Story by CN Winters and Susan Carr Written by CN Winters and Susan Carr (With Additional

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Story by CN Winters and Susan Carr Written by CN Winters and Susan Carr (With Additional


Story by CN Winters and Susan Carr Written by CN Winters and Susan Carr (with additional writing from CSR) Directed by CN Winters and Susan Carr Produced by CN Winters and Susan Carr Edited by Sharon Kierein Sound by Steff Art Direction by Chris Cook Artists: Chris Cook, David Zahir, Humaira, Rob and Chantal

(Note: Due to the uniqueness of WaTchers we ask that you use these for your personal use only. Please do not post them to other sites on the web. Thanks!)

Fade In Int. Willow's Bedroom – Evening

Rowena was lying on Willow's bed, wearing a plain white tank top with her lower half covered by the moving comforter. Her hands were raised above her head clutching at the headboard, and her eyes were squeezed tightly shut with her bottom lip clenched tightly between her teeth.

Suddenly, Rowena's body stiffened, her face contorting in a grimace. She reached under the blanket and pulled Willow up to lie against the headboard by her side.

"I'm sorry," Rowena whispered, her breath apparently short with fear rather than arousal.

"Are you all right?" Willow asked, concerned. Rowena only nodded, her gaze fixed on a particular point on the ceiling. Willow studied her for a moment, and then added, "Honestly?"

Rowena smiled and finally turned to Willow. "I'm fine," she said. "I got a little nervous, that's all."

Willow smiled sadly and pulled the blonde woman into her arms. "It's okay, Ro. I promised you we'd take things slowly. Whatever works for you, that's what matters."

Rowena sighed again. "It's…it's just so different, that's all."

"You mean being with a woman?" Willow asked. "No! Being with you," Rowena replied. "Someone who's patient, so giving. Every time we're alone together, it's like you're totally focused on me – and not only in bed. Whether it's cooking dinner or getting me a cup of coffee while we're researching, you're always so attentive. I guess I'm not used to that."

"That's all a part of loving someone, Ro," she said. "I want to do everything I can to make you happy."

"And that goes for me too, Willow," Rowena said, rising up and looking down at Willow. "I want to make you happy and…" She paused a moment as if she was unsure if she should continue. "I don't want you holding back anymore," she finished.

"Holding back?" Willow scoffed, sitting up and wrapping the blanket around herself. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do," Rowena said with a reserved smile. "You can't lie to anyone, Willow Rosenberg, especially me."

Willow grinned sheepishly. "Okay, I confess. I do know what you're talking about. But an important part of making love is sharing the pleasure with your partner. It doesn't seem right if it's all…one-sidey. So until you're ready I'm keeping myself, well, in check and trying not to get too excited. Know what I mean?"

"Yes, I understand," Rowena said. "But I don't want you to keep yourself 'in check,' Will."

"You don't?"

"No," Rowena said shaking her head. "Maybe seeing, and feeling," she added with a teasing smile, "that passion…Maybe it'll help me relax and feel it too. I know you're not an uncaring oaf Willow, and if…if I excite you, then I want you to show me."

Willow smiled softly and leaned forward to kiss Rowena gently on the lips. "I promise. Next time, no holding back."

"Thanks," Rowena said and then moved to stand up. "I'd better go."

"Please don't," Willow said in a small voice, placing a restraining hand on Rowena's arm. "Stay. I just want to be close to you tonight and wake up next to you tomorrow. Okay?"

Rowena paused in consideration and then finally nodded. The two women snuggled comfortably together.

"Goodnight, Willow."

"Night, Ro," Willow replied. "Love you." Rowena smiled in contentment and closed her eyes.

Cut to: Int. Mitsubishi Rosa Bus Cab – Same time

Brell hunched over the wheel of the bus, his face tight with tension as he steered through the streets of Cleveland. Beside him sat his wife's cousin Clem, whose cheerful deposition was in stark contrast to Brell's distress.

"So I told Merk I would only accept kittens six weeks old or younger," Clem said apparently not noticing Brell's attention was elsewhere. "I mean, what good are they older than that? So he said –"

"What time now?" Brell asked, cutting Clem's gossip off.

"Oh…ah…almost half-past midnight," Clem answered, pulling up a flap of skin and looking at his watch.

"Portal open soon," Brell said nervously. "Must hurry."

Brell punched the headlight switch to the off position as he stopped the bus. Putting it into reverse, he carefully backed into a darkened alley and then cut the engine.

"Come, Cousin-of-Marriage," he said as he rose from his seat and went to the rear of the bus. He opened the rear door and eased down the ramp until it rested on the floor. Clem followed him down the ramp into the alley.

Cut to: Ext. Cleveland Alley – Moments later

Brell's hair suddenly stood on end as a glowing blue aura filled the alley. With a soundless explosion the portal opened and the garbage and other debris from the alley around as the air pressure between the two dimensions equalized. Through the mist, a figure appeared. Brell stiffened and placed a hand under his overcoat until the mist cleared.

"Strawn," Brell said with relief in his voice. He removed his hand from inside his overcoat and held it out to the green, leathery-skinned demon.

"Brell," Strawn replied. "Hunters follow from Galas." He turned back and gestured through the portal. Most of the demons were similar in shape and size to Strawn as they began to come through. A few of them resembled Brell and some Clem, but all wore the look of the enslaved and downtrodden.

Brell's blue face blanched at the news. He turned to Clem and said, "Go start engine. You get ready to drive on signal."

"Hunters?" Clem repeated uneasily. "We shouldn't be here if they're around, Brell."

"Go," Brell insisted, helping an elderly demon up the ramp into the bus. He looked at Strawn who was at the other side of the ramp helping the refugees and asked, "How close behind?"

"Not far," Strawn said.

"We wait for portal to close," Brell said.

"No time. Must go now," Strawn insisted.

The line of refugees came to an end and Brell followed Strawn up the ramp yelling at Clem to go. The bus lunched as Clem ran over a pothole and Brell pulled up the ramp and latched the doors. As the bus turned onto the street, Brell cast a final worried glance back towards the open portal.

Cut to: Ext. Cleveland Alley – Minutes later

The mist swirling through the portal once again parted and three more figures appeared. Although they looked humanoid, their heads were hideously elongated with protruding jaws filled with rows and rows of sharpened yellowed teeth. The leader scanned the alley way and then waved a hand. The air shimmered and the three figures were suddenly dressed in normal street clothes and appeared fully human. The leader signaled and they quickly strode out of the alley.

A minute later the portal closed with a crackling sound.

Fade Out Fade In Int. Dr. Tara Abraham's Examining Room – Next day – Morning

The next morning Becca nervously fidgeted on the examining table. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, smoothing down the already perfect locks. She studied the wall posters on ear infections and new treatments for allergies. Finally, she picked up a small pamphlet titled "Menopause and You: What You Can Expect" and unsuccessfully tried to read it again.

The door opened and a tall and slender woman walked briskly in and sat on a rolling stool next to Becca.

"We got the test result back, Becca," the doctor said.

Becca snorted and held up the pamphlet. "Let me guess – a script for estrogen supplements and you're increasing my daily calcium dosage."

"We are putting you on vitamins, but you haven't started menopause."

"Then what is it?" Becca asked, worry furrowing her brow.

"Well, although unusual, it's not something unheard of," the doctor replied. "Congratulations, my dear. You're pregnant."

Becca's jaw dropped in shock.

Fade Out

End of Teaser

Act One

Starring: Norika Fujiwara as Mia, Felicia Day as Vi, Carly Schroeder as Marsha, Laura Prepon as Lori, and Lindsay Felton as Skye Guest starring: Mariska Hargitay as Dr. Abraham, Brad Dourif as Brell, James Leary as Clem

Fade In Int. Dr Abraham's Examining Room – Same Time Becca looked down at the plastic square with the results of her blood test noting the bright pink plus sign in the middle. "How is this possible?" she asked.

"Well, when a man and a woman love each other, they –."

"I know that part," Becca answered in a tense voice. She looked up with a scowl to find the doctor wearing a slight grin. She cleared her throat as she tightened her hold on the test result. "I was told years ago there was, like, a one in a million chance of my ever having a child."

"Then you've either had lots of sex over the years to increase your odds or…" the doctor teased, "it's a small miracle. Either way, the test doesn't lie. You're pregnant."

Becca took a deep breath. "Trust me when I say I'm more in the modern wonder camp. Sex hasn't really been plentiful until this year." She released a heavy sigh and the doctor picked up on her mood and took a step closer to put a hand on her shoulder.

"I take it this wasn't planned?" Dr. Abraham asked.

"Planned? It wasn't even a consideration!" She ran her fingers through her hair. "Oh god, how am I gonna tell Rupert?" she added quietly. "Are you sure?" she asked quickly. "I mean, you didn't switch me with someone else, did you? Because I've still gotten my period, not as strong, like I said, which is why I came here, but still…" Becca trailed off , drawing a shaky breath.

"Some women continue to have a regular cycle during their pregnancy. Not many but some. So it's nothing out of the ordinary. I speculate you're about four to eight weeks along but you should see a OB/GYN to be certain, and to decide which option you wish to pursue."

"Option?" Becca asked blankly.

The doctor hesitated. "You didn't plan this, Becca, and you're not a young woman. There's nothing that says you have to go to term with this pregnancy. You should also know there are certain risks for a woman your age."

"Like what?" Becca asked.

Cut to: Int. Weapons Range – Day

Mia stood in formation with her recon/black ops team as their instructor paced in front of them.

"Listen up, ladies! Today we begin anew. You will be thoroughly trained in the fundamentals of marksmanship. These include: assuming a position, aiming, breathing aaaaand trigger control! In the next five weeks you will understand your firing prone supported position from your Hawkins position. And if none of that makes sense now, fear not. Within the next five weeks it will be my job to see that it does. Make no mistake about it. You are killing machines. You never fire a weapon to maim, only kill. That is the purpose of a weapon – deadly force. So if you plan to use it, you must always use it correctly. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir," the girls all shouted.

"Very well," he said, as he motioned to the arsenal by the wall stocked with weapons. "Choose your firearm."

Robin, who had been standing a few yards away during this introduction, now walked over to the instructor. "Can I have a word?" he asked.


The two men began to walk while the students chose their weapons. "I brought you into this position because of your credentials with the Navy Seals," Robin began in a low voice. "But I'm not sure if these are the things they should be learning."

"Perhaps basket weaving or macramé is what you had in mind, Mr. Wood?"

