Personnel in Attendance

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Personnel in Attendance

ADTA Liaison Committee Meeting Notes January 21, 2015

Personnel in Attendance: Dr. Edwin Gómez, Superintendent Dorothy Campbell, Teacher, Victoria Magathan Elementary School Dr. Amy Nguyen-Hernandez, Chief Academic Officer Lois Payton, Teacher, George Visual and Performing Arts Magnet School Steve Desist, Chief Personnel Officer Marcella Poole, Theodore Vick Elementary School Donna Landry, Director of Risk Management/ Ceronne Christie, Teacher, Columbia Middle School Benefits and Safety Raymond Dodd, Teacher, Columbia Middle School Phillip Gonzales, Coordinator, Maintenance and Operations Linda Casas, Chair, ADTA Liaison Committee; Teacher, Victoria Magathan Elementary School

NOTE: The following document includes concerns/issues that were presented to Dr. Edwin Gómez and members of the Cabinet at the ADTA Liaison Committee Meeting held January 21, 2015. Some concerns/issues have been resolved; others remain in a pending status. The concerns/issues presented may not appear in the order of introduction. Instead, related topics were grouped together by department. The items that were presented for the first time are noted with the date of this meeting. The issues that were referenced again either because they have been resolved or because there is a repeated or additional concern are differentiated in the text below by italicized, indented, and highlighted text, accompanied with the date of this meeting.

Concerns / Issues – Academics Responses George – Keeping up with grading the math work on a daily basis is a difficult task. Columbia – The seventh grade Science Benchmark was administered to the students. Dr. Gómez wanted to know if staff at Columbia has been However, the test did not work. The District’s pacing guide for Science does not follow administering common assessments. the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for either seventh or eighth grade. Dr. Gómez also inquired when the students would be ready for the Last summer, staff from Columbia developed a pacing guide and common assessments next Benchmark. during one week of their summer vacation. They were not compensated for their time Dr. Gómez assured the staff that he would discuss this issue with and efforts. At Columbia, Ecology was addressed first, but this was not tested with the Jennifer Behrman so that a different assessment could be Benchmark. Cells/Taxonomy were on the seventh grade Benchmark, but not taught. developed for Columbia’s students. Jennifer Behrmann, she said that she would disregard the grades at Columbia. Dr. Gómez shared that there is a need to get in instruction and Indeed, RTI and common assessments are being administered. The student groups assessment in synch. changed recently because of their results on the common assessments. The students are ready now to take the next Benchmark, but the assessment does not match the instruction. The new Benchmarks are aligned to the old blueprints. 1 Concerns / Issues – Academics Responses (Continued from above.) (Continued from above.) January 21, 2015 – Columbia - Teachers are having to create different January 21, 2015 – Dr. Gómez shared that the assessments. They do not have the ability to teach as they had planned for administrative staff had discussed the assessments. RTI. Staff shared that the students are discouraged when they receive the Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez confirmed there is an equity and results of their assessments. Staff mentioned that the Science Benchmarks access issue. She informed the group that she had were developed based on the old blueprints; they do not match our talked with Jennifer Behrmann regarding the pacing instruction, which is based on the CCSS. Staff further stated that they had guide. Also, she shared that some of the Benchmarks been told to base the instruction on the Common Core State Standards in an are growth-based; others are summative-based. It effort to match the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), including depends on the pacing guide. She also stated that the labs. What is tested should have been taught. Other teachers across the state currently does not have a NGSS question bank district are following the pacing guide developed by the district office staff. from which to select assessment items. The current Jennifer Behrman was going to share with other science teachers the pacing stems are for the transition year. The assessments guide created by the CMS. It does not make sense to go back and start over generally help us determine how the students are doing again. Nor does it make sense to test students on things they have not been in Science. It’s hard to get a global view. taught. Staff at CMS actually have a more in-depth instructional approach and provide students with more information. Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez commented that the CMS staff is further ahead than the other staff across the district. Everything should have been taught by the end of the school year. Dr. Gómez proposed that Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez and her staff have a specific conversation about the growth model of assessment, perhaps have the assessments match the pacing guide. Magathan – On behalf of the Dual Language Immersion Program (DLIP) staff, please Dr. Gómez said that he would talk with Carol Coburn and Jennifer make sure that the next set of Benchmarks for Spanish Language Arts are prepared and Behrmann about this concern. disseminated during the dates identified in the testing calendar. This was not the case January 21, 2015 – Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez responded with the first set of Benchmarks for Spanish Language Arts. Also, the DLIP staff was that Carol Coburn said that the Spanish Benchmarks are asked to complete a spreadsheet with the students’ responses as opposed to filling in good to go. the bubbles on scan sheets. January 21, 2015 – Staff inquired about the development of the second Spanish Language Arts and Mathematics Benchmarks.

