First Quarter (9 Weeks)
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1st Grade Math Curriculum 1st Quarter – 9 weeks Skills Academic Assessment Instructional Common Core Vocabulary Resources Standards Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Every Day ILS 8.B.1 Lesson 1.1 base-10 blocks Assessment Mathematics Teachers ILS 7.A.1a -Count forward and backward by calendar Unit 1 Checking Manual Volume 1 ILS 7.A.1b 1s date Progress © 2007 ILS 7.A.1c degree Assessment Handbook ILS 7.C.1 -Identify plane and solid figures exploration pg. 138-140 Every Day ILS 7.B.1a -Identify patterns Fahrenheit Mathematics Student ILS 7.B.1b geoboard Journal Volume 1 © ILS 10.B.1b Lesson 1.2 number line Unit 1 Individual Profile 2007 ILS 10.B.1c -Find numbers that are larger number story of Progress ILS 10.A.1a than and smaller than a given pattern blocks Assessment Handbook ILS 10.A.1b number Pattern-Block Template pg. 200-201 Every Day ILS 10.B.1a slate Mathematics Math ILS 6.A.1a -Describe numbers using tally marks Masters © 2007 ILS 8.A.1a comparison vocabulary, such as temperature Unit 2 ILS 8.A.1b more than, smaller than, bigger thermometer Assessment ILS 6.B.1 than, and less than tool kit Unit 2 Checking Every Day ILS 6.C.1a -Count up from a smaller number routines Progress Mathematics ILS 6.C.1b to a larger number Assessment Handbook Assessment Handbook ILS 6.D.1 pg. 141-144 © 2007 -Use a tally chart to collect data Unit 2 Lesson 1.3 add -Count objects by 1s A.M. Unit 2 Individual Profile - Recognize dot patterns on dice Analog clock of Progress as representations of numbers. cent Assessment Handbook clockwise pg. 204-205 - Compare quantities using more estimate and fewer hour hand -Name and draw plane figures is equal to using the Pattern-Block math boxes Template midnight minus Lesson 1.4 minute hand –Write numbers to represent nickel quantities noon
Updated July 2010 1 1st Grade Math Curriculum number grid -Draw pictures to represent the number model numbers 1 and 2 penny -Name the numbers that are one plus more and one less than a given P.M. number ruler subtract Lesson 1.5 unit – Count objects by 1s unit box -Locate numbers on a number line -Name numbers that are one more and one less than a given number - Use a number line to solve number stories
Lesson 1.6 – Read whole numbers -Order whole numbers from smallest to largest -Compare pairs of whole numbers -Name numbers that are one more and one less than a given number
Lesson 1.7 –Count forward by 1s and 5s -Represent numbers using tally marks -Create a tally chart to organize data - Make predictions based on data organized in a tally chart
Lesson 1.8 –Represent numbers using tally Updated July 2010 2 1st Grade Math Curriculum marks -Create a tally chart to organize data -Make predictions based on data organized in a tally chart -Make predictions about the outcomes of dice rolls
Lesson 1.9 –Count forward by 1s -Order whole numbers -Use a calendar to answer questions about days, weeks, months, and dates
Lesson 1.10 -Count objects by 1s and 5s -Represent numbers using tally marks -Compare pairs of whole numbers
Lesson 1.11 – Identify base-10 blocks -Use a number line to solve number-line problems -Identify geoboards and the plane shapes of pattern blocks -Create designs using the plane shapes of pattern blocks
Lesson 1.12 - Count forward by 2s and 10s - Create a tally chart to organize data
Updated July 2010 3 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Read temperature ranges on a Fahrenheit thermometer
Lesson 1.13 - Tell simple number stories using up to 10 counters and a variety of strategies -Solve number stories
Lesson 1.14 Unit 1 Review and Assessment
Unit 2 Lesson 2.1 - Count forward and backward by 1s from a given number -Read and locate numbers on a number line and a number grid -Count on a number line and number grid to solve problems
Lesson 2.2 – Read and write numbers -Create a tally chart to organize data -Answer questions about data
Lesson 2.3 – Count objects by 1s -Give equivalent names for 10 -Find pairs of numbers with sums of 10 -Make predictions and check outcomes
Lesson 2.4 –Count forward by 1s, labeling
Updated July 2010 4 1st Grade Math Curriculum numbers with unit labels -Count objects by 1s, labeling numbers with unit labels -Use a calculator to represent numbers
