Rank: Retired Col. U.S. Air Force Medical Corps
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Rank: Retired Col. U.S. Air Force Medical Corps Date of Birth: 18 December 1963 Place of Birth: Natchitoches, LA
Married to Holly Hundemer Perry Children: Katherine Patrick Austin
Current Address: 23 Ferris Creek San Antonio, TX 78254 Phone: (210) 509-4088
Current Position: – Chief of Surgery 6/14 - present South Texas Veterans Health Care System – Audie L. Murphy Div. San Antonio, TX
Associate Program Director General Surgery Residency University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, TX
Office Address, VA: Department of Surgery 7400 Merton Minter Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78229-4404 210-617-5128 [email protected]
Baton Rouge High School 1978-82 Valedictorian
Louisiana State University 1982-86 Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry Summa Cum Laude
Duke University School of Medicine 1986-90 Doctor of Medicine
Air University Air Command and Staff College 2001 by correspondence Air War College 2006 by correspondence
RESIDENCY TRAINING: General Surgery 1990-95 Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center Lackland AFB (San Antonio), TX
Colon and Rectal Surgery 1995-96 Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation New Orleans, LA
BOARD CERTIFICATION: Diplomate, American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgeons 1997 Re-certified 2006, 2016 Diplomate, American Board of Surgery 1996 Re-certified 2004, 2014 Certified via FLEX 1990
American College of Surgeons 1995 – Present Elected Fellow – 2000 South Texas Chapter ACS
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons 1993 – Present Elected Fellow – 2000 Program Committee 1997-2000 Standards Committee 2003-2012 Public Relations Committee 2012-2014
Society of Air Force Clinical Surgeons 1991 – 2016 (disbanded) General Surgery Section Chair 1998, 2000 Program Chairman 2003 Vice-president 2003-2004 President 2004-2006 Excalibur Award Winner 2010
Association of Program Directors in Surgery 2001 – 2006, 2014 - present
Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 2003 – Present
American Board of Surgery – Associate Examiner 2004 for the Oral Boards
American Medical Association 1987-1990, 2007 – present Bexar County Medical Society 2007 – present Emergency Preparedness Committee Academic Affairs Committee American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Written question writer 2009- Associate Oral Board Examiner 2013-
Uniform Services University for the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD 1996 – present
University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX 1997 – present Lecturer for second year Introduction to Clinical Sciences course on biliary tract and lower gastrointestinal bleeding
Grand Master in Colorectal Surgery – USAF Special Expertise Identifier 2008
Residency Program Director, Department of General Surgery, Wilford Hall Medical Center, 4/01 – 6/06
Director of Medical Student Education, Dept. of General Surgery, WHMC 9/96-4/01
Assistant Chairman, Department of General Surgery, WHMC, 6/99- 6/01
Consultant to the USAF Surgeon General for Colorectal Surgery 9/97 – 11/04
Chief of the Medical Staff and Chief of Medical Operations, 4404th Medical Group, Prince Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia, 4/98 – 8/98
Chief Trauma Surgeon, 332nd Medical Group, Balad Air Base, Iraq, 5/05 – 9/05
Chief Trauma Surgeon, 332nd Medical Group, Balad Air Base, Iraq, 1/07 – 5/07
Medical Director, Defense Institute for Medical Operations, Brooks City Base, San Antonio, TX, 08/06 – 07/08
Commander, 59th Surgical Operations Squadron, 59th Medical Wing, Wilford Hall Medical Center, 08/08-08/10
