Northwest Local School District
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Northwest Local School District
Childcare Programs CEED/PED (Community Education Extended Day/Preschool Extended Day)
Parent Handbook 2016-2017 Table of Contents
Welcome……………………………………………………..…1 Mission/Vision/Beliefs………………………………………....2 Philosophy/Goals/Curriculum…………………….………..…..3 Communication/Health Procedures……………………….....4-7 Arrival/Dismissal/Snacks………………………………………7 Discipline…………………………………………………....7-16 Birthdays/Lunch…………………………………………...... 16 Fees…………………………………………………………17-20 After School Emergencies/Attendance……………… ……… .20 Transportation/Inclement Weather………………………...…..21 Early Release/Field Trips….…………………………………..22 Registration/Withdrawal…………………………………...23-26 Secondary Space/Volunteers/Staffing…………………………26 Licensing/Supplies/Parent Teacher Communication/Meet the Teacher………………………………………………………...27 August 2016
Dear CEED and PED Families,
I am pleased to welcome you to the Community Education Extended Development (CEED) and Preschool Extended Day (PED) programs for the Northwest Local School District. CEED and PED are parent funded programs offered to Northwest Local School District families in need of childcare.
This handbook contains general information for the two programs as well as program- specific information. Please note the sub-headings in dark print. The handbook contains policies, procedures, and services for the programs. Please keep this handbook available a reference throughout the year.
The CEED program is open to all kindergarten students who are registered for regular kindergarten in the district. The program extends the length of the day so children are able to arrive and dismiss at the same time as the students in the building. CEED is offered at all of the elementary buildings that have kindergarten, but not all CEED classes are located at all schools. A minimum of 14 children are required per class. There is a teaching assistant for classes with more than 15 children.
The PED program is open to preschool students who are registered in preschool at the Houston Early Learning Center. Children in the PED program must be potty trained and must be able to work independently. This program extends the length of the day so from 6:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. A minimum of 24 children are needed for the program to operate. There is a teacher and an assistant for both the morning and afternoon groups.
The teachers for both programs are licensed teachers through the Ohio Department of Education and are highly qualified for their positions. Both programs are licensed through the Ohio Department of Education and Hamilton County Job and Family Services.
Please complete the attached sign off sheet and return it to school to acknowledge that you have received and read the information in this handbook.
We look forward to working with you and your family. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/comments this school year. Let’s make this a terrific school year!
Emily Stepaniak Early Childhood Principal
1 District Mission
The Northwest Local School District will create a responsive learning community where all students are valued, challenged, and guided along a pathway to success.
Core Beliefs
We believe that it is our responsibility to respond to each student to ensure learning and growth.
We believe that students and staff thrive in an environment that is trusting, safe, and provides hope on a daily basis.
We believe that collaborative relationships and high expectations are paramount to our success.
We believe that community engagement is essential for the success of our school district.
2 Philosophy
The Extended Day Program for CEED/PED is non-graded and designed to work in harmony with the regular/preschool/kindergarten programs. As such, it may be structured somewhat differently than regular preschool/kindergarten classes. The care and education of the child should be a partnership between the program and the family.
All children regardless of race, gender, ability, or cultural heritage have a right to a quality child care program. We believe children should be given the opportunity to make choices which may include individual and group activity time along with quiet and active choice activity time. Activities, materials and equipment used in the program are developmentally appropriate for the children.
The Northwest Local School District Extended Day Programs are based on the Ohio Department of Education Early Learning and Development Standards for preschool and the Academic Content Standards for Kindergarten. These standards contain concepts and skills that children should know and be able to do at the end of preschool or kindergarten. Copies of the standards can be found online at The curriculum allows children to pursue their own interests and to make appropriate choices. Themes or units are designed to be socially stimulating, enriching, educational and fun.
3 Communication
The Northwest Local School District communicates with PreK-12 families within our schools and families outside our schools through the district website and paper communique. The school district works with the Y program to offer services to Northwest families.
Health Procedures/Management of Communicable Disease/Medical Emergencies/Administration of Medication
Hand washing is the most effective measure to prevent the spread of disease. All children and staff wash hands thoroughly before handling or eating food and after toileting or wiping noses. As much as possible, children are encouraged to manage their own hand washing by keeping step stools, soap and towels within reach, and observing adults using good hand washing techniques.
Parents and/or guardians will be notified by phone when signs or symptoms of illness appear. In addition, a child with any of the following signs or symptoms of illness shall be immediately isolated and discharged to his parent or guardian:
Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool within 24 hours) Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face or make a whooping sound Difficult or rapid breathing Conjunctivitis (pink eye) Temperature of 100F (under the arm) along with other signs of illness Untreated infected skin patch(es) Unusually dark urine and/or grey or white stool Stiff neck
A child with any of the following signs or symptoms of illness shall be immediately isolated from other children. Decisions regarding whether the child should be discharged immediately or at some other time during the day shall be determined by the building administrator and the building nurse.