Lesson 2.5 –Read whole numbers -Compare the functions of the hands on a clock -Estimate time on an analog clock, using only the hour hand -Use language of approximation to describe times on an analog clock
Lesson 2.6 -Count forward by 1s -Show a given time on an analog clock -Read and record times shown on an analog clock -Use language of approximation to describe times on an analog clock
Lesson 2.7 -Count forward by 2s -Recognize dot patterns on dominoes as representations of numbers -Compare the lengths of objects to a 6-inch ruler
Lesson 2.8 -Estimate and count the number of objects in a group
Updated July 2010 5 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Compare quantities and determine which quantity is more -Identify a penny and know its value -Name the value of a penny and a nickel -Exchange pennies for nickels
Lesson 2.9 -Count forward by 1s and 5s from a given number -Count combinations of pennies and nickels -Identify a nickel and know its value -Exchange pennies for nickels
Lesson 2.10 -Count forward by 5s and then on by 1s -Express the value of groups of nickels and pennies using cent notation -Identify and know the values of a penny and a nickel -Exchange pennies for nickels
Lesson 2.11 -Count forward by 1s from a given number -Solve 1-digit by 1-digit change- to-more stories -Write number models for 1-digit by 1-digit change-to-more stories using the symbols + and =
Updated July 2010 6 1st Grade Math Curriculum Lesson 2.12 -Count backward by 1s from a given number --Solve 1-digit by 1-digit change- to-less stories -Write number models for 1-digit by 1-digit change-to-less stories using the symbols - and =
Lesson 2.13 -Count forward and backward by 1s from a given number -Solve 1 –digit by 1-digit addition and subtraction number stories -Exchange pennies for nickels -Show amounts of money using pennies and nickels
Lesson 2.14 Unit 2 Review and Assessment
Updated July 2010 7 1st Grade Math Curriculum
2nd Quarter – 9 weeks Skills Academic Assessment Instructional Common Core Vocabulary Resources Standards Unit 3 Unit 3 Unit 3 Every Day Mathematics ILS 6.B.1 Lesson 3.1 arrow Assessment Teachers Manual Volume ILS 10.A.1a -Count objects by 1s and 2s arrow rule Unit 3 Checking 1 © 2007 ILS 10.A.1b column Progress ILS 7.B.1a -Recognize, describe, and create decimal point Assessment Handbook ILS 7.B.1b visual patterns dime pg. 145-148 ILS 7.A.1a -Identify the pattern rule in a visual dollars-and-cents Every Day Mathematics ILS 8.C.1 pattern notation Unit 3 Individual Student Journal Volume ILS 8.D.1 even number Profile of Progress 1 © 2007 ILS 6.A.1a -Use a pattern rule to extend a frame Assessment Handbook ILS 6.A.1b visual pattern Frames-and-Arrows pg. 208-209 ILS 9.A.1a diagram Every Day Mathematics ILS 9.A.1b Lesson 3.2 half-past (the hour) Math Masters © 2007 ILS 9.B.1a -Count forward by even and odd line plot Unit 4 ILS 9.B.1c numbers negative number Assessment ILS 9.B.1b -Write numbers to represent number line Unit 4 Checking Every Day Mathematics ILS 9.C.1 quantities odd number Progress Assessment Handbook © ILS 6.C.1a pattern Assessment Handbook 2007 ILS 7.A.1d -Use manipulatives to identify program pg. 149-152 ILS 7.A.1c numbers as odd or even row ILS 7.A.1b -Identify and describe even and odd number patterns Unit 4 Individual Profile of Progress Lesson 3.3 Unit 4 Assessment Handbook -Count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s addition facts pg. 212-213 arm span -Identify the digit in the ones place bar graph -Describe and compare number cubit patterns degree Mid Year Assessment digit Assessment Handbook Updated July 2010 8 1st Grade Math Curriculum Lesson 3.4 estimate pg. 187-190 -Identify even and odd numbers fact power Fahrenheit -Use plane shapes for patterning feet -Create visual patterns foot half-past (the hour) -Sort dominoes hand hand span Lesson 3.5 inch -Count forward by 2s, 3s, 5s, and length 10s Math Message -Count forward and backward by 1s measure from a given number quarter-after quarter-before -Create skip counting patterns quarter-past (the hour) Lesson 3.6 quarter –to (the hour) -Count forward and backward by 1s standard foot from a given number sum -Model and solve addition and tape measure subtraction stories temperature thermometer -Complete number models for timeline addition and subtraction number typical stories unit -Use the symbols +, -, and = to yard complete number models Unit 5 Lesson 3.7 area -Estimate time on an analog clock base-10 blocks using only the hour hand cubes differences -Show a given time to the hour and digit half-four on an analog clock doubles fact -Tell and record times shown on an flat analog clock to the hour and half- function machine hour hundreds is less than -Use language of approximation to is more than describe times on an analog clock longs multiple of 10 Lesson 3.8 ones place -Count forward and backward 1s, pan balance Updated July 2010 9 1st Grade Math Curriculum 2s,3s, 5s, and 10s from a given rule number tens place turn-around fact -Find the missing numbers in a Frames-and-Arrows problem given the rule
Lesson 3.9 -Count forward and backward by 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, from a given number - Find the missing numbers in a Frames-and-Arrows problem given the rule -Identify rules in Frames-and Arrows problems -Create Frames-and Arrows problems
Lesson 3.10 -Count forward and backward by 1s, 2s, and 5s from a given number -Read numbers and symbols on a calculator -Use the +, -, and = symbols to count forward and backward on a calculator
Lesson 3.11 -Count forward by 1s, 2s, and 10s from a given number -Identify a dime and know its value -Show equivalent amounts of money -Exchange pennies for nickels and dimes
Lesson 3.12 -Count forward by 1s, 5s, and 10s from a given number Updated July 2010 10 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Find the values of combinations of dimes, nickels, and pennies -Exchange nickels for dimes, and pennies for nickels and dimes -Show amounts of money with the fewest number of dimes, nickels, and pennies
Lesson 3.13 -Compare whole numbers -Create a tally chart -Create a line plot -Answer simple questions about data in a line plot
Lesson 3.14 -Estimate whether quantities are more than 10, less than 10, or equal to 10 -Sort dominoes by even and odd numbers -Order dominoes according to dot patterns -Estimate sums -Find totals using the parts-and-total diagram
Lesson 3.15 Unit 3 Review and Assessment
Unit 4 Lesson 4.1 -Count forward by 2s from a multiple of 10 -Read temperature to the nearest 10° on a thermometer
Updated July 2010 11 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Read temperature to the nearest 2° on a thermometer
Lesson 4.2 -Count forward by 1s -Compare heights -Measure length in nonstandard units -Choose and label measurement units
Lesson 4.3 -Use language of approximation when measuring -Measure length with nonstandard units -Measure length to the nearest foot
Lesson 4.4 -Count forward by 1s -Use language of approximation when measuring -Measure length to the nearest inch -Compare standard units of measure
Lesson 4.5 -Use reference objects to estimate length -Measure length to the nearest inch -Measure and draw line segments to the nearest inch
Lesson 4.6 -Count forward by 1s -Measure length to the nearest inch
Updated July 2010 12 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Identify inch and centimeter scales
Lesson 4.7 -Count and record the number of flats, longs, and cubes -Create a line plot and a bar graph to organize data -Find a typical value in a set of data -Estimate and measure height to the nearest inch -Create plane shapes and designs on a geoboard
Lesson 4.8 -Count forward by 5s -Show time on an analog clock to the nearest half-hour and quarter- hour -Tell and record times on an analog clock to the nearest half-hour and quarter-hour -Use language of approximation to describe times on an analog clock
Lesson 4.9 -Order events on a timeline -Create a simple timeline
Lesson 4.10 -Count forward by 1s -Order numbers through 100 or more -Identify and use patterns on a number grid
Lesson 4.11 -Find sums for addition facts Updated July 2010 13 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Use dominoes to solve addition problems
Lesson 4.12 -Compare sums -Recite simple addition facts including +0, +1, and doubles
Lesson 4.13 Unit Review and Assessment
Unit 5 Lesson 5.1 -Count objects by 1s -Use base-10 blocks to model whole numbers less than 100 -Name whole numbers less than 100 modeled by base-10 blocks -Exchange base-10 cubes and longs to show different representations of the same number