2 Concerns / Issues – Academics Responses January 21, 2015 – Magathan – The intermediate SDC class is scheduled to be merged January 21, 2015 – Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez shared that staff had with the primary SDC class. Parents are concerned about the age difference between communicated the class change with all of the intermediate SDC the students. students’ parents and that Jennifer Johnson, Director of Special Education, would be contacting the parents of the primary SDC students. Mr. Desist suggested that additional adults be hired to assist in the classroom. January 21, 2015 – Columbia – Can a student’s IEP be shared with teachers? January 21, 2015 – Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez responded affirmatively. Further, she asked if the IEPs are filed in the students’ cumulative Linda Casas responded that an IEP is not to be filed within a student’s cumulative folder. folders. Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez shared that when undergoing a Marcella Poole stated that as a special education teacher she has never filed the IEPs in state audit in Chino Valley, the auditors checked for the presence of the students’ cumulative folder. To Mr. Desist’s question, Mrs. Poole responded that the IEPs in the cumulative folders. she sends an electronic copy to the mainstream teacher. Mr. Desist questioned, “What happens when a student is Lois Payton stated that she records the information from the student’s IEP, but this mainstreamed?” information is not available for others to see. Dr. Gómez stated that the procedure may vary between different districts and suggested that a standard needs to be developed for implementation across AESD. January 21, 2015 – George – Why does it take so long to send students’ records from January 21, 2015 – Dr. Gómez assured that it should not take long one campus to another within AESD? for this transfer of records to take place and he would look into the matter. Marcella Poole suggested that a timeline be developed to ensure prompt delivery. January 21, 2015 – Columbia – Can a student be tested [for special education] upon January 21, 2015 – Mr. Desist responded that a parent must sign enrollment? There is a stigma, particularly with African American students. the appropriate documentation prior to a student being tested. January 21, 2015 – Lois Payton suggested that classified personnel should be included in January 21, 2015 – Dr. Gomez and Mr. Desist met with a group of the discussions so that they may provide input. teachers to discuss the inclement weather schedules. Parents may bring the children into the classrooms. Who would be interested in Dorothy Campbell asked how many staff would be included in the discussions and later offering information regarding the implementation? Staff could volunteered to participate in the discussions. discuss this with Peter Livingston. Mr. Desist suggested that a good Lois Payton asked if staff’s participation would be voluntary. mix of people be invited to participate. Raymond Dodd suggested that someone inquire of the guidelines used in Silver Valley. Marcella Poole shared that teachers at Ted Vick are concerned regarding the number of minutes that were taken away during inclement weather.

3 Concerns / Issues – Academics Responses January 21, 2015 – George – Teachers are doing a fabulous job with the new January 21, 2015 – Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez asked for elaboration on curriculum, however, they need to be trained in Go Math! and for testing. Parents as the matter. She also asked if the new reading program not have well need to be informed about the new curriculum and testing since they are asking enough writing opportunities for the students. teachers for support regarding the new math curriculum. We also need to include Dr. Gómez asked one of the participants to identify what program writing in math. It was suggested that the teachers send home the parent letters she used to teach writing. provided in the math curriculum. Staff suggested that we bring back Math Night at each of the campuses so that the information about the new math curriculum could be Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez said that the use of sentence frames is shared with the parents. working in some classrooms. She also offered that perhaps we need to deconstruct and construct the math curriculum. Staff also expressed a need for more writing at the primary grades, particularly expository writing. The new reading program does have opportunities for the students to write, if they focus on the scope of the “essential question.” Staff shared that she had not been trained to use Steve Dunn’s writing program. She had, however, been trained to use the “Step Up to Writing” program.

