American Public Works Association s3
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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this Family Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to worthy young men and women who are seeking a post-secondary education in a technical vocational training program, trade school, college, or university.
The APWA-Ohio Chapter Board of Directors intends to award two undergraduate scholarships for 2017-2018 in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) each.
CRITERIA: The recommendation of students to receive scholarships shall be within the discretion of the Family Scholarship Committee. This recommendation is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. Specific points to be considered shall be the same values held high by APWA:
Character and Integrity; Academic Excellence (a minimum 2.75 GPA* and attainment of freshman, sophomore, junior or senior status during the next academic year); Service to the Community; and Leadership.
*- For sophomores, juniors, and seniors the GPA is for post-secondary education. For freshman, must have 2.75 GPA as a high school senior.
APPLICATION: (Information contained herein will be held confidential.)
I hereby apply for an American Public Works Association Family Scholarship to assist in the payment of my tuition expenditures while in full-time (minimum 12 semester hours) attendance during the regular academic year.
Date of Application: Name: Last First Middle Permanent Address: Street City State Zip Phone # ( ) Marital Status: ______
School Applicant Will Attend: ______Degree Sought: Anticipated Graduation Date: Recommending APWA Family Member: APWA Membership Number: ______Legal Relationship to APWA Family Member: ______Child / Step Child ______Grandchild ______Spouse 2 of 2 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Please submit along with this completed form:
(1) Listing of activities and achievements; (2) At least one letter of recommendation from a responsible community member (non-family) expressing the applicant’s values of character, integrity, service to the community, and leadership; (3) A one-page paper, typed single spaced, indicating why you should be selected for a scholarship. Focus on how the APWA values of character, integrity, service to the community, and leadership have, or are currently, a meaningful part of your life; (4) Describe any special circumstances not covered by information provided which you feel should be considered in evaluating this application; (5) Official post-secondary education transcript or report of grades to show that a grade point average of 2.75 or above has been maintained. For freshman, high school transcripts are required.
If I am granted financial aid, I hereby certify that:
A. I plan to be enrolled in the following post-secondary educational program for the 2017- 2018 school year:
B. I will uphold the APWA values of character, integrity, academic excellence, service to the community, and leadership.
C. The information submitted herewith is true and correct.
(Signature of applicant) (date)
Please forward all information post marked not later than May 1, 2017 to:
Tom Brankamp, PE Strand Associates, Inc. 615 Elsinore Place, Suite 320 Cincinnati, OH 45202