4 The child, while isolated from the program, shall be carefully observed for symptoms listed above as well as the following: Unusual spots or rashes Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing Elevated temperature Vomiting Evidence of lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestation
The mildly “ill child” will be made comfortable and allowed to rest on a cot.
If a child is sent home, the child may be readmitted when free of fever for 24 hours without the use of a fever reducing medication and /or the threat of contagion is over. Symptoms of the illness must disappear, and the child must feel well.
If your child has been exposed to a contagious disease, you will be notified in writing.
In cases of injuries that need a doctor’s care, the parents will be notified immediately. First aid treatment will be confined to cleaning with water, applying ice, and bandaging only. If the situation warrants, paramedics will be called.
Note: all school personnel are prohibited from administering medical treatment of any kind unless a medical authorization form is on file.
Policy for Administration of Medication
Northwest Local School District Policy for Administration of Medication is consistent with the Ohio Revised Code 3313.713 (The Medication Policy Law). Students are not to carry any prescription or non-prescription medicine with them during the school day. School personnel are not authorized to administer prescribed medication or perform medical procedures unless they are prescribed by a physician and authorized by the parent.
5 Whenever possible the administration of medication required by a student during the school day should be given before or after school hours. However, certain students may require the administration of medication during the school day to maintain an optimum health status for learning. In the event that a student requires the administration of medication, prescription and/or over-the-counter, during the school day the following procedure must be followed:
1. In the event that a student requires medication (prescription and/or over-the-counter) during the school day, an Administration of Medication form physician’s order and parental permission must be completed in its entirety and signed by the prescribing physician and the parent/guardian.
2. Medication is to be brought to the school building by the parent/guardian in the original container. A parent or guardian designated by the parent is responsible to personally bring any medication to the school building. Never send medication with a student.
3. All medication is kept in a locked storage unit in each school building.
4. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to instruct the student to come to the Health Room at the appropriate time for medication administration.
5. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to obtain an updated physician’s order when the medication changes in any way.
6. Any unused medication not claimed on the last day of school will be destroyed.
7. A new medication order must be submitted each school year.
6 Administration of Prescribed Medical Treatment
A student may require a prescribed medical treatment (non-medication) during the school day such as tube feeding, dressing change or catheterization. The prescribing provider and the parent must complete the Administration of Prescribed Medical Treatment form before school personnel may initiate the medical treatment. This form may be obtained in the Health Office.
Children in the CEED program are to begin and end the school day where they attend kindergarten following the building schedule for students who normally attend all day.
PED families will be given a code to enter the building that will be used for drop off and pick-up each day. The code is not to be shared with anyone other than the person who will drop off and pick-up your child. Sharing the code with someone outside the preschool program is a safety concern and will be cause for an automatic removal from PED.
Nutritious snacks are served each session and after school in the PED program. A calendar with daily snacks is displayed in the classroom. Please identify any food allergies that your child has on his/her registration forms for CEED/PED.
The extended day programs use a positive approach to classroom discipline that will aid children in bridging the transition from home to school. Social, emotional, and academic skills often blend as students are encouraged to constructively solve problems and clarify issues if appropriate. Extended day teachers will develop a code of student behavior and expectations which will be shared with parents in writing. Children must be able to function independently in the childcare programs.
7 Children are expected to follow the same rules as required by the NWLSD Code of Regulations for Conduct of Pupils.
The following behaviors are considered dangerous/severe and may result in removal from the CEED/PED programs: Student or staff verbal or physical abuse. Disruption of program with makes it unsafe for others. Refusal to follow directions.
The following procedures will follow when Dangerous/Severe Procedures occur: Behavior report will be completed by teacher. Child’s parents will be contacted to pick child up within 2 hours. Second occurrence of dangerous/severe behavior will result in child being removed from the current day and the following day with teacher completing a behavior report and administrator communicating with the parents. Third occurrence, child will automatically be removed from the program with the teacher completing behavior report and administrator communicating with parents.
Overall, the key to effective discipline is effective prevention. Discipline means “guidance”, and as such, it begins with establishing relationships. As facilitators of learning, adults in the extended day programs develop and form relationships that provide a warm, caring and positive environment where children are treated with dignity and respect. Relationships are built between the adult and child, as well as between children and the materials they explore in their environment. When positive relationships are established and when the setting is accepting, yet challenging, children learn appropriate behaviors and develop positive feelings about themselves and their accomplishments.