Robin's eyes flashed, but he quickly composed his features into a cold smile. "No, that's not what I'm saying…."

"Look," the instructor cut him off. "These girls are your first and last resource for getting in and out of places without detection, correct?"

"Well, yes but-."

"And it's my understanding that should they be discovered or come across armed foes, they need to be able to defend themselves as well as those at the Council. Correct?"

"Yes," Robin sighed.

"Then you do your job, Mr. Wood, and let me do mine."

Without waiting for a response the instructor turned back to his students.

Cut to: Int. Watchers Council Lobby – Same time

Becca walked into the busy lobby in a zombie-like fashion. Faster human traffic moved past her almost as if she was standing still. She spotted Willow and Kennedy and wordlessly approached them. When she was within a few feet, Willow glanced up from a file folder she was flipping through and noticed her.

"Hey Becca."

The older woman gave a short wave to the staircase. "Rupert upstairs?" she asked.

"Yeah, I think he's in the library. Try there first," Willow suggested.

Becca gave a vague nod and took a few steps toward the stairs.

Kennedy's eyebrows scrunched. "Everything okay?" she asked the blonde woman.

Becca paused a moment and turned around. "Yeah, I just…I need to talk to Rupert."

Kennedy and Willow exchanged a worried look as Becca disappeared around the corner to the stairway.

Cut to: Int. Library – Moments Later

Giles handed a young man a file. "See that Mr. Wood gets these changes and double check that Willow has her course assignments, David."

"Right away, sir," the young man replied as he turned to leave. "Excuse me," he said, as he and Becca nearly collided in the doorway.

Giles smiled warmly upon seeing her, but the smile was replaced by a worried frown as he noticed her trance like state.

"Bad news?" he asked.

Becca opened her mouth to speak, but closed it as no words came. She tried again, looking anywhere but Giles' eyes. "I, uh…." She trailed off again, taking a deep breath.

"Becca, what is it?" Giles asked, taking her gently by the arms, trying to look into her eyes, his concern growing.

"We'd better sit down," she told him, indicating the couch near the corner of the room. Cut to: Int. Watchers Council Lobby – Same time

Willow closed the file folder with a satisfied nod. "Good job, Ken," she told the Slayer. "Your efficiency reports are more efficient-y and right on time. Faith and Robin need to go on an extended recruiting trip in a couple of weeks, and the Council will feel no qualms about putting you in charge in Faith's absence."

"You sure about that, Will?" Kennedy asked, concern and worry on her face. "Last time you guys did that someone ended up getting hurt."

"That was a long time ago," Willow said, putting a comforting hand on the Slayer's arm. "If the new Council is about any one thing, it's that everyone deserves a second chance."

"Or a third…or a fourth," Kennedy said bitterly.

"You've come a long way, Ken," Willow said, and then paused before changing the subject. "Things going good with Mia?"

Kennedy blinked for a moment and then smiled. "Not bad," she answered. "But so far our relationship hasn't been the 'dating' kind."

"Seeing as how the girl is underage, it might be good for you to stay out of the local clubs," Willow suggested. "Especially that dive you're so fond of."

"Hey!" Kennedy said and then smiled at Willow's teasing smirk. "The age of consent in Ohio is sixteen, so we're safe there."

"Yes, but as I was forced to point out to Dawn and Skye on numerous occasions, even though the state's sodomy laws were repealed, it's better not to get caught with someone under eighteen. Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it. Thanks for still looking out for me, Will," Kennedy said with a warm smile.

"Always," she replied softly, returning the gesture. They studied each other a moment. Nervously Kennedy cleared her throat.

"What about you? Any signs of thawing from the Ice Queen?"

Willow's face turned bright crimson as she started to stammer. "Oh…oh, well…we're, going one day at a time."

Kennedy laughed at Willow's discomfort. "So things are improving then?"

"I'm really not sure I want to discuss it," Willow answered nervously. "Fair enough but I thought we agreed to be friends here." Kennedy said motioning her hand between them.

"Well, I think new girlfriends falls under the same discussion topic of politics and religion when it comes to friendships."

"I get it," Kennedy answered with a bob of head. "But Will, if you need somebody…"

"Oh I got lots of 'bodies' around here offering help but thanks," the witch said with a smile.

Cut to: Int. Watchers Council Library – Moments Later

"I know you didn't sign on for all this Rupert," Becca told him in a soft voice as they sat side by side on the sofa. Giles now wore a flabbergasted expression that equaled hers. "You weren't looking for an instant family. And…and I don't want you to think I lied to you to try to trap you. They did tell me I couldn't have children so I…" Becca trailed off and quickly wiped her eyes.

"You're upset about this?" Giles asked.

"And you're not?" Becca returned.

It was Giles' turn to open his mouth and close it. Finally he found his voice.

"Shocked, a bit stunned t-to say the least but…I'm not upset, least of all with you. But I am concerned. The things t-the doctor told you – the risk of birth defects, the chance of losing the baby – it all worries me. What frightens me most though is the stress labor will put on you…I don't think I'd survive losing you."

"Dr. Abraham was just making me aware of all the scenarios. She says that these days more women are having children later in life, with fewer complications. In the last five years alone they've made great strides in the OB branch of medicine. We can monitor everything with amniocenteses and a bunch of other tests if…if we decide to go through with the pregnancy. So we have to make a choice."

"I want this child," Giles said automatically, quickly adding, "but not at the risk of losing you. However, it really is your decision to make."

"It's our decision. I didn't do this all on my own," Becca said bumping shoulders with him. "So, tell me honestly, what do you say?"

"Do you want this child?" he asked sincerely.

Becca stood up and started to pace. "For years there wasn't anything I wanted more. And now… I'm 45 years old," she stressed. "I'll be almost 65 when this kid graduates high school. You'll be nearly 70. People are gonna think we're grandparents, not parents. And you might have other plans for your retirement than teaching someone to ride a bike, ya know?"

Giles gave a small grin.

"That's when we put Uncle Xander and Andrew to work," he teased. "We let them run up and down the block." He reached out and pulled Becca into his lap before he continued. "Number one, we're still rather fit, I'd say. Better than most people in our generation. Two, I don't see myself ever retiring to some clichéd condo in Florida. And three, everything happens for a reason. Perhaps you never had a child before because it simply wasn't the right time."

"Or the right man?" Becca asked with a small smile.

Giles smiled back. "Yes, that too," he agreed. "I want this child, Becca, but I want you safe – first and foremost. If the doctor doesn't see any obvious problems now, then I say we do it. The only inconvenience we experience is moving up the wedding date."

"Why move things up? We can wait until after the baby is born, you know? This is the twenty- first century. " Becca replied with a grin.

"If we're going to have a child, I want him to have a name."

"He will have a name. And what makes you so sure it will be a him?" she challenged.

"Fine," he said putting up his hand. "I want her to have a name. My point is that I don't want our child born out of wedlock."

"But conception is okay?" Becca countered. "Are you sure you didn't just make up all those Ripper stories, because this isn't the attitude of a free spirit."

Giles paused as if putting his thoughts together. "Free spirit or not, this is important to me. Nothing else in my life is conventional, by any stretch of the imagination. This is one thing I want to do—um, properly, for lack of a better word."

"It's really that important to you? Even if I look like a beached whale at the altar?"

Giles smiled. "You'll make the most beautiful bride in the world. I'm certain of that. So we can have any kind of wedding you choose. All I ask is that we do it before the baby arrives. Agreed?"

Becca sighed and then smiled indulgently at her lover. "Agreed. Should I wear white, you stuffy old Brit?"

"You can wear a burlap sack for all I care. And you can cast all the aspersions on my character you wish, my dear," Giles said with a smile. "As long as you marry me." "Oh I'll marry you, all right, Rupert Giles," Becca replied. "And then we'll see who's the one casting aspersions."

Giles's expression turned to wonder as he placed a gentle hand on Becca's flat stomach. "Oh my," he said. "My life's work has been for the most part on discovering new ways to end life… well, for demons. This is the first time I've helped created it. I only wish…"

Becca looked gently at him as he continued to cradle her belly. "What, Sweetie?"

"I only wish we'd known when I was in possession of your body," he said with a wry grin. "It would have been nice to know that I was, even if for only a brief time, carrying our child."

"But you were." Becca nodded. "And you were astute enough to know something was going on," she said. "I might have kept putting off going to the doctor longer. Dr. Abraham said it was better to start the vitamin regimen as close to conception as possible."

"I'm glad I was able to help," Giles said with a bright smile.

"Oh you helped, all right!" Becca laughed.

Giles paused with a pensive expression. "Dear lord! I'm going to be a father!"

Becca laughed as Giles suddenly collapsed back into the sofa, a his horrified expression turning first to a grin, and then to a laugh.

Cut to: Int. Watchers Council Computer Center – Minutes later

Willow was gathering her folders and papers together and was about to leave the area when her computer chirped and one of the file clerks called her over.

"Miss Rosenberg," she called out. "Appears you have a message."

Willow walked back and cleared the screensaver by entering the password and saw an instant message box from 'blueboy' over the Watchers desktop wallpaper.

"Hi Brell," she typed. "Willow here."

"Hello, good witch," Brell typed back. "Need help with refugees from world of Galas. Would ask for Slayer help from hunters, please." Willow bit her lip worriedly. She leaned down to the keyboard again and quickly typed. "Where are the refugees?"

"Better NOT to say," Brell replied. "Brell send Cousin-of-Marriage to Council. He knows and trusts Red Witch."

"Okay," Willow typed back. "Be careful, Brell."

"Brell always careful. You be, too. Hunters not good. I go now."

Willow blinked as the sound of a door slamming closed from the computer's tiny speakers indicated the blue demon had signed off. She gathered her papers again and then headed for the Slayer's dorms.

Cut to: Int. Watchers Council Library – Minutes later

Becca picked up her purse and keys from the library table. "I need to open the store, Rupert," she said, leaning down for a kiss. "The notice on the door says I'll be back by noon and it's nearly that now."

"Are you sure you have to leave?" he asked, worry showing in the tight set of his lips. "Can't you just…retire for a while?"

Becca rolled her eyes and then grinned. "Already starting the mother hen routine, huh? I can't afford to keep the store closed for the next eight months."

"I have money you know." he countered.

"Sorry, but I'm not a freeloader." She smiled before giving him another kiss. "I'll be back for supper."

"Should we tell everyone then?" Giles asked.

"Some people decide to wait to tell loved ones," Becca said hesitantly.


