Georgia FBLA Dress Code
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Georgia FBLA Dress Code
The Georgia FBLA Board of Directors has adopted a dress code that will be effective for the 2010 Fall Leadership Conference, 2011 Region Leadership Conference, and 2011 State Leadership Conference. All advisers are expected to share the dress code with their students and take responsibility for making sure their students follow the dress code when at a conference.
All delegates and advisers are expected to wear business attire to general sessions, competitive events, campaigning, and workshops. Competitive event participants will be disqualified if not dressed properly. Conference participants will not be allowed to participate in conference activities if not dressed properly. Georgia FBLA will attempt to monitor dress code at all conference activities. However, advisers are responsible for ensuring that students who attend the conferences are aware and follow the dress code prior to entering any conference function or activity.
Local advisers are expected to follow as well as enforce the dress code for their students.
Georgia FBLA Dress Code for Females Georgia FBLA Dress Code for Males Adopted April 28, 2007, Georgia FBLA Board of Directors Adopted April 28, 2007, Georgia FBLA Board of Directors
The following is considered appropriate business dress for meetings, The following is considered appropriate business dress for meetings, workshops, competition, and general sessions: workshops, competition, and general sessions:
Business Suit/Business Pantsuit – A coordinated jacket may Dress Shirt, Dress Pants, and Necktie – A dress shirt accompany a skirt or ankle-length pants. An appropriate skirt buttons from top to bottom and has a collar. Knit or polo length is 1” to 2” above the knee or longer. (2” is style shirts are inappropriate. Shirts made of denim or approximately three fingers side by side). Skirts that end chambray or Hawaiian/flower print are inappropriate. Pants higher than 2” above the knee are not acceptable. must be accompanied by a dress belt, suspenders, or braces. Cargo, painter, or carpenter pants are inappropriate. Dress Business Dress – An appropriate dress length is 1” to 2” pants must be neat without frays or holes. Pants must sit at above the knee or longer. (2” is approximately three fingers the waist and may not drag on the floor. Dress pants should side by side.) The dress must have some type of a sleeve. not have more than five pockets. A necktie IS mandatory. Sleeveless dresses are NOT appropriate. Men’s Business Suit – Dress shirt, dress pants, and suit Skirt/Pants and Blouse – An appropriate skirt length is 1” to jacket made of the same fabric. A necktie IS mandatory. 2” above the knee or longer. (2” is approximately three fingers side by side.) Skirts that end higher than 2” above the Men’s Business Sport Coat – Dress shirt, dress pants, and knee are not acceptable. Blouse must have some type of sport coat made of different fabric than pants. A necktie IS sleeve and must be tucked into skirt or pants. A t-shirt is not mandatory. acceptable as a blouse. Sleeveless blouses must be worn with a jacket or suit. A two-piece sweater set with a skirt or pants Dress Socks – Athletic socks are inappropriate. would be appropriate. A business skirt may have a slit, but Dress Shoes or Dress Boots – The following are examples of this slit may not be more than 2” above the knee. If pants inappropriate types of shoes: flip flops, thongs, sandals, are worn, a jacket or blazer must also be worn. athletic shoes, boat shoes, industrial work shoes, hiking boots, Dress Shoes – Shoes that have EITHER an open toe or open mules, clogs, work boots, Birkenstock-style shoes, and bare heel, but not both. Open heel shoes that have a open toe hole feet. larger than a penny are not appropriate. Dress boots will be Be careful when selecting your conference attire. The follow is allowed with pants and long skirts (skirt must be below the inappropriate conference attire for meetings, workshops, competition, knee and long enough to cover or meet the boot). The campaigning, and general sessions: jewelry in visible body piercing, following are examples of inappropriate types of shoes for other than ears denim or chambray fabric clothing of any kind females: flip flops, thongs, sandals, slides, clogs, athletic overalls shorts exercise or bike shorts t-shirts lycra spandex shoes, industrial work shoes, and bare feet. muscle shirts tank tops bathing suits hats flannel fabric Be careful when selecting your conference attire. The follow is clothing visible undergarments sandals of any kind tennis shoes. inappropriate conference attire for meetings, workshops, competition, Event administrators will be asked to enforce the dress code. If campaigning, and general sessions: jewelry in visible body piercing, questions arise, a member of the board of directors will make the other than ears denim or chambray fabric clothing of any kind final decision. overalls shorts skorts capri pants gauchos crop pants stretch or stirrup pants exercise or bike shorts backless, see- through, tight-fitting, halter or low-cut blouses/tops/dresses t-shirts lycra spandex midriff tops tank tops bathing suits hats flannel fabric clothing visible undergarments sandals of any kind tennis shoes. Event administrators will be asked to enforce the dress code. If questions arise, a member of the board of directors will make the final decision. Official Dress for Georgia FBLA Show Your GEORGIA FBLA Pride! Adopt the Official Dress Today!