The teachers, as facilitators, set up the classroom environment to promote the construction of knowledge (learning) by the children. The environment is an invitation to exploration and discovery, with only items to be explored within the reach of children. This, in turn validates the children’s feelings and accomplishments, empowering them to take risks, to discover and to become more independent.
It is also important that the expectations for each child be appropriate to their developmental level. A child’s developmental level does not always match his/her chronological age.
8 The Ohio Department of Education provides guidance regarding appropriate expectations for young children with the publications of NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) “Developmentally Appropriate Practice” and “Connections: An Early Childhood Education Curriculum Framework for Continuity”. When expectations are appropriate for the developmental level of the child, he/she will feel secure and be able to take risks, to explore, and to integrate new learnings.
The following are specific strategies used by staff: Presenting choices to the child; encourage the child to explore materials and activities and providing necessary “wait time” for them to respond. Providing children with clear, concise directions, using visual cues (e.g. pictures/gestures) to aid in their understanding. Redirecting or providing alternatives to the child through verbal and physical reassurance to help encourage better attention, more exploration and communication. Often ignoring minor disruptions and anticipating a child’s behavior can prevent further escalation. Putting the child’s feelings into words for him/her; modeling the language to be used with peers and adults. Providing physical outlets, such as movement or rest break, for children who need assistance in calming. Developing a behavior intervention plan (as a team/ including the parents) if necessary. Keeping emotions low. Refraining from over using the word “no”; rather state what the child can do (“Feet on the floor” vs. “No! Get off the table”; “Hands in your lap vs. “Don’t touch Johnnie.”). Save “No” for instances when a child is in danger or putting others in danger. Using non-evaluative statements with the children. Commenting on what you see the child accomplishing vs. evaluating the effectiveness of the accomplishment (e.g. “You zipped your coat.” vs. “Good job!” “I see red and green lines” vs. “I like your picture.”). Logical and natural consequences are utilized, such as cleaning up after a spill, without negative comment. Using a “calming space” for a child who needs time to regain composure and focus. This is a time for the child to reflect, to take a “break”. This is NOT a punitive measure. The goal is for the child to calm, regain his/her composure and to rejoin activities.
9 Physical punishment for problematic behaviors is not used. In the event a child should endanger him/her or others, parents may be called and the child may be removed from class.
The above policy applies to all people on the premises and is restricted as follows, per Ohio State law, 3301-32-09: There shall be no cruel, harsh, corporal punishment or any unusual punishments such as, but not limited to: punching, pinching, shaking, spanking, or biting. No discipline shall be delegated to any other child. No physical restraints shall be used to confine a child by any means other than holding a child for a short period of time, such as a protective hug, so the child may regain control. No child shall be placed in a locked room or confined in an enclosed area such as a closet, a box or similar cubicle. No child shall be subjected to profane language, threats, derogatory remarks about him/herself or his/her family, or other verbal abuse. Discipline shall not be imposed on a child for failure to eat, failure to sleep, or for toileting accidents. Techniques for discipline shall not humiliate, shame, or frighten a child. Discipline shall not include withholding food, rest, or toilet use. Separation, when used as discipline shall be brief in duration and appropriate to the child’s age and developmental ability, and the child shall be within sight and hearing of a childcare staff member in a safe, lighted, and well-ventilated space. The center shall not abuse or neglect children and shall protect children from abuse and neglect while in attendance in the program.
10 Northwest Schools Student Code of Conduct
Student Conduct
(Code of Regulations for Conduct of Pupils)
The NWLSD Progressive Discipline Code is divided into four levels. Each level represents progressively more serious misbehavior and consequences. The level of discipline shall be based on the severity of the misbehavior and the number of infractions involved with each referral.
The Administration reserves the right to skip levels of discipline depending upon the violation.
The types of conduct prohibited by the Northwest Local School District Code of Regulations are as follows: Level I 101 Misbehavior which disrupts or interferes with any school activity. 102 Disrespect to a student. 103 Disregard of reasonable directions or commands by school authorities. (Including gum/food/drinks) 104 Tardy to Class 105 Failure to abide by reasonable dress and appearance codes as established by administration and the Board of Education. This includes the prohibition of all clothing, jewelry, hairstyle and hair color, signs, etc. which at the discretion of the administration is reasonably related to or represents gang or gang-like activity or is a disruption or presents a genuine likelihood of disruption to the educational process. Refer to Board Policy for Dress Code – Student handbooks will have the full dress code policy spelled out tailored to the specific school 106 Failure to abide by rules and regulations set forth by administration for student parking. 107 Failure to abide by the policies set forth regarding electronic devices. Possession of electronic devices, cell phones, mobile phones, wireless phones are permitted to be carried onto school property, but are only to be used and visible at designated times throughout the day. Students who bring any electronic devices to school do so at their own risk. The District will not be responsible for theft, damage, or loss of these devices.
