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SPACE INVADERS SHOOTER w/ GAME MAKER This will get you started building a highly customizable Space Invaders with Game Maker 7.

1. CREATE AND LOAD SPRITES Sprite Folder > Create Sprite Create three sprites from the Various folder: ship, bullet, alien Name them sprShip, sprBullet and sprAlien

2. CREATE OBJECTS Objects Folder > Create Object Add and name these objects: ObjShooter, ObjBullet, ObjAlien Give ObjShooter the Ship sprite, tick the solid checkbox Give ObjBullet the bullet sprite, tick the solid checkbox Give ObjAlien the alien sprite, tick the solid checkbox

3. ADD EVENTS TO THE OBJECTS Open the ObjShooter object and add the following three events:  Event: Keyboard > Left Action: move tab > Jump to a given position x = -4 means left; y = 0 means can’t move up or down. Tick the relative box, which means move from where you are.

 Event: Keyboard > Right Action: move tab > Jump to a given position x = 4 means right; y = 0 means can’t move up or down. Tick the relative box, which means move from where you are.

 Event: Key Press > Space Action: main1 tab > Create an instance of an object > objBullet, x=0, y = 0. Tick the relative box which means the bullet will be created where ObjShooter is.

Open the ObjBullet object and add the following event:  Event: Create Action: move tab > Set the vertical speed, vert speed = -2 which means up. Do NOT tick the relative box, which keeps the speed constant.

Open the ObjAlien object and add the following events:  Event: Create Action: move tab > Set the vertical speed, vert speed = 0.1 which means down

 Event: Collision Event, with Bullet Action: main1 tab > Destroy the instance (self)

4. CREATE A ROOM Rooms folder > Create Room (Set both Snap X and Snap Y to 32, since that is the size of the ship and alien sprites) Add one objShooter ship at the very bottom of the room Add lots of ObjAliens (enemy) at the top Run the game, move the ship left and right and press space bar to shoot the aliens!

Add a caption to the room open room > settings tab I used the caption “space invaders.” 5. DISPLAY AN INTRO IMAGE AS THE GAME LOADS Click Start Menu -> Accessories -> Paint Draw and design a title sprite for the game. Save it to the desktop Click Global Game Settings > Loading > Show your own image while loading Change image to the image you just created. 6. (Optional) Add Sounds Add > Add Sound (eg. Find a shooting sound, a hit sound and an explosion sound) Event: You decide Eg. ObjShooter, Keypress Event > find a shooting sound Eg. objAlien, Collision Event with bullet >> Hit sound and Explosion sound Action: main1 > Play a sound

(Optional) Background music: Add > Add sound, find a midi or a song you’d like to use Add a new object, call it controller (no sprite required) Event: Create Action: main1 > Play a sound > choose your music

7. CREATE A CONTROLLER OBJECT FOR THE GAME Pop-up message Create another object called: “Controller” Add Event -> Other -> Room Start Action: main2 > Display a message In your first room, add one Controller object somewhere inside.

Destroy the bullet when it hits an alien In the Bullet object: When bullet hits alien destroy the bullet. Add Event > Collision with ObjAlien. Actions: Destroy the instance. You can also add whatever other actions you wish here (e.g. show an explosion sprite, play a sound effect, etc.)

Score a point when the bullet hits the alien Choose either the bullet or alien Object. Event: Collision between bullet and alien Action: Score tab > Set the score new score: 10, tick the relative box

Make the bullet (and aliens) go faster I made my bullet speed = -20. You can also change the vertical speed of the alien and make them go faster if you wish.

Background image: Add > Add Background, find a nice background Open your Room > backgrounds tab and add the background

You want the aliens to be able to kill you Edit the Object: ObjAlien Add Event: Step (checks 30 times per second) Actions: control tab > If an expression is true (Test Expression): “y > 448” (448 is the y value when aliens get near the bottom of the room) Start of a block main2 tab > Display a message score tab > Show the highscore table main2 tab > End the game End of a block

SAVE AS VERSION 1, eg. Invadersv1.gm7 More stuff to add to the game:

8. Go to the next level if all the clowns are shot Edit the Object: Controller Add Event: Step Actions: control tab > If the number of instances is a value (The fourth icon that is shaped like an octagon and has the number “123” on it – Test instance count) Choose the object: objAlien number: 1 operation: smaller than main1 tab > Go to next room, choose your own transition

9. Enemies explode when bullets hit them Add an explosion sprite from the Various folder Make an explosion object, objExplode ObjExplode Event: Other > Animation end Action: main1 > Destroy the instance

Now go back and edit the Collison Event between the clown and the bullet: objAlien Collision Event with objBullet Delete Destroy the instance (we want to change it now into the explosion object) Add main1 > Change the instance into objExplode

10. You want to pause the game Edit the Object: controller Add Event: Keyboard > P key Action: control > Execute a piece of code keyboard_wait(); // waits until user presses a key io_clear(); // clears all keyboard and mouse states- allows p key to toggle pause 11. Enemies can shoot back This will allow enemies to shoot randomly at you. The game will end if you get hit.

Create another sprite called alienBullet and another object called ObjAlienBullet. Edit the ObjAlienBullet object. Add Event: Create Action: move > Set the Vertical Speed. Give the bullet a speed like 20. Add a Collision event with the objShip. Add a dying message if you want, and the nAction: main2 > End the Game.

Edit the ObjAlien object. Add Event: Create. Under the main2 tab > Set Alarm0 to 50. Add Event: Alarm 0. Under control, drag the green dice and change the value to 3 (a 1 out of 3 chance of shooting). Under main1 tab, Create Instance of object ObjAlienBullet. Under main2 tab, set Alarm0 to 50.

12. (Optional) Conclusion room, with transition

When the game ends, you can show some other messages. Make a new room, with background picture, a message, and some text to either quit the game or replay the game Edit the objAlien Object. In the Step Event section, Replace the “End the Game” action with main1 tab > “Go to Next Room”, where the next room is the ending room you just created.

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