Pray for the Persecuted Church on November 12

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Pray for the Persecuted Church on November 12

Pray for the Persecuted Church on November 12 Ginny McCabe Contributing Writer November 6, 2006

Christians are urged to pray for over 200 million suffering believers on Sunday, November 12th during the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

On that day, Christians across the globe will take part in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church by praying for those who are persecuted. The focus of the prayer and support will be centered on those who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. “In 1996, several ministries that work with persecuted Christians came together to create a day where the Church could focus their prayers on the Persecuted Church,” said Dana Simons, Co-Founder, Greater Calling Ministry about the inception of the day, which has now become an annual occurrence.

When asked why she believes that prayer is so important, Simons said, “Firstly, because God hears and answers our prayers and secondly, because the number one request from persecuted Christians is for prayer. They are encouraged when they hear that we are praying for them.”

She said that the prayers are centered on all of those people living in countries where they are not allowed to profess their faith in Jesus Christ. “North Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia are areas of the world where Christians are especially persecuted, even to the point of losing their lives if they are found practicing their Christian religion,” Simons explained.

An estimated 200 million Christians worldwide suffer interrogation, arrest and even death for their faith in Christ, with another 200 to 400 million facing discrimination and alienation.

“(Even) when Jesus was on earth, he was persecuted and spoke of the future persecution of his church, so we should not be surprised that believers around the world experience persecution. However, he also specifically blessed those who are persecuted for His sake,” Simons said.

Open Doors USA said that International Day of Prayer (IDOP) is one of the largest prayer events in the world, and said that the day has continued to raise heightened awareness of the Persecuted Church since its inception in 1996. Open Doors USA is one organization that collaborates with other Christian agencies to sponsor IDOP under the umbrella of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

“The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church presents a tremendous opportunity for millions of people to make a difference in the lives of those being persecuted for their faith in countries like North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Iraq and many more,” said Open Doors USA President Dr. Carl Moeller. “Those persecuted believers have asked us who live in freedom to pray for them – (that is) always their number one request. And on November 12 we have the opportunity to collectively lift our petitions to the Lord on their behalf.”

To cite one example of the persecution, Open Doors said it is believed that tens of thousands of Christians are currently suffering in North Korean prison camps where they face cruel abuses. Though no exact figures can be given, Open Doors’ staff estimates that hundreds of Christians were killed in 2005.

Due to the continuing severity of persecution in that communist country, Open Doors has specifically launched a Prayer Campaign for North Korea. To register for the Prayer Campaign for North Korea, go to You will be asked to sign up and pick a weekly 10-minute time frame when you will lift up North Korean Christians in prayer.

In 2005, Open Doors celebrated 50 years of service to the Persecuted Christians. This ministry organization serves and strengthens the Persecuted Church in the world's most difficult areas through Bible and Christian literature distribution, leadership training and assistance, Christian community development, prayer and presence ministry and advocacy on behalf of suffering believers.

For more information about Open Doors USA, call toll free at (888) 5-BIBLE-5 (524- 2535) or visit To request a complimentary six-month subscription to their monthly newsletter Frontline Faith, call (888) 5-BIBLE-5, or register for a subscription online at

At a time when Christians in dozens of nations are falling under greater attack, Open Doors USA and many other Christian organizations, including The Voice of the Martyrs are assisting the church in America as it lifts up those who take a bold stand for their faith, regardless of the circumstances. One way the organization is assisting believers is by also offering several helpful resources.

The Voice of the Martyrs has designed two International Day of Prayer resource kits to help the Body of Christ remember those in prayer who sacrifice their lives and fearlessly witness their faith in the midst of persecution. This year, Voice of the Martyrs standard kit includes a DVD sharing the testimonies of persecuted Christians, four persecuted- church posters, five Remembrance Bracelets, an Action Pack bag, 10 Special Issue newsletters and much more. The deluxe kit offers the above items (many in greater quantity) and features a full-color 6’ x 5’ cloth Prayer Banner Map highlighting persecuted nations worldwide, along with many more resources for distribution. Find out more information about these kits and the persecuted church by requesting a free subscription to The Voice of the Martyrs monthly newsletter at (800) 75-VOICE. (Used by permission The Voice of the Martyrs.)

Additionally, Greater Calling is providing free teleconferencing services on November 12, so that people can join together in prayer from all over the world. Last year on the IDOP, several hundred people from over nine different countries joined together to unite in prayer over the telephone. There is a leader each hour and a specific area of the world is covered in prayer each hour. People can join anytime between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Pacific time on November 12th by dialing 1-641-985-1131 and entering 4367# (IDOP#). Visit for more information.

Also, by visiting, people can get their own free conference call dial-in number and code and they can start their own conference call prayer group with their friends or family to join in corporate prayer for the persecuted church. The web site has information and prayer points that people can use to guide their prayers.

“Jesus tells us that when two of us on earth agree about anything, it will be done for us,” Simons said. “Prayer works.”

Wristband logo used by permission courtesy of The Voice of the Martyrs.

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