11 Level II 201 Disrespect to a teacher or other school authority. 202 Disrespect to a student. 203 Disregard of reasonable directions or commands by school authorities. 204 Any disruption or interference with school activities 205 Cursing – use of indecent language in oral or written form. 206 Use of obscene gestures. 207 Forgery of school or school-related documents. 208 Cheating or plagiarizing. 209 Distribution of pamphlets, leaflets, buttons, insignia, etc., without the permission of the proper school authorities. 210 Placing of signs and slogans on school property or at school events without the permission of the proper authorities. 211 Truancy. 212 Tardy to School 213 Minor petty theft 214 Skipping class. 215 Leaving school property without permission of proper school authority 216 Disobedience of driving regulations. 217 Presence in areas during school hours or outside school hours where Student has no legitimate business without permission of a school administrator or a teacher. 218 Leaving school during school hours without permission of the proper school authority. 219 Skipping detention. 220 Refusing to take detention or other properly administered discipline. 221 Possession of a laser pointer without the permission of the proper school authorities. 222 Repeated violations of 100 Code Infractions
Level III 301 Willfully aiding another person to violate school regulations and/or interfering with school investigation. 302 Failure to report the actions or plans of another person to a teacher or administrator where these actions or plans of another person, if carried out, could or did result in harm to another person or persons or damage property, when the student has information about such actions or plans. 303 Misuse of chemical sprays. 304 Smoking, using, or possessing any substance containing tobacco, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, a pipe, rolling papers, a clove cigarette, e-cigarettes, and chewing tobacco, or tobacco paraphernalia such as matches or lighters or use of tobacco in any other form. As provided in 3313.751, ORC, it shall be a violation of this rule to use or possess tobacco in any form while on school premises or at any school activity regardless of time or location.
12 305 Distributing any substance containing tobacco, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, a pipe, rolling papers, a clove cigarette, e- cigarettes, and chewing tobacco, tobacco paraphernalia such as matches or lighters or use of tobacco in any other form. As provided in 3313.751, Ohio Revised Code, it shall be a violation his rule to use or possess tobacco in any form while on school premises or at any school activity regardless of time or location. 306 Fighting. 307 Hazing, threatening, harassment, intimidation or bullying of students based upon personal attributes or beliefs on/off school grounds, or engaging in activities that may cause fear or panic in an individual or group. For purposes of this policy, the term “harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional written, verbal, electronic or physical act toward a student has exhibited toward another particular student more than once and the behavior: (1) causes mental or physical harm to the other student; and (2) is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for the other student. 308 Displaying excessive affection, inappropriate touching or other inappropriate behavior. 309 Falsifying of information given to school authorities in the legitimate pursuit of their jobs or interfering with the administrative investigation. 310 Possession of obscene, pornographic or libelous material. 311 Damage or destruction of school property on or off of school premises. 312 Damage or destruction of private property. 313 Demonstrations by individuals or groups causing disruption to the school program. 314 Gambling 315 Possession of stolen goods – student, staff or school property. 316 Inappropriate use of computers and other technologies. Inappropriate use includes: vandalism, theft, or misuse of the hardware, plagiarism, unauthorized access to files not belonging to the student, tampering with security software or network privileges; logging onto the network with a fraudulent ID or password; using the facilities without proper supervision, installation of software on a computer or network, or unauthorized use, copying, or downloading of programs, files and/or pictures. Violations may result in revocation of access privileges, suspension, expulsion, other school disciplinary actions and/or appropriate legal action. 317 Any other activity by a student which the student knows or should know will disrupt the academic process or a curricular or extracurricular activity while on school premises or while in the control or custody of the school district regardless of whether on or off of school premises, or at a school-related activity regardless of location. 318 Audiotaping, videotaping, filming or photographing of any student or staff member without the explicit knowledge and permission of the student, staff member, and the school administration. 