Concerns / Issues – Purchasing Responses Columbia – Staff shared that Discovery Streaming, which includes two- to three-minute Dr. Gómez said that he would follow up on this issue. informational videos, was to have been purchased in November for use with the RTI students. However, the purchase order was not approved. Jennifer Behrmann was told to wait until March to present this information to the Board. Ted Vick – Read Naturally Live was to have been purchased for use in the Special Staff is seeking the whereabouts of the purchase order. Education classes. The purchase order has not been approved. January 21, 2015 – This product has been received. Thank you. January 21, 2015 – George – When will the school supply order be delivered? January 21, 2015 – Mr. Gonzales said that he would check in to this matter. Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez said that the budget line item did not match. She met with the principal and the matter has been resolved. January 21, 2015 – Columbia – Students were informed that the district was going to January 21, 2015 – Dr. Nguyen-Hernandez stated that the original purchase an instructional product, but because the school’s budget was amended, the focus for RTI was Language Arts and Math, and inquired if the RTI purchase of said product would not be made. Specific reference was made regarding focus at Columbus is Science. the Discovery Streaming product. The purchase order was pulled.

4 Concerns / Issues – Purchasing Responses January 21, 2015 – Columbia – Staff shared that the frogs will be delivered on January January 21, 2015 – Ms. Landry suggested staff converse with staff 24, 2015. at the company to verify the number of buckets, etc. Columbia – A set of digital microscopes were ordered last year. They were received at December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry communicated via email to Linda the District Office and signed for, but they were never delivered to Columbia. Each of Casas that Lori McMillen is addressing the missing microscopes that the microscopes cost about $1500. Also, about 50% of the bulbs in the other were purchased this year. Ms. Landry reported that there are microscopes do not work. Can the bulbs be replaced? Is there money to buy new emails that go back to January 2014 to Mr. McGirr and Ms. Ceronne ones? from Ms. McMillen asking for information (make and model) to order the replacement bulbs for the old microscopes. Said January 21, 2015 – The microscopes ordered continue to be unaccounted information had not been received by Ms. McMillen. for. The digital microscopes can be recharged and reused. Someone had to have signed receipt of the microscopes ordered. Generic bulbs had been January 21, 2015 – Both Ms. Landry and Mr. Gonzales used before. It has been difficult to determine the codes to reorder the shared that they have not been able to locate the items. bulbs. They had been set aside before the winter break, but when they Dr. Gómez asked if the district could claim these items returned, they found that the bulbs had been mixed up again. Staff will to have been stolen. Ms. Landry responded that the remove the base of the microscopes to get the reorder information. The district’s deductible for stolen items is set at $5,000. suggestion was made that perhaps the office staff should take the time to Ms. Landry spoke with Mike McGirr about this issue and inventory all of the items received on a palette against the order forms. suggested that Dr. Gómez talk with Lori. Dr. Gómez suggested that perhaps the items were sent to Gus Franklin instead of to Columbia and offered to speak with Mina Blazy. Ms. Landry stated that there have been a series of emails sent between the parties involved regarding the replacement of the bulbs. Mr. Gonzales offered to take a sample of the bulbs to a lighting store and try to match the bulbs. Ms. Landry shared that six shipments for different purchase orders had been delivered to Columbia MS and the signatures were documented. Mike McGirr was to follow up with Grace and Edmund about the items received.