Chairman, Department of Anesthesia and OR Services, Brooke Army Medical Center, 10/10 – 04/11
Section Chief, General Surgery, South Texas Veterans Health Care System – Audie L. Murphy Div., 04/11 – 01/14
Acting Chief of Surgical Services, South Texas Veterans Health Care System – Audie L. Murphy Div., 09/12 – 12/12; 09/13 – 6/14 MILITARY AWARDS AND DECORATIONS: Bronze Star Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters Air Force Commendation Medal Global War on Terrorism Medal Air Force Expeditionary Medal with Gold Border Iraq Campaign Medal Outstanding Unit Award with two oak leaf clusters Meritorious Unit award Small Arms Marksmanship Ribbon (M-16) National Defense Ribbon with Device
1. Bonhaus DW, Perry WB, McNamara JO. Decreased density, but not number, of N- methyl-D-aspartate, glycine, and phencyclidine binding sites in hippocampus of senescent rats. Brain Research 1990, Nov 5; 532:82-6. 2. Perry WB, Lally K, Karulf RE. Surgical Treatment of Obstructed Defecation. Southern Medical Journal, 84 (9) (Supplement):16, Sept 1991. 3. Perry WB, Karulf RE, Beck D. Laparoscopic Intestinal Diversion. Southern Medical Journal, 85 (9) (Supplement):3S-14, Sept 1992. 4. Perry WB. History and Physical Examination. in Beck DE, ed. Handbook of Colorectal Surgery, QMP, Inc., 1996. 5. Karulf RE, Perry WB. Pilonidal Disease. In Beck DE and Wexner S, eds., Fundamentals of Anorectal Surgery, 2nd Ed., Saunders 1997 6. Perry WB, Karulf RE. Anorectal Abscess and Fistula. In McKellar DP and Reiling RB, eds, Prognosis and Outcome Expectancy in Surgical Diseases. 1998 7. Karulf RE, Perry WB. Pilonidal Disease. In McKellar DP and Reiling RB, eds, Prognosis and Outcome Expectancy in Surgical Diseases. 1998 8. Perry WB, Opelka FG, Smith D, et al. Discontinuous Appendiceal Involvement in Ulcerative Colitis: Pathology and Clinical Correlation. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 1999, Vol 3, No 2 141-144. 9. Perry WB. Management of Perioperative Hemorrhage. Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery 2001, 14; 1: 49-56. 10. Brooks JP, Perry WB, Putnam AT, Karulf RE. Thermal imaging in the detection of bowel ischemia. Dis Colon Rectum. 2000 Sep; 43(9): 1319-21. 11. Fillman EP, Perry WB, Cina SJ. Pathologic quiz case. A colonic mass in a 53-year-old woman. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2002 Jul; 126(7): 867, 868. 12. Brooks JP, Perry WB. Radiation Injury to the Small and Large Bowel. In Cameron JL. Ed. Current Surgical Therapy 8th Edition, Moby, 2004. 13. Perry WB, Margolin DA. Guest Issue Editors for Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery, Volume 15, Number 2, 2002. 14. Goldberg JG, Perry WB. Familial Polyposis. Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery, Vol 15, Number 2, 2002. 15. Richards ML, Perry WB. Dysphagia and weight loss in a middle-aged man. Curr Surg. 2004 Jan-Feb; 61(1): 80-3. 16. Perry WB, Richards ML. Acute abdominal pain and vomiting in a young woman. 17. Curr Surg. 2004 Mar-Apr; 61(2): 172-4. 18. Anderson CM, Kerby JD, Perry WB, Sorrells DL. Pneumoretroperitoneum in two patients with Clostridium perfringens necrotizing pancreatitis. Am Surg. 2004 Mar; 70(3): 268-71. 19. Anthony T, Simmang C, Hyman N, Buie D, Kim D, Cataldo P, Orsay C, Church J, Otchy D, Cohen J, Perry WB, Dunn G, Rafferty J, Ellis CN, Rakinic J, Fleshner P, Stahl T, Gregorcyk S, Ternent C, Kilkenny JW 3rd, Whiteford M; Standards Practice Task Force, The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Practice parameters for the surveillance and follow-up of patients with colon and rectal cancer. Dis Colon Rectum. 2004 Jun; 47(6): 807-17. 20. Richards ML, Perry WB. Abdominal pain in a young man with AIDS. Curr Surg. 2004 May-Jun; 61(3): 297-300. 21. Brooks JP, Perry WB, Richards ML. Abdominal distention and diarrhea in a young female. Curr Surg. 2004 Sep-Oct; 61(5): 435-8. 