13 319 Repeated violations of 200 infractions 320 Disrespect to student that involves physical confrontation on the part of the individual. Level IV 401 Possession, conveyance or use of a firearm. Firearms are identified in Section 921 of Title 18, United States Code. (As provided in Ohio Revised Code 3313.66 and 3313.661 violations of the Code of Conduct involving firearms are subject to expulsion from school for one year.) 402 Convey, attempt to convey, possess or use a weapon other than a firearm. The term “weapon” shall have the following meanings: (a)Any instrument, device or object which is designed or is specially adapted for use as a weapon, or which is possessed, carried or used as a weapon. Examples of “weapons” shall include, but are not limited to: firearms, explosive devices, incendiary devices, ordnances, ammunition, knives, grenades, brass knuckles, sling shots, cross bows, arrows, blowguns, etc. (b)The possession or use of objects which may render physical harm to another if improperly used, including, but not limited to: axes, hatchets, hammers, saws, chains, ice picks, screwdrivers and knives. An exception to this rule shall include the proper use of such objects while under the direct supervision and control of a duly authorized representative of the Northwest Local School District. “Knives,” as defined in Northwest Board of Education policy include, but are not limited to, any instrument that possesses a pointed or sharp-edged blade of metal or other rigid material that is designed for or can be used for cutting, slicing, piercing, or stabbing. This definition shall include, but is not limited to straight razors, utility knives, box cutters, ice picks, pocket knives, switchblades, and buck knives. (As provided in ORC3313.66 and 3313.661, violations of the Code of Conduct involving knives are subject to expulsion from school for one year.) 403 Sale/distribution of weapons. See term “weapon” as defined in Code 402. 404 Convey, attempt to convey, possess or use any instrument, device or object which is designed to look like a firearm. 405 Convey, attempt to convey, possess or use any instrument, device or object which is designed to look like any other type of weapon. 406 Sale/distribution of any instrument, device or object which is designed to look like a firearm. 407 Sale/distribution of any instrument, device or object which is designed to look like any other type of weapon. 408 Buying, using, possessing, or being under the influence of any controlled substance (drugs, narcotics, marijuana, etc.); or buying, selling, using, possessing, or being under the influence of any counterfeit controlled substance (any substance that is made to look like a controlled substance, or is represented to be a controlled substance, or that you think is a controlled substance), or possessing drug paraphernalia. 14 409 Selling or distributing any controlled substance (drugs, narcotics, marijuana, etc.) or inhalant; or buying, selling, any counterfeit controlled substance (any substance that is made to look like a controlled substance, or is represented to be a controlled substance, or that you think is a controlled substance). 410 Buying, selling, transferring or using any drug, alcohol, medication, inhalant, paraphernalia or other substance which can be taken internally where the student or students involved cannot show a legitimate health or other reason for the use of such substances. 411 Possessing, using, or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind. 412 Sale or distribution of any alcoholic beverage or paraphernalia or intoxicant of any kind. 413 Possession and/or discharge of any explosive substance or incendiary device. 414 Assault on school employee, student or other person. 415 Engaging in sexual acts 416 Indecent exposure. 417 The taking, disseminating, transferring or sharing of obscene, pornographic, lewd or otherwise illegal images or photographs, whether by electronic data transfer or otherwise (commonly called texting, emailing or sexting, etc.) may constitute a crime under state and/or federal law which may result in arrest, criminal prosecution, and lifetime inclusion on sexual offender registries. 418 Violation of the district’s sexual harassment policy
419 Hazing, threatening or harassment of school personnel based upon personal attributes or beliefs on or off school grounds, or engaging in activities that may cause fear or panic in an individual or group. 420 Oral, written, or social media threats made to harm individuals, groups or schools. Turning in false fire, tornado, bomb, or disaster alarms. (As provided in Ohio Revised Code 3313.66 (A) (5), a student may be expelled for a period of up to one year for making a bomb threat to a school building or to any premises at which a school activity is occurring at the same time of the threat. The period of expulsion shall extend as necessary into the next school year 421 Extortion of a student or school personnel. 422 Arson or other improper use of fire. 423 Theft of stolen student or school property or school employee possessions 424 Any type of prohibited activity listed herein engaged in by a student on school premises, on a school bus, or while in the control or custody of the school district regardless of whether on or off of school premises, or at a school-related activity regardless of location, shall be reason for expulsion, suspension or removal from school. 15 425 Commission by a student of any crime or infraction in violation of the Criminal Code, Traffic Code or Juvenile Code of the State of Ohio or, when applicable, of the State in which the crime or infraction was committed. This provision shall apply to any student while in the control or custody of the school district regardless of whether the act occurred on or off of school premises, or at a school-related activity regardless of location. 426 Repeated 300 code infractions
The administration reserves the right to skip levels of discipline depending on the number of infractions for each referral and the severity of the violation.
Kindergarten and Preschool teachers have individual guidelines for student birthdays. Birthday treats and/or celebrations will not take place in the PED or CEED classrooms since birthdays are recognized in the regular educational setting.
Your child may purchase breakfast for $1.50, lunch for $2.50 or may pack their breakfast/lunch including a beverage (no glass bottles or containers) or purchase milk for $.50. Fast foods and other foods from restaurants are not permitted. A lunch menu will be sent home once a month. Application forms for free or reduced lunch are available in the school office for those eligible.
