Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

AUGUST 12, 2012 New York, NY 10022 NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Telephone: 212-371-1000, E3317 1 KGS 19:4-8 EPH 4:30—5:2 JN 6:41-51 (116)

“ Do nothing to sadden the Holy Spirit with whom you were sealed against the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, PARISH PAY ENABLES PARISHIONERS all passion and anger, harsh words, slander and malice of TO MAKE THEIR REGULAR DONATIONS TO THE PARISH every kind, in place of these be kind to one another, ELECTRONICALLY VIA AUTOMATIC DEDUCTIONS TO compassionate, and mutually forgiving, just as God has CHECKING OR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, OR VIA CREDIT CARD. forgiven you in Christ… Follow the way of love, even as Christ SOME OPT TO GIVE MONTHLY WHILE OTHERS ALSO TAKE has loved you.” THE OPPORTUNITY TO USE PARISH PAY FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS LIKE CHRISTMAS AND EASTER. IN WHATEVER The scriptures use words which are reflective of the human MANNER THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO USE PARISHPAY THEY HAVE experience. Jonas indicates that God can relent, change His FOUND THE SYSTEM TO BE VERY FACILITATING. mind and not punish us. The creation account uses the expression that ‘God said, let there be light.’ And so it was. We encourage you to enroll the ParishPay website Today Paul tells the Ephesians not to ‘sadden’ the Holy Spirit. under St Joseph West Village link. The St. Joseph Soup Kitchen has also adopted ParishPay, we encourage Surely we know what sadness produces in our lives. you to think of the service the soup provides when giving. Sometimes hurts bring us to tears. Sometimes we find it most difficult to get past the death of a loved one, the loss of ParishPay provides a steady stream of revenue for the parish, and employment, a failing grade on a report card or more recently enables funds to be collected, recorded, and deposited efficiently and bullying. Even when we grade health we talk about a setback. effectively. Also, this revenue becomes a steady source of income, not subject to the fluctuations that our regular Sunday collections Paul encourages his Ephesian friends to do nothing to cause exhibit, and helps us plan and manage parish finances and activities sadness for God and offers the remedies through lives of more efficiently. It will also let the donor make and annual Parish kindness, compassion and forgiveness. Many years ago I gift and pay this gift over the entire year. It eliminates the need for changed the order of a popular chicken restaurant to assure writing a weekly check or making a cash gift through the offering readers the need of KFC. When one who heard this and plate each week. Parishioners may increase or decrease these gifts as passed the drive-in he referred to the three letters, what he their circumstances allow. had heard. As a follow up I asked if he remembered what the letters stood for. He quickly responded with the virtues of which Paul spoke kindness, compassion and forgiveness. WE KNOW THAT MANY PARISHIONERS WISH TO GIVE GENEROUSLY AND REGULARLY. PARISHPAY PROVIDES Are these three found in your life? Do you follow the way of THE VEHICLE FOR THIS FAITHFUL GENEROSITY love? HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly Please call the Rectory and inform us if you know of anyone who is homebound, feeling the effects of old age or is ill and not able to attend mass. We will be happy to visit them on a regular basis and provide them with the sacraments at home. Call 212 741-1274 FOR OUR COLLECTION th The collection for August 5 was $5438. Please note that we have a new listing Parish Activities. Please visit our website for the latest Thank you. news on the NYU Catholic Center, St. Joseph’s Parish, and links We encourage you to enroll via the ParishPay website to other Catholic organizations and interests. and click on the St Joseph West Village link. Use the paperless way to help our ministry. Please send your announcements and events to be included I the PLEASE REMEMBER OUR PARISH IN YOUR WILL bulletin and web: [email protected] No matter what the size of your estate, if you want to provide for relatives, friends and our Parish you will need a WILL. If you die Thank you for your generous donations to the Collection for the Church without one, you lose control of the disposition of your assets. The in Latin America. Your gifts will continue to keep faith in the region by state law in which you reside will tell your family where your money supporting evangelization, dedveloping lay leadership programs, and and property goes. strengthening religious and seminarian formation. The future of the region’s Church is brighter today because of your help. To learn more Naming our Parish as a charitable beneficiary in your Will is simple. about how your donations are making a difference, please visit Through careful review of this alternative you may save further income and estate taxes. For further information, you and/or your attorney may contact:

Director, Planned Gifts The Archdiocese of New York 1011 First Avenue, SI400 A Tribute FEAST DAYS, SCRIPTURES CITATION S & SPECIAL INTENTIONS

