylinder or barrel

2 pieces fire hose (2ft or greater)

Plastic coated steel cable

4 u-bolts (I think these are something different than u-bolt)

4 sets of nut/washers/bolt

4 quick links

Drill 1 hole on each end of the barrel, just large enough for the cable to pass. Drill a few different sized holes throughout the sides of the barrel (For food items to fall through). String the cable through the entire length of the barrel so each end is hanging out. Bend the cable back towards itself (so it forms a loop) and secure a u-bolt on the cable. Use a second u-bolt for extra security. Do this on the other end. Make a similar loop with the fire hose and fasten it with a regular bolt. Do this on all 4 ends of the hose. Use a quick link to fasten the loop of a fire hose to one loop of cable. Do both ends. Add a quick link to each end of the free fire hose loop. This will connect to a point in the exhibit. Stretch out the device so it spins freely. Add food item.


2 nut, washer bolt sets

1ft of fire hose (or longer), or seatbelt material

Plastic lid (ex 5 gallon bucket lid)

1 Quick link

Drill 2 holes, about 1.5-2” apart, in the top of the lid inside the lip. Use each hole as a starting point to cut a horizontal slit. Pass one end of the fire hose though it and fasten it to itself with a bolt. At the other end of the firehose make a loop and fasten it with a bolt. Use the quick link to fasten the loop of the fire hose to the mesh. Use on the outside of the exhibit mesh.


1- 4” pvc tube approx. 3 ft long

1 regular 4”cap

1- 4”adaper

1 screw cap (preferably a cap with a slit and not a protruding square so they can’t unscrew it)

4ft fire hose

1 bolt, washer, nut set

1 Quick link

Make a 2” horizontal slit across the top of the pvc 1/3rd of the way down. Do this by drilling 2 holes 2” apart and use a jig saw to connect the holes making a thin rectangle. This is the left side. Make another slit on the underside of the pvc approx. 4” towards the middle of the pvc. Snake the hose into the top slit so half of the hose is through. Reach in one end of the pvc and grab the hose and pull enough through to make a double knot. Then pull the hose back so the knot sits between the 2 slits. Send the rest of the hose out the bottom end. The knot will hold the fire hose so it cannot be pulled through at either end. At the top end of the hose make a loop and bolt it to itself. This is where the quick link will attach. Drill a few small holes at the right end or short end of the pvc on the bottom side (between the hose and end of pvc). Another hole can be drilled on the underside on the long or left end of the pvc to make the device a bit easier. Glue the adapter on the long or left end of the pvc and add the screw cap. Glue the regular cap on the opposite end. The idea is for the animal to pull the hose on the bottom which will tip the device so the right end tips down and the forage (which was previously sitting at the left or heavy end) comes out the holes. The less or smaller the holes the more difficult it is and the longer it takes for items to fall out.

Jello or juice ball

Boomer ball

Drill 1 hole in the ball. For jello balls make the hole larger ½” or more, so jello can come out or a stick can fit in to fish it out. For the juice ball, use a smaller hole 1/4”, and freeze it. This allows the juice to come out slower.

PVC tube

1 long piece of 1-3” inch diameter.

Cut the pvc into segments, either 3-6”. Add sticky food item or freeze.