22. Orsay C, Rakinic J, Perry WB, Hyman N, Buie D, Cataldo P, Newstead G, Dunn G, Rafferty J, Ellis CN, Shellito P, Gregorcyk S, Ternent C, Kilkenny J 3rd, Tjandra J, Ko C, Whiteford M, Nelson R; Standards Practice Task Force; American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Practice parameters for the management of anal fissures (revised). Dis Colon Rectum. 2004 Dec; 47(12): 2003-7 23. Perry WB, Brooks JP, Muskat PC. The history of military colorectal trauma management. Seminars in Colon & Rectal Surgery. 2004 June; 15(2): 70-79. 24. Learn PA, Grove K, Richards, ML, Perry WB. Bilious vomiting and abdominal pain in an aesthenic male. Curr Surg, 2005 Mar-Apr; 62(2):204-7. 25. Bonville D, Perry WB, Bismuth J, Rigor V, Richards ML. Diarrhea and Weight Loss in a. Curr Surg, 2005 May-June;62(3): 324-6 26. Whiteford MH, Kilkenny J 3rd, Hyman N, Buie WD, Cohen J, Orsay C, Dunn G, Perry WB, Ellis CN, Rakinic J, Gregorcyk S, Shellito P, Nelson R, Tjandra JJ, Newstead G; The Standards Practice Task Force; The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Practice parameters for the treatment of perianal abscess and fistula-in-ano (revised). Dis Colon Rectum. 2005 Jul; 48(7):1337-42. 27. Clark CE, Richards ML, Perry WB, Sirinek KR. Abdominal pain and vomiting in a middle-aged woman. Curr Surg. 2005 Jul-Aug; 62(4):412-4. 28. Cohen JL, Strong SA, Hyman NH, Buie WD, Dunn GD, Ko CY, Fleshner PR, Stahl TJ, Kim DG, Bastawrous AL, Perry WB, Cataldo PA, Rafferty JF, Ellis CN, Rakinic J, Gregorcyk S, Shellito PC, Kilkenny JW 3rd, Ternent CA, Koltun W, Tjandra JJ, Orsay CP, Whiteford MH, Penzer JR; Standards Practice Task Force American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Practice parameters for the surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis. Dis Colon Rectum. 2005 Nov; 48(11):1997-2009. 29. Bening T, Bini J, Perry WB, Richards ML. Middle-aged man with penetrating trauma to the pancreaticoduodenal complex. Curr Surg. 2005 Nov-Dec; 62(6):604-5. 30. Latham K, Perry WB, Richards ML. Lateral Neck Mass in a Young Woman. Curr Surg. 2006 Jan - Feb; 63(1): 24-26. 31. Perry WB. Biological Weapons: An Introduction for Surgeons. Surgical Clinics of North America. 2006 June; 86(3): 649-664. 32. Buck L, Perry WB, Richards ML. Periampullary carcinoid tumor in a woman with neurofibromatosis. Curr Surg. 2006 Jul-Aug; 63(4):252-4. 33. Gifford S, Bowman J, Perry WB, Richards ML. Right lower quadrant pain in a young man. Curr Surg, 2006 Sep-Oct; 63(5): 318-21. 34. Perry WB, Connaughton JC. Abdonioperineal resection: how is it done and what are the results? Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery. 2007 Aug; 20(3): 213-20. 35. Perry WB. Anal fistula, fissure, and abscess. In S. Cohn, ed. Acute Care Surgery and Trauma: Evidence Based Practice, Informa Healthcare, 2009. 36. Perry WB, Yi F, Clark C, Kim D. Abdomnoperineal resection. In Whitlow, et al. eds. Improved Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Surgery. Informa Healthcare, 2010. 37. Perry WB, Dykes SL, Buie WD. Rafferty JF. Standards Practice Task Force of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Practice Parameters for the Management of Anal Fissures (3rd Revision). Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. 2010 Aug; 53 (8): 1110-1115
1. Selective Surgical Management of Chronic Constipation, Southern Medical Association Scientific Assembly, Atlanta, GA, 1991. 2nd place, Resident Paper Competition.
2. Laparoscopic Intestinal Diversion, Southern Medical Association Scientific Assembly, San Antonio, TX, 1992. 1st place, Resident Paper Competition.
3. Discontinuous Appendiceal Involvement in Ulcerative Colitis, Society of Air Force Clinical Surgeons, San Antonio, TX, 1996.
