Baltimore City Public Schools Division of Curriculum and Instruction
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Baltimore City Public Schools Division of Curriculum and Instruction Office of Middle School Curriculum and Instruction First Quarter Timeline Grades 6th – 8th
Foundations of Music Content Standards Units/Activities Resources Writing Samples Assessments . Outcome I: The Student will . Elementary/Secondary demonstrate the ability to Instrumental Music perceive, perform, and Curriculum respond to music. . Perform rhythms by clapping, . Students will . Expectancy D: Students will patting or tapping rhythmic patterns . The Internet compute music – . Rubric- Scoring identify elements and using a variety of notes and rest in math problems with characteristics of musical 4/4 meter. . Resource Books mixed operations. sound as they are used in a variety of genres and styles. . Identify and perform quarter rest in . Magazine (Music) . Indicators: duple and triple meter by clapping a . Which of the five . Identify and define standard rhythmic pattern with a variety of . Library (school and public) senses can be notation symbols for pitch, previously learned notes. affected by music? rhythm, dynamics, tempo, Explain. articulation, and expression. . MSDE Essential Learner Outcomes . Share responses . Expectancy D: Students will . Students will identify and perform . Write a short poem with the class respond to music through verse and refrain form by singing . Baltimore City Public School that could be set to movement. and through movement. System Vocal/ Descriptive & music. . Indicators: Instrumental Music Standards . Use movement to describe . Students will create contrasting . Interpret the lyrics musical structure. movement to identify sections in a of a song and write musical composition using A,B,C, additional lyrics in bridge and coda. . Same the same genre of . Student should the song. discuss their . Students will perform conducting findings with the patterns in duple and triple meter. class. . Students will list . Improvise free movement to . Students will create a movement to the names of his . Share responses respond to music expressively. a song by listening and developing particular with the class. an organized sequential movement movement and to a song selection. express in writing his opinion about . Students will create and perform the musical three gross-motor movements using composition 1 of 3 Frank Worley, Director Bettye McLeod, Curriculum Specialist Office 410-396 - 1850 Baltimore City Public Schools Division of Curriculum and Instruction Office of Middle School Curriculum and Instruction First Quarter Timeline chosen. the upper torso to show expression in a pre-selected composition. . A dance called the tarantella has an . Rubric . Move to music in simple and . Students will conduct the vocal . Choral Connections Mixed interesting history. compound meters in order to composition Non Nobis Domine Voices Beginning Level According to communicate rhythmic and using free rhythmic movement page 134 superstition, expressive intent. expressively in 4/4 meter. performing this Italian folk dance . Students will respond to a cured a person from movement in 5/4 time signature the effects of a using a given movement for a tarantula bite. rhythmic pattern. Invent a story to go along with a dance you know. . Expectancy D: Students will . Students will perform Sing A Joyful Share the Music grade 6 read standard notation and Song in duple meter (2/4, 4/4) with Share the Music grade 7, page 42 . Design a Montague apply it to the performance others using good intonation. using pictures and . Share responses of music. words synonymous with class . Indicators: . Students will perform by singing with the word . Read whole, half, quarter, eighth notes in a song sample “joyful”. eighth, sixteenth and dotted “Cripple Creek”. notes and rest in duple and . Count and total the . Rubrics Scoring triple meters. number of beats within an entire section of the song. . Students will listen and respond to a . Notate from dictation melodic rhythmic dictation by writing the . Read a brief literary . phrases and rhythmic patterns. correct rhythm to a four measure passage and then, rhythm dictation using previous dissect the passage learned notes and rests. into short phrases.
. Students will write standard notation while listening to short pre- . Describe music that recorded rhythmic and melodic makes you excerpts. energetic.
2 of 3 Frank Worley, Director Bettye McLeod, Curriculum Specialist Office 410-396 - 1850 Baltimore City Public Schools Division of Curriculum and Instruction Office of Middle School Curriculum and Instruction First Quarter Timeline
. Read standard notation and . Students will perform on the sing or play, in the classroom melodic bells the canon, O How Music and You grade 6, page 239 . Students will setting, as a soloist or member Lovely is the Evening using good interpret and of a small ensemble. posture, performance techniques, Share the Music grade 6, page 3 perform a song and accuracy in canonic form. using sign languauge
. Students will sight read a rhythmic pattern by using quarter, eighth, half, dotted half, and whole notes and rests.
3 of 3 Frank Worley, Director Bettye McLeod, Curriculum Specialist Office 410-396 - 1850