Families may prepay for their child’s meals. Prepayment can be accomplished in three ways: Parents may send cash or a check to the cafeteria to be put on account. Parents may go online to place money on account for student(s). You may go to the Northwest website at and click on the EZ Pay link on the right side of the homepage. You will register and add your student’s name(s) to your account using their student identification number. Once logged in, you will have the ability to put money on their account using a credit card. There is no charge for this service and you have access at any time to check your child’s balance.
You may contact the Food Service Department at 522-6700, Ext. 21, with any questions.
16 Fees Our extended day programs are an optional program for families. The program is totally self-funded through the tuition parents are charged. Therefore, we will not refund or give credit for absences during the school year.
If a child requires a specially designed service within our structure while attending the PED program, there will be an additional cost. The need for individual assistance will be determined by the Early Childhood Administrator. The cost will be determined according to observation and hours attended.
You have the option of using your American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover or debit card for making payments at the Administrative Offices, 3240 Banning Road, Cincinnati, OH 45239 or by telephone. You may contact the treasurer’s office for telephone payments at 923-1000.
You may also use electronic bill payment through your bank. If you choose to use this option, please contact your bank to make arrangements and inform them of when the district must receive the check (20th of each month when using this option).
Payments made by check or money order are payable to Northwest Board of Education. Please put your child’s name on the check or money order.
Parents will receive a monthly tuition billing statement. The bill will be mailed the first week of the month. The tuition is due no later than the 25th of the prior month for next month of enrollment. For example, the bill for September will be mailed August 1 and must be paid by August 25th. Year- end statements for tax purposes are available upon request. Please contact the treasurer’s office at 923-1000. Fees are due monthly. Fees are calculated on the number of days per month. The schedules are listed below and on the next page for your information.
17 CEED Monthly Charges
August (19) September (20) 29 $14.00 $406.00 October 21 $14.00 $280.00 November 18 $14.00 $252.00 December 14 $14.00 $196.00 January 19 $14.00 $266.00 February 18 $14.00 $252.00 March 23 $14.00 $322.00 April 14 $14.00 $196.00 May 20 $14.00 $280.00 TOTAL 176 $14.00 $2,464.00
PED Monthly Charges
August (8) September (20) 28 $25.00 $700.00 October 21 $25.00 $525.00 November 18 $25.00 $450.00 December 14 $25.00 $350.00 January 19 $25.00 $475.00 February 18 $25.00 $450.00 March 23 $25.00 $575.00 April 14 $25.00 $350.00 May 20 $25.00 $500.00 TOTAL 175 $25.00 $4,375.00
* Calamity Days will be deducted from the next month’s billing. These charges are eligible as a child-care deduction on your federal income tax return. Please call the Early Learning Center office for information.
Late Payment
Parents/Guardians will receive a reminder letter when a payment is not received by the last day of the month (payments are due the 25th of each month). If the payment is not received after the reminder letter, a final notice will be mailed with the amount due and a removal date if the payment is not made. The student’s last day will be noted in the reminder later.
18 Return Check Fee If your check is returned for non-sufficient funds (NSF), your account will be charged for the face amount of the check. An additional fee will be charged by a third party vendor that collects these fees for the school district. This amount can be up to what the current law allows in the state of Ohio.
The program closes at 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. After 6:00 p.m., you will be charged a fee of $1.00 per minute with a $5.00 minimum charge when late in picking up your child. Your late fee must be paid at the time of pick up. Any child who is picked up late more than three times within the school year will be automatically removed from the PED program.
Vouchers The Northwest Local School District is licensed through the Hamilton County Jobs and Family Services as an agency who accepts publicly funded child care. Child care and consumer fee are due as indicated on the HCJFS consumer fee notice. Northwest Local School District must have on file a completed “Childcare Co-payment Agreement Form” issued by HCJFS for all voucher caretakers. Any problems with fee collection within the voucher period will be reported to Hamilton County Job and Family Services. Families with unpaid consumer fees that are 10 school days past due will be automatically removed from the CEED/PED program. HCJFS will be notified.
Northwest Local School District must have on file a completed “Childcare Co-payment Agreement Form” issued by HCJFS for all voucher caretakers. Any problems with fee collection within the voucher period will be reported to Hamilton County Job and Family Services. Families with unpaid consumer fees that are 10 school days past due will be automatically removed from the CEED/PED program. HCJFS will be notified.
