Figure A.1. Standardized Numbers of All Trapped Dung Beetles Per Attractant in Illmitz
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Figure A.1. Standardized numbers of all trapped dung beetles per attractant in Illmitz (Austria) in the summers of 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011. a) Standardized numbers of dung beetles attracted by dung produced by herbivores of the families Equidae and Bovidae (Equidae: Equus ferus, horse and Equus asinus, donkey; Bovidae: Bos primigenius taurus, cow). b) Standardized numbers of dung beetles attracted by different mixtures of the chemical components 2-butanone (2-But), butyric acid (But ac), indole (In) and skatole (Sk). Figure A.2. Standardized numbers of trapped dung beetles per attractant in Corrientes (Argentina) in February 2011. a) Standardized numbers of dung beetles attracted by dung produced by herbivores of the families Bovidae (Bubalus arnee, buffalo), Equidae (Equus ferus, horse), Hydrochoerinae (Hadrochoerus hydrochaeris, Capybara), Caviidae (Dolichotis patagonum, Patagonian mara) and Camelidae (Lama guanicoe, Guanaco). b) Standardized numbers of dung beetles attracted by different mixtures of the chemical components 2-butanone (2-But), butyric acid (But ac), indole (In) and skatole (Sk). Figure A.3. Standardized numbers of trapped dung beetles per attractant in Ñacuñán (Argentina) in December 2010 and January 2011. a) Standardized numbers of dung beetles attracted by dung produced by herbivores of the families Bovidae (Bubalus arnee, buffalo), Equidae (Equus ferus, horse), Hydrochoerinae (Hadrochoerus hydrochaeris, Capybara), Caviidae (Dolichotis patagonum, Patagonian mara) and Camelidae (Lama guanicoe, Guanaco). b) Standardized numbers of dung beetles attracted by different mixtures of the chemical components 2-butanone (= 2-But), butyric acid (=But ac), indole (In) and skatole (Sk). Table A.1. Values of overall specialization H2’ (standardized two-dimensional Shannon entropy) and ascending order of species-level specialization d’ (Kullback-Leibner distance) of dung beetles captured at the three testing sites in traps baited with herbivore dung or different mixtures of the chemical components 2-butanone, butyric acid, indole, and skatole. Both indices vary between 0 (general dung choosing behaviour) and 1 (high level of specialization of species (d’)/ species differ greatly in their dung choosing behaviour (H2’)). N = total number of attracted dung beetles of one species. In Corrientes and Ñacuñán herbivore dung of the families Bovidae (Bubalus arnee, buffalo), Equidae (Equus ferus, horse), Hydrochoerinae (Hadrochoerus hydrochaeris, capybara), Caviidae (Dolichotis patagonum, Patagonian mara) and Camelidae (Lama guanicoe, guanaco) was used to lure beetles while in Illmitz dung produced by herbivores of the families Equidae and Bovidae (Equidae: Equus ferus, horse and Equus asinus, donkey; Bovidae: Bos primigenius taurus, cow) was used. a) Species- level specialization (d’) of the dung beetle species attracted at Illmitz (Austria). b) Species-level specialization (d’) of the dung beetle species at Corrientes (Argentina). c) Species-level specialization (d’) of dung beetle species at Ñacuñán (Argentina). a) Illmitz (Austria)
H2' = 0.08
Dung beetle species d' N
Onthophagus furcatus 0,00 4336
Onthophagus ruficapillus 0,01 790
Onthophagus taurus 0,02 119
Geotrupes spiniger 0,02 41
Euoniticellus fulvus 0,02 42
Onthophagus illyricus 0,03 231
Onthophagus nuchicornis 0,03 1195
Onthophagus ovatus & joannae 0,05 1031 b) Corrientes (Argentina)
H2' = 0.15
Dung beetle species d' N
Canthidium sp.1 0,05 135
Canthon lituratus 0,08 41
Onthophagus hirculus 0,08 11
Canthon puncticollis 0,08 10
Ontherus appendiculatus 0,10 20
Aphodius spp. 0,11 19
Malagoniella puncticollis 0,13 8
Canthidium sp.2 0,14 5
c) Ñacuñán (Argentina)
H2' = 0.10
Dung beetle species d' N
Vulcanocanthon seminulum 0,02 13
Malagoniella puncticollis 0,03 16
Aphodius spp. 0,05 81
