Parish of St Boniface

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Parish of St Boniface


“Give me that living water”

Presbytery: St. Boniface House, 413 Shirley Road Southampton SO15 3JD Tel: 023 80771231 Parish Clergy: Father David Sillince [Parish Priest], Canon Terry Walsh [in retirement] Safeguarding Officer: Anne Monaghan 023 80777691 Chair of Parish Pastoral Council: Mike Wood 023 80630396 Parish Secretary: Eileen B. Aylett Parish Office opening hours Monday Thursday and Friday 9.00am to 12.30pm Newsletter deadline 9.00pm on Tuesday for inclusion on following Sunday, space permitting. Parish Website: Parish Office e mail: [email protected] This Parish is within the Pastoral Area of Southampton Central & West. RC Diocese of Portsmouth Regd. Charity 246871 The Church is normally open on weekdays 8am-5pm, Saturdays 8am-7.45pm, Sundays 7.30am-5pm

CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK We pray especially for:- (Divine Office week 3) Saturday March 22 ] 6.30pm Mass Thomas McCarthy, RIP Sunday March 23 ] THIRD SUNDAY of LENT [A] 8.30am Mass Archibald Dunlop, RIP 10.30am Mass Tomi Mathew in family, in thanksgiving Monday March 24 of Lent 3 Fourteenth Station of the 10.00am Mass William & Catherine Crogan, RIP Cross Tuesday March 25 Solemnity of the ANNUNCIATION of the LORD 10.00am Mass Anne O’Mara, RIP Masses at 10am and 7.30pm (7.30pm Mass Mass Deceased Benefactors of the Parish sung 7.30pm by “Cantores Michaelis”, see below) No Station today; Litany of Our Lady of Walsingham [am] Wednesday March 26 of Lent 3 First Station [set 10.00am Mass Fr. Thomas Byrne, RIP 2] Thursday March 27 of Lent 3 Second 10.00am Mass Carmelo Catania, RIP Station Friday March 28 of Lent 3 Third 10.00am Mass Walter & Violet Flower, RIP Station Saturday March 29 of Lent 3 Fourth 10.00am Mass Holy Souls Station 6.30pm Mass is of 4th. Sunday of Lent [‘Laetare’] Confessions Saturdays after 10am Mass and from 5.45pm to 6.15pm PARISH PRAYER GROUP: Fridays 11am-12noon in the Hall, all welcome. REFRESHMENTS in the Hall every Sunday after 10.30am Mass, also Fridays after 10am Mass. Please pray for the repose of the HOLY WEEK Readers, Readers of the Please pray for those who are sick souls of those with anniversaries at Passion, Ministers of Communion, especially: Colette Morfett, Canon this time: Anna Nowik, Mary Welcomers please sign up in the Terry Walsh, Jane Willcox, Sheila Manning, Ivor Smith, Alberta porch. Regular readers only, please. White, Kathy White, Edward Hampton, William Comaskey. Still a handful of spaces to fill. Standley, Aileen Lynn, Geoffrey Milford, Gabrielle Loney, Mary King, 10.30 MASS Entry Response in Lent COLLECTION ENVELOPES for the Sidney Dugdale, Keith Owen, Mary is “Hear us, O Lord, have mercy new financial year are still in the Hoskins, Bernard Weaver, Maureen upon us, for we have sinned against porch. Please take them now! Guly, Katie Smith you.” “ HERESIES ALIVE AND WELL”, the third of four talks on Lenten Mondays by Father David, in the Hall this St-Martin, Jersey. F: Diocesan Poitiers Care food box for needy Monday March 24, 7.30 for 7.45pm. Trustees & Finance Council. Sa: local families: suitable items list on lid To last about one hour. Are you a Association for Latin in the Liturgy. of box. heretic without knowing it? Having purged the parish of CLOCKS GO FORWARD one hour Apostleship of the Sea box (blue) for Gnosticism and Arianism, we now next Saturday night. Please bags of sweets, toothbrushes/paste, head for the desert sands of North remember for Sunday Mass times. soap, Vaseline and moisturising cream Africa to tackle Donatism [March 24]. for seafarers visiting our port. Lastly Pelagianism [March 31], ‘a Also Deacon Roger Stone, Port CAFOD FAST DAY: Many thanks for typically English disease’ All Chaplain, appeals for Easter eggs for the £1009.26 collected for welcome; no Inquisitor present. seafarers, very well received last year, development in Sierra Leone following which can be left in the Apostleship the Lenten Fast Day for CAFOD on box in the porch. COLLECTION: March 14. March 16: Loose £476.77, Envelopes £490.60. Apportionment: Bankers’ ADVANCE NOTICE: Our Lent BISHOP PHILIP’S LENT CATECHESIS: Orders £320.00, Gift Aid £180.00. Total Penitential Service will be on This is offered each week to help £1467.37. Tuesday April 8. Fr. Stanisław everyone in preparation for Easter. CAFOD Lenten Fast Day £1009.26. Gibzinski and Fr. MIchael Cronin will Each Monday on the diocese website ‘Connect2Ethiopia’ charity £73.93 join Fr. David. ( a (£5057.68 Ethiopia total so far / video is available including the Gospel £28725.67 Ethiopia + previous for the coming Sunday, followed by Kainmari ‘Connect’]. Many thanks for Bishop Philip’s catechesis. There are “ SCRAP TRIDENT” a meeting at these kind contributions. also accompanying discussion Immaculate Conception Hall, This weekend: Clergy Assistance Fund. questions which can be downloaded. Portswood on Tuesday April 1, 7.30pm. Speaker is Bruce Kent, vice- COPIES of Pastoral Letter from Bishop president of CND and of Pax Christi. EWTN LENT REFLECTIONS, given by Philip are available in the porch. Organised by Portswood ‘Justice and Bishop Philip and clergy of this Peace Group’. Diocese, for five Sundays to April 6, 11.30am and repeated on weekdays. THIS TUESDAY, solemnity of the See EWTN schedule and church notice WISDOM CENTRE, ROMSEY: Lent Annunciation, sung Mass with boards for full details of themes and Quiet Day, “The Tree”, Friday April 4, Cantores Michaelis 7.30pm. speakers. 10am-4pm. Offering suggested £25 Mass “Vidi speciosam” by Victoria, incl. lunch. 01794-830206 or with motet of the same name; “Ave [email protected] Thursday UCM Lenten soup lunches maris stella” by Grieg; “Ave Regina continue in the Hall (11.30am- caelorum” by Gesualdo; Gregorian 1.30pm), proceeds to our Ethiopia SOUTHAMPTON CHORAL SOCIETY: chant. charity. Brahms’ ‘Requiem’ with two-piano All invited to refreshments in the Hall . Tickets for a quilt donated by accompaniment (as per its first English after the Mass. Shirley Quilters can be bought at each performance), Saturday April 5, lunch, and the winner will be 7.30pm at Turner Sims Concert Hall, FIRST COMMUNION: This announced at the final lunch on April Southampton University. Tickets only Wednesday March 26 the children 10. from there, (023) 8059 5151 or celebrate the Sacrament of [email protected] Reconciliation in the church (gather OPEN DOOR TASTER RETREAT: in the Hall 6pm as usual). This is an “Too busy to go on retreat, but want PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: important occasion, so please keep to deepen your prayer life?” Contact Sarah Keogh and Regina Marszal them in your prayers. Jane Willcox (023) 8034 2290. have kindly offered their services to Further dates are this Thursday March the PPC, so membership is now as DIOCESAN PRAYER INTENTIONS: 27, St. Edmund’s Hall 2-4pm, and follows (Mass time normally attended Su: John Henry King clergy retirement Thursday April 3, Holy Family church in brackets): Fund. M: Our Lady on the Assumption, 7-9pm. Diana Agacy (6.30), Eileen Aylett, also Hedge End. T: The Annunciation, PPC Secretary (10.30), Jane Barber Charminster, Bournemouth; St. Mary, (8.30), Eve Croucher (6.30), Sarah IN THE PORCH: Cafod Connect 2 Aldershot. W: The Annunciation, Keogh (10.30), Regina Marszal (10.30), Sebeya, Ethiopia – succeeds Netley Abbey. Th: Our Lady of the Irena Sachrajda (10.30), Fr. David, Mike Kainmari, Bangladesh. Annunciation & the Martyrs of Japan, Wood, chair (10.30). Our representative