The Georgia FBLA Board of Directors has established the official dress for Georgia FBLA. We encourage your chapter will show its Georgia FBLA pride by adopting the official uniform of Georgia FBLA.
Official Dress – Females Official Dress – Males The official dress for female FBLA members consists of: The official dress for male FBLA members consists of: Standard navy blue blazer with the FBLA patch with dress Standard navy blue blazer with the FBLA patch with dress khaki skirt or slacks OR a matching navy blue suit with khaki slacks OR a matching navy blue suit with the FBLA the FBLA patch. The patch should be placed over the left patch. The patch should be placed over the left chest chest pocket; pocket; Skirt extends to the knee or slightly below, hemmed White collared, button-up dress shirt (no t-shirts or evenly across the bottom. Slit must extend no more than 2 polo/golf shirts); inches above the knee; Brown, cordovan or black dress shoes (no boots, sandals, White dress blouse or shell (no t-shirts, polo/golf shirts, or open-toed shoes, tennis shoes); camisoles); Dress belt that matches shoe color; Dress shoes – open toe or sling back, but not both open toe Dress socks (not white); and sling back (no boots, sandals, tennis shoes); Official blue FBLA tie. Official blue FBLA scarf (optional).
Georgia FBLA Official Dress Implementation Plan
2010-2011 School Year Required for performance competitors at the 2011 RLC and SLC in the following events: o Banking & Financial Systems (SLC) o Business Ethics o Business Presentation o Client Service o Emerging Business Issues o Entrepreneurship (SLC) o Future Business Leader (SLC) o Global Business (SLC) o Help Desk (SLC) o Impromptu Speaking o Job Interview o Management Decision Making (SLC) o Management Information Systems (SLC) o Marketing (SLC) o Network Design (SLC) o Parliamentary Procedure (SLC) o Public Speaking I o Public Speaking II
2011-2012 School Year Required for all competitors in ALL performance events (individual, team, and chapter) at the 2012 RLC and SLC;
Official FBLA patches, ties, and scarves can be purchased at the FBLA Marketplace ( These items will also be sold at the Fall Motivational Rally, Fall Leadership Conference, and State Leadership Conference. School: ______
2011 RLC Dress Code Statement I have read the RLC Dress Code Statement on the reverse side. I understand that I will not be able to participate in the conference and may be disqualified from my event if I This form must be returned with your do not adhere to these guidelines. Registration fees will conference registration materials. not be refunded if I am not allowed to participate due to improper dress. The dress code for Georgia FBLA conferences was revised in July 2007. The changes reflect the 1. ______requirements from the National FBLA dress code but 2. ______further define what is and is not appropriate professional dress. This revised dress code is on the opposite page. 3. ______4. ______Competitors in Business Ethics, Business Presentation, 5. ______Client Service, Emerging Business Issues, Impromptu Speaking, Job Interview, Public Speaking I, and Public 6. ______Speaking II, must adopt and wear the Georgia FBLA 7. ______Official Dress as part of their performance. 8. ______FBLA-PBL members and advisers should develop an 9. ______awareness of the image one’s appearance projects. The 10. ______purpose of the dress code is to uphold the professional image of the association and its members and to prepare 11. ______students for the business world. 12. ______13. ______Additionally, the latest fashions do not always constitute attire appropriate for a professional environment. It is 14. ______advised that the conference delegates dress as 15. ______professional as possible without “testing the limits” of 16. ______the dress code. A general rule to follow is: If you have to ask if it’s acceptable, you should not wear it. 17. ______18. ______Georgia FBLA strives to enforce the dress code on a 19. ______consistent basis. However, we do not have the personnel or resources to prescreen each individual before he/she 20. ______enters the facility. Members and local advisers must 21. ______remain responsible for enforcing the dress code for their fellow members. Advisers, your cooperation and 22. ______assistance with enforcing our dress code for your 23. ______members are greatly appreciated. Please do not allow 24. ______your students to travel if they are not within our dress code guidelines. 25. ______26. ______Appropriate attire is required for all attendees – advisers, 27. ______members, and guests – at all conference functions. Conference name badges are part of this dress code and 28. ______must be worn for all conference functions. 29. ______30. ______Members and advisers must remain in appropriate dress for the Awards Program. Winners who are not properly If you have more than 30 students attending, please copy dressed will not be allowed to accept their award. this form and have them sign it too.
Advisers please have each conference participant read and sign this form. Advisers, please submit this form (with any additional forms, if necessary) with your registration and retain a copy for your records.