The Yellow Wallpaper Multiple Choice

1. The narrator's attitude toward her husband's treatment of her might best be described as A) defiant B) resigned C) angry D) frustrated

2. The speaker’s husband is best described as A) controlling and pragmatic. B) loving and thoughtful. C) skilled and sarcastic. D) punctilious and harsh.

3. The speaker’s “temporary nervous depression” is most clearly demonstrated by her A) fixation upon the strange nature of the house. B) desire to have a room with chintz hangings. C) secretive writing. D) obsession with the wallpaper in her room.

4. The fact that the speaker’s room was once a nursery and playroom reinforces her A) nervousness and hysteria. B) childlike belief in a ghost. C) subservience and dependence. D) desire to have her own way.

5. The speaker most desires A) the opportunity to write. B) freedom to follow her own desires. C) congenial company. D) a separation from her husband.

6. "The Yellow Wallpaper" is written as a A) dialogue between the narrator and her husband B) stream of consciousness C) series of notes D) flashback

7. What is one major similarity between the narrator's room and the wallpaper's pattern? A) They both are chaotic B) They both do not let in sunshine C) They both have windows D) They both have bars Answer Key:

1. A

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. D