4. Geriatric Colonoscopy, Society of Air Force Clinical Surgeons, Sacramento, CA 1997
5. Management of Colon and Rectal Trauma, Ochsner GI Surgery Update Course, 1997, 1998
6. Rectal Prolapse, Ochsner GI Surgery Update Course, 1999
7. Monoclonal Antibodies in Colorectal Cancer, Emerging Technologies/The Military Surgeon, Versailles, France, 1999
8. Multiple Lectures, Labs, and Exercises – Leadership Program in Regional Disaster Response and Trauma System Management – San Salvador, El Salvador, 05/99 Vladivostok, Russia, 08/01 Prague, Czech Republic – 03/02 Tashkent, Uzbekistan – 08/02 (lead surgeon) Rabat, Morocco – 05/03 (course director) Pretoria, South Africa – 08/03 Buenos Aries, Argentina – 08/04 (lead surgeon, course co-director) Rabat, Morocco – 05/06 (course director) Rawalpindi, Pakistan – 08/06 (course co-director) Chisinau, Moldova – 07/07 (course director) Rawalpindi, Pakistan – 08/07 (course director) Bogota, Colombia – 02/08 (course director) Hanoi, Vietnam – 05/08 (course director) Kathmandu, Nepal – 10/08 (course director) San Salvador, El Salvador – 09/09 (course director) Algiers, Algeria – 11/09 (course director) Algiers, Algeria – 09/11 (course director)
9. Radiation Proctitis, Colorectal Postgraduate Course, American College of Surgeons, October, 2001 10. Race and Colorectal Cancer in an Equal Access Health Care System, Tripartite 2002 Colorectal Meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 10/02.
11. Race and Colorectal Cancer, Deployable Air Force Medical Assets, Visiting Professor, University of Tennessee, Memphis, 03/03
12. Artificial Bowel Sphincter, Southern Medical Association, San Antonio, TX 05/03
13. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Update, Aust Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 06/04
14. Course Director, Honduran Trauma Skills Enhancement Course, Comayagua, Honduras, 10/04
15. Air Force Medical Response in Operation Enduring Freedom, Rotary Club, Baton Rouge, LA, 11/04
16. Colon Resections – The case for open Surgery – Aust Society, San Antonio, TX 16 Jun 06
17. Wound VACs – Extremity War Wound Management, Balad AB, Iraq, 5/07
18. Leading the Best – the Role of the Trauma Czar in the Deployed Combat Hospital: IDGA Battlefield Healthcare Conference, San Diego, CA; 19 Aug 08.
19. Back in the War…Taking the hard-won surgical lessons home: IDGA Battlefield Healthcare Conference, San Antonio, TX; 8 Dec 09.
20. Colorectal Cancer Prevention – Ostomy Association of South Texas. 29 Mar 10.
21. Complex Perineal Injuries. Combat Casualty Care for the Colorectal Surgeon. (Symposium Director) – 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Vancouver, BC.
22. Reflections of a Course Director – AMSUS, December 2011, San Antonio, TX.
1. A Multicenter Phase II/III, Double-Blind, Dose-ranging, Placebo-controlled, Parallel Study of ADL-8-2698 in Opioid-Induced Post-operative Bowel Dysfunction/Post- operative Ileus; Adolor Corporation. 8/00 to 5/01.
2. A Multicenter Phase III, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel Study of ADL-8- 2698 in Opioid-Induced Post-operative Bowel Dysfunction/Post-operative Ileus; Adolor Corporation. 10/01-
3. Ertapenem versus Cefotetan for the Prophylaxis of Surgical Site Infection Following Colorectal Surgery. Merck, started Jan 2002. 4. A Prospective, Multicenter, Double-Blind With In-House Blinding, Randomized, Comparative Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Ertapenem Sodium Versus Piperacillin/Tazobactam in the Treatment of Complicated Intra- Abdominal Infections in Hospitalized Patients. (STITCH STUDY). Merck. Nov 2001 –
5. A Phase 3b, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Study of Alvimopan for the Management of Post-operative Ileus, ADOLOR Protocol 14CL314. Feb 05
6. Race and Colorectal Cancer in an Equal-Access Health Care System – AFIP database review.
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum Selected Abstracts section monthly contributor 09/04 – 12/06 Peer-reviewer 05/09 –
Current Surgery Co-editor, monthly Grand Rounds Section 10/03 – 1/07 Peer-reviewer 10/03 – 01/07
Military Medicine Peer-reviewer 06/04 – 08/12
Journal of Trauma Peer Reviewer 04/06 – 08/12