Central Berks Regional Police Commission

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Central Berks Regional Police Commission


The July 7, 2016 meeting of the Central Berks Regional Police Commission was called to order at 7:06 PM by Chairman John Theodossiou. The meeting was opened with the pledge to the flag. Commissioners answering roll call included James Cocuzza, Mark Dudash, John Theodossiou, and Todd Weikel. Also in attendance was Claudia Hurwitz, Secretary; Mark Merolla, Solicitor; Raymond Serafin, Chief of Police.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION TO: approve the June 2, 2016 meeting minutes, as presented. MOTION BY: Mr. Theodossiou SECONDED BY: Mr.Cocuzza VOICE VOTE: All in favor.

FINANCIAL REPORTS: MOTION TO: ratify payment of bills totaling $253,776.28, as presented. MOTION BY: Mr. Theodossiou SECONDED BY: Mr. Dudash VOICE VOTE: All in favor. MOTION TO: approve the June 2016 Treasurer’s Report totaling $467,509.70, as presented. MOTION BY: Mr. Cocuzza SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodossiou VOICE VOTE: All in favor. MOTION TO: approve payment of interim bills and payroll. MOTION BY: Mr. Cocuzza SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodossiou VOICE VOTE: All in favor.


SOLICITOR’S REPORT: Mr. Merolla reminded the Commissioners that the MMO estimates and the Chief’s contract will be coming up soon.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Administration/Personnel: no report. Finance/Insurance/Pension: Mr. Weikel wants to make sure the pension account transfer goes smoothly, and all money is accounted for. Ms. Hurwitz sent 3 checks to Charles Schwab via Atlas for the pension contributions that were withheld since February. The bank accounts are on track to be switched for the pension payroll. Building/Equipment: no report. CHIEF AND SECRETARY: Chief: Chief Serafin spoke about the heroin problem in the area. The District Attorney is encouraging the Department to adopt the Naxalone program, which counters the effect of an overdose. All officers must be trained. Secure storage will present a challenge. Discussion followed. Regarding the Joint Codes Program, Mount Penn’s approximate cost for the next two years is as follows: 2016- $13,942.45 and 2017-$19740.00. Lower Alsace Township will contribute a larger portion of money in order to secure the Codes official. Discussion followed. Chief Serafin is seeking the blessing of the Commission regarding the program. MOTION TO: to move forward in hiring a Codes official, pending approval of both municipalities, under the supervision of the police chief. MOTION BY: Mr. Weikel SECONDED BY: Mr. Cocuzza VOICE VOTE: All in favor. Secretary: no report. UPDATES: Lower Alsace Township: no report. Mount Penn Borough: Mr. Dudash reported that Mount Penn Council opposed full time code enforcement under the supervision of the Chief of Police. Discussion followed. Police Association: no report. July 7, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 2

OLD BUSINESS: The court case against TRM was awarded in favor of Central Berks. NEW BUSINESS: none. EXECUTIVE SESSION: none. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION TO: adjourn the meeting at 7:47 PM. MOTION BY: Mr. Dudash SECONDED BY: Mr. Cocuzza VOICE VOTE: All in favor. The next regular meeting is scheduled for August 4, 2016, at 7:00 PM at the Mount Penn Borough municipal building.

Respectfully submitted,

Claudia J. Hurwitz, Secretary

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