"In case I miscarry. The first trimester is usually when most pregnancies have complications," Becca told him. "That way no one gets their hopes up in advance."

"Hopes are already up," he said, standing up on his still shaky legs and walking her to the door. "And if something does go terribly wrong perhaps it's best they all know, instead of our having to explain it after the fact. Besides, no secrets are best, especially among our family." "Fine with me. Tonight then?"

After opening the door, Giles leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. "Tonight," he told her softly.

Cut to: Int. Slayer's Gymnasium – Same time

"How many refugees we talking about?" Faith asked the redhead.

"Brell didn't say," Willow replied. "He was being cautious in case the IM was being monitored."

"I thought you put in safeguards against that kind of meddling?"

"Never can be too careful," Willow said. "I'm good, but there are hackers out there better than I am, and I put nothing past the Presidium. Anyway, from the intelligence we have on file, there're probably anywhere from a six to a dozen. More than that makes the chances of getting caught by the hunters too risky."

"And what's the four-one-one on those guys? Demons?" Faith asked.

"Usually," Willow answered. "But Brell said that the Presidium uses all kinds of demons for its bounty hunters. So they can be anything. Brell is sending his cousin to show the girls where they are located. I know him from Sunnydale."

Faith sighed and then looked around at the Slayers working out. "Okay, then I'll have Ken and Mia lead a –"

"Um, maybe someone else?" Willow interrupted.

"Got a problem with them?" Faith asked surprised. "I thought you were over that?"

"Oh! I am," Willow said. "Just that Ken mentioned she's got some romantic-type plans with Mia. If they're providing escort duty, then…well, you get the idea."

"Well look at you, Red!" Faith laughed. "Playing Cupid for your ex-girl. Want me to return the favor and light a fire under the Ice Queen?"

"I guess that's where Ken got the nickname," Willow sighed under her breath. "No thanks, Faith, but I appreciate the offer." "Suit yourself." Faith shrugged. "Okay, I'll get Vi and Lori to lead the team. Once Brell's guy gets here we'll know more. In the meantime, I need you to get us more information on those hunters. I don't like sending my girls out there without knowing what they'll face."

"Fair enough," Willow said. "Thanks Faith."

Cut to: Ext. Watchers Council – Same time

Becca walked briskly down the sidewalk to her car, passing a tall and bulky figure in a dark overcoat. She turned to look at the figure a moment before it disappeared into the Council's entrance and then shrugged as she continued to her car. As she leaned down to insert her key into the door lock, someone bumped into her, causing her to lose her balance. She reached out a hand to keep from falling and grabbed the person's hand. A small pop sounding like static shock when off and Becca quickly removed her hand.

As she straightened up, she looked into his expressionless face. "I'm sorry," she said.

The man looked down at her and then without a word turned and walked away, followed silently by his two companions. Becca watched as the trio passed the Council's doors and continued toward the lake.

"Uncivilized bastards," she said to herself, then hopped into her car and drove away with a squeal of tires.

Cut to: Int. Watchers Council Lobby – Same Time

The bulky figure removed the battered fedora to reveal the bald head, wrinkled, sagging face and dog-like ears of a demon. "Nice place," Clem muttered as he looked around the busy lobby. He noticed the buzzer at the reception desk and pressed it.

A moment later, Dawn and Skye entered the lobby from the direction of the classrooms and the younger girl squealed happily when she saw their old friend. "Clem!" she yelled as she ran forward and grabbed the tall demon in a big hug.

"Hi Dawnie!" Clem said, returning her hug. Skye smiled indulgently at her girlfriend's antics.

"Hi," Skye said stepping forward and offering a hand. "I'm Skye, Dawn's partner in crime. You must be her old babysitter. She's told me all about you."

"Wow," Clem said, taking Skye's hand and looking at her appreciatively. "Looks like Dawn's all grown up and doesn't need a babysitter anymore."

"No," Dawn agreed smiling at him. "But I always need my friends. It's so good to see you. What brings you to Cleveland?"

"Well, you know…the lure of the Hellmouth and all," he said bashfully. "Besides, I felt so bad about leaving you guys in Sunnydale I thought I'd lend a hand this time. Brell said you guys are doing real good work here and have helped our family out a lot. By the way, he sent me to pick up some Slayers from Willow."

"I'll go get her. You guys catch up," Skye said and jogged quickly away.

"Don't feel bad about Sunnydale, Clem," Dawn said. "It was pretty chaotic, and we all lost some good friends."

Clem nodded. "I heard about Anya," he said mournfully. "I felt really bad about it. She was a hero among the demon crowd. How did Xander take it?"

"Hard," she said. "But he's here, and he's a lot better now."

"Those two threw a great wedding," Clem reminisced, shaking his head. "Even if they didn't get hitched."

Willow, Vi and Lori followed Skye into the lobby. Willow gave a big smile on seeing Clem. She walked quickly forward and kissed the demon on the cheek, causing him to blush.

"Long time no see," she said. "Thanks so much for helping Brell."

"It's the least I could do," he replied shrugging his shoulders and causing a ripple of flesh to roll forward in a slow wave.

"How many refugees are there?" Vi asked.

"Ten," he told the slim Slayer. "No idea how many hunters though. They usually travel in packs of three, but it depends on the type of demons they are. Of course, they could be human, or even disguised as human."

"Humans?" Willow asked. "The Presidium often recruits humans to do their dirty work," he replied. "Seems to be their species of choice for some reason."

"We've got one of them right here," Dawn mumbled.

"Ask Brell to send us a list of the types of hunters they've encountered before," Willow said. "It'll help with research."

"I think we'll start out with a team of five," Vi said. "Lori, go ahead get them ready."

"You want me to pick the team?" Lori asked, surprised.

"Why not?" Vi retorted. "Go."

Willow was silent as Lori headed for the dorms. "Good call," she said to Vi.

"She needs the confidence," Vi said. "And thanks for the chance to lead the team."

"That was Faith's call," Willow said. "By the way…Clem, this is Vi. She's one of our senior Slayers and will be helping you guys out."

"Pleased to see you, again," Clem said. "I remember you from Sunnydale."

"Yeah, the guy Buffy wanted to scare us so we'd take demons seriously," Vi laughed. "Even with your Beetlejuice face, you still weren't scary."

Clem laughed at the memory. "That scream must have been fake, then?" he teased. "I can do it again if you like."

Vi held up her hands. "Let's not and say we did."

"Come on, Clem," Willow said with a smile. "Let's go find Xander while the girls get ready. I'm sure he'll want to see you."

Fade Out

Fade In Int. Becca's Books – Afternoon

Becca looked up from her book with a scowl as a customer approached the counter.

"Miss, I was wondering…" the obviously shy man started and then paused.

"What?" Becca prompted harshly. "I'm a collector of old books, and I was looking for a first edition of Lawrence's Lady Chatterly's Lover. Perhaps you have it in stock or can acquire it somehow?"

Becca looked at the man, her face becoming angrier by the second. "Lady Chatterly?" she snarled. "Do you think I keep that trash in my store? Why don't you go down to the Hustler store on the wharf if you're looking for smut?"

The man's face turned beet-red. "But…but… Lawrence isn't…"

"I don't care what he is or isn't," Becca said pointing a finger at the door. "I want you off my property. Now!"

The shocked man hurriedly stumbled outside.

"Pervert," Becca declared and returned to her book.

End of Act One

Act Two

Fade In Int. Watchers Council Dining Hall – Evening

The senior staff sat at the head table of the communal dining room. Giles, for once, was sitting at the end of the table, with Becca to his right.

Conversation flowed easily among the group. Every now and then Willow would lean over and make a whispered comment to Rowena, who would blush, pretend to ignore the redhead, and then say something to Dawn, who was sitting on her other side.

As Andrew wheeled out a serving cart, Giles stopped him from leaving by grabbing his arm and motioning to take a seat at the table. After Andrew sat down, Giles stood up.

"Becca and I have an announcement to make," he told them with a growing grin.

"We all know about the wedding Giles," Willow told him, before shooting a look to Robin across the table. "Some of us sooner than others," she added as she got up to get more wine.

Robin grinned and just shrugged. "What can I say? I make a great confidant." "No, it's not about the wedding," Giles answered. "There's more…we're, uh, we're having a baby too." Collectively jaws dropped around the table but no one said a word.

Xander looked left and then right. "Is that crickets I hear chirping?" he asked.

Giles nervously looked around. "I know this is a bit of a shock."

"That's the understatement of the year," Rowena said her jaw still slightly agape. "I thought you couldn't get pregnant?" she asked as she looked across to Becca.

"I couldn't. The doctor says it's a small miracle," she answered.

Again the room fell silent for a moment as grins slowly worked to their faces. Still no one said anything until Xander spoke again. "Well then, way to go Giles," Xander commended with a nod. "Whoever thought you could be so studly and virile?"

Faith chuckled and shook her finger at Giles. "Nice to see you decided to make an honest woman out of her, even if it is a shot gun wedding," she teased with a wink to him.

Giles smiled and shook his head but as he started to answer Becca cut him off.

"Who do you think you are?" she snapped at Faith.

Faith's happy expression fell in an instant. "What?" the slayer asked.

"Rupert proposed before we found out about the pregnancy and you're not exactly one to criticize about how one should live their life."

Faith looked nervously to Robin at her right before looking across to the blonde again. "Where the hell did that come from? I was just teasing, Becca. I think this is great news."

Becca placed the napkin that was in her lap on the table and rose with a quiet, "Excuse me."

Giles watched her leave the room and Faith reached out for his arm as he started to move from the table.

"I'm sorry, Giles," she told him sincerely. "I didn't mean anything by-."

Giles held up his hand. "It's not you," he reassured. "She's been edgy all day, and it seems to be getting worse. Hormones a-and all that I'm sure," he said with a grin. "Excuse me." Andrew shook his head as he rose and walked to the serving tray. "Premenstrual to the tenth power," he muttered.

"Yeah like you'd know all about that, wouldn't ya?" Faith teased.

"Apparently Becca's not the only one with that problem today," he shot back boldly.

"Look at you Andy, gettin' a backbone," Faith nodded approvingly. "I gotta cure for that which involves kickin' your ass all the way to the middle of the lake."

"Um, kids? Can we cut the bickering and just eat?" Rowena asked.

"Hear, hear," Willow said, tapping her fork on her plate.

Cut to Int. Watchers Lobby – Same Time

"Where are you going?" Giles asked, as he chased after Becca.

