District School Board of Pasco County, Florida

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District School Board of Pasco County, Florida


The District School Board of Pasco County met in regular session at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 2, 2014, in the Board Room, District Office Complex, Building 3, 7205 Land O' Lakes Boulevard, Land O' Lakes, Florida. Present were Chairman Steve Luikart, Vice Chairman Joanne Hurley, and Board Members Allen Altman, Cynthia Armstrong, and Alison Crumbley. Also present were Kurt S. Browning, Superintendent and ex officio Secretary to the Board, and Dennis Alfonso, Attorney for the Board.

The meeting was opened with the reading of the School Board’s vision statement and was followed with the thought for the day by Chairman Luikart and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The Chairman asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of Richard Fritts, custodian at Charles S. Rushe Middle School.

The Chairman asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the regular meeting of November 18, 2014, and workshop of November 18, 2014. There were none, and on motion by Member Crumbley, seconded by Member Hurley, the minutes were approved unanimously.

The Chairman opened the First Reading of the Investment Policy (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 410, Page 1). Attorney Alfonso stated that notice of this hearing has been posted on the District’s web site. Chairman Luikart asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like to speak on this item. No one came forward. Member Altman moved that the Board approve the First Reading of the Investment Policy, seconded by Member Armstrong. On vote, the motion carried unanimously.

There were no special presentations.

The Chairman asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to address the Board.  Drew M., Holiday – student apology.  Jacob L., Hudson – student apology. Board members thanked the students for their apologies and the parents for their support.

The Chairman asked if the United School Employees of Pasco had anything to present. Jim Ciadella, Director of Operations and Services, USEP, spoke:  Negotiations - teacher and SRP sessions are planned for tomorrow. He believes a settlement is close, but a few important issues still need to be resolved. He commended the teams and district for their work.  Early Retirement Benefit – USEP is pleased to see the investment mix proposed for this program.  Student Assessment Resolution – USEP is pleased that Board is addressing this issue and considering signing a resolution.

There were no Committee reports from Board members.

(1.0) Reports, Information and Comments:

Superintendent Browning:  He attended a press conference yesterday at Sanders Memorial Elementary School (SMES) to kick off the online application period, which will run until January 15, 2015. 650 applications have been received as of this afternoon. The positive response confirms the need to continue to rigorously provide choices for our students and parents, even in existing schools - to find what fits in the communities and best serves the students. He thanked Dave Scanga, point person, and his team for their involvement in this process.  He requested that Item 2A (Closed Board Appeal Expulsion of Male Student (DOB 01/04/2000) Anclote High School) be pulled from the agenda. The item will be rescheduled for December 16, 2014.  He introduced Stacey Capogrosso, new Executive Director for the Pasco Education Foundation. Administration and Operations:  Ray Gadd reminded Board members of the upcoming visit to see the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) facility in Leon County on December 17. Student Achievement:  Terry Aunchman introduced Thomas Saxton, Supervisor, Office for Career and Technical Education.  Monica Ilse introduced Michael Coon, Curriculum Specialist, Office for Teaching and Learning. (2.0) Melissa Musselwhite, Director, Office for Student Support Programs and Services, presented the following expulsion recommendation.

A. Closed Board Appeal Expulsion of Male Student (DOB 01/04/2000) Anclote High School PULLED B. Expulsion Cumulative Report - School Year 2014-2015 (See Misc. Supp. Minute Book 410, Page 3)

The Chairman asked Board members to identify the items on the consent agenda that they would like placed on the action agenda. The items on the ACTION AGENDA are as follows:

10. Resolutions - None Submitted 11. Property Acquisitions - None Submitted 12. Miscellaneous Action Items A. 2014-2015 Organizational Chart (Update)

The Chairman asked for a motion to approve all other items on the consent agenda. Member Hurley moved that the Board approve all items on the consent agenda, including addenda, with the exception of Item 2A (Closed Board Appeal Expulsion of Male Student (DOB 01/04/2000) Anclote High School). Member Crumbley seconded the motion, and on vote the motion carried unanimously to approve the CONSENT AGENDA as follows:

3. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT A. Learning Communities (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 410, Pages 4-5) 1. Requests for School Field Trips 2. Ten Period Day Proposal - Wiregrass Ranch High School B. Teaching and Learning (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 410, Pages 6) 1. School Choice Change of Placement C. Professional Development and School Supports - None Submitted D. Accountability Research and Measurement - None Submitted E. Student Support Programs and Services (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 410, Page 7) 1. Disciplinary Change of Placement F. School Field Trips - None Submitted 4. ADMINISTRATION A. Human Resources and Educator Quality (See Personnel Supplemental Minute Book 80, Page 30) 1. Administrative, Instructional, Non-Instructional, and Professional Technical Personnel Recommendations 2. Winter/Spring Athletic Supplement Recommendations (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 410, Page 8) B. Employee Relations - None Submitted C. Technology and Information Services - None Submitted 5. SUPPORT SERVICES A. Planning Services (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 410, Pages 9-10) 1. Request for Use of Facilities 2. Sale of Surplus Property - 4.24 Acres (4920 Grand Boulevard) B. Construction Services - None Submitted C. Food and Nutrition Services - None Submitted D. Maintenance Services (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 410, Page 11) 1. Surplus Equipment E. Purchasing Services (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 410, Page 12) 1. Bid Recommendations, Bid Renewals, and Contracts Date/Time: November 21, 2014; 15:20:00 Contracts: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay, Inc.; City of Zephyrhills – Zephyrhills Fire Rescue; Edgenuity; McClain, Alfonso and Meeker 6. FINANCE SERVICES (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 410, Pages 13-14) A. Interim Financials for All Fund Types - 07/01/2014 through 10/31/2014 B. Warrant List C. 2014-2015 Budget Amendments - October 2014 - #20 through #25 (See Budget Supplemental Minute Book 34, Page 15) 7. GRANT PROPOSALS - None Submitted 8. ALLOCATIONS (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 410, Page 16) A. Allocation Changes (2014-2015): Add - Occup Therapist 198 (IDEA) Add – Teacher Resource Compliance (ESE Guaranteed; IDEA) Add - Director PLACE (PLACE) Add Specialist TL (Digital Classroom) Add- Addl Duty ESOL (Title III) Add – Addl Duty Inst Sch Psy (Basic Discretionary) 9. INTERNAL AUDIT – None Submitted

(12A) The Chairman presented the request for approval of 2014-2015 Organizational Chart (Update), showing relocation of the PLACE department from instructional to operations (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 410, Page 17). Member Crumbley moved that the Board approve the 2014-2015 Organizational Chart (Update), seconded by Member Armstrong. On vote, the motion carried unanimously.

Individual Board members presented and discussed items:  Member Armstrong: o Attended the SMES press conference and school tour. o The annual 38th Annual West Pasco Chamber of Commerce Holiday Street Parade will be held on Saturday, December 13, 2014, in downtown New Port Richey. Bright House Networks is giving students and family members the chance to elect a favorite elementary, middle and high school principal as Grand Marshals to ride on a float that night. Voting information can be found on their website.  Member Crumbley: o Attending the FSBA Conference in Tampa this week. o The Legislative Delegation meeting will be held tomorrow at Sunlake High School. o Met with Senator Legg today.  Member Altman: o Gave kudos to the representatives from the Pasco Education Foundation for their work on behalf of our district. o Met with Senator Legg and WHO Burgess to discuss the district’s needs and keep them informed.  Vice Chairman Hurley: o Attending the FSBA Conference in Tampa this week. o Will meet with Senator Legg on Thursday. o Attended the SMES press conference. The school has a rich history in Land O’Lakes and she is excited about this new chapter for the school.  Chairman Luikart: o Attending the FSBA Conference in Tampa this week. o Will be participating in the upcoming visit to the CNG facility in Tallahassee later this month.

Dennis Alfonso, School Board attorney, had no comments.

The Chairman asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to address the Board. No one came forward.

The Chairman announced that the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board is December 16, 2014, at 6:00 p.m.

There was no further business to come before the Board, and upon motion by Member Altman, the meeting was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.

(Audio recording of the above proceeding is available and preserved as public document.)



December 16, 2014 ______Superintendent of Schools

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