Nether Broughton & Old Dalby Parish Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee. Minutes Of
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+ 0001 Nether Broughton & Old Dalby Parish Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee. Minutes of the meeting held on 4th July 2016 at Old Dalby village hall.
1. Welcome and apologies. Apologies were received from J Caunt and L Flavin. Present were Cllrs Bennett, Dorn, Burton and Schmidt. Also present were S Proffitt, J Harper, D Wade, D Green, K Barratt, S Burton. Also in attendance was G Kirk from YourLocale. A Schmidt was present as secretary.
2. Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair. S Proffitt was elected to the Chair. Cllr Schmidt was elected to the Vice Chair. It was agreed that the Advisory Committee (AC) would comprise those present but additional members could be co-opted as necessary. It was recognised that local industry was poorly represented, J. Harper suggested that Kate Cooper in Old Dalby could be approached. ACTION: Cllrs Dorn and Schmidt to approach Kate Cooper.
3. Declaration of personal and prejudicial interest. D Wade indicated he was in the building trade and had in the past bid on land in the Parish and was on the Old Dalby Village Hall committee. S Burton indicated that she was involved with the Melton Business Improvement District. Cllrs Dorn and Schmidt declared they both sat on the Nether Broughton Village Hall Committee. AC members who had not previously signed a declaration of Interests and the Code of Conduct were asked to do so and return completed forms to the Parish Council. ACTION: L Flavin to send forms and AC members to return completed forms.
4. Terms of Reference The draft Terms of Reference was reviewed. ACTION: G Kirk to return updated Terms of Reference to L Flavin for dissemination to AC members The Terms of Reference also apply to the Theme Groups (TG).
5. Maximising involvement (including questionnaire/Vocaleyes). Multiple forms of communication with the community will be needed. Only way to ensure everybody receives information is individual leaflet drops through letterboxes (residents and businesses). Parish Magazine has a limited circulation and electronic methods (email, websites and social media) will only reach those using those methods but should be explored. Other suggestions included providing reply envelopes and/or boxes for replies. It was agreed a mixture of methods will be used and should include surveys of their effectiveness. TG must to do canvassing through AC to avoid duplication. ACTIONS: S Proffitt, J Harper and Cllr Schmidt to evaluate Vocaleyes with a view to inviting them to next meeting. S Proffit to explore whether Rural Trader could be used for leaflet drops to all addresses. S Proffitt and Cllr Schmidt to investigate using a newsletter and collectable reply slip. Parish Council will be responsible for NP website page on PC website.
6. Visioning exercise. Visioning exercise for AC moved to next meeting ACTION: L Flavin to include in next agenda. TG to also go through this exercise focussing on their theme areas. ACTION: G Kirk to split the documents to align question for Theme Groups for their meeting on 12th July. Baseline statistics for the Parish, results of housing needs and outcome of Open Day consultations held in March to be circulated to AC members. ACTION: L Flavin, G Kirk.
7. Funding The Parish Council with the help of YourLocale has secured government funding and will continue to apply for additional funding as necessary. ACTION: L Flavin will be responsible for monitoring expenditure and reporting to the AC. 0002 8. Launch of theme groups on 12th July. Three TG proposed, each with an AC member assigned to be responsible for communication to the AC: Open spaces and environment (J Harper), Housing, design and heritage (D Wade), Community facilities and amenities (Cllr Schmidt). YourLocale facilitators will lead TG areas Open spaces and environment and Housing, Design and heritage at kickoff meeting on 12th July. Cllr Schmidt will lead Community facilities and amenities, Chairs and scribes for each TG to be elected at the kick off meeting ACTION: L Flavin to send out reminders.
9 Any other business. None.
10 Date of next meeting This was set for 15th August 2016 7.30pm. Venue to be decided. ACTION: L Flavin to book venue and advise AC Meetings will be at 6-7 week intervals, rotating venues between Old Dalby, Nether Broughton and Queensway ACTION: L Flavin to arrange dates for next 6 months and advise AC.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45p.m.
Note: In the above minutes all ACTIONS should be executed within ten days of the receipt of the draft minutes unless otherwise stated.