5 Concerns / Issues – Risk Management, Employee Benefits, and Safety Responses Westside Park – Staff expressed concern regarding the second break-in involving her Ms. Landry responded that she is charge of the break-in protocol. classroom. What is the break-in protocol? Supposedly, the police were not called. The There are forms and procedures that are to be followed. cameras were not working. Shouldn’t we have a district-wide protocol for break-ins? Unfortunately, the first report was not handled correctly. A second Police did not come to the campus to investigate until the following week. Why? report was issued. Instructional staff suggested that either silent alarms be used or that motion-sensor Dr. Gómez indicated that the cameras were operating and that a lights should be installed. person was captured by the cameras. However, the person’s back was turned toward the camera; thus, the person was unidentifiable. Dr. Gómez also inquired as to whether or not there are lights at that area? Ms. Landry shared that there are lights at that site, but sometimes the lights are shut off in order to save energy. December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry informed Linda Casas via email that the second police report had been completed and that a replacement computer had been ordered. West Creek – The bathrooms in the MPR have been closed to all students. No reason Dr. Gómez stated that he would tell Angela Montalvo, Principal, to was given for this action. As a result, some of the kindergarten students are having unlock them. accidents. Columbia – The door between the staff workroom and the office area is locked. Staff do Ms. Landry said that she would speak with Mr. McGirr about this not have keys to unlock these doors when they need access. Is this not a safety hazard? concern. Does it have to be locked? Is this a measure to prevent theft? Dr. Gómez shared that Mr. McGirr’s office has been broken into in Magathan – Staff shared similar concerns regarding the door between the staff the past. workroom and the office being locked at the end of the work day. Those who are on December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry stated in an email to Linda Casas campus late have no access to the cumulative records, if needed, or to reams of paper that she had spoken with Mr. McGirr on December 11, 2014 about should the copiers/printers run out of paper. Also, staff had been issued a key to the this issue. Mike McGirr shared that they are taking precautions due staff workroom. At the end of the year, they were retrieved. They have not been issued to the past break-ins. They lock the door when office staff are not again because now there are not enough keys to distribute and they cost too much present. However, the door is unlocked during staff work hours so money to duplicate. Thus, staff is dependent upon the principal or the office staff to that they can enter or exit freely. unlock the door to enter the staff workroom from either the front or the back of the building.

6 Concerns / Issues – Risk Management, Employee Benefits, and Safety Responses Columbia – The Science Department engages students in the dissection of different Ms. Landry inquired as to how she could provide assistance. Are animals and other items. The biological waste needs to be disposed. However, during there any tools she needs to know about regarding safety? the summer, all of the red boxes were removed—old and new. In fact, some of the December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry informed Linda Casas via email items that were on the shelf to be dissected also were removed. Other items in need of that she had visited with Cerrone Christie at Columbia and they are disposal were not. developing a plan to coordinate the removal of the biological waste Staff suggested that a person needs to take care of this. Also, new items need to be with a company used by AESD. purchased for dissection purposes. It would be beneficial if staff were to be present when the biological waste removal company staff comes to remove the waste. Staff responded that both students and their parents sign a safety contract. Ted Vick – The much-appreciated volunteers are bringing their small children to school. Dr. Gómez stated that he would converse with Mrs. Jauss and have When the volunteers are working in the staff workroom, the children are getting too her set up some clear ground rules regarding this issue. close to the items that could be harmful. When teachers arrive to the staff workroom December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry informed Linda Casas via email during their break time, they are having to monitor the children. The staff workroom that she visited the site on December 10, 2014 with Mr. Gonzales then becomes a non-duty-free zone; it is no longer a safe place for the teachers to relax. and Richard Krejckant. They spoke with Mrs. Jauss who stated that Is there not a district-wide policy for this? she is well aware of the safety concerns and confidentiality within Also, the eighth grade students learning office skills are in the staff workroom. They are the staff workroom. She was going to address this concern with Dr. given tasks, such as placing items in the teachers’ mail slots. Sometimes, the mail slots Gómez. contain confidential documents. The students, then, have an opportunity to read these documents. Additionally, most times these students are not supervised. This issue was discussed with the principal, Rachel Jauss, and she stated that she would author and disseminate a letter to the staff regarding this issue. January 21, 2015 – Staff expressed that the eighth grade students again were observed in the staff workroom. One of the teachers brought students into the staff workroom, and they were redirected. Magathan – Staff also mentioned the lack of privacy in the staff workroom. However, the problem was not with volunteers’ children, but with staff’s children. Previously, staff had been told not to allow their children to enter the staff workroom, yet some are not adhering to this mandate.