Lesson 5.2 -Count forward by 1s and 10s on a calculator -Use base-10 blocks to model whole numbers; name whole numbers modeled by base-10 blocks -Exchange base-10 cubes, longs, and flats to show different representations of the same number -Recognize patterns on a number grid
Lesson 5.3 -Compare whole numbers using ˂, ˃, and =
Updated July 2010 14 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Calculate and compare money amounts using ˂, ˃, and =
Lesson 5.4 -Count objects by 1s -Estimate and count objects -Compare weights of pair of objects -Exchange pennies for nickels and dimes
Lesson 5.5 -Use base-10 blocks to model 2- and 3-digit whole numbers -Exchange base-10 longs and cubes to show different representations of the same number -Use base-10 blocks to find sums of 2- and 3-digit numbers -Model parts-and-total diagrams for addition number stories
Lesson 5.6 -Compare pairs of 2-digit numbers -Use base-10 blocks to model and solve addition problems -Write number models using ˃ and ˂
Lesson 5.7 -Count collections of objects by 1s -Compare groups of objects -Write number models to match solutions strategies
Updated July 2010 15 1st Grade Math Curriculum
3rd Quarter – 9 weeks Skills Academic Assessment Instructional Common Core Vocabulary Resources Standards Unit 5 Unit 5 Unit 5 Every Day Mathematics ILS 9.A.1a Lesson 5.8 area Assessment Teachers Manual ILS 9.A.1b -Order 1- and 2-digit whole base-10 blocks Unit 5 Checking Volumes 1 and 2 © 2007 ILS 9.B.1a numbers cubes Progress ILS 9.B.1c differences Assessment Handbook ILS 9.B.1b -Solve number stories digit pg. 153-156 Every Day Mathematics ILS 9.C.1 -Generate and record number doubles fact Student Journal Volume1 ILS 8.C.1 models to match solution flat and 2 © 2007 ILS 8.D.1 strategies function machine Unit 5 Individual ILS 8.B.1 hundreds Profile of Progress ILS 8.A.1a Lesson 5.9 is less than Assessment Handbook Every Day Mathematics ILS 6.C.1a -Count up from the larger number is more than pg. 216-217 Math Masters © 2007 ILS 6.C.1b to solve addition problems longs ILS 6.B.1 multiple of 10 ILS 6.A.1b -Create and use a tally chart to ones place Every Day Mathematics ILS 6.A.1a represent data pan balance Unit 6 Assessment Handbook ILS 7.A.1a -Draw conclusions about the rule Assessment © 2007 ILS 10.A.1a probability of dice rolls tens place Unit 6 Checking ILS 10.A.1b turn-around fact Progress ILS 10.B.1b Lesson 5.10 Assessment Handbook ILS 10.B.1c -Find sums of dice rolls pg. 157-160 Unit 6 -Identify and discuss patterns of addition/subtraction sums for easy facts facts table Unit 6 Individual -Identify pairs of turn-around centimeter Profile of Progress addition facts digital clock Assessment Handbook equivalent names pg. 220-221
Updated July 2010 16 1st Grade Math Curriculum Lesson 5.11 fact family -Recite double facts and addition metric system Unit 7 facts with sums of 10 middle value Assessment My Reference Book Unit 7 Checking -Find sums of addition facts with name-collection box Progress and without a calculator quarter Assessment Handbook -Discuss patterns in addition facts range pg. 161-164 table of contents -Identify and explain turn-around facts Unit 7 Individual Profile of Progress Lesson 5.12 Unit 7 Assessment Handbook -Count forward and backward from attribute pg. 224-225 a given number circle -Use addition and subtraction facts cone to solve “What’s My Rule?” corner problems cube cylinder -Find and describe rules in “What’s face My Rule?” problems hexagon polygon Lesson 5.13 pyramid -Count forward and backward from rectangle a given number rectangular prism -Use addition and subtraction facts rhombus to solve “What’s My Rule?” side problems sphere square -Continue patterns in “What’s My square corner Rule?” problems surface -Find the rule in “What’s My Rule?” symmetrical problems symmetry trapezoid Lesson 5.14 triangle Unit 5 Review and Assessment
Unit 6 Lesson 6.1 -Compare sums of whole numbers -Find sums of whole numbers -Use the addition/subtraction facts
Updated July 2010 17 1st Grade Math Curriculum table to find sums of 1-digit whole numbers -Identify and describe simple numerical patterns
Lesson 6.2 -Find different sets of 2 or more addends with the same sum -Use dominoes, drawings, tally marks, base-10 blocks, and manipulatives to give equivalent names for numbers -Write number sentences to express equivalents
Lesson 6.3 -Write parts-and-total number models -Write addition and subtraction number models using +, -, and = -Generate fact families
