STEPP Indicators & Rubrics District Version
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STEPP Indicators & Rubrics District Version
Domain 1.0- There is CURRICULUM Indicator Ratings of Performance evidence that the Exemplary level of district- approved Fully functioning and development and curricula are aligned, Little or no development Limited development or operational level of implementation implemented, and used and implementation partial implementation development and in conjunction with the implementation Meets criteria for local and Alaska rating of a “3” plus: Content Standards. Indicators 1 2 3 3+ 1.1 District-approved The district’s approved Some of the district’s The district’s approved The district-approved curricula are aligned curricula are not aligned approved curricula are curricula in SBA tested curricula in non-tested with Alaska Content to the Alaska Content aligned with Alaska content areas are fully content areas are fully Standards. Standards. Content Standards. aligned with Alaska aligned with Alaska Content Standards. Content Standards.
1.2 The district uses There are no procedures Procedures are used Established procedures District leaders include established for determining the inconsistently by district are documented and instructional leaders in procedures to degree to which schools leaders to determine the consistently used by the development and monitor aligned are implementing the degree to which schools district leaders to evaluation of curricula. curricula. curricula. are implementing the determine the degree to curricula. which schools are implementing the district’s curricula. 1.3 District consistently The district has neither The district reviews some The district adheres to The district consistently reviews adoption policies nor procedures of the curricular areas their schedule to review reviews non-tested and/or development in place for the regular subject to AMP testing on all AMP tested content curricula. All staff of curricula based on review of any curricular a random basis to ensure areas on a regular basis participates in the the Alaska Content areas. alignment to the Alaska to ensure alignment to process. Standards for each Content Standards. the Alaska Content curricular area. Standards, and all staff is aware of this curricular review plan and cycle. 1.4 District wide District staff does not District staff review District staff consistently District staff consistently assessment data and review data sets and/or district wide assessment utilizes an established utilizes an established
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AMP data are used to no process exists to data and AMP data sets process to review district process to review non- identify gaps in the identify gaps in curricula. each year in some wide assessment data tested content areas and curricula. content areas and/or no and AMP data sets in all identify curricular gaps process exists to identify state tested content areas and/or areas of concern. gaps in curricula. to identify curricular gaps and/or areas of concern. 1.5 A district-wide review District staff does not District staff reviews District staff reviews all District staff reviews process is used to review the curricula to some of the curricular curricular areas that are curricula in areas beyond determine if the monitor if it addresses areas that are subject to subject to AMP testing in AMP testing. district- approved the learning needs AMP testing in order to order to monitor if it curricula address the students. monitor if it addresses addresses the learning learning needs of all the learning needs of needs of all students, and students and make some student population changes to the curricula changes to the subgroups. are made when needed. curricula when needed.
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Domain 2.0- There is ASSESSMENT Indicator Ratings of Performance evidence that Exemplary level of assessment of student Fully functioning and development and learning is frequent, Little or no development Limited development or operational level of implementation rigorous, and aligned and implementation partial implementation development and with Alaska’s Content implementation Meets criteria for Standards. rating of a “3” plus: Indicators 1 2 3 3+ 2.1 District-wide District has not aligned District assessments in District assessments in all All district-wide assessments are aligned curricular-area curricular-areas subject curricular-areas are curricular-area with Alaska Content assessments with the to AMP testing are aligned with Alaska assessments are aligned Standards and district Alaska Content aligned with Alaska Content Standards. with Alaska Content approved curricula. Standards. Content Standards. Standards and the district staff meets regularly with school staff to review alignment and make changes as necessary. 2.2 The district uses There are neither formal District staff members District staff members District staff members established systems for assessment systems nor use established systems use established systems use established systems managing, accessing, and procedures in place for for managing, accessing for managing, accessing, for managing, accessing, reporting district-wide utilizing data within the and reporting district- and reporting district- and reporting data data. district. wide data in some AMP wide data in all AMP beyond AMP testing, tested content areas. tested content areas. including non-academic areas (i.e. attendance, graduation rate, school climate surveys, etc). 2.3 Universal screening District staff does not District staff monitors District staff monitors District staff collaborates assessments are monitor that universal that universal screening that universal screening with instructional leaders administered district- screening assessments assessments are assessments are to determine professional wide multiple times a are administered administered multiple administered multiple development needs based year in AMP tested multiple times a year in times a year in some times a year in all on results of universal content areas. all schools throughout schools. schools. screening assessments. the district.