HCJFS pays for a maximum of 10 absent days per child every 6 months (January through June / July through December). The consumer (family member receiving vouchers) will be charged the per day rate of the CEED/PED program for each day the child is absent beyond the allotted 10 days within a 6 month period. The daily rate must be paid on the day the child returns to school after being absent. Child (Children) will be removed for unpaid absences if payment has not been received 3 weeks from the day the child was absent. 19 Swipe cards issued by HCJFS must be swiped weekly. The caregiver MUST Swipe by Friday of each week school is in session. As stated in the Ohio Administrative Code, “Caretakers shall use their electronic child care swipe card to record publicly funded child care attendance as a condition of eligibility per rule 5101:2-16-35. Publicly funded child care benefits may be terminated if caretakers refuse to utilize the swipe card.”
Children who have not been swiped in or out for attendance within the week (Monday through Friday), will automatically be removed from the program the following Monday. If there is any error message when caregiver swipes, you must notify the PED/CEED administrator immediately at 385-8000.
HCJFS does allow CEED students to swipe the card. The majority (99%) CEED students have swiped their card while in kindergarten last year without any problems. If there is a card error, you will be notified immediately. It is the caregiver’s responsibility to rectify the error.
After School Emergencies- PED Only
In the event of an emergency, the PED staff will make every effort to contact the parent (s). If the parents cannot be reached, the staff will pursue emergency medical treatment in the child’s best interest while continuing efforts to contact the parent (s) or the emergency contacts listed on the child’s emergency medical form or enrollment card.
It is the parent’s responsibility to keep the information on the child’s emergency medical form and enrollment card current. Please submit any changes to the office in writing.
Please notify your child’s CEED/PED teacher on the day that your child will be absent from the extended day program. Credit is not given for absences unless a child is hospitalized and it exceeds one week. Documentation from the hospital is required.
Children enrolled in PED must arrive no later than 8:15 a.m. and may not be picked up prior to 3:15 p.m. daily.
CEED and PED are full-time programs and operate following the district calendar. 20 Transportation-PED Only
Parents are responsible for transportation of their children to the PED program in the morning. Parents are also responsible for picking up their children in the afternoon/evening. Children will not be released to anyone other than the individuals noted on the Enrollment Card. There will be no exceptions. Inclement Weather
Please listen to your local radio station or watch the local news for school delay and closing information. CEED Only If Northwest Local Schools is closed there will be no CEED.
If there is a two-hour delay in the morning and your child uses the Y’s Kids program, they will operate as early as possible in each building with staff available until the start of school. Therefore, if you use the YMCA program, you may bring your child to school whenever the YMCA staff tell you the program is open.
If your child does not participate in Y’s Kids program, you may send him/her to school on the regular bus which will run 2 hours later than usual. When the buses arrive at school, the kindergarten teachers and/or CEED staff will be there to care for them.
If there is an Early Dismissal once the children are at school, your child will follow the plan of the kindergarten students in the building unless they are not at their home school. Students who are not at their home school will be transported back to their home school and will follow that school’s dismissal plan depending on how the child is transported to and from school.
Transportation home will be provided in the usual manner.
21 PED Only If Northwest Local Schools are closed there will be no PED.
If there is a two-hour delay PED will open at 8:30 a.m.
If there is an Early Dismissal once the children are at school, you should have a contingency plan in order to deal with this circumstance. Parent or other person (s) listed on the enrollment card will be responsible for picking up their child by the designated time announced. Early dismissal will be announced as a one-hour or two- hour early dismissal. Early Release
CEED Students Only
The Northwest Local School District will operate an “Early Release” schedule. This allows for staff to have professional developmental opportunities. Your child will follow the same dismissal as the regular kindergarten classes in the building where your child attends kindergarten.
Preschool Students Only
The Northwest Local School District will operate an “Early Release” schedule. If your child attends preschool in the afternoon, he/she will be taken to the extended day classroom at early dismissal time.
Field Trips
CEED Students Only
Students who participate in kindergarten field trips may attend CEED before and after the designated field trip. Families are billed as usual on field trip days as a normal CEED day. The CEED teachers remain at school on field trip days so our working families do not have to make other childcare arrangements.
22 Registration Information (PED Only)
Registration forms are available at all elementary buildings, the district’s Administrative Offices, and the Centralized Enrollment Center. Completed forms and a $25.00 non-refundable registration fee should be returned to the Houston Early Learning Center. Registration Information (PED Only)
Registration forms are available at all elementary buildings, the district’s Administrative Offices, and the Centralized Enrollment Center. Completed forms and a $25.00 non-refundable registration fee should be returned to the Houston Early Learning Center.
PED is restricted to children who live and attend preschool in the Northwest Local School District. If there are more requests for placement in the program than there are openings, selection will be on a first come, first serve basis and a waiting list will be utilized.
