TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training
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TAE50111 and TAE50211 Enrolment Form v 2.8, 1/05/2015
ENROLMENT FORM TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development
Please NOTE sections with * must be completed
Who is responsible for paying the account for this training?
Employer/Organisation-You must complete sections 2 and 5 (even if credit card details are provided)
Student (You do not need to complete Sections 2 and 5)
Section 2: Contact Details (if you are not the student)
Your Surname: Your Work/Mobile Phone:
Your First Name(s): Your Email:
Section 3a: Student’s Details Please write the name as you want it to appear on the qualification. If you are enrolling more than one student submit this page multiple times.
*Student’s First Name: *Student’s Gender: Female Male
*Student’s Surname: *Student’s DOB ______/______/______*Student’s Middle name: *Student contact phone: Home: *Student Email address: Mobile: Work: *Student’s Residential address Student’s Postal Address(If different from residential) Unit/Flat #______Street/Lot #______Unit/Flat #______Street/Lot #______
Street Name______Street Name / PO Box# ______
Post Code______State______Post Code______State______
Country______Country______Section 3b - Employment
MRWED Training and Assessment - FREECALL 1800 2 TRAIN (1800 287 246) Page 1 TAE50111 and TAE50211 Enrolment Form v 2.8, 1/05/2015
*Of the following categories, which BEST describes your current employment status?
Full time employee Part – time employee Self-employed not employing others Employer Employed – unpaid worker in a family business Unemployed – seeking full time work Unemployed seeking part-time work Not employed – not seeking employment
Section 3c - Language and cultural diversity
*In which country were you born *Do you speak a language other than English at home? Australia Other - Please specify No Yes - Please specify
*How well do you speak English? *Do you identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? Excellent Well No Not well Yes, Aboriginal Poorly Yes, Torres Strait Islander
Section 3d - Schooling
*What was the highest COMPLETED level of *Are you still attending school? schooling? Yes – Go to section 3e Year 12 or equivalent No Year 11 or equivalent Year 10 or equivalent In which year did you complete that level of Year 9 or equivalent schooling? Year 8 or below Did not attend school – Go to section 3e ______
Section 3e - Disability
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*Do you consider yourself to have a disability, *If yes, please indicate the areas of disability, impairment or a long term health condition? impairment or long-term health conditions:
Yes Hearing/Deaf Mental illness No – Go to section 3d Physical Acquired brain impairment Intellectual Vision Learning Medical condition Other
Section 3f - Previous qualifications achieved
*Have you successfully completed any of the If yes, select the applicable boxes following qualifications? Bachelor degree or higher No – Go to section 3g Advanced Diploma or associate degree Yes Diploma or associate diploma Cert IV or advanced certificate/technician Cert III or trade certificate Cert II Cert I Certificate other than above
Section 3g - Study reason
*Of the following categories, which BEST describes your main reason for undertaking this course?
To get a job To develop my existing business To start my own business To try for a different career To get a better job or promotion It was a requirement of my job I wanted extra skills for my job To get into another course of study For personal interest or self-development Other reasons – Please explain
Section 4 - Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)
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MRWED Training and Assessment is committed to supporting all of its students in successfully completing their selected qualification/s. As such we applaud the research that has been undertaken in understanding students LLN needs. Research clearly indicates that many students require some level of LLN support.
At MRWED our desire is to understand any need that you, as a student, may have in regards to LLN. To assist you in this area we ask for you to either opt in or opt out of an LLN assessment, which will assist both you and us in ensuring the best outcomes possible for you.
For MRWED to best accommodate this we ask that every student select one of the following:
- I appreciate that MRWED is interested - I am unsure if my LLN standard is in my LLN standard, however I affirm that I sufficient for the level of study I am do not require any assistance with LLN for undertaking. And I elect to submit the the course I am choosing to undertake - completed LLN assessment to MRWED for Please finalise my enrolment. assessment.
