Bridestowe Parish Council s1
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Bridestowe Parish Council
Mr P.J. Daniels. Clerk to the Council 4 Trescote Way Bridestowe Okehampton Devon EX20 4QB Tel: 01837 861244 Email: [email protected]
Parishioners comments/questions: None.
METHODIST HALL: Wednesday 15 th March 2017 at 7.30 pm
PRESENT: (Councillors): C. Mott (Chair); A. Young (Vice-chair); K. Atherley-Hewings; B. Coward; J. Leonard; R. Rattenbury; 2 members of public; P. J. Daniels (Clerk).
Apologies: B. Thirtle. Declaration of Interests: AY declared an interest as a neighbour of the planning application at Glebetown, Rectory Road. Changes to Declaration of Interests: None declared. All unchanged. CM reminded councillors to declare any changes to their interests immediately they occur.
The minutes of the last PC meeting (11/01/16) and the minutes of the annual Parish Meeting (08/03/17) were agreed as a true record. Proposed JL. Seconded KA. Unanimous.
(a) Potholes: There are potholes on A386 that require filling in. They may not be on DCC land as they could be just off the highway. (Action: JL) (b) Footpath sign post on old A30: John Baker (footpath inspector) has said he will repair/replace this. (Action: Awaiting outcome)
(812) Martin Ashley (various ground maintenance works) £420.00 (813) Martin Ashley (drainage/gutters) £1896.00 (814) Methodist Church (room hire) £28.00 (815) John Lewis (computer laptop) £664.89 (820) Clerk salary (£1702.36) + Expenses (£321.88) £2024.24
It was proposed these be paid. Proposed BC. Seconded RR. Unanimous.
Total balance in bank account less above invoices: £10666.66 The NP balance included in this balance: £4033.48 Therefore available balance for PC = £6633.18
VAT reclaim for this financial year is going to be approximately £1600. (of which £566 is reclaim for Village Hall).
(a) RoSPA: Play Area Inspection Report: The overall risk rating for the play area space is “Medium.” There was a projecting bolt head on one of the new benches that requires cutting and filing down to remove sharp edges. One of the hand grips (the topmost one) on the climbing frame is loose and requires tightening (Low risk). The wet pour safety surfacing requires cleaning of moss (Low risk).The rocker see saw has loose centre beam attachment bolts and require tightening (Low risk). (Action JL and RR) (b) Ram Roast: Permission granted for Ram Roast to be held on Sporting Green. (c) Dementia awareness: Bratton Clovelly PC is holding a Dementia Friends session to which councillors are invited. No dates as yet. (d) Bridestowe Village Hall: Converting to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. (e) West Devon Drive: Meeting attended by JL. Lifton PC has been given the contract from DCC to take over the verge grass cutting for the five parishes along the WDD. Rob Bickle to undertake this work. Lifton will provide parishes with the paperwork. Each PC will need to look at public liability for the verge cutting, although the contractor has this. Clerk has checked with BPC’s insurers. They have said that the PC (Lifton in this case) should check that they have a copy of contractor’s public liability insurance. In the event of this not being in place, despite the check, BPC’s 3rd Party insurance would offer cover up to £10 million. (f) Ram Roast: Permission given by PC for Ram Roast to be held on Sporting Green on Saturday 22nd July 2017. (g) Steve Brockman. DCC Highways: Steve will check Way Cross/Cross Lane drainage pipe that maybe blocked. (Action: Awaiting outcome). Station Road cleaning will be put on DCC list for next financial year. In consultation with John Baker, DCC Highways are happy for a bin to be installed by the cycleway in Station Road.
Devon Highways has made available a sum of money available to parishes and Community Groups in Devon. The fund aims to encourage community enhancement in towns and parishes and can be used in a wide variety of ways to purchase materials, tools, training, personal protection equipment etc. Projects delivered through the Road Warden scheme will be particularly supported, especially those that will demonstrate ongoing sustainability or become an ongoing enhancement exercise. A number of people have offered to volunteer for a Bridestowe group. A list of required tools and equipment was drawn up. Clerk to apply for grant. (Action: Clerk)
Air Ambulance: Councillors have met with Toby Russell, the DAAT’s Community Helipads Development Officer, to discuss plans for the provision of a night landing site for the helicopter in the Sporting Green. The site is suitable and the main requirement is for a new 10m lighting column to carry two LED lights. This would in appearance be similar to a street light. Planning permission will be required, a power source, from the mains is being provided by the church (very low cost. ie. pence per year) An estimated cost according to Toby Russell of £6000 cost is envisaged, with a grant of £3000 from DAAT for installation costs. A TAP funding grant application for £2200 has been successful leaving a smaller amount to be raised by voluntary contributions from the community or from other grants. PC now awaiting a quotation for the total costs from DAAT. Project will require an additional contingency fund to be raised for maintenance etc. Sourton PC has agreed to support the project financially. The TAP bid included a £250 contribution from Bridestowe PC. Ask Sourton PC if they are able to match this funding. At an appropriate time invite Sourton PC for a meeting with Bridestowe PC to discuss project. (Action: Clerk)
It was agreed that the recent public parish meeting where the Town Farm project was discussed was successful, with the representatives of Stags and Mill Green Estates supplying good information and answering the communities’ questions effectively. There was a consensus that the meeting was well chaired. It may be possible for an additional public meeting to be held at an appropriate stage in the planning application process, if it is likely to be effective in terms of further input to the proposals by the community and PC.
