Niagara West Community Garden Collective Plot Application Form

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Niagara West Community Garden Collective Plot Application Form

Niagara West Community Garden Collective Plot Application Form 2017 Community Garden Agreement and Guidelines PART 1 relates the basic philosophy of Community Gardening. PART 2 relates to the specifics of the community garden where your plot is located. PART 1 Welcome! Thank you for your interest in community gardening! You are part of a growing trend in urban agriculture and self-sufficiency. Your garden provides you the opportunity to create beauty, serenity, and abundance. Whether your interest lies in growing organic produce or creating a beautiful landscape, you are a steward of the land sharing that responsibility with fellow garden members. Community gardening implies self-sufficiency and includes obtaining the materials you need and learning the skills essential to gardening. With this consent, you are participating in a shared agreement with both rights and responsibilities. Annual plot allocation will depend upon your abidance to this agreement. Community garden members are welcome to use a plot and share in the maintenance of the larger garden with the following understandings: As a gardener you have the right to:  Garden during the designated season as outlined for your garden site.  The basic amenities such as access to your plot, water for your plot, devices for watering.  Equal opportunity and non-discrimination  A reasonably harmonious environment, and appropriate conflict resolution measures if needed  An orientation to your garden by the Garden Manager (GM) or other assigned garden representative From rights stem responsibilities: Because you and your fellow gardeners experience these rights, you also share a collective responsibility. It is possible to lose a community garden location if the garden becomes a liability to the property owner. It is important that the grounds be maintained to the highest standards possible to ensure annual access. In signing this agreement, you are agreeing to adhere to, promote, and accept these responsibilities as outlined below as standard operating philosophy, and to the other responsibilities that are specific to your garden site as outlined in Part 2 of this application. 1. The sustainability of a community garden is only possible through collective responsibility. An important part of being a community garden member is volunteering your time for its ongoing maintenance. Community garden plot holders are expected and required to participate in specific events that may be organized from time to time. There will be at least two specific events each season. A spring meeting and a fall garden closing. Annual maintenance issues can require extra work parties from time to time. If the plot holder is unable to attend extra work parties they must either arrange for someone else to participate on their behalf or arrange with the Garden Manager/Committee (GM/GC) to perform other volunteer work that is needed in the garden. Your eligibility for a plot the following year depends on your fulfilment of volunteerism that is necessary for the sustainability of your community garden. 2. Gardeners will adhere to organic gardening principles. The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers is prohibited in the garden. Organic amendments such as manure, peat, seaweed, compost, bone meal, and limestone are permitted. 3. Gardens are to be planted by June 1. You must notify the GM/GC by June 1st, if you are not able to use your plot, otherwise you will forfeit your plot and have to reapply as a new gardener the next year. 4. Plot holders are responsible for seeding, planting, cultivating, weeding, fertilizing, watering, and otherwise caring for their assigned plot. Plots must be maintained in an orderly condition at all times. Weeds must be removed on a regular basis and not allowed to take over a plot or go to seed. Weeds provide a home for harmful insects and pests that can negatively impact overall garden health. Weed seeds will find a home in the soil and reappear next season. Plots that are not fully utilized or are a source of weed or pest problems will be reassigned at the discretion of the GM/GC. 5. By the date of the Fall Garden Closing, all produce, dead vegetation, cages, stakes, etc. must be removed from the plot and the garden. Plot holders are required to completely clear their plot before giving them up if they are not renewing for the next season. 6. The paths and common areas of the garden are also the responsibility of all plot holders and must be kept free of weeds and debris. You must remove weeds/grasses from the common areas surrounding your plot to at least the centre line of the walkway or further. 7. No structures or planting pots are allowed alongside any plots. Trellis and cages inside a plot must not be higher than 4 feet and must not shade a neighbouring plot. Approval from the GM/GC must be sought before erecting a trellis over 3ft tall. 8. All gardeners will ensure tool sheds are locked, tools returned free of soil, and stored in an orderly fashion. Broken tools or other garden equipment should be reported to GM/GC immediately. 9. Plot holders who plan to be absent for 2 weeks or longer during the growing season, must arrange for someone to look after their plot and advise the GM/GC. If not a garden member already, then this person needs to meet with the GM/GC to review the policies of the garden. 10. All gardeners will practice water conservation on a day to day basis and follow any special instructions that may arise related to water use.

Garden plots will be inspected periodically to ensure compliance with this agreement.