7 Concerns / Issues – Risk Management, Employee Benefits, and Safety Responses District-Wide – Staff have been asked to complete the “Reporting Abuse, Neglect, and Dr. Gómez stated that the principals need to give staff an adequate Exploitation of Children” training module. ADTA membership requests staff meeting amount of time to complete this training during staff meeting time. time to complete this training. Dr. Gómez responded affirmatively to staff’s question about sharing Staff in attendance at the meeting asked if this information (regarding completing the the information with the ADTA membership. training during staff meeting time) could be shared with the ADTA membership. Ms. Landry shared that staff have until December 19, 2014 to complete the on-line training. The purpose for the training is due to liability and compliance issues. Ms. Landry suggested that we seek assistance from Lorena Socarras if we experience any technological issues when attempting to complete the training. Dr. Gómez will speak with Mr. Desist about this matter.

Concerns / Issues – Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation Responses Magathan – In order to wash one’s hands in the restrooms in the staff workroom, one December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry, Mr. Gonzales, and Richard needs to hold down the control knob. This is not very sanitary or efficient. Can these Krejckant visited with staff at VME to address the concerns. A work be changed? order was submitted for a new faucet. George – Staff issued a concern about cleanliness. The trash cans are filthy. The floors Dr. Gómez stated that perhaps the custodians don’t have the time are not mopped. The surfaces of the interior walls are not wiped down. Litter from the to do everything. He directed Ms. Landry to take a crew to George morning snacks is left on the floor. The custodians are emptying the trash from the to do deep cleaning. Ms. Landry stated that she would go to classrooms and cleaning the bathrooms as well as the MPR, but other areas are George the following day with Mr. Gonzales or Richard Krejckant to neglected. assess the situation. January 21, 2015 – Staff reported that the above-referenced situation has December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry communicated to Linda Casas via been resolved. Staff expressed appreciation. However, staff noted that email that Mr. Gonzales went to George and took care of the some form of retaliation was evident, and that situation also has been concerns immediately. rectified. George – What happened to the recycle bins we used to have in the district? Ms. Landry shared that a plan had been in place previously. Perhaps we could reinstate the plan. Further, she stated that she Magathan – Staff organized a recycling effort. Monies collected are used for students. would discuss this issue with Mr. Gonzales and Lori Mcmillen and Westside Park – There is a lot of paper waste. Recycle bins used to be set up next to subsequently share their ideas with Dr. Gómez. the trash cans. Can we bring them back?

8 Concerns / Issues – Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation Responses December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry communicated to Linda Casas via email that Lori McMillen had informed her that in 2001, when Gus Franklin was in charge, we had a system in place for collecting items to be recycled. However, a problem ensued—the custodial staff were not separating the contents. Then, the system went by the wayside. This is something that should be implemented with the support of the administration and custodial staff. Columbia – The classroom floors are not being swept or vacuumed. The science Dr. Gómez suggested that the night crews could address these classrooms have been dirty for a few days. The carpets need to be cleaned. Staff have issues. A plan may need to be developed. submitted paperwork to have the work done. The custodial staff said they were willing December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry shared with Linda Casas via email to help, but that they were short-handed. The carpet in Mr. Anderson’s classroom also that Mr. Gonzales and Richard Krejckant went with her to Columbia needs to be cleaned. on December 11, 2014 to see what needed to be cleaned, etc. The floors were to be mopped and the carpet in Mr. Anderson’s classroom will be cleaned during the winter break. January 21, 2015 – Mr. Gonzales shared that the carpet in Mr. Anderson’s room has been cleaned. He explained that there is only one full-time custodian at CMS who occasionally receives some support from a part-time custodian. Mr. Gonzales suggested that students be encouraged to help with cleanliness issues. Also, he shared that the custodian’s first priority is to clean the restrooms and empty the trash cans. He also shared that staff were given brooms last year so that they could help with the clean-up efforts. He questioned the presence of the 20’ x 12’ hoop houses. What are the boards for? Planter boxes are being built and lined. Staff was assured that the plumbing won’t be damaged. Magathan – Tad Williams shared with staff that the telephone wiring/cable that runs Dr. Gómez shared that construction funds would be needed to fix beneath the 500 building is not meant for underground usage. As a result, the wiring is this wiring/cable issue, and these funds are available. deteriorating and soon will need to be replaced. Why was the wrong wiring/cable used December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry responded that Tad Williams is initially? When will the replacement of this wiring/cable be done? aware and is monitoring the wiring specifically in classroom #503. There is no immediate need to do repairs at this time. Staff is to notify Ms. Landry if a concern arises. The telephone is working now.