Lesson 6.4 -Find sums of 1-digit numbers with and without a calculator -Write addition and subtraction number models, using +, - and = -Generate fact families
Lesson 6.5 -Use the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table to find sums and differences -Use addition to check answers for subtraction facts
Lesson 6.6 -Count forward by 1s Updated July 2010 18 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Estimate length to the nearest centimeter -Measure and draw line segments to the nearest centimeter
Lesson 6.7 -Count pattern blocks -Identify even and odd numbers -Find sums of randomly generated whole numbers -Use a tally chart to organize data -Model triangles
Lesson 6.8 -Count forward and backward by 1s -Find the missing input and output numbers in “What’s My Rule?” problems
Lesson 6.9 -Count forwards by 25s -Calculate the value of combinations of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies -Identify a quarter and know its value -Make exchanges between coins
Lesson 6.10 -Count forward by 1s and 5s -Tell time on a digital clock given the time on an analog clock -Tell time on an analog clock given the time on a digital clock -Tell time to the quarter-hour in Updated July 2010 19 1st Grade Math Curriculum digital notation
Lesson 6.11 -Find numbers in a sequence -Calculate the value of combinations of coins -Find and draw plane shapes
Lesson 6.12 -Count forward by 1s on a calculator -Compare and order whole numbers -Create a tally chart and a bar graph to organize data -Find landmarks and answer questions about a data set
Lesson 6.13 Unit 6 Review and Assessment
Unit 7 Lesson 7.1 -Identify and describe plane shapes -Sort plane shapes by size, shape, and color
Lesson 7.2 -Solve addition problems -Create designs using plane shapes -Identify and apply rules to extend patterns -Identify rules by which plane shapes are sorted
Updated July 2010 20 1st Grade Math Curriculum Lesson 7.3 -Count the sides and corners on plane shapes -Identify and describe plane shapes -Compare plane shapes
Lesson 7.4 -Count the numbers of sides and corners on plane shapes -Model polygons -Identify sides and corners on polygon models -Compare and contrast polygon models
Lesson 7.5 -Count the flat faces and corners on solid figures -Identify and describe solid figures -Identify the flat faces and corners on solid figures
Lesson 7.6 -Count the flat faces and corners on solid figures -Identify and describe solid figures -Compare and contrast solid figures
Lesson 7.7 -Identify shapes having symmetry -Create line-symmetric shapes
Lesson 7.8 Unit 7 Review and Assessment
Updated July 2010 21 1st Grade Math Curriculum
4th Quarter – 9 weeks Skills Academic Assessment Text Resources IL Learning Vocabulary Standards Unit 8 Unit 8 Unit 8 Every Day Mathematics ILS 9.A.1a Lesson 8.1 decimal point Assessment Teachers Manual Volume ILS 9.A.1b -Express the value of equal parts Unit 8 Checking 2 © 2007 ILS 9.B.1a combinations of coins fourths Progress ILS 9.B.1c fraction Assessment Handbook ILS 9.B.1b -Show amounts of money with fractional part pg. 165-168 Every Day Mathematics ILS 8.C.1 the fewest number of coins halves Student Reference Book ILS 8.A.1a -Write number sentences using hundreds © 2007 ILS 8.D.1 the symbols +, -, and = hundreds place Unit 8 Individual Profile ILS 8.B.1 near doubles of Progress ILS 8.A.1a Lesson 8.2 ones Assessment Handbook Every Day Mathematics ILS 6.C.1a -Express amounts of money ones place pg. 228-229 Student Journal Volume ILS 6.C.1b using dollars-and-cents notation tens 2 © 2007 ILS 6.B.1 tens place Unit 9 ILS 6.A.1b -Identify a dollar and know its thirds Assessment ILS 6.A.1a value to make change Unit 9 Checking Every Day Mathematics ILS 7.A.1a -Make exchanges between coins whole Progress Math Masters © 2007 ILS 7.A.1d Assessment Handbook ILS 7.C.1 Lesson 8.3 pg. 169-172 ILS 10.A.1a -Count collection of objects Every Day Mathematics ILS 10.A.1b Unit 9 Assessment Handbook © ILS 10.B.1b -Read and write whole numbers denominator Unit 9 Individual Profile 2007 ILS 10.B.1c Updated July 2010 22 1st Grade Math Curriculum number-grid puzzle of Progress ILS 10.C.1a modeled with base-10 blocks numerator Assessment Handbook ILS 10.C.1b pg. 232-233 Lesson 8.4 -Express amounts of money using dollars-and-cents notation Unit 10 -Make up, solve, and record Assessment money number stories and Unit 10 Checking discuss solution strategies Progress Assessment Handbook -Show amounts of money with pg. 173-176 the fewest number of coins -Write number sentences to Unit 10 Individual match solution strategies Profile of Progress Assessment Handbook Lesson 8.5 pg. 236-237 -Make change by counting up -Make up and solve number stories End of the Year -Identify the values of coins Assessment Assessment Handbook Lesson 8.6 pg. 191-196 -Count equal parts of wholes
