Local Delivery of Chemicotheraputic Agents in Periodontal Therapy s1

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Local Delivery of Chemicotheraputic Agents in Periodontal Therapy s1

Naval Postgraduate Dental School National Naval Dental Center Clinical Update Bethesda, Maryland

Vol. 30, No. 3 2008 Peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis: incidence, etiology, diagnosis and treatment Commander Brett Metcalf, DC, USN and Commander Matthew J. Gramkee, DC, USN

Introduction Gargiulo.3,6,11,12 Microbial invasion into implant biologic width and The success of endosseous dental implants has been at- bacterial colonization of the titanium surface leads to mucositis tributed to their functional ankylosis or bone anchorage. and, if the peri-implant bone levels are affected, to peri-implanti- Branemark described this osseointegration as a direct struc- tis.7,9,10,13 Peri-implant microbiota acquire the patients’ indigenous tural connection at the light microscopic level between bone periodontal microflora.14 These microbiological findings related to and the surface of a load-carrying implant.1 healthy and failing implants are the same as those for healthy and Criteria for successful osseointegration were established periodontally compromised teeth.15,16 Infected sites around failed by Albrektsson and Smith as: 1) absence of persistent implants may harbor a complex microbiota with a large proportion signs/symptoms such as pain, infection, neuropathies, parathe- of known periodontal pathogens like Porphymonas gingivalis, Pre- sias, and violation of vital structures; 2) implant immobility; votella intermedia, and Fusobacterium nucleatum.8 Stated another 3) no continuous peri-implant radiolucency; 4) negligible pro- way, successful implants are sparsely colonized by gram negative gressive bone loss (less than 0.1mm annually) after physiolog- cocci while ailing implants yield significant amounts of gram neg- ic remodeling during the first year in function; and 5) ative anaerobic bacteria. These findings support the recommenda- patient/dentist satisfaction with the implant supported restora- tion that patients with implants be evaluated regularly for any clini- tion(s).2,3 The clinician should continuously assess these pa- cal signs and symptoms of peri-implant disease.17 rameters as implants, like natural teeth, are susceptible to peri- odontal pathogens and a stimulated host inflammatory reac- Diagnosis of peri-implant tissue tion.4 Following implant therapy, patients should be placed on a Today, with increasing numbers of patients receiving den- three to four month recall program for the first year. After the first tal implants, it is imperative that all dental clinicians be com- year, their tissue response should be evaluated and then placed on a petent in monitoring and maintaining dental implant health.5 custom recall schedule. However, this interval should be no longer The purpose of this update is to describe incidence, etiology, than 6 months. The clinician should assess: 1) presence of plaque diagnosis and a treatment strategy for peri-implant mucositis and calculus, (2) peri-implant probing depth (PD) (less than 3mm), and peri-implantitis. (3) presence of bleeding upon probing (BOP), (4) presence of sup- puration, (5) width of keratinized gingiva, (6) radiographic evalua- Incidence of peri-implant diseases tion to monitor the crestal bone levels, and (7) fixture mobility. 18,19 Studies have shown the placement of endosseous implants The radiographic evaluation should include a comparison with any is a predictable procedure with relatively few biologic compli- previous radiographs. Initial bone loss can be expected to be near cations. The complication rate is difficult to ascertain and the level of the first thread. Additional bone loss of approximately may be underreported due to varying assessment procedures, 0.1 mm per year for the first five years (up to a total of 1.5mm) is implant systems and protocols. Even so, Berglundh found the considered normal.2 Complete seating of the associated parts (abut- incidence of peri-implantitis ranged from 0% to 14.4% and ap- ment and/or restoration) should also be verified from the radio- peared to be related to the number of years the fixtures were in graph.19 6,7 service. Furthermore, there is evidence to indicate the com- A working diagnosis of peri-implant mucositis should be plication rate may be higher in patients with implants replac- made in the presence of any of the above-assessed factors that re- ing teeth lost because of plaque-induced chronic periodontal sult in inflammation around the implant and/or abutment. If the disease.8 condition worsens to include evidence of bone loss, an appropriate The initial inflammatory response to microbial coloniza- diagnosis would be peri-implantitis.7,9,10,13 Regardless of the diag- tion of the implant surface is termed peri-implant mucositis. nosis, immediate treatment is recommended. This is a reversible