This week, our dear parishioner, Annie Donati retired from Saturday, August 11 St. Clare volunteering as our receptionist for 2 afternoons each week. Hb 1:12---2:4, Mt 17:14-20 (412) 12:10 PM We cannot thank her sufficiently for her loving, reliable and 5:30 PM Marie DeGiglio faithful service to our parish community. It is rare to find a person Sunday, August 12 of Annie’s stature who is also so generous and responsible. Our 1 Kgs 19:4-8 Eph 4:30---5:2 Jn 6:41-51 (116) heartfelt thanks go to Annie Donati for her many years of service 9:00 AM Ryden Family-living to us. 11:30 AM Mary Ann Conroy . 6:00 PM Fr. John Monday, August 13 Saints Pontian and Hippolytus Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c, Mt 17:22-27 (413) 12:10 PM Joseph Imperato Once again, today’s scripture speaks of being fed, whether Elija 5:30 PM Remedios San Agustin receiving nourishment from God’s angel or Jesus being God’s Tuesday, August 14 St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe nourishment as the Bread of Life. But also we again encounter the Ez 2:8---3:4/Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 (414) Vigil of the Assumption, Vigil:1 Chr message that not only is God nourishing us, but we are to be 15:3-4,15-16; 16:1-2, nourishment to others, like Eliza and Jesus. The Synod of Bishops 1 Cor 15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28 (621) made this connection in Justice in the World (1971, 34). They wrote: 12:10 PM Jose Arias-living “According to the Christian message, people’s relationship to their 5:30 PM Caeser Xavier neighbors is bound up with their relationship to God; their response to Wednesday, August 15 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Holy Day the love of God, saving us through Christ, is shown to be effective in of Obligation their love and service of each other. Christian love of neighbor and Day: Rv 11: 19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab 1Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56 (622) justice cannot be separated.” So let us be bread for one another now 12:10 PM Enrico, Luigia & Aldo Donati and always. 5:50 PM Patricia Joyce & Will McDonald-living Thursday, August 16 St. Stephen of Hungary ~Pax Christi Metro New York Ez 12:1-12 Mt 18:21---19:1 (416) 12:10 PM Jose Arias-living 5:30 PM Handicap Elevator Fund Friday, August 17 Please consider making a donation to our handicap elevator Ez 16:1-15,60,63 or 16:59-63 Mt 19:3-12 (417) 12:10 PM fund. So far, we have raised $69,000, of which we have had to 5:30 PM spend almost $10,000 for architects and engineer’s fees. The Saturday, August 18 total cost of the elevator and its installation will be $129,000. Ez 18:1-10,13b,30-32 Mt 19:13-15 (418) 12:10 PM Firefighters Robert Beddia & Joseph Graffagnino PLEASE HELP. 5:30 PM

Cardinal’s Annual Appeal If you haven’t contributed anything to the annual appeal, MONTHLY PARISH ACTIVITIES Sunday please feel moved to do so. Our given goal is $70,000. So far, Children’s Religious 10:00 AM Casserly we have had less than $35,000 pledged/contributed by our Studies parishioners. 10:00 AM Scripture Discussion Library

Roman Forum 2:30 PM Casserly Fr. John Lectures 7:00 PM Casserly/R Grad Law ectory Thank you for your generous support to help strengthen the Church Monday 6:30 PM Centering Prayer Church at home. Your help will provide training for priests and lay persons YACHT Club for Casserly/Li 7:00 PM in parishes that desperately need help attending to the unique Young Adults brary needs of their faith communities. Your contribution helps ensure Tuesday that parishioners in mission dioceses will continue to worship well 7:00 PM Aquinas Circle of Casserly/Li Undergraduates brary here at home. To learn more about Home Missions funding and who the Appeal helps, please visit www. Wednesday 6:30 PM Korean Catholic Casserly/Li Students brary 1st Floor Lenten Confirmation 7:30 PM Back Class Parlor Thursday 6:30 PM 1st /mo Pax Christi Bd Mtg PCMNY 7:00 PM Casserly/Li If anyone is interested in owning a polo shirt with St. Joseph’s logo Newman Club brary they are for sale in the Narthex after all the Masses, sizes SM-XXL 1st Floor- for $30. 7:00PM Scripture Study Back The profit from these pima cotton polo shirts is helping us in our Parlor attempt to raise funds for the building of an elevator for the Friday disabled. This will enable them to join us for worship. 6:00 PM 1st/mo Novena/ Sacred Heart Church


10:00-3:00 PM Soup Kitchen Casserly 12:30 PM 1st/mo Blessing of the Sick Church 6:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous Casserly

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