All students must be able to function independently (including being toilet trained) in a large group or a small setting. Students must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the Northwest Board of Education.
New Registration (other than annual registration)
Walk-in registration is available Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Houston Early Learning Center. Students may start as soon as the following week once all of the necessary paperwork is completed and space is available.
23 Admission Requirements
Children entering preschool must be three or four years of age on or before September 30th of the school year they enter preschool. Children on IEP’s may begin preschool anytime after their third birthday and completion of the IEP. Documentation Required for Registration Copy of the Lease or Mortgage and Copy of Utility Bill This verifies your residency in the school district. Copy of Child’s Official Birth Certificate Copy of Child’s Social Security Number Any Divorce/Separation Papers that Verify Custody
Additional Forms and Information Needed to Attend Income Verification Form with Proof of Income Parent Financial Agreement Form provided to list your household members and monthly income Two current pay stubs and 1040/1040A tax form showing current years pay information (This information is needed to determine your monthly fee)
Student Health History Form Physical including lead and Hemoglobin results Dental Form (Physician’s form and dental form are valid for one year from date of exam) Emergency Medical Authorization Form (This form is provided at screening for new students. Returning students will receive in the spring.) Student Dismissal Information
Annual Registration
Registration for new students for the 2017-2018 school year will take place on February 9, 2016 at the Houston Early Learning Center. Registration will be from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Registration for Returning Students
Registration packets will be sent home in February, 2017 with students who are able to return to the program for the 2016-2017 school year. The packets must be returned by March 24, 2017 to insure a space for your child. 24 Withdrawals (PED Only)
Withdrawals are handled only by the PED secretary, Mrs. Obermeyer, at 385-8000. Two weeks advance notice in writing is required.
Registration Information (CEED Only)
Registration forms are available at the Houston Early Learning Center and the Centralized Enrollment Center. Completed forms and a $25.00 non- refundable registration fee should be returned to the Houston Early Learning Center.
CEED is restricted to children who live and attend kindergarten in the Northwest Local School district. If there are more requests for placement in the program than there are openings, selection will be on a first come, first serve basis and others will be placed on waiting list.
All students must be able to function independently (including being toilet trained) in a large group or small group setting. Students must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the Northwest Board of Education.
New Registration
Walk-in registration is available Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the Houston Early Learning Center. When you register your child it will take approximately one week for your child to start the program once all the necessary paperwork is completed and space is available.
Annual Registration
Registration for new students for the 2015-2016 school year will be available at kindergarten registration.
25 Withdrawals – CEED Only
Withdrawals are handled only by the CEED secretary, Mrs. Obermeyer at 385-8000. Two weeks advance notice in writing is required.
Secondary Space
If the occasional need arises that the regular CEED/PED classroom cannot be used for the CEED/PED programs, the children will be taken to the gym for their instruction.
There are no parent or community volunteers in the classroom as the program is for working families.
All of the Extended Day/CEED teachers have teaching licenses through the Ohio Department of Education. The educational assistants are required to have worked with children prior to accepting their position. All staff is certified in communicable disease, child abuse, first aid and CPR. Continuing education is required on an annual basis. All staff is required to have fifteen hours. PED ONLY
Child/Staff Ratio 3 years old 12:1 4 years old 14:1 5 years old 14:1
Child/Staff Ratio Kindergarten 18:1 26 Licensing In accordance with state law, the extended day preschool/kindergarten is licensed through the Ohio Department of Education. The license is posted inside the classroom. On-site visits by a representative of the Ohio Department of Education occur a minimum of once during the school year to insure that the health and safety needs of the children are being met. Supplies Occasionally there are special parties or cooking experiences for which you may be asked to donate a small amount of money or a specific item. School supplies (scissors, paper, glue, pencils and crayons) are furnished in the program.
Parent-Teacher Communication As a non-graded program, there are no progress reports or scheduled conferences. Communication is therefore vital to the success of the program. Your child’s teacher will explain her system of weekly communication early in the year and share a schedule for a typical day. Parents are welcome to visit the CEED/PED classroom. District guidelines require that you schedule the visit in advance with the teacher.
Meeting the CEED/PED Teachers There is a scheduled CEED/PED Meet the Teacher night in the building where your child will be attending. The meeting will take place prior to the start of the school year. You will receive a letter in the mail with details about this event.
Safe School Hotline
The SaferOH tip line will accept both calls and texts 24 hours a day regarding bullying, potential suicide risks, violence or other school safety issues. This information is anonymous and reported directly to the designated administrator at your school. This tip line allows students and adults to anonymously share information with school officials and law enforcement about threats to student safety —whether that involves a threatened mass incident or harm to a single student. Calls or texts to 844-SaferOH (844- 723-3764) 27