Arts and Stroke Rehabilitation Project - Evaluation Brief

AFHC is seeking to commission an evaluation of our Arts and Stroke Rehabilitation Project.

The Project

Intended Outcomes People who have suffered from a stroke will attain and maintain the best health and independence possible through meaningful creative activities as part of the NHS stroke rehabilitation programme. Best health refers to physical, mental and emotional health. Staff and patients will be better-informed as to the benefits of particular creative activities, and will have developed the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence in order to ensure the programme and its benefits are sustained. Continued improvements to the programmes will be applied on the basis of the evaluation of the activities undertaken.

Proposal This programme will provide opportunities for people undertaking Cornwall’s NHS stroke rehabilitation programme to engage in a range of different art-based interventions with the specific purpose of improving their health. The interventions will address the physical, mental, social and emotional health and well-being of patients. It will include reinventing past skills, building confidence, personal value and self-esteem as well as providing the opportunities for patients to learn new skills. Throughout the programme the staff will be informed and trained to appropriate levels in order to ensure that patients receive the maximum benefits from the interventions and to ensure that the programme is cost effective and sustainable in the longer term. The programme will be based upon the available research as well as the learning and experience gained from the activities already provided by Arts for Health Cornwall to support the SAGE programme. It will also provide the basis of a self guided rehabilitation programme which will be developed. There will also be activities provided as part of each SAGE programme which will link to the sessions undertaken on the Stroke Rehabilitation Wards. This will act as a reminder to patients and their carers of what they have learned to date as well as providing a signpost to similar community activities that patients can access in the longer term. This may be linked to a GP referral scheme. AFHC will recruit experienced creative practitioners, who are able to facilitate creative endeavour in people with long-term and restrictive health conditions and who can impart information and skills in a way which is easily understood and assimilated by patients and staff. AFHC will provide ongoing project management and support and supervision to the practitioners involved.

Aim of evaluation The aim of the evaluation is to:  Evaluate how successful the project has been in achieving its intended outcomes  Evaluate and review the management of the project  Evaluate the experiences of the creative practitioners, staff on the stroke unit, patients and their relatives/carers  Make recommendations for the future

Methodology It is suggested that the evaluator will employ a mixed method approach, with the emphasis being on qualitative research, although quantitative elements may also be appropriate. The evaluator will be expected to suggest a research methodology that will best achieve a rounded evaluation, such as focus groups, surveys, review of documentation, observing sessions.

Required outputs Produce an interim report in October 2010 and a final written report in April 2011, and provide 5 copies of each. Give an oral presentation of the evaluation to a stakeholder group identified by AFHC Timescale From now until end April 2011 Budget The budget available for this evaluation is £2500 (including VAT if applicable).This is fully inclusive of all costs.

Skills and knowledge It is expected that the selected evaluator will specify their methodology. They should have;  Experience of devising methodologies for similar types of evaluation  Experience of producing similar evaluation reports  Excellent written and verbal communication skills  The ability to work from home  The ability to attend key meetings during the project  Excellent organisational skills  An understanding of the arts and/or health sectors

Application process The application for this evaluation contract should include the following:  An outline of how you would approach the evaluation including research and evaluation methodologies, costings and a draft timeline  Evidence of relevant skills, knowledge and experience  Two references  Up to three examples of similar reports you have authored (electronic links to these can be submitted)

Please send completed applications to:- Jenny Atkinson AFHC , Unit 7 Jubilee Wharf, Commercial Road, Penryn TR10 8FG, or by e mail to [email protected] Deadline for submission of application is Friday 4th June.

Selection Process Short listing will be based upon the information contained in the application. Final selection will be made through a telephone interview.