"Home," she answered.

"Whatever for?"

Becca stopped and turned around. "Why do you think? I went off on Faith for no reason. I even went off on a customer today, Rupert. I just shouldn't be around people right now. Obviously my body isn't adjusting very well to impending motherhood."

"You've had a busy day," Giles assured her. "So you snapped at Faith. She understands. So just come back to the table."

"No," she answered and started to walk away. Giles reached out and touched her shoulder and she spun around. She batted his hand away and pushed him back by the shoulders, making him stumble slightly. "Get your damn hands off of me." Giles heard her mumble a name and then, "…work will be done…" Becca trailed off looking confused. In response, Giles also looked a bit bewildered. "Just leave me alone!" she shouted.

She stormed away as Giles called out her name again, but she refused to stop. Putting his hands in his pockets, Giles watched her leave, then walked back toward the dinning area. Cut to: Int. Council Van – Same Time

Mia bounced in her seat as the Council van rumbled down a pothole infested side street. She glanced over at Kennedy, who occupied the driver's seat.

"Okay," Mia began. "I've gotta admit that I don't have a single clue to what the big surprise might be." She glanced out the window at the ramshackle neighborhood. "And I can't imagine what type of romantic hideaway is, you know, hidden away in this part of town."

Kennedy didn't answer as she tapped the brakes to let a mother cat and three kittens dash across the street. A jar of industrial-sized ketchup rolled between the two Slayers. Mia looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

"And I'm also wondering why we took the van. Andrew's gonna be pissed when he finds out we drove off with his groceries." She pointed her thumb over her shoulder towards the boxes of canned goods stacked in the rear of the van. "You know how he gets." She rolled the ketchup back in place.

Kennedy remained uncharacteristically quiet.

"Are you mad?" Mia asked, a bit of worry creeping into her voice. "I... I'm sorry I doubted you," she continued in a rush. "I shoulda known you weren't lying to me when you said you had something planned - I know you wouldn't do that – lie to me, that is."

"I was," Kennedy admitted, finally.


"I was lying. When you called me on it the other day – I lied. I didn't have anything special planned for us. Not then, anyway. "

"Oh." It was Mia's turn to be silent. Her eyes locked onto a bird that fluttered to a landing on a streetlight ahead of the van, and she watched it as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

"You okay?" Kennedy asked. After passing the streetlight, Mia had sunk back into her seat and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry," Kennedy continued. "I didn't mean to lie to you – I just…I kinda felt put on the spot. Like…like it was a pop quiz or something." "You think of me as some kind of test?" Mia asked.

"No! Well...Maybe a little." Kennedy took the turn a little too fast, and there was a THUMP! from the back of the van as some of the boxes tipped over. "I mean, not that you're a test," she continued in a rush, "but that I'm gonna fail to pick up on some kinda hint, or clue, and then…I don't read minds, Mia, and I don't speak 'Hint,' and I don't want to lose someone else because of that."

She gave Mia a steady look before turning her eyes back to the road.

"It's funny, you know?" Kennedy began. "When we're out on patrol, I know everything there is to know about you. I know which vamp you're gonna jump first; I even know what move you're gonna use on him. I know if you need me to watch your back or if you're ready for the guy behind you and are just luring him into a trap. But when it comes to knowing what you like, what drives you, I'm just…I'm just not good at that kind of stuff. And I don't know if I ever will be, but I don't want to lose you because of it. I really want this to work," she added. "I want us to work."

Kennedy gunned the engine and the van bounced across a railroad crossing right before the gate closed. Neither Slayer paid it much attention.

"You really want us to work?" Mia asked after a moment.

"Yeah, I really do."

"Me too," Mia said after a moment's hesitation. "And for what it's worth, I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I just worry sometimes. When I was with Julia I was never with Julia. She never claimed to be my lover but it never stopped her from inviting me into her bed. And I guess like an idiot I took what I could get. But now, my life is changing so much that I don't want to settle again. Does that make sense?"

"Perfect sense," Kennedy answered. "I knew my share of boarding school brats that swore they weren't 'queer' as one of them called it. And I can tell you first hand, she sure didn't kiss like a straight girl."

Kennedy gave a tiny grin that Mia returned for a brief moment.

"Well like I said, things are different now," Mia went on. "I don't want another Julia, but I'm not really sure where I fit into your life, and..." She blew out a breath "I don't really expect you to know everything about me, or us, but I'd like to think we relate to each other in ways that's not just kickin' ass." She laughed. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it'd be nice if there was more, ya know? And it's not all one-sided; it's not like either of us is named Great Chief Talks-About-Herself."

"What? Me? I'm an open book; pretty much whatchya see is whatchya get. You know everything there is to know about me." "Really? And your last name is…?" Mia asked with a grin.

"Okay…so there're a few little things." Kennedy shot back, grinning sheepishly and pulled out her wallet, handing it to Mia who read what appeared to be a driver's license before handing it back. "Happy now?" she teased as she stuffed the wallet in her back pocked again.

"Much," Mia answered confidently. "And to my credit, I totally knew you were ly…fibbing to me. You're a terrible liar, Ken."

"Am not."

"Are too. And I can prove it with one word."

"Yeah?" Kennedy challenged.

"Bluituitis," Mia said with a laugh. "Brell and his Bluituitis condition. Come on, Ken, if you wanted me to respect your lying skills, you should never have told me about that one."

Kennedy sighed. "Okay, so I'm not a world-class liar. I'm working on it, though."

Mia laughed, "Nah, I like that you're honest – it's just one of the things I love about you. Plus, it's a rare virtue these days."

"Yeah?" Kennedy smiled. "Well, it's been brought to my attention that I'm sometimes more honest than is socially acceptable."

"Give me honesty over ass kissing any day. I like it better when we're truthful with each other. Talking like this – it's nice. You're sweet and you're funny and I think if someone asked about us…you'd tell them the score because that's just you. And that's why I want to learn more and stick around."

"Kinda cleared the air, huh?" Kennedy asked. Mia nodded with a small grin. "And, hey, we're here." Kennedy wheeled the van into a parking spot across the street from a rundown brick building that had a large hand-painted sign proclaiming that it was The Good Samaritan Mission.

Mia looked around curiously. "Kennedy, where, exactly, is here?"

Kennedy pointed across the street.

"Okay. Let me get this straight. For our special, romantic evening, you bring me to a soup kitchen?" Mia asked with a voice tinged with confusion and a dash of disappointment.

"Don't knock it till you've tried it," Kennedy told her, leaning over to give her a kiss before exiting the van. Mia sat still for a moment and then shrugged before opening her door, too. Cut to: Int. Becca's Apartment – Moments later

Becca entered her apartment and grabbed her head as if in pain. She shook it, as if to clear it, then began muttering repeatedly "Imbethit, Imbethit, Imbethit." . She let out a high-pitched scream and began to pull books off of her bookshelf and throw them angrily on the floor, as if searching for something.

Not finding what she sought, she picked up the lamp from her end table and threw it against the wall as she howled.

Cut to: Int. Dining Hall – Moments later

Giles picked at his food as Faith looked over at him. "Again, I didn't mean to ruin tonight," she said softly.

"It's not you Faith. Honestly," Giles answered. "Something is not right and I can't put my finger on it."

"Like you said," Faith replied. "Hormones."

"No. She said something peculiar in the lobby."

"What?" Rowena asked.

"Something like "I'm Beth and work will be done."

"Huh?" Willow asked.

"Exactly," Giles sighed. "It made no sense."

Rowena stopped drinking and put her glass down. "That's odd."

"Do you think it means anything?" Giles asked.

"I don't know," she answered as she chewed on her lip in thought. She rose from the table, taking her glass. "Let me do some checking."

"No, finish dinner at least," Giles insisted.

"I'm done anyway," she told him before turning to Willow. "Wanna help me look this up?" she asked. "Oh, sure," Willow said as she rose from the table and the two of them walked from the room. "Demon books all around?"

"No, a few medical books. Becca might have a medical condition associated with the pregnancy. Like a chemical imbalance."

"I'm going to go to her apartment," Giles told the table. "Call there if you discover anything," he told the two departing women.

Rowena and Willow both nodded at the door.

Faith frowned as she watched the two women leave with Willow putting her hand on the small of Rowena's back as she opened the door for them.

"Somethin's up with them," she said quietly to Xander as she nodded toward the door and went back to eating.

"Will and Ro?" he asked.

Faith just nodded.

"Nah, I've asked. If there was, she'd tell me," Xander replied.

"Then somebody's lying," she answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Either you know and you're lying to me. Or you don't know and she's lying to you."

Xander shook his head. "You're just reading into things."

"Yeah, whatever," Faith sighed before she took a drink.

Cut to: Int. Skye's dorm – Moments later

Skye opened her door to see Willow and Rowena standing there.

"She's not here. She's not naked. And she's eighteen now anyway," the young woman immediately said. Rowena blushed and Willow tried to hold back a smile. "That's not why we're here. We need your help with research."

"Demonology?" Skye asked.

"No, Psychology," Rowena answered. "We need to borrow your textbooks."

Skye looked confused as she let them inside.

Cut to: Int. Council Safe House – Later that night

Vi pointed to the window shades and Lori made sure they were pulled down before Vi turned on the lights. Inside stood Clem, Brell and the refugees.

"This place will be your home for the next 24 hours, guys," Vi told them. "I know it's not much, but it's safe. Our resident witch has a spell in place so anyone out to harm you won't find you as long as you stay within these walls. If you step outside, then you're fair game, so try to stay indoors until we can make arrangements to move you out of the city. Okay?"

Brell nodded and began to translate as Clem took Vi aside.

"Are we really going to be safe here?" he asked.

"Yes, no one knows about this place. And we'll have another team escort you on the next leg of your journey. We've done this a few times now, so we're getting pretty good at it," she smiled reassuringly.

Clem gave her a grin and a thumbs up in response. She then reached into her pocket and handed him a business card.

"The number is by the phone, too, but keep this on you. If you have any trouble, give us a call. We're not sure what Brell's folks here eat so if you've got any requests, can you get me a list in the next few minutes?" she asked.

"Oh human food is just fine. I like cheesy snacks myself, if it's not too much trouble."

"I think we can manage that." Vi chuckled. Cut to: Int. Becca's apartment – Moments later

Giles walked up to Becca's door and paused a moment before knocking. When he got no answer, he called out.

