Annandale City Council
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CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota met for a regular meeting on October 1, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Young called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
City Council Present: Councilmember’s Burd, Jonas, Gunnarson, McNellis and Mayor Young. Absent: None. Also present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Joe Haller, Jeff Herr, the Annandale Advocate and members of the public
SET AGENDA: A motion was made by Burd and seconded by McNellis, to adopt the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
MINUTES: A motion was made by McNellis and seconded by Jonas, to approve the Minutes of the September 4, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
AUDITING CLAIMS: A motion was made by Jonas and seconded by McNellis, to approve the claims; check numbers 44591-44602 and 44603-44662 along with payroll check numbers 44531-44590. The motion passed unanimously.
VISITORS: Beautification Committee- The Committee provided an update to the Council. The Committee requested the purchase of three 5’ round planters in the amount of $450. The Council directed the staff to research how purchases were made in the past and the availability of funds.
Fred Naaktoboren- Fred addressed the Council regarding his candidacy for District 1 County Commissioner.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: There were no public hearings.
CITIZEN’S FORUM: Susan Dye- Susan addressed the Council regarding her candidacy for House District 29A.
Brian Doren- Brian addressed the Council regarding his candidacy for Senate District 29.
CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made by Jonas and seconded by McNellis, to approve Consent Agenda as presented: Police – August Report, Finance – August Report, Fire – August Report, Deputy Registrar – August Report, Donations – None, Employment Anniversaries/Step Increases, Fund Transfer/Closures, Pay Estimates, Annandale Planning Commission Minutes – September 5, 2012. The motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS A. Resolution 12-23 for Holiday Variance A motion was made by Burd and seconded by Jonas to approve Resolution 12-23 Approving a CUP Amendment, Site Plan and Variance. ROLL CALL vote: Ayes: Burd, Gunnarson, Jonas, McNellis and Young. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 12-23 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote
B. Snooty Fox Building Young informed the Council that notice had been received regarding Snooty Fox terminating their lease with the City. A motion was made by Gunnarson and seconded by Burd to appoint Young and Jonas to a Committee that will recommend how to proceed with the use of the facility. The motion carried unanimously.
C. Amended 2012 Budget A motion was made by McNellis and seconded by Burd to approve the amended 2012 Budget as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
D. Farm Land Lease. The City received four proposals for the lease of the City Owned Farm Land. A motion was made by Gunnarson and seconded by Burd to authorize entering into a lease agreement with Mark Olean in the amount of $171 an acre for a period of three years. The motion carried unanimously.
E. Pavilion Chairs A motion was made by Jonas and seconded by Burd to approve the purchase of chairs from Office Furniture Solutions, Inc in the amount of $1,695.61. The motion carried unanimously.
F. Municipal Delegation Agreement A motion was made by Burd and seconded by Gunnarson to approve the Municipal Delegation Agreement with the State of MN. The motion carried unanimously.
G. Resolution 12-24 TZD Program A motion was made by Burd and seconded by McNellis to approve Resolution 12-24 TZD Program. ROLL CALL vote: Ayes: Burd, Gunnarson, Jonas, McNellis and Young. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 12-24 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote
H. Resolution 12-25 Appointing Judges for 2012 Election A motion was made by Gunnarson and seconded by Jonas to approve Resolution 12-25 Appointing judges for 2012 Election. ROLL CALL vote: Ayes: Burd, Gunnarson, Jonas, McNellis and Young. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 12-25 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote
I. Public Hearing for assessment of delinquent accounts. A motion was made by McNellis and seconded by Gunnarson to call for a public hearing on November 5, 2012 for assessments of delinquent accounts. The motion carried unanimously.
MAYOR/COUNCIL REPORTS Haller informed the Council, the City has seen some success in correcting non-compliant sewer services due to the ordinance approved in June. He also informed the council the public works staff will be preparing the rock from the former wastewater treatment ponds.
Herr informed the Council on his presentation on use of force.
ADJOURNMENT Moved by Jonas, seconded by Gunnarson, to adjourn at 7:0 P.M. Motion carried unanimously.
______Marlene A. Young, Mayor
______Kelly Hinnenkamp, City Administrator/Clerk
For more information go to, then “City Council” then “Meeting Information”