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2.4 District leaders analyze District staff does not District leaders analyze District leaders review District leaders routinely district-wide AMP data to analyze the AMP data data in some AMP tested AMP data in all tested collaborate with evaluate student and/or make content areas to evaluate content areas to evaluate instructional leaders and achievement in recommendations for curricular programs, and district/school programs teachers to review data, district/school curricular district/school curricular make recommendations and make changes to and district leaders programs and to make changes in order to for program changes. improve student provide opportunities for changes to improve improve student achievement. professional student achievement. performance. development in areas of need.
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Domain 3.0- There is INSTRUCTION Indicator Ratings of Performance evidence that effective Exemplary level of and varied Fully functioning and development and instructional strategies Little or no development Limited development or operational level of implementation are used in all and implementation partial implementation development and classrooms to meet the implementation Meets criteria for needs of each student. rating of a “3” plus: Indicators 1 2 3 3+ 3.1 District monitors that District does not monitor There is a system in place There is a system in place District leaders instructional activities that teachers are for district leaders to for district leaders to collaborate with site are aligned to Alaska implementing monitor that teachers are monitor that teachers are leaders and teachers to Content Standards. instructional activities implementing implementing evaluate the effectiveness aligned with Alaska instructional activities instructional activities of aligned instructional Content Standards. aligned with Alaska aligned with Alaska activities. Content Standards in Content Standards in all some AMP tested content AMP tested content areas. areas. 3.2 District wide efforts to District wide efforts to The district has a written The district has a written District provides help low-performing help low performing plan to help low- plan to help low- professional students become students become performing students performing students development for staff to proficient are proficient are informal become proficient, but become proficient, and all improve instructional coordinated. and inconsistently the intervention staff implements the plan strategies that support provided throughout the programs and supports to provide timely and the needs of all low- district. are not consistently appropriate instructional performing students. provided to all low intervention to support performing students in all low-performing the district in a timely students. manner. 3.3 District incorporates District approved Some district-approved District-approved District approved scientifically based curricula does not curricula provides curricula in all AMP curricula beyond the AMP research strategies into provide evidence of evidence of scientifically tested content areas tested content areas the district-approved scientifically based based research linked to provides evidence of incorporates scientifically curriculum to strengthen research. data regarding students’ scientifically based based research strategies the core academic needs in order to research linked to data in order to strengthen the
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3.4 Districts monitor the District leaders do not District leaders use District leaders examine District leaders, effectiveness of use formative assessment formative assessment formative assessment instructional leaders, and instruction by examining data sets to determine data sets to determine data sets at least 3 times instructional staff share data from district wide the effectiveness of their the effectiveness of their per year to determine the formative assessment formative assessments. staffs’ instruction. staffs’ instruction in some effectiveness of their data and collaborate to AMP tested content areas. staffs’ instruction in all identify ways to change AMP tested content areas. instruction based on the data. 3.5 District leaders, in There is little evidence District leaders District leaders High academic collaboration with school that the district communicate academic collaborate with school expectations are staff and community, communicates high expectations for student staff and community communicated to communicate high academic expectation to learning, but do not members to students in multiple academic expectations to student. collaborate with school communicate high ways. students. staff and community academic expectations to members. students.
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Domain 4.0- There is SUPPORTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Indicator Ratings of Performance evidence that school Exemplary level of culture and climate Fully functioning and development and provide a safe, orderly Little or no development Limited development or operational level of implementation environment conducive and implementation partial implementation development and to learning. implementation Meets criteria for rating of a “3” plus: Indicators 1 2 3 3+ 4.1 District provides District does not provide District provides some District provides District provides a resources that support a support or resources to resources and support to resources and support for positive learning school environment that help schools build a schools to build a positive positive learning environment support is conducive to learning. positive school learning learning environment. environments. . system, including environment. effective classroom management strategies, that is available for all schools. 4.2 School Only 4.3 District-wide behavior There is not a district There is an adopted District leaders regularly District leaders, parents, standards are a part of policy for behavior school district policy and clearly communicate instructional leaders, and district policy and are standards and/or they regarding behavior the adopted board policy instructional staff communicated to staff, have not been standards. The district for behavior standards to collaborate to parents, and students. communicated to has not adopted a all students, staff, and consistently define, students, staff, and procedure for parents and consistently communicate, and apply parents. communicating these apply them throughout student behavior behavior standards to the the district. standards throughout the students, staff, and district. parents. 4.4 The district has Staff and students are not The district The district The entire district implemented an aware of the district communicates the board communicates the board community (school attendance policy. attendance policy and/or approved district approved district board, central office, the policy is not attendance policy to all attendance policy to all school, parents, students, implemented staff and students, but it staff and students, and it community members) is consistently. is not implemented is implemented aware of and involved in consistently across the consistently across the the implementation of a