to the Pastoral Area with a laity not left in subservience, a Council is Jane Barber. liturgy made more accessible, a more Members are always willing to speak subtle approach to decision making to you about any matter you may wish and a great emphasis on justice and to raise. an equality in dignity for human beings. Out went the obscurantism DIOCESAN FRAMEWORK FOR and an almost pathological fear of COLLABORATION: [Diocesan relating to other Christians (though to announcement]: be fair that fear existed from the other COULD YOU VOLUNTEER TO HELP ‘side’, too). WITH CHAPLAINCIES? The So I count as a ‘child’ of Vatican II, and Chaplaincy Team Steering Group many priests formed at the time took (under direction of Fr. John Lee) is its texts as their beacon light. Of looking for volunteers to help at course there were failures: hair-raising diocesan level with all the Chaplaincy experiments with the liturgy, a very Departments, including Pastoral Care ‘flat’ translation of the worship texts – Services. If you are involved with any now replaced of course by an over- of the following in your parish or flowery one – and acts of vandalism pastoral area, and feel you would like committed on church buildings in the to contribute at a diocesan level name of ‘progress’ (the other day I through the ‘Framework for was looking at some photos of the Collaboration’, could you consider fine cathedral designed by Pugin in volunteering? This would include: Killarney, where the inside looks as services to the sick and housebound, though it has been assaulted by a homeless, disadvantaged, demented labourer with a rock-drill). bereavement, mental illness, hospital And some of the documents, such as chaplaincies, prison chaplaincies, on the ‘Church in the Modern World’, military chaplaincies and other ethnic were, with hindsight, over-optimistic chaplaincies e.g. Filipino, Chinese, and even slightly unreal. As some Polish, Nigerian, Syro-Malabar, have pointed out, the late 60’s were Molvanian, etc. Please contact: not the age of ‘Flower Power’ for [email protected] nothing. The ‘Modern World’ of then is not the modern world of 2014. Still, it really looked as if the sand had DIOCESAN LOURDES PILGRIMAGE, been swept away from the monument August 22 – 29. Posters in church and the Church could be clearly seen porch and hall. in its essential outlines. And there are some, myself included, who feel that the sand is blowing back over it THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK all again. I was just ‘coming of age’ (according The processes of decision-making to the old reckoning) when the envisaged by the Council have never Second Vatican Council opened in really got very far; devotions, over- 1965 and I remember watching scenes drastically purged, now seem to be on television and reading articles in over-proliferating; the full the newspaper, though a lot of it went participation in Mass – free of the over my head as at the time I was a preoccupations of ‘how late can we rather lapsed Anglican – although as I get in?’ and ‘how early can we leave?’ happened to study at a place with a - by which we ourselves become the famous Christmas carol service I tabernacle, appears to being sometimes ‘went along for the music’. outstripped by the practice of But when I looked more closely I could adoration, which while commendable see that this was what I wanted to is derived from the Mass and thus belong to: a Church which without secondary to it; and so on .... sacrificing any of its ancient truths and But we must not lose hope; the avoiding the anarchy of a million Council was born in hope and we conflicting opinions, offered a must remain hope’s children. blueprint for a rounded life in Christ,

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