"Becca? Are you there?" Still he heard no answer. "If you're inside please open the door." Suddenly he heard a crash from the other side. "Becca?" he called again, with more urgency. He tried to turn the doorknob but it was locked. "I'm coming in," he called out.

He began to kick the door repeatedly. Finally, on the fourth kick, it gave way, and he walked in to find the place a shambles.

"Becca?" he called out, his voice cracking in fear. He moved through the kitchen quickly to go to the bedroom, only to find it vacant, too. He started to walk back through to the other side of the apartment where the bathroom was. He slowly opened the half-closed door to find Becca by the commode, sitting on the floor, shaking.

"Becca!" He lunged forward to help her, but her voice, loud and urgent, stopped him." No! Don't come near me. I don't want to hurt you."

Giles took slow, careful steps toward her. She began to rise, sliding up the wall until she was in a standing position with her hands behind her.

"Let me help you," Giles told her.

"I said don't!" she shouted at him before looking away. "No, no, no, I can't. Don't make me do it."

"I'm not going to make you do anything."

"Not you!" Becca shouted. "Him!"

Giles looked around the room. "Who?"

He didn't see the knife Becca swung at him until it had already slashed across his stomach. He slumped to the floor and stared up dumbly at her, his eyes wide with shock and the pain of betrayal as she menaced over him. Without warning she stabbed him again - this time in the shoulder - before bolting from the room and out the apartment door. Bleeding, Giles reached after her but came up empty with the knife still lodged deep in his shoulder.

End of Act Two

Act Three

Cut to Int. Council Kitchen – Later

Marsha and two younger slayers formed a washing, drying and stacking line for the dishes as Andrew finished cleaning up the counter. Tracey walked in with her coat on.

"I've got all the eggs mixed up for tomorrow, Andrew," she told him. "I'll be a little late but, you should be set for morning, and I'll be here in plenty of time to help with lunch."

"That's great," Andrew nodded without looking up.

Tracey returned the nod and started toward the door.

"Uh, Tracey," he called out, making her stop and turn around. "I wanted to ask you something," he said nervously.

"There you are," another voice called out. Andrew and Tracey both turned to see a handsome dark-haired man in his early twenties make his way over. "Just about done?" he asked as he slipped his arm around her waist.

"Yeah," she answered. "Andrew this is Steve. Steve, Andrew."

"I've heard a lot about you," Steve said, extending his hand to Andrew. "Tracey says she really likes working for your school."

Reluctantly Andrew took it. "And you are?" the cook replied, trying to be civil.

Steve looked apprehensive. "I'm not sure, but hopefully I'll be an official boyfriend soon. We just started dating, what, three weeks ago?" Steve asked Tracy. She nodded.

"Andrew needed to speak to me a moment," Tracey told Steve. "Can I catch you in the lobby?" "Sure thing," Steve said. "Nice to meet you," he added in acknowledgment to Andrew before leaving the room.

Andrew stared after him until Tracey got his attention. "What did you want to ask me? If it's the extra time off, Andrew, it's not like it will become a habit. I just have –."

"Uh, no," Andrew answered. "I just I wanted to ask if you, uh, if you still enjoy it here, but Steve answered the question for me. I, uh, I was hoping you did because you're a real asset to us, here at the Council I mean, and I wanted you to know that. So don't worry about the time. I realize that you've got a life outside this kitchen."

Tracey smiled and leaned over to give Andrew a kiss on the cheek. "You're a sweetie…I'll see you tomorrow."

Andrew nodded with a smile and watched her walk out the door. Once she was out of sight his happy expression fell, and he appeared to be on the verge of tears.

Marsha turned around and Andrew quickly averted his eyes, suddenly finding a spot he had missed on the counter extremely interesting.

"We're just about finished up," she told him. "Can I help you with anything else?" she asked.

"No," he answered, his voice cracking. "You guys can take off."

The two other girls celebrated and quickly darted from the room. Marsha, on the other hand, leaned closer to Andrew.

"For what it's worth, I think that Steve guy has loser written all over him," she told him. "And I'm willing to stay and help, too."

Andrew gave her a small grin. "Thanks Marsha," he told her sincerely. "Just go catch up to your friends."

With a short bob of her head Marsha slowly left the room. She turned around to see Andrew take a seat at the counter, his face resting in his hands.

Cut to Int. Watchers Council Lobby – Same time

Xander walked next to a young man who taking notes. "I'll need those two by fours in the next week," Xander said as his associate tried to walk and scribble at the same time. "Oh, we need those drill bits, too," he said in afterthought. The man nodded and held up the pen as if remembering a prior conversation.

"Anything else?" the man asked. "Nope. That about covers it," Xander told him.

"I'll go call it in," he said, walking away.

Xander heard the front door open and turned to see Alex Neel step inside.

"Why if it isn't Ms. Child Welfare, OHASA and Perry Mason all rolled into one. What brings you out tonight?"

Alex gave him a courteous grin. "Just coming by to check on Jeff, but now that you mention it, perhaps we should visit your workshop, too," Alex countered.

"I'm sure you'll find everything in shipshape. It might even please that bug up your butt, too," Xander replied.

Alex gave a short laugh. "It's good to know you don't have a problem following directions. Some men are intimidated by smart women, well, women who are smarter than them anyway."

Xander cocked his head. "And let me ask you this, Ms. Neel…How does one properly tile a bathroom sink?"

"Excuse me?" Alex asked.

"I'm sure you've got some shiny, posh looking bathroom filled with live plants and marble up in your law offices. How did they build it?"

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Let's go have a look at that workshop, shall we?"

"Ja wohl," Xander said with a slight bow and flourish of his hand.

Fade out

Fade In Int. Willow's Apartment – Evening

Willow lay stretched across her couch with her head in Rowena's lap as they each looked at a different text. "Find anything yet?" the blond asked, looking down at her friend.

"Not really. Just post-partum depression stuff. Wanna switch?" Rowena began to hand over her book when a sudden knock at the door made them both jump. They exchanged a nervous look. Willow got up and walked toward the door. "Who is it?" she called out.


Willow opened the door and Xander saw Rowena sitting on the sofa with a book in her hand. "Actually, I don't want to break up the study group. It'll just be a minute," he said, pulling Willow from her apartment before she could protest and shutting the door behind them.

Cut To. Int. Council Hallway – Same time

He motioned her down the hall with a bob of his head and they started to walk along. "Faith said something to me at dinner, and it's been bugging me."

"Becca and now you, huh? She's really rackin' 'em up tonight."

"She thinks something's going on with you and Rowena. But like I told her, if that's the case you'd tell me, so I'm just checking."

"Checking what?" Willow asked.

"Are you two, like, an item now?" he asked.

"You mean like with the dating and such? No," Willow answered evasively. "I haven't taken her out for a root beer float or anything, if that's what you mean," she added playfully.

Xander nodded. "Okay, good. I mean, not good actually, because I want you to be happy. I'm glad Faith's just being paranoid and I'm not out of the loop. You're my best friend Will. If something is going on, I'd like to know about it."

Willow took a deep breath and nodded. "Anything else? I really should get back and hit the books."

"Yeah, there is. Alex stopped by, you know, Jeff's attorney," he said with a roll of his eyes.

"Everything okay?" Willow asked.

"With Jeff, just peachy. She had some paperwork to give him. With me, all she had to give was a hard time."

"You really don't like that woman, do you?" Willow smiled.

"Of course not. That's why we've going out next week." Willow began to laugh. "Are you serious?" she asked. When Xander nodded, she added, "So what kinda demon is she?"

Xander smiled. "She's not a demon – just a lawyer."

They both paused, and at the exact time said, "Same difference," before snorting in amusement at their like-minded thoughts.

"Nah," Xander went on with a bashful grin. "I think she's just used to people agreeing with her."

"And you're discovering the joys of being disagreeable?" Willow said stroking his arm. "But it's good you're getting out, even if it's just to torture women."

Xander bobbed his head with a grin and nodded toward Willow's apartment. "I better let you get back. Sorry I had to interrupt."

"I always have time for you Xan. You know that," she told him with a smile.

He squeezed her arm, and she watched him until he had disappeared down the hall before she returned to her apartment.

Cut to: Int. Willow's Apartment – Same time

Once back inside, she closed the door and shook her head. "This is getting harder," she told Rowena.


Willow shrugged. "Being back in the closet, kinda," she said nervously. "I mean, I spent so long being honest about who I loved that it's odd, I guess, not being able to say anything."

"I told you my reasons why, Willow."

"Oh, I know. I get that you don't want them prying, but they're starting to pry anyway," she answered with a slight grin before looking serious again. "And now…I feel like I'm lying and…I don't like it."

Rowena rose from the sofa and walked over. She stroked Willow's face and gave her a tender kiss on the lips. "We haven't lied to anyone, Will." "Okay then. How about telling half-truths then?" Willow asked, to which Rowena could only reply with a sigh. Shaking it off, Willow pointed back to her coffee table. "Let's get back to work. I want to find something for Giles by the time he gets back."

Cut to: Ext. Becca's Apartment – Same time

Giles stumbled into the hallway clutching his bleeding stomach. His hand left a small trail of blood down the banister as he worked his way down to the street.

Cut to: Ext. City Street – Same time

Giles made it to the sidewalk in a daze. He noticed a taxi slowing to stop at the light up ahead. He tried to wave the taxi down, but the yellow and black vehicle began to blur in his vision as he tumbled to the sidewalk.

The vehicle pulled up next to the fallen man and the driver rushed to his side, leaving his door open.

"You okay, Buddy?" he called out as he approached.

Getting no response from Giles, the man cautiously knelt beside him. When Giles didn't move, the cabbie rolled him to his side and saw his bleeding stomach and the knife imbedded in his shoulder.

"Oh, man," the driver breathed and started to look around for any sign of danger.

Finding none, he darted over to his cab and opened the passenger door to grab his radio mic.

"Hey Jenny. It's Harry. I found a stabbing victim. He's in rough shape."

Cut to: Int. Soup Kitchen – Same time

The two slayers worked in the soup kitchen side by side.

"You know, in all fairness here, I never actually used the word 'romantic' to describe the surprise," Kennedy told Mia as she easily hefted a crate and placed it on the shelf above her head. "I just thought that it'd be something we could do together. Something that you could relate to." She turned to Mia with a hopeful look only to find the woman with a slight scowl. "And I obviously thought wrong. Again."

"No!" Mia exclaimed, "It's good. It... It feels good to be helping out without, you know, punching things out. And I can relate." She grabbed a box and placed it on the shelf beside of the crate.

