How to Generate $20,000 Per Month with Your
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Lets Get Back To Basics 1 Lets Get Back To Basics Getting Contracts
Roy Vera, R.T., MBA
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Roy Vera, R.T., MBA
© VISMedical and Roy Vera, R.T., MBA Lets Get Back To Basics 2
Limit of Liability
It is a shame in my opinion that I have to include this in my Report. I have taken every effort in writing this Report to include useful information on the topic of generating income from your staffing agency. I do not in any way shape or from guarantee or even imply any level of earnings from anything you might apply from this Report or anything else you may purchase or download from me or any of my web sites. I cannot vouch for the legality of any of the methods I describe, nor can I be held responsible for any repercussions or reactions that may occur when you apply any of these methods.
All of the information and links I have included in the Report are designed to increase your revenue by eliminating the work and effort involved in growing your staffing agency, and are included with the understanding that to the best of my knowledge, which in some cases may be non-existent, are genuine and reputable sources. However, whenever you make a purchase from one of the websites, links, or companies I recommend, suggest, or simply compile for your use, I cannot be held responsible for their deliverability or reputation.
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© VISMedical and Roy Vera, R.T., MBA Lets Get Back To Basics 3
About the Author
Roy Vera initiated his first business venture in 1995, writing his first book for staffing agency entrepreneurs in 2006. Roy has worked as a salesperson, marketing director and owner within the medical staffing industry. Roy has earned his Bachelors Degree in Management and his Masters Degree in Business. Roy has helped hundred of staffing entrepreneurs internationally to start and expand their staffing agencies.
In January of 2007, Roy Vera made the choice to enter the arena of Internet. Roy began to build and expand his staffing business online to include providing quality and reliable information for new and existing entrepreneurs entering the staffing industry.
To join his mailing list and receive recommendations of useful staffing marketing tools, and helpful staffing marketing and business building tips, visit: VISMedical
© VISMedical and Roy Vera, R.T., MBA Lets Get Back To Basics 4
I am going to write this report based on an assumption! The assumption is that you are still unable to get your first contract.
If you already started getting contracts from hospitals but are unable to get those hospitals to call you, then this report is for you too.
I get this a lot form new staffing agencies, that they still cannot find a single contracts.
Why is this happening too me?
I am doing everything right! I have all the tools and the staff and I have even checked my prices they are competative! I even am offering free shifts, but still nobody calls me!
I know you are and I know you are doing everything you think is right. You have followed a lot of my advice, but still you cannot get a single contract.
You got past the gatekeeper and met with the manager, but he/she is unwilling to sign a contract with you.
As always, the best way for me to illustrate what I am going to talk to you about is by showing you an example of how I helped a staffing agency secure a contract from what many believed to be an unbreakable barrier.
I love challenges like this! Why? Well, I hate when people say it cannot be done or I cannot do it.
Let me ask you first a question?
Have you ever seen a square watermelon?
Think about it! Do you think you will ever see a square watermelon?
Do you think it can be done?
Will you have to go to a square universe to find a square Watermelon.
© VISMedical and Roy Vera, R.T., MBA Lets Get Back To Basics 5
No, infact square watermelons are common today in Japan.
A round watermelon can take up a lot of room in a refrigerator and the usually round fruit often sits awkwardly on refrigerator shelves.
Smart Japanese Farmers have forced their watermelons to grow into a square shape by inserting the melons into square, tempered glass cases while the fruit is still growing on the vine.
So, what does this have to do with finding contracts for the medical staffing industry. It has a lot to do with it, let me explain!
© VISMedical and Roy Vera, R.T., MBA Lets Get Back To Basics 6
I had a staffing agency come to me to help them find contracts, specifically they wanted to find local contracts. The thing was that they started a staffing agency in an area that was kind of remote.
The facility they wanted to contract with was already using a staffing agency. The staffing agency had been providing service for over ten years.
This staffing agency was providing the following services.
CT MRI Ultrasound Echo’s
From what I understood, many other staffing agencies have tried to penetrate this market unsucessfully. As it turned out the owner of the staffing agency and the Director of Radiology were good friends.
That by itself was not a conflict of interest, but the challenge was that this staffing agency was providing the above services at a competative price to begin with.
I asked the staffing agency I was consulting with how many times have they spoken to the Director of Radiology. Over six times and always are told the same thing, that they are happy with the current staffing agency and unless they have all the modalities to offer: Nothing will be considered.
What was happening was that the staffing agency covering this hospital was an outside company brining in there own truck for both the MRI and CT. I asked the staffing agency what niche are they prepared to provide service for.
They told me that they are currently able to provide Echo Ultrasound.
So this is what we did!
We new that the current staffing agency was charging $200 per case: The Radiology Director had no problem telling us how much they were paying for the service.
The thing about this staffing agency was that they performed the Echos whenever they were called. So, the thing is that somedays they would only do one Echo.
© VISMedical and Roy Vera, R.T., MBA Lets Get Back To Basics 7
Aha! I found it! I yelled outloud!
I found how the company I was consulting for will make there way in and secure a contract and be the number one source for Echos.
I advised the staffing agency to reduce there price to half: They were a little worried about doing this.
The next thing I did was adviced them to make a achedule meeting with the Hospital administrator.
Hospital administrators are always looking to save fixed costs.
But, how they will be able to make a profit is to have the Radiology Department only call them for Echos once a week. In other words, pick a day of the week to do Echos and that way if you are doing ten echos, then for that day alone you will make $1,000.
The thing is that this facility has five sister hospitals and if they all schedule once a week, that means this staffing agency can generate $5,000 a week.
They scheduled a meeting with the adminstrator and were able to sell them on this ideal. The adminstrator was happy to pay half as much for the service he already was using.
Without consulting it with the Radiology Director, the administrator sent out a memo telling the Radiology Director no longer to use the current staffing agency for Echos, but to begin using this new staffing company.
Today, the staffing agency I help get in the door is no only covering these five facilities, but has moved into other hospitals farther away and using the same concept.
Hence, if someone is telling you in cannot be done, think about how Japanese farmers were able to make Square Watermelons.
© VISMedical and Roy Vera, R.T., MBA Lets Get Back To Basics 8
© VISMedical and Roy Vera, R.T., MBA Lets Get Back To Basics 9
Roy Vera R.T., MBA is an accomplished author, publisher and consultant for the medical staffing agency. To learn more you can visit his website at ------Sometimes the simplest actions create longer lasting results.
Next week we will continue talking about finding clients, look for the report in your inbox.
Other Medical Staffing Products You May Need:
Recruiting Dynamics: Learn how to find recruits for your Medical Staffing Agency. Business Plan: Use this template to design your Medical Staffing Business. Pricing Strategies: Make sure you are pricing your company competitively. Phone Consulting: Talk to an expert to help you along the way.
© VISMedical and Roy Vera, R.T., MBA