-Divide shapes into halves, thirds, and fourths -Find objects divided into equal parts
Lesson 8.7 -Count equal parts of wholes -Identify shapes divided into halves, thirds, and fourths -Record the number of equal parts in a whole and label each part with a fraction
Lesson 8.8 -Count by halves, thirds, fourths, and sixths to 1
Updated July 2010 23 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Find fractional parts of sets
Lesson 8.9 -Use fractions to relate smaller shapes and larger shapes -Divide shapes into equal parts and label the parts -Recognize and sort doubles facts and near-doubles facts
Lesson 8.10 Unit 8 Review and Assessment
Unit 9 Lesson 9.1 -Count forward and backward by 1s and 10s using a number grid -Name missing numbers on a number grid -Extend patterns on a number grid
Lesson 9.2 -Count forward and backward by 1s and 10s using a number grid -Use a number grid to add and subtract 1s and 10s from 2-digit numbers -Solve addition and subtraction problems with and without manipulatives and tools -Use number-grid patterns to solve addition and subtraction problems
Lesson 9.3 -Count forward and backward by 1s and 10s using a number grid
Updated July 2010 24 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Identify the values of digits in a 2-digit number -Extend patterns on a number grid -Solve number-grid puzzles
Lesson 9.4 -Explain strategies used to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of 2-digit by 2- digit numbers -Tell, write, and solve number stories -Write addition and subtraction number sentences using +, -, and =
Lesson 9.5 -Use standard measuring tools to measure length to the nearest inch -Use non-standard tools to estimate capacity -Draw plane shapes -Complete line symmetric designs
Lesson 9.6 -Divide shapes into fractional parts -Model fractional parts of a region -Identify halves and fourths -Identify equivalent names for fractional parts of a region
Lesson 9.7 Updated July 2010 25 1st Grade Math Curriculum -Compare fractional parts -Label fractional parts using fractional notation -Identify halves, thirds, fourths, sixths and eighths -Identify and explain the meanings of numerator and denominator
Lesson 9.8 -Use manipulatives to model equivalent fractions -Use = to describe the relationship between fractions
Lesson 9.9 Unit 9 Review and Assessment
Unit 10 Lesson 10.1 -Calculate the difference between two heights -Solve a change-to-more problem -Use a line plot and a table to organize data -Find the mode and median of a data set
Lesson 10.2 -Count forward by 5s and then by 1s -Tell and show time to the nearest 5 minutes and to the nearest minute on an analog clock
Updated July 2010 26 1st Grade Math Curriculum Lesson 10.3 -Count forward by 25s, 10s, and 5s -Show amounts of money using combinations of quarters, dimes, and nickels -Tell, write, and solve number stories -Write addition and subtraction number sentences, using +, -, and =
Lesson 10.4 -Count forward by 25s, 10s, and 5s -Compare quantities -Solve comparison number stories -Identify money equivalencies
Lesson 10.5 -Name, model, and describe plane shapes using straws and twist-ties -Name and describe solid figures -Identify and describe attributes of plane shapes and solid figures
Lesson 10.6 -Estimate differences between pairs of 2-digit numbers -Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of 2-digit whole numbers -Read temperatures and relate them to hot, warm, and cold events
Updated July 2010 27 1st Grade Math Curriculum
Lesson 10.7 -Count forward by 10s and 100s from a 2- and 3-digit number -Read, write, and model with base-10 blocks multi-digit whole numbers through hundreds -Express the value of digits in a multi-digit number -Create and solve number-grid puzzles
**All standards have been covered in this curriculum.
Updated July 2010 28