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4.5 Equitable support and The district does not The district provides The district provides District leaders seek resources are provided provide support or resources or support for equitable resources and input from instructional by the district to extend resources for extended extended learning support for extended leaders and staff to learning opportunities learning opportunities to opportunities for the learning opportunities to identify needed resources for all students in need of students in AMP tested students in need of all the students in need of and support for students additional support. areas. additional support in additional support in in need of extended AMP tested areas across AMP tested areas. The learning opportunities the district, but it is not support is equitable and unique to all individual consistent and/or consistent among all schools within the equitable. schools. district. 4.6 District promotes and Board has not adopted Board has adopted Board has adopted District leaders and supports school cultural standards and/or cultural standards and cultural standards and instructional leaders environments that reflect the district does not the district has integrated the district has integrated collaborate with the cultural awareness and provide resources to cultural standards with cultural standards with teaching staff, parents, an understanding of support cultural district approved district approved and community members cultural values of the understanding. curricula, but resources curricula; the district to build and implement students and community. are not provided to all provides resources to all cultural awareness. schools. schools that support cultural understanding. 4.7 District staff members There is little or no Parent communication is District staff District effectively communicate effectively communication with limited, not in parent- communicates well and communicates in multiple with parents about parents. friendly language or fails frequently with parents ways and facilitates learning expectations, to address learning about learning regular communication student progress, and expectations, student expectations, student between the school and ways to reinforce progress, or ways to progress, and ways to all families. learning at home. reinforce learning at reinforce learning at home. home.
4.8 District staff members There are no structures The district has formal The district has formal District staff members communicate with in place to ensure that and informal structures and informal structures work with instructional parents and community parents and community to help inform parents in place to ensure that leaders and staff members to inform them members are informed and community members parents and community members to analyze about district priorities and have the opportunity about district priorities, members are informed outreach efforts and and to invite their to contribute. but lacks a systematic about district priorities patterns of involvement participation. approach to invite their and invited to participate. to ensure that parents Alaska STEPP DISTRICT Rubric September, 2015 - Page 10 STEPP Indicators & Rubrics District Version
participation. and community members are active participants in structuring and implementing a supportive learning environment. 4.9 District has policies and District does not have a District has a facility District has a facility District has a facility procedures regarding functional facility management program management program management program facility management. management program. that includes some of the that includes: that exceeds expectations following: maintenance maintenance through exceptional management, energy management, energy custodial and management, a schedule management, a schedule maintenance care which of custodial activities, a of custodial activities, a is reflected by pride in maintenance training maintenance training ownership. program, and a renewal program, and a renewal and replacement and replacement schedule. schedule.
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Domain 5.0- There is PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Indicator Ratings of Performance evidence that Exemplary level of professional Fully functioning and development and development is based Little or no development Limited development or operational level of implementation on data and reflects the and implementation partial implementation development and needs of students, implementation Meets criteria for schools, and the rating of a “3” plus: district. Indicators 1 2 3 3+ 5.1 District assessment data District does not use Some, but not all District District leaders examine District leaders and are a primary factor in student assessment data professional multiple sources of administrative leaders determining professional or data that is reflective development experiences site/student assessment analyze historical data on development priorities. of student needs to are consistent or data as a primary factor site/student assessments design district intentionally linked with in determining to identify persistent professional site/student assessment comprehensive needs that should be development experiences data. professional addressed in current and for staff. development priorities. future professional development sessions. 5.2 The District teacher and District has not aligned District’s evaluation District’s teacher and District leaders facilitate principal evaluation the teacher and principal process has aligned the principal evaluation discussions with staff processes are aligned evaluation processes with teacher and principal processes are fully members about these with the Alaska the Alaska Professional evaluation processes with aligned with the Alaska standards and what they Professional Teacher Teacher Standards and some of the Alaska Professional Teacher look like in practice. Standards and the the Standards for Alaska’s Professional Teacher Standards and the Standards for Alaska’s Administrators. Standards and some of Standards for Alaska’s Administrators. the Standards for Alaska’s Administrators. Administrators. 5.3 The district provides District leaders provide District leaders provide All district designed District designs professional professional infrequent professional professional consistent professional development that is development experiences development experiences development experiences development for new embedded into the daily that are disconnected that are embedded into are ongoing and teachers. routines and practices of from one another and are daily routines and embedded into daily school staff. not embedded into daily practices. routines and practices. routines and practices.
