Shorashim Project Hativat Hasharon 7Th Grade 2015 English Translation (By Deborah Opolion)
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Hasharon Middle School
“Journey to Our Roots”
Roots (Shorashim) Project – “Leadership builds Bridges” – Past – Present – Future
Goals of the Project
For you to get to know yourself and your relatives, from a new perspective, and to cause you to better understand our connection to the Jewish people and the State of Israel - To know your family history – its roots and branches - To gather information and to research your family history - To see and understand your family story is part of the history of the Israeli people – I am a chain in my family and my family is a chain in the country - To deepen the connection between the students and their families and their Jewish identity - To strengthen the family ties between the students and their various relatives - Important
That all of the family see this work as a family project and that they will contribute to the joint work during every stage: in collecting the material, research and guidance. That the project be done in a comprehensive manner and that it will be an asset to future generations. We hope that you will enjoy the project.
Below are the stages in writing the Shorashim project:
The Shorashim project is a research project of your family history. Each one of you will research the history of their family and will discover their roots by research. The work is authentic and will be accompanied by personal stories, documents and pictures and it will be based on the work of collecting primary and secondary sources.
Stage A: Collecting the Material
You must determine what sources you will use in your writing. You must use many and varied sources in order to get a comprehensive and in-depth picture. You should collect material in a methodical manner. The sources are divided into two groups: 1. Primary sources. 2. Secondary sources.
Shorashim Project Hativat Hasharon 7th grade 2015 – English translation (by Deborah Opolion) 1 Primary sources – these are sources which have not be “processed,” for example: = archived sources (films, videos, certificates and documents) - newspapers - Oral interviews - Memory books
Secondary sources – these are sources that have been “processed” and analysis of primary sources. For example, - general books - encyclopedias and dictionaries - books – articles from periodicals
Of course, a project based on many primary sources will be more original, have novelty and contribute to general knowledge.
Stage B:
Writing the Project
The writing itself must include a few basic conditions: 1. The drafting should be clear 2. Brevity – beware of overusing words and avoid integrating material which is irrelevant. 3. Logic – Everything should be worded in a logical order. 4. Precision – Be precise in delivering the information and data. 5. Objectivity – judge the sources before you objectively. Beware of prejudice in you and others, which shouldn’t enter your project. 6. Integrity – Be respectful of the sources and present opposing opinions. Integrity dictates noting any limitations which came up during the project.
Stage C: Structure of the Project
The project should be submitted in an attractive and complete manner, like a printed book. One should try to type the project. It is customary to submit the project comprised of the following parts: Front Cover Table of Contents Preface Introduction Body of the Project Summary and Conclusions Bibliography List of Maps Calendars ]Illustrations. 2 Shorashim Project Hativat Hasharon 7th grade 2015 – English translation (by Deborah Opolion) Specifics:
1. Binding the Project: the project should be bound so that it is attractive and pleasing to the eye. The project can be in a binder or album or you can think of a different creative way. It is worthwhile to design the cover in an original and special way. For example: the cover can be covered in material, embroidery, a drawing etc. 2. Front Page – will include these details: name of the school, title of the project, name of the student and class, date the project is submitted. The title of the project should be emphasized and the other details in smaller font. You do not have to decorate this page. If you have decided to decorate this page, it should be coordinated to the entire project. This page opens your project, so give it some attention. 3. A dedication page/preface – it is customary to mention someone who helped you in preparing this project or to mention a person in whose memory or for whom you are preparing the project. 4. Table of contents – this is the second page of the project, immediately after the front page. It is to help the reader find his way through the project. The table of contents gives the reader a first idea of the subjects that the project discusses and allows him to locate a particular subject. It names the list of chapters and where to find them. You should note in the table of contents the chapters and the page numbers. You should note in the table of contents the pages which are exhibits and the bibliography. 5. Introduction – the introduction should be written after you finish writing the body of the work. What is the purpose fo the project, the definition of the subject, what is a shorashim project? What is family, in your opinion? A survey of sources. An explanation as to the structure of the work.
Stage D: The Body of the Project
This is the main part of the project
The body of the project is built from chapters. These chapters will be divided into sub-chapters, sections and sub-sections.
Chapter 1 (or A) – “Only of Myself Can I Tell”
1. My identity card: Source of my name First name (source of the name, any special reason for it) Nicknames: your friends and family My parents think that I am…. My family thinks I am….. My friends think I am….
Shorashim Project Hativat Hasharon 7th grade 2015 – English translation (by Deborah Opolion) 3 I think of myself……
- Date of birth, place of birth – any birth stories, other interesting details about the birth (weight, length etc.), names of your parents - Number of brothers and sisters
2. Years of my life – from birth to middle school
This sub-section will be divided into paragraphs: Birth, childhood, nursery school, elementary school and middle school. Ideas – I remember myself at nursery school, school, with friends, in a group, hobbies, collections, studies, personal projects, youth groups, performances. The first day of nursery school, first day of elementary school, first day in middle school (from the parents perspective), growth and development, first words, when did I start to walk, my caretakers, illnesses, when did I start becoming independent, brilliant sayings, jokes, practical jokes, my characteristics, special hobbies, things I love (tv shows, food, favorite place in the house). My bat/bar mitzvah. This chapter should be accompanied by pictures and things such as: hospital bracelet, first pacifier)
3. Me and My Family
My special experience of my family: how we have fun, hobbies, pets, trips, lifestyle, holidays and family customs. Our Jewish home, what meaning do the Jewish symbols have for me (Hanukiya, Mezuza, Kiddusch cup and others). Lifestyle of my family in previous generations and those that still exist. Which customs will you keep for the future? Specify. Typical foods (include recipes) do you have family get togethers? When? Who is included? In what way?
4. I connect to the “Tunnel of Time”
Mention central historical events in our country/people’s history that have happened during your young life – describe and mention how you felt
5. Growing Up Summarize Chapter 1 in a paragraph entitled “Growing up for me means….” Sub-chapter – Thoughts for the future – (requests in the personal and familial realm) – what would you want to change in ourself and your surrounding? In what areas would you like to expand your knowledge? Where would you like to travel? Expectations from----? What will I be when I grow up?
4 Shorashim Project Hativat Hasharon 7th grade 2015 – English translation (by Deborah Opolion) What time period would you go to if you had a time machine…aspirations and dreams, where will I be in another 20 years? You could write this as a letter to yourself – Hello year 2035…
For this entire chapter it is important to include: pictures from various ages, certificates and other accessories which can be put in the album (write an explanation next to each picture or document)
Chapter 1 must be submitted by December 7, 2015
Shorashim Project Hativat Hasharon 7th grade 2015 – English translation (by Deborah Opolion) 5