"But..." Kennedy prompted.

"No buts."

"Yeah, buts." Kennedy reached out and put a hand on Mia's shoulder. "I'm hearing buts here. And what'd we just talk about? You've gotta meet me half way here, Mia. Okay?"

Mia looked down at her feet. "It's just..." She looked back up and met Kennedy's worried gaze. "Is this," she waved her hands in the direction of the soup kitchen, "how you see me?" she asked.

"As someone who likes to help people? Who'd spend her pretty damned rare time off feeding the hungry? Damned straight! And not just for show, or out of guilt, or because there was a time when you didn't know where your next meal was coming from."

"So I'm a street rat then?" Mia asked.

"No, that's not what I said," Kennedy insisted and then paused to think before adding more. "See…Every Thanksgiving, my dad would bundle us off to some shelter where he'd make big deal of signing a check and we'd spend a few hours helping out. I used to think it was to wash away the guilt from being filthy rich and not doing anything else the whole rest of the year, but as I got older, I couldn't help but notice that we somehow always wound up where there was some news crew filming holiday stuff. Can't help thinking that's the kind of thing that looks good if you ever want to get into politics. Not that my dad was an ogre or anything, but he rarely did anything that didn't have some kind of angle to it. But you're not like that. You remind me of my watcher."

"I remind you of an old British guy?" Mia asked. "At least I'm moving up on the food chain now."

"Not the old stuff, or the British stuff, or the guy stuff, but in other ways, yeah. He was one of those people who liked to help people just because he could. He never expected to get anything out of it; he'd just pitch in and help 'cause it needed done. I don't know how much the Old Guard paid him; I don't think it was a lot, but it never stopped him from sharing what he had. He started bringing me to places like this and I pretty much gave him hell for it at first."

"You didn't like it?" "I couldn't figure out what the hell it had to do with slaying. How did washing dishes or dishing out stew one weekend a month help with the council's mission? I even asked him, "How's feeding creepy, funny smelling people helping save the world?"

"What'd he say?"

"He pointed that people make up the world - even these people. And if I was lucky, I'd never be called on to save the entire world, but there were always people who needed saving. And after a while, I figured out that even creepy people get hungry, and once you took the time to know them, talk to them, they aren't really creepy at all. Many of them are good people that got a bad break."

Mia gave a half-laugh and said, "Sometimes I'm afraid that's how you – and not just you but everybody at the Council – sees me. Like some creepy kid. Like they oughta lock the silverware up when I'm around." She looked down again and when she looked back up, there was a touch of anger in her voice. "I don't wanna have my whole life defined by one really crappy part of it."

"Hey!" Kennedy put her arms around Mia and pulled her in for a hug. "We don't think of you like that. When I look at you, I see someone who is incredibly strong. Hell, you've lived through stuff that I don't think I'd survive."

"You? Ken, you're indestructible."

Kennedy snorted, "You shoulda seen me last Christmas. Seriously, I can't imagine living through the crap you've been through. I've never been hungry in my life."

"Never?" Mia asked, her chin resting shoulder on Kennedy's shoulder.

"Well, there was Dawn's 'blackened' mac and cheese, but no, I've never really had to worry where my next meal was coming from. And as for how the rest the Council sees you, I fully expect Giles to call me into his office any day now and tell me that he's givin' you my job. Six months, Mia, and you've become just about indispensable. Nobody sees you as just some street kid."

"Now you're making me blush," Mia said, but she was laughing as she said it.

"Yeah, I'm good at that, ain't I?" Kennedy pulled back and looked Mia in the eye.

"Real good," Mia grinned. "But I don't want you to have any illusions, either. I've had…I've done stuff that I'm not real proud of, and that's part of me now. Some days I wish it wasn't, But I can't change where I've been. I can only use it for where I'm going, I guess."

"I get that, Mia. I do. And yeah, stealin's wrong, but starvin's wronger."

"Did you just say wronger?" "Hey, I'm a slayer. Making up words is every slayer's right. I got that straight from Buffy herself, and she's the ultimate authority on all things slayer-y. Just ask her, she'll tell you." Kennedy grinned wickedly and Mia laughed.

"Are you still on about Buffy? She's, like, a couple of thousand miles away."

"Nah, I got no problems with Buffy. Buffy's cool; I like her. Besides she's real easy to like when she's a couple of thousand miles away." They were both laughing now.

"You are bad," Mia laughed.

"Yeah, and don't you forget it. I'm badder than you ever thought about being." She pulled Mia into a hug again and lightly rubbed her back.

Mia wore a hesitant expression but returned the hug just the same.

"We okay here?" Kennedy asked after a moment.

"Yeah. We're good." Mia smiled. "Sorry to go off like that. It's just that sometimes people seem to forget that I did have a life before coming home one day and finding that my dad had changed all the locks."

Kennedy froze. "He what?"

The look on Mia's face showed that she regretted letting it slip, but she continued on, "I... It was a normal day, you know, nothing out of the ordinary. Dad had stayed home with the flu. I went off to school and about the worst thing I expected out of the day was a pop quiz in history. When I got home, all my stuff was out in the yard and he'd changed the locks."

"Why the hell did –"

"Why do you think, Ken? It's not like I just decided to run off and join the circus...He read my diary and that was that...It happens, you know?"

"Whoa. I'm not…I'm just trying wrap my head around this. His own daughter…"

"In his eyes I was no longer his daughter, so that made it easier for him," Mia answered softly leaning back against the wall as Kennedy started pacing back and forth. "I've never told anyone else about what happened. Julia and the other girls all thought that I just got tired of living by my parents' rules and decided to make it on my own. They respected that. They wouldn't think I was so tough if they knew that my old man kicked me out on the street for being gay. Either that or they'd be afraid I'd hit on them some night. It was best just to keep my mouth shut. Experience taught me that."

"God. I don't know what to say, Mia." "There's nothing to say. It happened; I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life dwelling on it."

"Never had much use for dwelling myself. I am glad you told me, though."

"Yeah. I'm glad I did, too. I think maybe I've been waiting to tell someone for a while now."

"You do realize you're in a place now where that stuff doesn't matter. I mean, no one at the council is gonna kick you out for who you love. Hell, Xander has an attraction to demons and the majority of Buffy's men have been dead for over 100 years. A couple of lesbians here and there are not a big deal – trust me," Kennedy teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Mia smiled and bobbed her head in understanding. "So, you wanna finish up and be on our way?" she asked.

"Absolutely. Besides I'm thinkin' I owe you some romancing," Kennedy said with a grin.

"Ooo, sounds good," Mia replied as they headed out the door. "Will you even buy me one of those half-dead roses they sell down at the park by the lake?"

"If that's what milady wants, then that's what she'll get," Kennedy said as she flipped out the light. "You know, maybe we can do this again sometime?"

"Count me in," Mia answered with a touch of mirth in her voice as she reached down and squeezed Kennedy's backside making the slayer give a small squeal. "Just keepin' ya on your toes," Mia added with a chuckle.

"As long as I get to sweep you off your feet later," Kennedy quipped as they closed the door behind them.

Cut to: Int. Willow's Apartment – Later that night

After another knock at the door, Rowena and Willow both rolled their eyes.

"I think I need to look into off campus housing. Skye can have my apartment," the priestess teased, making Rowena smile.

She opened the door and looked surprised yet happy to see Becca standing there.

"Hey, Willow. I just wanted to apologize for earlier."

"Oh, no. That's fine Becca. Crankiness is to be expected," Willow said cheerfully. "Did you see Giles?" "No," she answered. "But he called. Told me to come back to the Council to talk. He had to stop out to see the Slayers first – the ones that Brell brought in? I wasn't sure how long he'd be, and I wanted to see him before it got too late. I wasn't sure which safe house they're being kept at right now."

"Oh, the one over on Ma…" Willow trailed off as she noticed blood on Becca's shoes.

"Yes?" Becca asked expectantly.

Willow looked back up into her eyes, but before she could say anything, Becca slammed her hand over Willow's mouth with a piece of duct tape and grabbed her arms before she shoved her way into the room.

Rowena jumped up off the sofa, but Becca turned Willow around and grabbed her by the throat. "Come closer and I snap her neck," she warned.

"Just calm down, Becca," Rowena said, trying to reason with her. "No one's going to hurt you."

"No one can hurt me. Imbethit's power fills me now. I'm invincible."

Cut to: Int. Hospital – Same time

The ambulance medical crew rushed Giles through the double doors of the emergency room with a crash.

"What do we have?" the attending physician asked as they swiftly wheeled him inside.

"Cabbie found a stabbing victim on the street. Two lacerations to the torso – abdomen and left shoulder. The stomach isn't bad but the shoulder wound is pretty deep."

"John Doe?" the doctor asked.

"No, he had a license on him – Rupert Giles," the driver said.

"Let's see if we can contact someone," the doctor replied.

"On it." The driver walked to the check-in desk as the doctor and remaining crew wheeled Giles in the opposite direction into one of the draped areas.

"Rupert, can you hear me?" the doctor asked.

Slowly Giles nodded with his eyes closed as the attending nurse began to replace an IV pouch. "You're at Memorial Hospital right now, okay? We're going to give you a sedative so you'll be asleep in a few moments."

Giles tried to shake his head but the needle slid into his arm before he could open his mouth to protest. The last thing he saw was the bright light of the examination room before he was plunged into utter darkness

Cut to: Int. Willow's Apartment – Same time

Rowena inched closer to Becca, who still held Willow in a firm chokehold.

"Who is Imbethit?" the Watcher asked.

"The Assassin," Becca answered. "And his will must be done."

Recognition flickered in Rowena's eyes, but she kept her features impassive.

"Okay," Rowena agreed steadily. "Let Willow go, and I'll tell you whatever you want." Willow began a muffled protest behind her taped mouth, her eyes wide. "Trust me, okay?" Rowena said, still holding Becca's eyes with her own, but the tone meant as much for Willow, who quieted somewhat at the words.

"No," Becca answered firmly.

"Then no deal," Rowena replied, just as harshly, folding her arms across her chest. "You want a location. And I want Willow safe. Give me what I want, and you get what you want."

Becca pushed Willow to the ground. "Take that tape off and I kill her," she told the witch, as she pointed to Rowena.

"She's not going to touch the tape. The safe house you want is the one in the Heights on Maple," Rowena answered.

Becca ran from the room and Willow ripped off the tape from her mouth. She began to chant but Rowena stopped her.

"No, let her go," the Watcher told her.