Waste bin: The two new bins (Launceston Road and Station Road cycle path) are to be put in place by Councillors. It was proposed by JL that up to £100.00 could be spent on this if required. Seconded AY. Unanimous. (Action JL, KA and CM)
It was agreed that any alternative use of the telephone box would be difficult. It was decided to repaint it and seal the door in an appropriate way. The prime reason for retaining the telephone box was that it has historical merit and is an attractive feature of the village centre. (Further action to be decided)
WDBC Applic. No: 0185/17/FUL. Proposed development Tor Brae. (North of Bolts House. EX20 4BE) It was agreed that this new application was a much improved application. There is a need for affordable homes in the parish as identified by the recent Bridestowe/Sourton Housing Needs Survey for the Neighbourhood Plan. The development fits in sympathetically with the surrounding area. Therefore the proposals were supported by the PC. Proposed JL. Seconded AY. Five supported. None against. One abstension.
WDBC Applic. No: 0562/17/FUL. Replacement of 4 bedroomed detached bungalow with three bedroomed house. Supported.
WDBC Applic. No: 0290/17/PAT. Erection of Telecoms mast in Station Road. Supported.
DCC Applic. No:3966/2017 Retention of temporary classroom, Bridestowe Primary School. Supported.
(a) Northern links: See AY’s report. (attached to these minutes). (b) Village Hall Management Committee: Bridestowe Village Hall is converting to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. KA it to continue as a village hall representative of the PC for the next 12 months. Unanimously approved. (c) Neighbourhood Plan: (Report from RR): No further update.
(a) Public comment: None. (b) Next meeting: Wednesday May 10th 2017 at 7.30 pm in the Methodist Church. (c) Meeting closed: 10.50 pm.
14. PART 2: None. Appendix: Report by Alison Young:
Notes on the Northern Links meeting held on Thursday 9th March 2017 at 7.30 pm at Hatherleigh Community Centre. Attended meeting with Ivor Kacvanov from Sourton PC. 4. Policing Issues - Insp Mark Sloman not present as he’d been called away. A review of latest crime statistics had been circulated; one councillor commented on increase in incidents of shoplifting up 79%. 5. Big Energy Saving Network - Martin Rich, Community Projects Advisor, Devon Communities Together. Gave a presentation with handout. Wants to get the message across via parish councils, community groups and Devon Senior Voice. Encourage people to bring their energy bills in and look at options. Can get preferential rates. Most people who have stuck with a standard tariff - variable single rate with a standing charge, could save money if they were to change providers. Some commonly held myths about changing supplier were debunked. Talked through the process. Happy to take part in a ‘Community Energy Event.’ Explained about the Priority Service Register. Left details on feedback form that I would be interested in including an article in BaSE. Relevant website: 6. DCC Highways - John Fewings. Same officer who had attended our Parish meeting the day before. Mentioned the switch from South West Highways to Skanska - a very big company. Change over to happen shortly. Talked about pothole money from Government (£2m) specifically for repairing potholes in minor roads. 24 parish councils signed up to Road Warden scheme. Referred to policy for hedges bordering roads; if privately owned and are overgrown, Highways prefer to have a quiet word to try to resolve it. If this doesn’t work they can serve ‘a hedge notice’ as a last resort. 7. Future of Okehampton Hospital - update. Jane Gillard(NPL clerk)will be circulating Jan Goffey’s statement. James McInnes commented that when challenged the NEW CCG had no provision for the community care that will replace local hospital based care. 8. DCC Update - Angela Welch including Broadband Connectivity 9. TAP FUND - Several applications: Hatherleigh wanted grant for secure bike racks and Exbourne for some exterior work to their village Hall. We were granted £1500 + additional £700 for DAAT night landing site. Ivor spoke in support of our application.No funds left in pot. 11. WDBC Update - Steve Jorden Included an update on their strategic Joint Local Plan; consultation runs from 13th March until 26th April. WDBC Budget. Raised Council Tax by 5%. Is running a deficit of £77K which will rise to £1m. Have to be self sufficient by 2020 when funding from central Government ceases. The contract for refuse removal up for renewal and may change providers. Going to charge for green waste. £250 k for affordable housing and are looking to community schemes to provide this. Plan to buy some land for these.