9 Concerns / Issues – Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation Responses West Creek – At previous liaison meetings, staff expressed concern that the tricycles Dr. Gómez shared that this concern presented a challenge. Mr. needed to be repaired or replaced. Also, black widow spiders were found in the Gonzales has been securing estimates for replacement and repair. exposed handle bars. Mr. Gonzales had informed staff through an email that the Either are very expensive. The preference is not to get rid of them. tricycles would be fixed and that an exterminator would be called to take care of the Instead, Mr. Gonzales has expressed a desire to fix them himself black widow spiders. Wouldn’t it be more cost-effective to replace these tricycles with and will be doing so during the winter break. new ones? January 21, 2015 – Mr. Gonzales still is in the process of securing the parts to fix the tricycles. Hopefully, by the end of January the tricycles will be repaired. Tiffany, his secretary, needs to complete/ submit the Purchase Order for the parts. He also shared that he would be placing caps on the handlebars to avoid spiders from entering and nesting. Ms. Landry inquired whether the tricycles could be stored elsewhere to avoid the infestation of spiders. Mr. Gonzales responded that perhaps sheds could be brought to the campus for this purpose; however; however that entails the encumbrance of funds. Mr. Desist shared that Deferred Maintenance funds could be used to buy the sheds, but there are no monies in this fund. January 21, 2015 – George – Is transportation available for field trips? January 21, 2105 – Mr. Desist responded that transportation is available, but only if funds are available. January 21, 2015 – Columbia – Recently, a student was told he had to ride the bus to January 21, 2015 – Mr. Desist said that, yes, this can be done. school. In another district, a parent could be reimbursed for bringing his/her child to school. Perhaps, in either case, we need to get this information in a timely manner. January 21, 2015 – Magathan – The water faucet in the restroom in the library does not January 21, 2015 – Mr. Desist suggested to the group that we first work properly. It emits heavy sprays of water. bring matters as such to the principal’s attention. He/she then would ask the custodians to either repair the faucet or put in a work order if the item required replacement.