*If you have selected this option your *If you have selected this option your enrolment will be processed on recept of enrolment will not be processed until a your completed enrolment form. formal LLN assessment has been completed. A MRWED Learning Leader will be in contact with you to arrange this assessment.
Section 5: Employer/Organisation Invoice Details
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Complete this section if the invoice is to be addressed to employer/organisation responsible for paying this account.
*Accounts Department Contact’s Surname: *Employer/Company Legal Name:
*Accounts Department Contact’s First Name: *Employer/Company Trading Name:
*Accounts Department Post Address (Line 1): *Accounts Department Phone:
Accounts Department Post Address (Line 2): *Accounts Department Email:
Suburb: State: Purchase Order Number:
Postcode: Country:
Section 6: Referral Details How did you first hear about MRWED?
BRW or other magazine Conference or event Bing or Yahoo Google Other Internet Search Employer or manager Friend or family Other referral Facebook Twitter LinkedIn or social media TV, radio or other media Unsure (cannot remember)
If you were referred to MRWED by a manager, other person or company who was it?
Referring Contact’s Surname: Referring Contact’s Phone:
Referring Contact’s First Name(s): Referring Contact’s Email:
Referring Contact’s Employer/Company: Referring Contact’s Position Title:
Section 7: Course Selection Details Complete either Option 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
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Option 1: TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (Full course with same delivery method for all 10 units) Face-to-Face $3000 Correspondence $2500 Online $2500 RPL $2000 ______
Option 2: TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development (Full course with same delivery method for all 10 units) Face-to-Face $3000 Correspondence $2500 Online $2500 RPL $2000 ______
Option 3: Double Diploma TAE50111 and TAE50211 (Full course with same delivery method for up to 12 units) Face-to-Face $3700 Correspondence $3100 Online $3100 RPL $2500 ______
Option 4: Partial or Blended Course TAE50111 TAE50211 Double Diploma
TAE50111 requires the completion of 6 Core Units and at least 4 Elective Units. TAE50211 requires the completion of 5 Core Units and at least 5 Elective Units.
Face-To-Face delivery $380/unit RPL $270/unit *Credit Transfer $0 Correspondence delivery $320/unit Online delivery $320/unit
TAELLN401A is a core unit for the TAE50111 however will be priced as a level 4 unit via the following options: Face to Face $180.00 Correspondence or Online $150.00 RPL $105.00
*A Credit transfer will be available at $0 cost if the student provides a copy of a testamur showing the unit enrolled in has been previously issued.
There is a price discount for a full course enrolment in one or both of the Diplomas via blended delivery of 15% For Partial or Blended students who enrol in the Double Diploma there is an Issuance Fee of $540 for the second Diploma, which is waived if the student enrols in all 12 units. ______Option 5: Upgrade from TAA50104 Diploma of Training and Assessment (Please complete Fast Track upgrade kit)
TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development Double Diploma TAE50111 and TAE50211
Remaining units to be completed via: RPL Online Correspondence Face-to-Face
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Upgrade pricing will be dependent upon the units completed in TAA50104, as shown on your TAA50104 Transcript / Statement of Results.
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Section 8: Unit Selection Details Complete either Option 1 or 2
Option 1: Full Course Face-To-Face
If the student is attending their entire course through Face-To-Face delivery and attending all of the recommended MRWED Units then please complete the information below and ignore Option 2.