Willow looked bewildered.

"If she's working with the assassins now she might meet with them. We can take them all out." "We're not hurting Becca," Willow said decisively.

"I meant the assassins," Rowena corrected herself. "We need to get Faith and warn Vi," she added.

"She had blood on her shoes, Ro. What if Giles ran into her and…" ,

The watcher sighed. "Did Giles take one of the phones with him?"

"I doubt it," Willow answered. "Electronically allergic, remember?"

"Then let's try her apartment. Maybe he's there inside," Rowena replied as she walked over to the coffee table and moved two books before picking up the third. "I gave her what she wanted because I know where I heard of Imbethit," she answered.

"Where?" Willow asked.

Rowena held up the book. "Brell's text. You call Vi and move her group. Then have Faith meet us in the conference room. "

"What if Becca gets there first?" Willow asked.

"Just pray to Hecate she doesn't – for everyone's sake."

End of Act Three

Act Four

Fade In Int. Meeting Room – Evening

Willow entered the room swiftly to find Rowena already there, reading the book in front of her with a frustrated expression.

"I've called Vi," she replied to the unvoiced question in the blond Watcher's eyes. "She's moving them out to another location tonight. It's only a matter of time before Becca hits them all when she doesn't find them there."

"What's up?" Faith asked, as she entered behind Willow. Willow held up a finger. "What's wrong, Ro?"

"It's this damn book. Where the hell is Giles anyway?" she said aggravated. "I can only read part of this passage. The rest…it's in Sumerian I think."

"It's okay," Willow told her.

"No, it's not," Rowena answered and let out a sigh.

"No, Dawn reads Sumerian," she clarified, going over to the phone and dialing.

"Well, I hope she's home; otherwise my ineptness is costing us time."

"It's not your fault and we both know it," Willow said toward her before putting the phone back up to her ear quickly. "Yeah, Dawnie. I need you in the meeting room like ten minutes ago, okay?"

Willow quickly hung up and walked back over as Faith asked again, "Life and death stuff, Will? What's the deal?"

"Becca's working for someone, or something, called Imbethit, the Assassin," she answered.

Faith's eyebrows shot up.

"But she might not realize it," Rowena added, holding up the book. "Or if she does, she might not for much longer. These hunters obey a figure called Imbethit. One of the attributes of these hunters is they can change whoever they want, or, more accurately, capitalize on who they truly are deep down."

"Like mind control?" Faith asked.

"Yeah," Rowena answered. "They prey on the person's most innate nature and use it to make them more willing accomplices."

"So," Faith shrugged. "She bakes extra cookies tonight. Where's the harm?"

Willow looked bewildered. "Faith's gotta point. If that text is correct then why is Becca all rampage-y."

"I think everyone here knows that I respect Becca," Rowena prefaced herself, "but the woman can be vindictive, especially when it comes to protecting people she's loyal to and loves. And right now she's loyal to this Imbethit just as his hunters are. I watched her rip off Amy's fingernail last year, and she had no qualms about cutting off her fingers if need be. Becca might be demure at times, but when pushed I'm sure she's a hellcat underneath. And right now…"

"This Imbethit is pushing her buttons," Faith finished. "Exactly," Rowena answered. "Imbethit uses someone from the inside, but not so inside that it might cause immediate suspicion. Becca is perfect for the role. She's not an official part of the council but she is the love interest of the Council's leading officer."

"What else does it say?" Willow asked.

"That's what I don't know. This book is written in so many different languages to-to cover its tracks I can't read the rest. I don't know how we stop her."

"Here now," Dawn said as she swept in the door, a little out of breath. Willow immediately slid the book toward her and pointed.

"What does this say?" the priestess asked.

Dawn paused a few moments. "The guest, I think it says guest, uh, the guest is bonded to the killer or assassin and bonds are broken only by death or purification of spirit. Some kind of ritual, maybe? Anyway, let's see, In our views, uh, no, experiences, in our experiences it is best to choose death since the guest is empowered with enormous strength."

"We've got strength on our side too," Faith answered. "And if that doesn't work, we can always tranq her."

"No – the baby," they all heard Giles say from the doorway. "You can't put anything like that in her system."

They all turned to see him still wearing his bloody shirt and sporting bandages on his stomach and shoulder.

"What the hell happened to you?" Faith asked, as she and Willow gently helped him to a nearby chair.

"Becca. The hospital wanted to keep me, but I wouldn't stay," Giles answered and winced as he tried to get comfortable. "Where is she now?"

"She's on her way to Vi's hideout on Maple but we've moved them to Sycamore," Willow answered, her face showing more obvious concern for Giles.

Giles turned to Rowena. "Will she survive?" he asked.

"There's a ritual, according to Dawn," Rowena answered. "We were just getting to that part." She looked expectantly at Dawn, who was still staring at Giles in shock. "Right," the junior watcher answered, slowly tearing her eyes away from the bloodstained shirt and turning back to the book on the table before her. "Give me a minute to see if I can figure out what we need to do."

"What do you want me to do, Giles?" Faith asked, ready as always for action.

Giles paused a moment. "She's working with the assassins that arrived?"

"Yeah, but we don't think she knows it," Willow replied. "And chances are, they're all heading over to Maple together."

Giles paused again before turning to Faith. "Go to Maple. Bring Becca home. If you can kill these demon assassins do so, but I want her capture to be the priority."

"Bringing her back will take time and slayer power away from knocking out these assassins. Can we afford to leave Vi alone in the field that long if they decide to split up and search the city?" Faith asked.

"We don't have a choice," Giles answered.

Faith let out a heavy sigh. "Romantic date or not, can you call Ken and Mia to meet Vi?" Faith asked, looking at Willow.

"Absolutely," Willow answered.

Faith gave Willow and Rowena an uncertain look and then a brisk nod before hustling from the room. Giles looked to Dawn.

"Let's see about finding a way to fix this," he said, motioning his head toward the book. Dawn slid the book towards him as she grabbed a legal pad from the center of the table and came to sit beside him, jotting notes as they worked together to translate the book between them.

Cut to: Int. Second Council Safe House on Sycamore – Later that night

A host of demons were putting down their belongings and talking amongst themselves in the front hall as Vi stood alone in the relative quiet of the kitchen.

"So, no back up?" Vi asked over the radio.

Cut to: Int. Safe House on Maple – Same time "Not yet," Faith answered, as twenty other girls stood around her, looking out the windows. "Sorry, but I've got orders for us to get Becca home first. Will's trying to reach Ken and Mia, so they'll be on the way shortly…I hope." Faith looked out the window and saw three figures outside. "Looks like our package has arrived, but we're one light so look sharp out there. Someone might be coming for you."

Faith turned off the phone and looked to her troops.

"You ten to the back. The rest of you come with me," she motioned, leading the way to the front door.

Cut to: Ext. Lakeshore City Park – Same Time

Kennedy and Mia both lay on the small hill looking up at the constellations above.

"I've found this is really the only place you can see any stars. The city is just too bright, but over there, on the water..." Mia pointed as she spoke.

"Oh yeah," Kennedy said with a tone of dawning wonder as she smiled.

"See? There's advantages to dating someone that's had to sleep out in nature from time to time." Mia grinned.

Kennedy rolled on her side and looked at Mia. "I'm finding out more and more advantages everyday."

Mia smiled and Kennedy was moving in for a kiss when her cell phone rang. She let her forehead fall to Mia's, who had begun to giggle. She opened the phone and gave a short, "Yes?"

Cut to: Int. Meeting Room – Same Time

Willow stood nervously with the phone to her ear. "First, let me preface this call by saying I am so sorry. But we've got a situation."

Cut to: Ext. Lakeshore City Park – Same Time

"Don't we always," Kennedy answered.

Mia watched as Kennedy's face moved from annoyance to concern and she scrunched her eyebrows in wonder. "We're on the way," Kennedy told her before hanging up. She rose and pulled Mia to her feet. "Duty calls. Vi might be in trouble."

Cut to Ext. Safehouse on Maple – Moments Later

Faith looked out the window of the door to see three men walking toward the porch.

"Where's Becca?" one of the girls asked to her left.

"Son of a Bitch," Faith muttered and quickly picked up her phone. After a few moments she heard Vi's voice. "Becca's not here with them. She's probably going to you."

Before Faith could add more the door crashed opened and the three men morphed into demon form and began knocking Slayers around.

Cut to Ext. Safehouse on Sycamore – Moments Later

"Faith?" Vi asked into the phone. "Faith!"

She could hear the sound of a fight and then something crashing before…silence. She quickly hung up and put the phone back on her waistband. She paused for just a moment in thought.

"What is it?" Lori asked coming over.

"We should move out I think."


Vi nodded. "Yeah, let's get everyone out the back door. Clem," she called over and he looked up at her. "Bring the bus to the back street, if you would."

"Sure thing," he answered handing his cheese snacks back to Brell.

"Trouble?" Brell asked, as he walked over to the two slayers. "Maybe," Vi answered as she watched Clem walk out the front door. "Let's get everyone in a single line and lead them out the back. Okay?"

"Yes Red Slayer," Brell answered, going back into the living room to organize everyone.

Vi walked to the back door and opened it to see Becca standing there.

"Leaving so soon?" she asked, before her fist connected with Vi's chin, sending her to the ground.

Cut to Int. Coven Room – Same Time

Xander and Andrew each held a box as Dawn, Skye, Willow and Rowena put in various items.

"I think that's the last of it," Willow told them. "Dawn, Skye can you go get the ice?"

"Sure thing," Skye said as they dashed from the room.

"I hope Dawn's Sumerian is accurate or we could have some psycho woman running rampant in the Council," Xander told them.

"Have a little faith. It's me, and if this doesn't work then…" Willow paused.

"Then what?" Andrew asked innocently.

"I wing it," Willow replied.

Cut to Int. Safehouse on Sycamore – Same Time

Lori watched Vi fall but she couldn't do anything to prevent the blow. She ran from the front of the house to the back where Becca stood. She stopped just short of the older woman.

"They told me the story, Becca," Lori began, hands outstretched in what she hoped was a non- threatening gesture. "You're confused right now, and no one wants to hurt you here, okay?"

Vi tried to get her feet again, but Becca kicked her in the stomach, sending her back to the floor. Cut to Int. Safehouse on Maple – Same Time

Faith watched as three girls fired their crossbows at once into a single demon, but he kept charging, casually pulling the arrows out as if they were nothing more than an annoyance.