10 Concerns / Issues – Technology Responses George – Teachers spent a lot of time, about 40 minutes, filling in the bubbles on the Dr. Gómez said that he would look into the matter. scan sheets that accompanied the Benchmarks. Later, teachers were told that there December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry informed Linda Casas by email were errors on these scan sheets. A new set of scan sheets were delivered to the that she had briefed Gary Jones about the technology concerns teachers and they had to spend more time filling in the bubbles again. Couldn’t the addressed. He told her he was going to address them. teachers have been informed of the error prior to filling in the bubbles the first time? George – When the Chromebooks are inoperable, teachers who are tech savvy are too Dr. Gómez inquired as to whether or not a work order had been busy with their own students to try to fix them. Who do we call on for support with submitted for repair of the Chromebooks. Staff from the technology? Will the Chromebooks be operable prior to the administration of the state Technology Department should act upon submitted work orders. test? Indeed, they should be operable prior to the administration of the state test. January 21, 2015 – Staff shared that staff from the Technology Department had visited the campus and worked on the Chromebooks such that all now are operating correctly. Westside Park – Four computers from one of the classrooms were stolen recently. December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry informed Linda Casas via email What is the status regarding replacement? that she had ordered one computer as a replacement. Also, Ms. Landry has spoken with Gary Jones about the technology concerns Also, the computer laboratory is down. addressed. He told her he was going to address them. Columbia – A lot of the computers in the computer laboratory are not working. Dr. Gómez offered that the administration at Columbia be notified of this problem. Magathan – Many of the laptop computers do not work because they need to have Ms. Landry said that she would follow up. either Silverlight or Unity installed. A work order was submitted last month; it is still Linda Casas shared that she was aware that Ibeth and Jonathan pending. from the Technology Department had been on campus two days January 21, 2015 – The Unity software continues to be a problem with the trying to address concerns with the Chromebooks and laptops. laptop computers. Linda Casas shared that the representative from Imagine January 21, 2015 – Dr. Gomez stated that Gary Jones Learning said that an updated version of Unity may not have been loaded said that the Unity software has been installed, but onto all of the servers, which could be causing the problem. He contacted perhaps the software needs to be synchronized. one of the techies in the company’s San Diego office, who was going to be sending information to Jonathan Rodriguez, one of the Information Systems Technicians, regarding how to rectify the situation.

11 Concerns / Issues – Technology Responses Ted Vick – There are many concerns related to technology support. The Elmo needs to December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry informed Linda Casas by email be hooked up in one of the classrooms. The desktop computers that are in the staff that she had briefed Gary Jones about the technology concerns workroom are not hooked up to the printers. The principal has tried to help, but there addressed. He told her he was going to address them. seems to be a connectivity problem. January 21, 2015 – Staff expressed appreciation for the ELMO being installed the previous day. She also shared that the problems/issues with the computers in the staff workroom have yet to be resolved. If staff happens to log on as a student, they are unable to print their work. Magathan – Not all of the printers in the staff workroom are operable. Because there December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry informed Linda Casas by email are no printers within the classroom buildings, teachers are having to save their that she had briefed Gary Jones about the technology concerns documents on a flash drive or send it to themselves by email, then come to the staff addressed. He told her he was going to address them. workroom to print their documents. This is time consuming and frustrating. Some of the teachers are able to print directly from their desktops or laptops to the staff workroom, but not all teachers have this access. Also, by the time teachers come to the staff workroom, either the printers are out of paper, someone has retrieved all of the printed documents from the printer(s) or find that the printer paper has jammed. January 21, 2015 – The printers in the staff workroom still pose problems. District-wide – Staff have tried to access information using Google. Sites are blocked. Dr. Gómez shared that measures had to be put into place to protect Why? the users. Staff suggested that we send emails to Gary Jones so that he can unblock the sites. However, this may take a while to accomplish.

Concerns / Issues – Behavior Responses ASAMS – Staff expressed that the students are demonstrating bad behaviors. Their bad Dr. Gómez said he would look into the situation. behavior seems to be more prevalent this year than in years past. January 21, 2015 – Columbia – Staff expressed concern regarding the removal of the Dean, who took care of students’ behavior. Staff are concerned that there might be an increase in students’ negative behavior. She shared that Mike McGirr is doing what he can and the SRO is looking at what he can address. This situation is psychologically draining for staff and students. PBIS is in place.

