Regulation for Industry Internship in the Department of International Business Administration

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Regulation for Industry Internship in the Department of International Business Administration

Regulation for Industry Internship in the Department of International Business Administration at I-Shou University International College

Approved in the 2nd Department Affairs Council meeting on Mar. 13, 2013 Approved in the 3rd Department Affairs Council meeting on Oct. 30, 2012 Approved in the 3rd Department Affairs Council meeting on May 9, 2011 1. Students may enroll for up to, but no more than 9 credits of internships per semester/summer. 2. Students must reach the passing requirement for the Industry Internship in the same se- mester/summer in order to gain credit for that internship. 3. The internship must be in a business engaged in international commerce and whose af- fairs are primarily conducted in English. 4. The total number of hours for Industry Internship I, II or III should be at least one month in duration with a minimum of 100 hours for 3 credits, with a minimum of 200 hours for 6 credits and with a minimum of 300 hours for 9 credits. 5. Students must receive parental or guardian consent to their undertaking an internship or internships. The Head of Department must be notified of this consent and submit the Parental Agreement to IBA department. 6. Students are responsible for purchasing appropriate insurance for the period of their in- ternship or internships. The Head of Department must be notified of Proof of pur- chase. 7. Students are responsible for arranging their own internship (including any wages or salary paid), but the internship arrangements, including insurance and parental ap- proval for interning during vacations, must be approved by the Head of Department before the internship commences. Students who do not obtain approval before the in- ternship commences will not receive credit for the internship. 8. Students must apply for the internship by Mid Semester (Week 9) of the semester prior to that in which they wish to complete an Internship. 9. Prior to the approval of an application, the student should provide the following infor- mation from the prospective employer: 9.1 A letter confirming the dates and the hours the student will work. 9.2 A list of the duties the student will undertake ensuring these meet the require- ments that he or she be engaged in international commerce conducted primarily in English. 9.3 A brief background document of the business, including its history and main ac- tivities, and confirming that the company is engaged in international commerce conducted primarily in English.

Page 1 of 6 9.4 The name and contact details (email and phone) for the person at the company who will supervise the student’s duties. This information will also form part of the report which is to be submitted for assess- ment – as per Section 12. 10. The student shall provide personal contact details such as email addresses (ISU and personal), cell phone number, Skype address, facebook, etc., to enable the supervis- ing teacher to be able to make contact as per Section 13. 11. Students may start their internship following approval from the Head of Department. 12. After internship, students must submit a self-evaluation report to the internship organi- zation to evaluate; they must also submit an English report of approximately 3000 words to their supervisor for the Industry Internships, in a specified format (see page 3 of this document for content guidelines). 13. Where appropriate and convenient, supervisors should visit and check on students dur- ing their industry internship period and fill out a visiting/counseling report. Where the internship is overseas or in a remote location supervisors may conduct Skype, telephone, facebook chat, or some other form of real time communication. 14. Industry Internship grading criteria: Student’s Industry Internship Report 100%. 15. A student who has worked on an internship abroad for at least one semester or one summer can waive the Overseas Study credit (core, 0 credit). 16. This regulation is administered after being approved in the departmental affairs meet- ing, notified the college and then reported to the President.

Page 2 of 6 Department of International Business Administration I-Shou University International College Industry Internship Application Form Internship Application Form Photo

Class Name Birthday

Sex M F ID Number


Application Date (YY/MM/DD) Tel (H): Cell Phone: Type of Internship Institution: ______Name of internship institution: ______

Institution address: ______

Head of department:______Title:

Contact person: ______Title:

Contact number: ______Fax:

Internship date: From______to

Internship working time:______

Internship department:______

Internship content:




Supervisor: ______

Page 3 of 6 The Industry Internship Report Guidelines

The Internship Report:  Cover page (student name, internship organization, location, internship organiza- tion supervisor, dates of internship, and ISU supervisor.)  Table of Contents  Introduction: Describe the objective of your internship and where your internship was carried out (company, department, location, etc.). Summarize your internship goals, activities, and accomplishments. Describe why this internship report can be useful to you and other readers (less than a page)  Establishment Information: Background of the establishment (Name, history, chain, etc.). Location – include a location map. Nature of establishment (Type of products or services; Number/ type of guestrooms, employees, etc.; market, growth poten- tial, etc.). Establishment organization chart.  Your place in the establishment: Your job title (Trainee, in capacity of …………..position). Copy of your job description for the position you are assigned plus specific tasks for each duty in the job description. Copy of your departmental organization chart, noting your position. Description of the establishment’s recruit- ment, orientation, training, evaluation procedures, including training system as much as you know.  Self Critique: What are your three primary strengths? Give examples of what you did well. What are three areas that you would like to improve, i.e., areas of weak- ness? Give examples of what you would do differently if you have a second chance.  Value of work experience: Analyze the work process. What did you learn from this internship experience? In what areas did you learn new techniques or skills? Are there any changes in your ideas about this line of work or the industry? Are there any changes in your level of confidence about your abilities to work and deal with people and situations? Summarize the usefulness of your internship in advancing your understanding of the tourism or hospitality industry and profession.  Conclusions: Could you have prepared yourself better beforehand to get more out of this internship experience? Would you enjoy working for this organization on a permanent basis? Your appreciation of what/who drove you to succeed the intern- ship. Your future plan in the tourism or hospitality industry.  Appendices: Daily report. Mid-semester summary. Duty photos. Final Summary.

Page 4 of 6 Industry Internship Department of International Business Administration International College, I-Shou University

Parental Consent

Note: Vocational internships in the Department of International Business Administration, International College I-Shou University, may cover (According to the regulations internships can also be done during a semester – if that is so is parental consent still required?) part of the winter or summer vacations before or after junior year.

Student’s name (English and Chinese) ______student ID: ______agrees to do a vocational internship during his or her summer or winter vacations. During the internship, he/she agrees to obey all regulations associated with the vocational internship, including those of the internship organization as those of well as the university.

Internship Organization: ______

Internship Department: ______

Internship Dates: From to ______

Student’s Signature:______Date:

Parent’s Signature: ______Date:

For parents only:

I, ______fully understand that by taking the internship my child can register for only 9 credits per semester and thus may take longer than four years to graduate.

Parent’s Signature: ______Date:

(Parents or guardian must sign this consent themselves. Failure to do so will render the Industry Internship credits void).

Page 5 of 6 Industry Internship Insurance Notification Department of International Business Administration International College, I-Shou University

Dear Parents: In order to protect your child during off-campus internship, please help your child to find suitable insurance coverage. You can do so by ticking the boxes below. This information will allow the IBA department to understand students’ insurance coverage. Please tick one of below boxes.

□ I/we will find our own insurance for our child(Please attach your insurance policy to this form). □ I will entrust ISU to provide insurance for my child(Insured for 1 million NT; students must pay their own insurance fee).

Student’s Name: Year:

Student’s ID:______

Parent’s Signature: ______

(Departmental Seal)

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