Baltimore Hunt Valley Inn Wyndham Affiliate, Hunt Valley, MD
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SoMIRAC 2014 – 2015 Board of Directors’ Meeting 6/06/2015 Baltimore Hunt Valley Inn Wyndham Affiliate, Hunt Valley , MD
Call to Order: Gayle Glick: 8:41AM End Time: 1:07 PM
Executive Board in Attendance: Susan Frank, President, Lisa Lowe, Second Vice President; Gayle Glick, Immediate Past President; Bonnie Schmeltz, ILA State Coordinator; Ann Apple, Director of Membership Development; Mary Lou Nelson, Literacy Coordinator; Rita Gaudiello, Treasurer; Chelley Corpuz, Corresponding Secretary; Robin Glick Baum, Recording Secretary Executive Board Not in Attendance: Deb Tobin, President-Elect; Natalie Stephenson, First Vice President; Ellen Dysart, Executive Secretary
10 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS (Including former and current Recording Secretaries) 9 COMMITTEE CHAIRS -- LEM, SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEMBER 6 PAST STATE PRESIDENTS: Gayle Glick (Immediate Past President); Mary Lou Nelson (Everyone Reads Initiative); Bonnie Schmeltz, (State Coordinator); Donna Michel, (Advocacy/Govt. Relations); Leslie Sunderland, (21 st Century Leaders); & Sandy Watt (Maryland Reading Month) 27 LOCAL COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES: Anne Arundel County; Baltimore City; Baltimore County; Cecil County; Frederick County; Harford County; Howard County; Mid-Shore; Montgomery County; Prince George’s County; Southern Maryland; Upper Shore 44 TOTAL PARTICIPANTS ~~ Special Guests: Dan Capozzi, MSDE & Angie deGorman, MSDE
Attached Documents: Leadership Agenda, June 6, 2015 SoMIRAC Treasurer’s Report 6/1/2015 Maryland’s Teachers As Readers Selections 2014/2015
Breakfast & Networking with Colleagues
Welcome and Introductions: Gayle Glick
Everyone Reads: Mary Lou Nelson Discussion Included: Mary Lou shared specific information regarding First Book --a clearing house for publishers that distributes books to the economically disadvantaged. Mary Lou has bags of books for each council.
The Maryland College and Career Readiness Professional Learning Program: A ngela Guzman & Dan Capozi, MSDE Supports personalized learning for educators through MSDE and tracks professional development. Learning Forward Organization deals with the professional standards MD has adopted regarding college and career readiness.
Page 1 of 3 Conference 2015 Facilitators Susan shared the information relating to all facilitators at the upcoming conference. Tickets found in the facilitator packets will be used in a drawing for free conference registration for the SoMIRAC 2016 Conference. Donna Redmond was the winner for the 2015 SoMIRAC Conference; Shirley Faulkner for the 2016 SoMIRAC Conference
Installation of Officers: Bonnie Schmeltz, ILA State Coordinator Susan Frank, President; Deb Tobin, President Elect; Natalie Stephenson, First Vice President; Lisa Lowe, Second Vice-President; Gayle Glick, Immediate Past President; Bonnie Schmeltz, ILA State Coordinator; Ellen Dysart, Executive Secretary; Ann Apple, Director of Membership Development; Mary Lou Nelson, Literacy Coordinator; Rita Gaudiello, Treasurer; Chelley Corpuz; Robin Glick Baum, Recording Secretary
Taylor Book Group: Laurie Taylor Laurie shared new materials offered by the company.
Advocacy and Government Relations: Donna Michel By-laws information was disseminated regarding updating at the state and local levels.
Honor Council Updates Bonnie Schmeltz Local Honor Council information was disseminated and discussed.
Thanking Claudia Fraser: Susan Frank Susan thanked Claudia for her many years of superior service to SoMIRAC. Secretary’s (Robin) & Treasurer’s Reports (Rita) Treasurer’s Report Included: Year-to-Date Account Summary/Budget June 1, 2015 and reminders were shared. Recording Secretary’s Report No BoD meeting minutes were shared as we are beginning our 2015 – 2016 year.
SoMIRAC Conference Reports 2016: The Magic of Literacy: Deb Tobin 2017: Natalie Stephenson
Committee Reports: Gayle Glick The following committees shared information. 21 st Century Leaders: Leslie Sunderland, Chair Advocacy/Government Relations Report, Jan. 31 2015: Donna Michel : [email protected] Maryland Reading Month: Sandy Watt, Chair Parents & Reading: Lisa Lowe, Chair Publicity: Lisa Wild, Chair Scholarships and Member Grants: Bonnie Schmeltz, Chair Karen Peiffer, former SoMIRAC Executive Board member requested in her will that she be remembered by making donations to the SoMIRAC Scholarships and Member Grants.
Committee Reports: Gayle Glick, CONTINUED
Page 2 of 3 The following committees shared information.
Teachers as Readers ( TAR) : Donna Redmond, Chair Technology: Zetta Hart, Chair Young Authors 2-8: Chelley Corpuz, Chair There is a one week extension to be sure they have all been sent.
Membership: Ann Apple Discussion Included: We are unable to deal with membership on the new website so everything will stay the same except we are increasing our membership dues to $30.00, mostly due to the fees we pay for the use of the credit card. The $30.00 will be split 50/50 with local councils getting $3.00 more and the organization will receive $2.00 more—starting August 1, 2015. Students, retirees, and paras will not stay at $12.00.
Montgomery Reading Council: Jill Sullivan Jill shared a video that dealt with the Young Author’s Contest event this year--a library scavenger hunt.
Young Author’s High School Celebration: Jill Sullivan Ellen Oh was the presenter and she sent an email to Susan and Gayle regarding how very impressed she was with our state contest. She was particularly impressed with a student from Howard County and would like this student to submit her piece to Random House has as contest it will be published and she will receive $1000.00 We were reminded of the student last year who was encouraged to publish her own book after participating in our Young Author’s Contest.
Role-Alikes with Colleagues: Susan Frank
Lunch and Local Council Planning
Honor Council Awards and Recognition Anne Arundel County; Baltimore City; Baltimore County; Cecil County; Harford County; Howard County; Mid-Shore; Montgomery County; Prince George’s County; Southern MD; & Upper Shore
Closing : Susan Frank
Motion to adjourn: Cindy Harden, Upper Shore Reading Council; Second: Beth Coxon, Mid-Shore Reading Council. The motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted by Robin Glick Baum
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