Start Date Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Other
Green Week / /
Orange Week / /
Recommended MRWED Units: TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training
8 days of Training: Green Week (Monday – Friday) and Orange Week (Monday – Wednesday) IN EITHER ORDER
Recommended MRWED Units: TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development
7 days of Training: Green Week (Monday - Tuesday) and Orange Week (Monday - Friday) IN EITHER ORDER
Recommended MRWED Units: Double Diploma TAE50111 and TAE50211
10 days of Training: Green Week (Monday – Friday) and Orange Week (Monday - Friday) IN EITHER ORDER
Green Week
Monday: TAEPDD501A - Maintain and enhance professional practice (Core for 111), (Elective 211) TAETAS501B - Undertake organisational training needs analysis (Elective for 111), (Core 211) Tuesday: TAELLN401A - Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills (Core for 111), (Elective 211) TAEDES501A - Design and develop learning strategies (Core for both 111 and 211) Wednesday: TAEDEL502A - Provide advanced facilitation practice (Core for 111), (Elective for 211) Thursday: TAEDEL502A - Provide advanced facilitation practice (Practical) (Core for 111), (Elective for 211)
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Friday: TAEASS501A - Provide advanced assessment practice (Core for 111), (Elective for 211)
Orange Week
Monday: TAEDES502A - Design and develop learning resources (Elective for 111), (Core for 211) Tuesday: TAEASS502B - Design and develop assessment tools (Core for both 111 and 211) Wednesday: TAEDES505A - Evaluate a training program (Elective for 111), (Core for 211) TAERES501A - Apply research to training and assessment practice (Elective for both 111 and 211) Thursday: TAEDES503A - Design and develop e-learning resources (Elective for both 111 and 211) Friday TAEASS504A - Develop and implement recognition strategies (Elective for both 111 and 211) Option 2: Partial or Blended Course or Different Electives
Select your chosen units and methods of delivery below.
TAE50111 requires the completion of 6 Core Units and at least 4 Elective Units. TAE50211 requires the completion of 5 Core Units and at least 5 Elective Units.
Unit of Competency Online Correspondence RPL Credit Transfer Face- To-Face Location Date $320/unit $320/unit $270/unit $0 $380/unit
CORE UNITS FOR BOTH TAE50111 AND TAE50211 The Double Diploma requires completion of both of these units
TAEASS502B ______/ / TAEDES501A ______/ /
CORE UNITS FOR TAE50111 / ELECTIVE UNITS FOR TAE50211 The Double Diploma requires completion of all 4 of these units
TAEASS501A ______/ / TAEDEL502A ______/ / TAEPDD501A ______/ /
*$150.00 *$150.00 *$105.00 *$0 *$180 TAELLN401A* ______/ /
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CORE UNITS FOR TAE50211 / ELECTIVE UNITS FOR TAE50111 The Double Diploma requires completion of all 3 of these units
TAEDES502A ______/ / TAEDES505A ______/ / TAETAS501B ______/ / ELECTIVE UNITS FOR BOTH TAE50111 AND TAE50211 The Double Diploma requires completion of 1-3 of these units
TAEASS504A ______/ / TAEDES503A ______/ / TAERES501A ______/ /
*One of the core units for the TAE50111 is a level 4 unit (TAELLN401A). As such the charge for this unit is: Face to Face $180.00 Correspondence or Online $150.00 RPL $105.00
Section 9: Payment Details
Cheque (made payable to MRWED) to be sent to: MRWED, P.O. Box 325 Caboolture QLD 4510 Money Order BPAY POSTbillpay
EFT (Ring FREECALL 1800 2 TRAIN for bank details)
Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express only)
Credit Card Details Card Holder’s Name:
Card Number: - - -
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Expiry Date: / Authorised Amount: $
Card Holder’s Signature:
Section 9: Terms and Conditions MRWED pricing is reviewed on an occasional basis and subject to change at any time prior to MRWED receiving my enrolment. Before submitting an enrolment to MRWED all students are required to confirm that they have read and accept the relevant policies associated with their course selection as found in the MRWED Participant handbook http://www.mrwed.edu.au/forms
Do you agree that the student has read and accepts policies associated with their course selection?
I agree Signature - DATE: / /
Parent/Guardian Signature DATE: / / (For students under the age of 18)
If you are submitting this form electronically you can type your name as an electronic signature.
You can submit this form to Free fax 1800 333 082 or email to [email protected] or Post to MRWED, P.O. Box 325, Caboolture, QLD 4510.
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