General Rules for the Garden I. Once a plot has been assigned and paid for, no portion of the fee is refundable. II. Plot holders are not allowed to give their plot to someone else. III. Gardeners will not plant in plots that have not been assigned to them nor tend or remove produce from another’s plot without express permission of that other gardener or by direction of the GM/GC. IV. Dispose of weeds and plant materials in designated compost areas according to proper composting protocols. Do not put diseased plants or vegetables in the compost. V. Perennials (some herbs, rhubarb), invasive plants (mints), plants taller than 4ft., or plants that require large areas to grow (ie. squash, pumpkins) are not permitted except in designated areas of garden. If you wish to plant garlic in the fall you must have permission of GM/GC prior to planting. VI. Debris may not be left on site. Please take all garbage home with you. VII. Children are encouraged to participate and must be supervised. VIII. Dogs are not permitted within the garden area. Some people are afraid of dogs. Dogs can leave feces and damage planted plots if not supervised. IX. Smoking is not permitted with the garden area. X. The Garden is for recreational gardening to grow produce, herbs, and/or flowers for your use. Growing illegal

plants is prohibited.PART 2 Specific to Beamsville Community Garden 2017 The direction of “The Beamsville Community Garden” is provided by the gardening committee, so please come out to participate and have your voice heard. We encourage you to attend meetings and events and welcome your involvement in sustaining the Community Garden.  Attendance at the Spring Planning Meeting is mandatory. If you cannot attend you must call the GM/GC. Failure to call or attend may result in your plot being allocated to another waiting gardener.  Plot registration is on an annual basis. Your application for a plot can be submitted between March 15 and March 31. All plots will be allocated by April 14, at the discretion of the GM/GC with preference given to the previous year’s gardeners in good standing, then those who live locally, or have helped in the construction phase, and finally new gardener requests.  Raised beds require a special request and are considered on an individual basis.  Gardeners will have first “right-of-refusal” to use the same plot in the next growing season if there have been no violations of their garden agreement. Gardeners will be advised if there are violations at the time of the violation and given reasonable opportunity to comply.  If a gardener would like a different plot, they can request a new location upon registration. If the number of requests for relocation is greater than the number of open plots, reassignment will occur by lottery. Gardeners will retain their original plots if not successful in the lottery.  If any plots remain unassigned after May 15th, existing plot holders may apply for a second plot. These will be awarded by lottery to gardeners in good standing. Second plots will be assigned for one season only.  If you must abandon your plot, you will notify the GM/GC within ONE (1) WEEK of abandonment so your plot can be reassigned.  If your plot becomes unkempt, you will be given 7 days’ notice to tend it. An email and/or phone call will be received. After 7 days, another notice will be given with 3 days to respond or comply. Failure to respond or comply after the 2nd attempt will result in the loss of your gardening plot. A gardener may reapply for a plot next season with “new gardener” status.  The Beamsville season officially begins on May 1st and runs until the specified garden closing date in mid-October.  Currently plots at the Beamsville garden are at no charge to the user.  You understand the garden is operated by volunteers and agree to volunteer enough time to ensure the sustainability of the garden. If you are limited physically you will perform other types of volunteer work to assist the garden. (fundraising, newsletter, event planning, etc.)  You agree to the removal of diseased plants by a staff member without notice.  In order to harvest from the perennial gardens you understand that you must assist with maintaining (planting, weeding, watering) the common gardening area that contains perennial herbs and raspberries.  Any deliberate violations of these rules or any additional rules posted for 2 weeks may be grounds for immediate termination of this plot agreement. Niagara West Adult Learning Centre Beamsville Community Garden 2017

I have read and understand these terms and agree to garden by them and hereby consent to the disclosure or transmittal or examination of any relevant information deemed necessary to determine my eligibility for this community garden program. I hereby accept the conditions of this community garden agreement, and understand that the contravention of this agreement will result in forfeiture of my garden plot.

Name: ______Signature:______


Phone #: ______Email: ______

Age & number of gardeners: 0 - 12 yrs. _____ ; 19 – 50yrs _____ ; 51 – 60 yrs. _____ ; 65+ yrs. _____ I am requesting to have the same plot as last year. Circle one: Yes No New applicant

Do you wish notification about other events, including the GN Newsletter and educational seminars? Yes  No 

For Office Use Only Rental Paid $ ______Date Received ______Plot # ______

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