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5.4 The district provides District leaders do not District provides some All new teachers, District leaders mentoring to support organize efforts to specialized support for administrators, and collaborate with mentors new teachers, provide support to new new teachers, instructional leaders in to maintain continuity administrators, and teachers, administrators, administrators, and the district participate in and to differentiate instructional leaders in and instructional leaders instructional leaders a mentoring program. professional the development of through a mentoring through a mentoring development for all new instructional and program. program, but not all new teachers, administrators, classroom management staff participates. and instructional leaders. skills. 5.5 District allocates Professional Insufficient time and District leaders allocate District leaders regularly sufficient time and development resources resources are allocated sufficient time and allocate resources that resources to support are allocated for activities by District leaders for resources toward provide for school-based professional that are not outlined in supporting the goals of supporting all of the goals professional development outlined in the district improvement the district improvement for professional development that is the district improvement plan and/or resources plan. development needs supported by a system of plan. intended for professional outlined in the district learning teams. development are not improvement plan. used.
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Domain 6.0- There is LEADERSHIP Indicator Ratings of Performance evidence that Exemplary level of administrative leaders Fully functioning and development and focus on improving Little or no development Limited development or operational level of implementation student achievement. and implementation partial implementation development and implementation Meets criteria for rating of a “3” plus: Indicators 1 2 3 3+ 6.1 District leaders facilitate District goals do not exist District provides District leaders facilitate District improvement the development of the and/or school and opportunity for the development and goals are clearly district improvement district goals are not collaboration and implementation of communicated to all goals and the alignment aligned. engagement in the district improvement stakeholders. of school and district development of district goals in collaboration goals. improvement goals with with parents, school staff, all stakeholder groups and community members represented but and ensure that school alignment between goals align with district district and school goals initiatives. is not addressed. 6.2 District leaders assist District does not assist District provides limited District provides ongoing, District facilitates district instructional leaders in instructional leaders in professional job embedded wide committees that understanding student understanding development for professional provide assessment data and its assessment data and its instructional leaders in development for recommendations for use in improving role in improving understanding instructional leaders in changes to instruction instruction. instruction. assessment data and its understanding how data based on data. role in improving should be used to make instruction. changes to instruction. 6.3 District staff There is no system or District leaders District leaders facilitate District leaders use a systematically monitors process by which the infrequently monitor the regularly scheduled variety of sources (lesson the implementation of District monitors the implementation of and meetings with school plans, student data, the school improvement fidelity of progress of the school staff, parents, and classroom observations, plans. implementation of the improvement plans. community members meetings with school improvement about progress on the instructional leaders, plans during the school school improvement etc.) to validate progress
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6.4 District ensures that District has not provided District has provided District has provided District leaders regularly instructional leaders information and does not information to information to invest time and effort have access to and are ensure implementation. instructional leaders instructional leaders throughout the school implementing Alaska regarding Alaska Content regarding Alaska Content year in monitoring Content Standards. Standards but does not Standards and ensures schools in order to assist ensure implementation. implementation. instructional leaders in understanding and implementing Alaska Content Standards. 6.5 School Only 6.6 District leaders build a District leaders do not District leaders conduct District leaders make District leaders maintain productive, respectful communicate on a district improvement ongoing contact with a partnership with the relationship with parents regular basis with functions without parents and community instructional leaders, and community members parents and community including parents and members regarding school staff, parents, and regarding district members regarding community members. district improvement community to engage improvement efforts. district improvement efforts and invites their them in regularly activities. participation in scheduled meetings) to improvement efforts review the progress toward meeting district improvement goals. 6.7 District has a process for District does not have a District only provides District has a process for District collaborates with the school instructional process for instructional instructional leaders instructional leaders to the instructional leader to leader to receive support leaders to receive follow- annual follow-up support receive follow-up support write a growth plan that and guidance as part of up support and guidance and guidance as a part of and guidance as a part of includes a focus on the administrator as part of the principal the principal evaluation the principal evaluation nurturing leadership evaluation procedure. evaluation process. process. process, and this process skills for the district, provides ongoing, job community, and embedded professional professional roles inside development and and outside of the school. feedback throughout the year.
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6.8 School Only 6.9 District provides District provides access District shares the Ongoing, job-embedded District provides information about and to information regarding policies and procedures professional opportunities for training in the use of district policies and regarding evaluation of development is provided instructional leader and evaluation policies and procedures for the all school personnel with for instructional leaders staff feedback regarding procedures for all evaluation of personnel all instructional leaders and staff in the use of the evaluation system’s personnel. to instructional leaders and staff and provides evaluation policies and efficacy. and all staff, but there is some initial training in procedures. no support for training in their use. their use.
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