"Gimme that," Faith said taking the crossbow from another girl who was loaded and taking aim. She fired a shot at the demon, hitting him in the eye, just as he was about to strike one of her Slayers.

He stumbled back and howled in pain as another Slayer took out his other eye with another bolt.

"Go for the eyes!" Faith yelled to her girls.

Cut to Int. Safehouse on Sycamore – Same time

Lori tried to step closer, but Becca charged and grabbed her by the throat before tossing the slayer to the ground. Thinking fast, as Becca began to open the drawers in the small kitchen, Brell came behind her and grabbed both of her arms to pin her. She reared her head forward and then back, slamming into Brell with enough force for him to lose his hold. She turned to him, knife in hand, and stabbed him in the stomach.

As she ran toward the living room the demon refugees began to scatter about trying to avoid her haphazard swings in their direction. In the opposite room Lori crawled over to Brell.

"Are you alright?" Lori asked.

"Brell be fine. Help others," he told her as he went over to check on Vi.

Becca's attention was suddenly caught by the sight of Lori rising to stand in the doorway. "You just don't give up do ya?" the older woman asked, as she prepared to throw the knife.

Suddenly everyone turned to the sound of the loud crash at the front door to see Kennedy standing there with Mia behind her. "Let me tell you right now, Becca," the slayer began. "I'm cranky and hormonal too. So we can do this the easy way or the easier way."

Vi, rubbing her chin, now stood beside Lori at the doorway.

Becca wore a determined expression. "Imbethit's will–." "Is interrupting my date," Kennedy finished with some annoyance. "So either get in the van nicely, or I drag you there. Those are your two options." Becca screamed and charged toward Kennedy. The slayer rolled her eyes. "Fine. Have it your way," she muttered.

Mia stepped in front of Kennedy as Becca raised her arm to strike. The Asian slayer grabbed Becca's wrist, forcing the weapon to fall. With lightening fast speed she had the woman on the ground and in a prone position within seconds.

"Damn," Kennedy whispered, obviously impressed. "Guess I don't know everything you can do yet," she added in a louder voice.

"Special ops and all that," Mia answered with a grin.

Cut to Int. Safehouse on Maple – Same time

As the last demon fell dead at Faith's feet the senior slayer looked around the room.

"Man, I need a raise," she grumbled. "Okay girls," she told the group. "Time to go clean up the other mess on Sycamore."

Cut to Ext. Safehouse on Sycamore – Same Time

As Clem and Brell helped load the refugees on the bus again, Lori took Brell aside.

"Are you sure you're fine?" she asked him. "She drove that knife straight into your gut."

Brell lifted his sliced shirt to show nothing. "Can't kill Brell with knife," he told her. "See? Brell okay." He smiled his disconcerting, yet oddly reassuring smile at the slayer.

At the front of the house, Faith walked over to the van that rocked back and forth. Ken and Mia sat on the bumper and occasionally bounced at the jarring.

"Someone gettin' some action in there?" Faith joked.

Ken smiled and shook her head. "No just the crazy woman trying to escape. Wanna be the one to ride in back?"

The van doors gave another hard jar and Faith said, "Not particularly, no." Kennedy and Mia smiled and looked at each other as Faith walked back to her girls.

"Hop on the bus, Gus," she told them. "I gotta ride shotgun home. You guys head along with the refugees for the rest of the night." Collectively they nodded and started to walk away as Faith returned.

"Ready?" Kennedy asked.

"Let's do it."

Cut to Int. Council Lobby – Moments Later

The front doors of the council slammed open as Vi, Kennedy, Faith and Mia each took a side of Becca who was screaming and fighting all the way in.

"Oh Honey. We're home," Faith called out.

"Bring her in here!" Willow called out from the coven room. "Put her in the tub. Submerge her, all the way."

As the Slayers moved through the lobby Willow directed them inside where a tub full of water waited. Giles rose with a helpless expression as the slayers struggled with their human cargo.

"Easier said than done," Kennedy said in a strained tone. Becca's head thrashed to where Kennedy had her shoulder and the older woman bit her hand. "Urghhh," the slayer groaned. "Hurry this up would ya?"

"We're trying," Vi answered as she and Mia tried to control her thrashing feet.

Once over the tub, Faith said, "Now!" and they all collectively lowered her into the tub, pushing her underwater as she continued to thrash. Water sprayed over them.

"Geeze, that's cold," Mia said as she continued to press down on Becca's legs with Vi.

Willow sprinkled something in the water and began chant under her breath. Suddenly as Willow stopped chanting Becca's body stilled. "Pull her up!" Willow yelled.

Faith and Kennedy each took a shoulder and pulled her above the surface. Becca took a huge breath and began to cough.

"Is she okay?" Andrew asked from the side. "Did it work?" "Becca are you alright?" Willow asked.

Becca looked confused. "I'm cold," she answered.

Willow closed her eyes and smiled, releasing the breath she held. "Let's get you out of there," the witch told her.

Becca absently nodded as Kennedy and Faith helped her to her feet and out of the tub. When she turned she saw Giles with a small grin and his arm in a sling. A questioning look came over Becca's face and then one of horror. "Oh god," she muttered.

Giles walked over and put his hand behind her head kissing her dripping forehead. "It's alright. You're alright now."

The room turned away as Becca began to cry.

"Let's get you bundled up," Giles said softly as Willow took a towel and wrapped it around her. With a nod, Becca and Giles began to leave the room.

Fade Out

Fade In Int. Giles's Apartment – Later that night

Dressed in a bathrobe, Becca leaned against Giles good shoulder as he stroked her hair in silence. Becca cleared her throat and said, "I think maybe I should leave."

"I don't want you staying alone tonight," Giles told her mildly. "So the answer is no."

"No, Rupert. I mean leave for good," Becca replied. Giles paused and acted like he was going to say something, but stopped. "And obviously from that silence you agree," Becca added.

"No," Giles replied slowly, "I just don't want to say this wrong. It's too important." He paused again, then sighed. "I understand why you don't feel safe and you want t-to go. I do…But…I want you in my life. I want this child in my life. So all I can do is beg that you-you put your insecurities aside for the moment a-and look at the whole and not just one part."

Becca rose up and turned until she could look into his eyes straight on. "Wait a second. You think I want to leave because I blame you for this?" "Don't you?"

"Heavens no," Becca replied. "I suggested leaving because I can never say I'm sorry enough. You might never trust me again. My god, Rupert I almost killed you tonight. Why would you want to keep me in your life?"

"Love," Giles answered soundly. "I love you Rebecca, probably from the first day I met you. A- And despite what happens, I always will…I don't blame you for any of this tonight. So please… stay. Not just for tonight, but forever."

Becca gave him a sad grin and nodded as he pulled her into a warm embrace. She sighed as she leaned against him and he quietly went back to stroking her hair.

Cut to: Int. Presidium Citadel – Panopticon – Same time

The Lover watched patiently as, in the morass of images surrounding her, Willow cleared up the remnants of the cleansing ritual in her Coven room. She barely acknowledged the creature that appeared in the chamber's doorway and bowed subserviently.

"Highness," it said in a melodious yet expressionless female voice, "his Lordship the Flayer humbly requests your presence in the Apparitarium."

The Lover smiled to herself and waved a hand, dispelling the Panopticon's images. The minion fell in behind her as she strode out the doorway and through the Citadel's labyrinthine passageways.

"‘Humbly requests'?" the Lover asked over her shoulder with some amusement. "Those were not his exact words, surely."

"His exact words were…disrespectful," the minion admitted, dipping her head further as if it saddened her to say such a thing. The smile on the Lover's dark lips curled a fraction more.

She reached a tall doorway and dismissed the minion with a gesture. Entering alone, she walked to the center of a vast circular chamber, one half of which was molded from the Citadel's usual blue-black stone, slick with an oily film, the other – which the Lover faced – polished to a perfect mirror finish, the concave surface warping the reflections in it.

The Lover's lips parted a fraction, releasing a thin mist, which hung in the air in front of her. She raised a claw, and with a few casual strokes, inscribed a complex pattern in the mist, which vanished once the final stroke was made. The mirrored half of the chamber blurred, colors blossomed beneath its silver surface, and, in seconds, the image of a landscape formed.

Far away, on the horizon of a plain of broken gray-green rock, an inferno blazed through the ruins of a city. The sky, already dark with clouds and blue starlight, was fouled by plumes of smoke rising from the horizon in every direction. Distant shapes wheeled and soared through the clouds, and in the haze from the fires inhuman silhouettes moved.

Nearer the point where the landscape became the Citadel's chamber a platform had been erected, fashioned from bones still slick with blood, with tatters of flesh hanging from them. Around it dozens of demon warriors knelt, patiently awaiting the word of their master. The Flayer was atop the platform, quietly conversing with a handful of massive, battle-scarred demons in ornate armor. He turned, and his subordinates moved to the far edge of his platform and knelt, keeping their heads bowed as the Flayer spoke.

"The Galas hell is conquered, as you see," he said, "but a Triad has been lost, its instrument recovered alive and cleansed, and its prey escaped. It was following those who fled to Earth. Do you still regard these pet humans of yours as ‘fascinating'?" He snarled the last word contemptuously.

"Indeed," the Lover said, ignoring the Flayer's tone, "their abilities are, by the standards of such beings, impressive. The Triad proved to be a most enlightening test."

"My warriors are not tests," the Flayer growled. "The humans try my patience, and Imbethit –"

"Has other children," the Lover interrupted. "He will not miss a single Triad. And the humans are under my aegis. Your warriors are not to move against them without my consent." The Flayer held her gaze for a moment, then nodded curtly.

"Yes Highness," he muttered.

"The refugees are of little concern," the Lover continued. "Their leader was recovered during an attempt to escape to the Malcissus hell. The Shaper is eviscerating him now. I will gather his thoughts afterwards."

"The creatures of this hell are very hierarchical," the Flayer noted. "An example should be made of their leader."

"What remains of him will be delivered to you alive," the Lover agreed. "Do as you see fit, and prepare Galas to be added to our whole."

"Yes Highness," the Flayer said again. "And the humans?"

"Are my concern," the Lover finished, "not yours." Cut to: Ext. Galas Hell – Same time

The Flayer stood rigid as the image of the Lover faded from view, his heavy brow furrowed in thought as the winds whipped up across the plain, carrying the distant sounds of infernos blazing and huge creatures roaring and braying. Then with a low growl he turned, and gestured for his subordinates to follow as he marched through his troops.

Fade to Black

End of True Colors

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