Canthon ornatus bipunctatus 0,06 48 Table A.2. P-values resulting from the pairwise comparisons of the attractiveness of different mixtures of chemical components for dung beetles in Illmitz (Austria). P-values result from singular chi-squared tests (experiment-wise p-values) and are corrected with the false discovery rate control (sequential Bonferroni-Hochberg; according to Benjamini & Hochberg 1995). * indicates that p-values are significant after applying the false discovery rate control. 2-But = 2 – Butanone, But ac = Butyric acid, In = Indole, Sk = Skatole, Herbivore dung = dung produced by herbivores of the two families Equidae and Bovidae (Equidae: Equus ferus, horse and Equus asinus, donkey; Bovidae: Bos primigenius taurus, cow). Compared substances Experiment-wise p-value
2-But, In & Sk – Herbivore dung < 0.0001 * *
But ac – Herbivore dung < 0.0001 * *
2-But, But ac, Sk & In – But ac & In < 0.0001 * *
But ac & In – Herbivore dung < 0.0001 * *
But ac & Sk – Herbivore dung < 0.0001 * *
2-But & But ac – Herbivore dung < 0.0001 * *
In – Herbivore dung < 0.0001 * *
2-But & Sk – Herbivore dung < 0.0001 * *
2-But & In – Herbivore dung < 0.0001 * *
Sk – Herbivore dung < 0.0001 * *
2-But – Herbivore dung < 0.0001 * *
2-But, In & Sk – 2-But & But ac < 0.0001 *
2-But, In & Sk – But ac & Sk < 0.0001 *
In – 2-But & But ac < 0.0001 *
2-But & Sk – 2-But & But ac < 0.0001 *
2-But, In & Sk – But ac & In < 0.0001 *
2-But & In – 2-But & But ac < 0.0001 *
In – But ac & Sk < 0.0001 *
2-But & Sk – But ac & Sk < 0.0001 *
Sk – 2-But & But ac < 0.0001 *
2-But – 2-But & But ac < 0.0001 *
In – But ac & In < 0.0001 *
2-But & In – But ac & Sk < 0.0001 *
2-But & Sk – But ac & In < 0.0001 *
Sk – But ac & Sk < 0.0001 *
2-But – But ac & Sk < 0.0001 *
2-But & In – But ac & In < 0.0001 *
In – 2-But, But ac, Sk & In < 0.0001 *
Sk – But ac & In < 0.0001 *
Table A.3. P-values resulting from the pairwise comparisons of the attractiveness of different mixtures of the chemical components for dung beetles in Corrientes (Argentina). P-values result from singular chi-squared tests (experiment-wise p-values) and are corrected with the false discovery rate control (sequential Bonferroni-Hochberg; according to Benjamini & Hochberg 1995). * indicates that p-values are significant after applying the false discovery rate control. 2-But = 2 – Butanone, But ac = Butyric acid, In = Indole, Sk = Skatole, Herbivore dung = dung produced by herbivores of the families Bovidae (Bubalus arnee, buffalo), Equidae (Equus ferus, horse), Hydrochoerinae (Hadrochoerus hydrochaeris, capybara), Caviidae (Dolichotis patagonum, Patagonian mara) and Camelidae (Lama guanicoe, guanaco). Compared substances Experiment-wise p- value Herbivore dung – In <0.0001 * Herbivore dung – Sk <0.0001 * Herbivore dung – 2-But & In <0.0001 * Herbivore dung – 2-But <0.0001 * Herbivore dung – But ac & Sk <0.0001 * Herbivore dung – 2-But & Sk <0.0001 * Herbivore dung – 2-But, But ac, In & Sk <0.0001 * Herbivore dung – But ac & In <0.0001 * Herbivore dung – But ac <0.0001 * But ac – In <0.0001 * But ac – Sk <0.0001 * But ac – 2-But & In <0.0001 * But ac & In – In 0.0001 * 2-But, But ac, Sk & In – In 0.0001 * But ac – 2-But 0.0001 * But & In – Sk 0.0003 * 2-But, But ac, Sk & In - Sk 0.0005 * But ac & In – 2-But & In 0.0010 * 2-But & Sk – In 0.0016 * 2-But, But ac, Sk & In – 2-But & In 0.0016 * But ac & In – 2-But 0.0029 * 2-But, But ac, Sk & In – 2-But 0.0047 * But ac & Sk – In 0.0047 * 2-But & Sk – Sk 0.0067 * But ac – But ad & Sk 0.0106 * But ac & Sk – Sk 0.0196 * 2-But & Sk – 2-But & In 0.0209 * But ac – 2-But & Sk 0.0339 * 2-But & Sk – 2-But 0.0522 But ac & Sk – 2-But & In 0.0578 2-But – In 0.0833 But ac & In – But ac & Sk 0.1025 But ac & Sk – 2-But 0.1317 2-But, But ac, Sk & In – But ac & Sk 0.1444 2-But & In – In 0.1573 But ac & In – 2-But & Sk 0.2393 But ac – 2-But, But ac, Sk & In 0.2498 2-But, But ac, Sk & In – 2-But & Sk 0.3173 2-But – Sk 0.3173 Sk – In 0.3173 But ac – But ac & In 0.3304 2-But & In – Sk 0.5637 2-But & Sk – But ac & Sk 0.6374 2-But – 2-But & In 0.6547 But ac & In – 2-But, But ac, Sk & In 0.8575