inflammatory condition limited to the soft tissues around the implant (without any bone loss). Peri-im- Treatment protocols plantitis results if the inflammation spreads apically with the Conventional periodontal therapy should be instituted if in- loss of osseointegrated supporting bone.9,10 flammation develops around an implant. Lang and coworkers sug- gested a novel systematic step-wise approach for the prevention Etiology of peri-implant diseases and treatment of peri-implant diseases referred to as cumulative in- The mucosa composing the epithelial and connective tis- terceptive supportive therapy (CIST).18 This system is based on pe- sue attachments surrounding endosseous implants provides a riodic monitoring with implementation of treatment as thresholds tight seal to resist food impaction and microbial invasion and for a particular condition are met. The first step is protocol (A), is comparable to the biologic width around teeth described by then (B) and, if conditions continue to worsen, the case should be referred to a specialist with implant training to execute proto- 5. Lang NP, Nyman SR. Supportive maintenance care for patients cols (C) and finally (D).20 Protocol (A) is used to control in- with implants and advanced restorative therapy. Periodontol 2000. flammation in peri-implant mucositis, that is, implants with 1994 Feb;4:119-26. minimal increase in PD, slight (+) BOP, marginal erythema, 6. Berglundh T, Lindhe J. Dimension of the peri-implant mucosa. plaque and/or calculus. The therapeutic endpoint is to resolve Biological width revisited. J Clin Periodontol. 1996 Oct;23(10): inflammation with cautious mechanical debridement (utilizing 971-3. plastic curettes and rubber cup prophylaxis), twice daily swab- 7. 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London: Quintessence; 1994; 365- and is employed in conditions with evidence of osseointegrat- 369. ed bone loss (less than 2mm) and PD greater than 5mm. The 10. Tonetti MS, Schmid J. Pathogenesis of implant failures. Peri- strategy should comprise the modalities for protocol (A) and odontology 2000; 1994 Feb;4:127-38. (B) with the addition of systemic antibiotic therapy (metron- 11. Gargiulo A, Wentz F, Orban B. Dimensions and relations of idazole 250mg TID for seven days or amoxicillin 500mg TID the dentogingival junction in humans. J Periodontol. 1961 Jul; for 10 days). Furthermore, periodontal surgical access for sur- 32:261-268. face decontamination (citric acid 1 to 2 minutes or tetracycline 12. Oh TJ, Yoon J, Misch CE, Wang HL. The causes of early im- 250mg/5ml for 5 minutes) should be considered. Protocol (D) plant bone loss: myth or science? J Periodontol. 2002 Mar;73 is initiated in circumstances of frank peri-implantitis which re- (3):322-33. veal probing depths (greater than 6mm), (+) BOP, plaque/cal- 13. Pontoriero R,Tonelli MP,Carnevale G, Mombelli A, Nyman culus and moderate bone loss. This strategy will require peri- SR, Lang NP. Experimentally induced peri-implant mucositis. A odontal surgical intervention for chemical disinfection, os- clinical study in humans. Clin Oral Implants Res. 1994 Dec;5(4): seous resection and/or guided bone regeneration (GBR). GBR 254-9. will attempt to salvage the implant through bone regeneration 14. Mombelli A. Prevention and therapy of peri-implant infec- techniques with the use of resorbable or non-resorbable semi- tions. In: Lang NP, Karring T, Lindhe J, eds. Proceedings of the permeable membranes and a bone replacement graft (freeze- 3rd European Workshop on Periodontology. Berlin: Quintessence; dried bone allograft, anorganic bovine bone). 1999; 281-303. In clinical practice, CIST is aimed at early detection and 15. Mombelli A, van Oosten MAC, Schurch E Jr, Land NP. The methodical step-wise treatment which may rescue and reverse microbiota associated with successful or failing osseointegrated ti- the fate of the ailing endosseous dental implant.18 tanium implants. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 1987 Dec;2(4):145-51. Summary 16. Rosenberg ES, Torosian JP, Slots J. Microbial differences in 2 Failure of dental implants are detrimental to both pa- clinically distinct types of failures of osseointegrated implants. tients and dental healthcare providers. Periodic recall should Clin Oral Impl Res. 1991 Jul-Sep;2(3):135-44. focus on re-enforcement of proper homecare, early detection 17. Karoussis IK, Muller S, Salvi G, Heitz-Mayfield L, Bragger U, and, if necessary, immediate treatment of peri-implant mu- Lang N. Association between periodontal and peri-implant condi- cositis and implantitis. 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Microbiological findings and host response not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Depart- in patients with peri-implantitis. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2002 ment of the Navy, Department of Defense, nor the U.S. Govern- Aug;13(4):349-58. ment.

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