12 Concerns / Issues – Finance Responses Program Improvement Schools – It is our understanding that the state was to have Dr. Gómez responded that the district received Title I funds. The given the district funds to be used for the PI schools. What was the amount? Was the funds are tied to the SIP Schools. The use of the funds was to have money received? What happened to that money? been discussed with the individual School Site Councils. We will need to converse about maximizing the funding. District-wide – What is the status of the waiver submitted to the county? Dr. Gómez shared that the Board would be meeting the following day to terminate the Chief Business Officer. On Friday, he will be sending a letter to the staff outlining the district’s fiscal situation. He will be meeting with Hector Anderson, President of ADTA, next week to discuss how the 60% can be settled with ADTA. Magathan – Previously, staff and administration had discussed installing a portable Dr. Gómez responded that other items had assumed priority due to bathroom facility for staff. What is the status? finances. Magathan – Parents sometimes provide their children with home-cooked or fast-food Dr. Gómez suggested that staff not encourage students to bring breakfast items for them to eat during the Breakfast-in-the-Classroom time rather than food from home or from restaurants. In fact, they would prefer eat the district-provided breakfast items. This is a little distracting for other students. Is that it not occur. there a district policy regarding this? Are the students only to eat the district-provided Mr. Mohindra cautioned that this might have a negative impact on breakfast items? the grant should teachers not be recording the student rosters correctly or if the grant’s auditors should witness this occurrence. December 17, 2014 – Ms. Landry stated in an email to Linda Casas that she had spoken with Rochelle Chávez and Bertha Reyes, Field Supervisors with the Child Nutrition office. They will forward their response to Dr. Gómez.

Concerns / Issues – Miscellaneous Responses District-wide – There is a new policy regarding students with lice and nits. Previously, a Dr. Gómez said that he would seek information about this concern. student was sent home if either was evident and would not be allowed to return if nits He was not aware that the policy had changed. were present. The new policy states that as long as the lice are not visible, they may Ms. Landry offered to talk with Cynthia Naberman about this issue. return to class.

13 Concerns / Issues – Miscellaneous Responses (Continued from above.) December 11, 2014 – Mrs. Naberman responded to Ms. Landry’s inquiry by sharing the district’s policy regarding this topic. She attached two form letters that are sent to parents whose children have been found to have lice/nits, as well as a copy of “Guidance on Head Lice Prevention and Control for School Districts and Child-Care Facilities.” The latter document was prepared by the California Department of Public Health, Division of Communicable Disease Control. Mrs. Naberman asked that teachers be reminded that head lice do not transmit disease and that they do not fly or jump. December 13, 2014 – Ms. Landry forwarded to Linda Casas the response she received from Mrs. Naberman, along with the attached documents. Mrs. Naberman is adhering to the district’s policy that not all students are sent home if there is a lice concern. Ms. Casas forwarded the documents to ADTA Liaison Committee members to share with campus staff. West Creek – Long-term substitute teachers have been assigned to two of the kindergarten classrooms since September. When will permanent teachers be hired to fill these positions? January 21, 2015 – There are three long-term substitute teachers at West January 21, 2015 – Mr. Desist responded that the Creek. When will permanent teachers be hired? permanent teachers perhaps would be hired the following week, depending on the applicant pool. Magathan – The principal’s designee has been identified, but has not been trained nor Dr. Gómez asked staff to identify the designee and stated that he approved by the Board. On the occasions that the principal is not on campus and the would take care of this issue. designee is in charge, staff is not informed. December 16, 2014 – Peter Livingston came to VME to train two staff to act as designees—David García and María Rivera. Magathan – There is a concern among staff that the school supplies are not being Dr. Gómez said that he would take care of the matter. distributed in a fair manner nor are they readily accessible. The boxes of tissues, which are really needed at this time of year, are locked up in the supply closet. Teachers are allowed only to get two boxes. Concerns / Issues – Miscellaneous Responses George – Staff shared concern regarding verbiage used with reference to students who

14 are eligible for SDC would have to be received at West Creek since George does not offer these services. District-wide – Will the issue of core literature be addressed? Dr. Gómez said that this is a great opportunity for Dr. Nguyen- Hernández and her staff to develop and share.

In accordance with ARTICLE 10.2a, the first and second Wednesday of the month shall primarily be used for negotiations and/or liaison meetings. Thus, the ADTA Liaison Committee Meetings will be held on the dates listed below. The only exceptions would be the meeting dates for the months of April and June because of the scheduled holidays in the school calendar.

September 10, 2014 October 8, 2014 November 12, 2014 December 10, 2014 January 21, 2015 February 4, 2015 (cancelled) March 4, 2015 April 1, 2015 May 6, 2015 June 3, 2015


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