Support Available for Marine Projects/Programmes
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Support available for marine projects/programmes Grants
The details of some EU funds for the next 7 yrs are still being finalised so check websites. Most of the EU funds open with a “call for proposals” and then have a strict deadline for submission a few months later. 12 -18 months lead time for a big project is not unusual, with a staff resource across different teams of at least 0.5 full time equivalents staff input.
Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? European Priorities are likely to be: The On 9 December 2015 it was Business Relations Team Maritime and Support to achieving MSY and reducing discards new announced that the UK Marine Management Organisation Fisheries Fund Funding for more selective gears or fishing techniques fund Government and European Conservation measures will Commission reached agreement be on the Operational Programme Aquaculture Tel: 0191 376 2694/2676 worth which sets out the strategy for Partnerships between fishermen and scientists €138 the new European Maritime and eff.projects@marinemanagemen Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs) m Fisheries Fund (EMFF). This will Innovation & adding value over allow the MMO to open the Enforcement & control 7yrs scheme for applications from 18 Data collection January 2016.
Marine Established to support community initiatives aimed at improving and 2013 The projects supported Crown Estate Stewardship Fund enhancing marine and coastal assets within the Crown Estate. pot of must take place on, or be Tel 020 7851 5000 aroun directly connected with, d Crown foreshore and/or [email protected] £500 seabed, and they must also . K. be furthering good management of these areas. Ave grant appears to be about £20K. Heritage Lottery HLF expect their funding to make a lasting difference for heritage, About Variety of grant Grant enquiry line Fund people and communities and describe how they will achieve this through £375 programmes from small a set of outcomes. There is an appetite to support more marine projects. millio 020 7591 6042/44 n a <£10,000 to millions. Will Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? Covers UK. year match fund at 90%. [email protected] Sharing Heritage £3 -10K – protecting and sharing heritage to Our Heritage £10K – 100K – protecting and sharing heritage invest The Larger the grant, (9am – 5pm Monday to Friday) Heritage Grants - £100K to over £5m – protecting and sharing heritage in the more outcomes a Landscape Partnerships – £100K to £3m - partnerships to conserve new habitats at a landscape scale proje project/programme is Young Roots £10 -50K – engaging young people cts expected to deliver against. Start-up Grants £3-10K – setting up new organisation or taking on new heritage responsibilities Larger HLF grants include a development stage.
Esmee Fairbairn Priorities for the marine environment include: No Funding is available for core or minim project costs, and this includes Conservation of the marine environment, including through: um or staff salaries and overheads. collaborative work with coastal communities to influence practice maxi at a local level; mum The Foundation will consider level multi-year grants, usually for up strengthening wider interest in protecting the marine of to three years but rarely beyond environment through awareness raising and education activities; grant five years. Match funding is not strategic advocacy work to influence policy and practice. is required. However, where the specif total cost of the work proposed The funder is also interested in encouraging closer collaboration ied. is high, it may help to have between environmental organisations (EO), Eos with commitments of funding from communities and or non-environmental organisations. Likes Av other sources or plans to apply projects that others don’t like to fund, Also has prioritises for aroun elsewhere. education & learning, strengthening sustainability of d organisations through core funding which leads to a step £80K change. Work that encourages development of entrepreneurial but spirit within the environment sector. do fund up to £50- 250K
Sea-Changer Funds marine conservation charities and organisations addressing Provi Next deadlines 27th March 2015 See website Grants marine conservation areas. Aims to promote for the benefit of the public, des Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and grant and 25th September 2015 natural marine environment and promote marine biodiversity. Will fund s to marine reserves; clean ups; education, campaigning and awareness; chariti species protection and research. Will not fund equipment and core es, costs. up to £500 Projects should be based on innovation and priority needs and outcome (and focussed. Deadlines every 6 months. excep tionall y £1,00 0). Mercers Provides grant to charities and educational establishments in the UK, Grant No examples of marine See website Charitable Trust including for marine conservation- protection and research. Also cover s conservation listed under recent UK endangered species. Decisions on applications made quarterly. depe grants. nd on size of charit y, max £15,0 00 (exce ption ally £25,0 00). D’Oyly Carte UK focus and an interest in marine conservation and sustainable Grant Preference given to projects that See website Charitable Trust fisheries. Also interested in species and habitats under tthreats, s of might be substantially enabled encouraging voluntary/active involvement, new use/value to £500 to happen with the Trust’s communities and rural skills. Registered charities can apply. - funding. £5,00 0 Prefers small organisations as applicants.
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? National National Aquarium Limited, a sister charity to the National Marine In the encourages smaller projects Tim Nurse on t: 01752 275214 Aquarium Ltd. Aquarium make small grants available for interesting projects that will regio managed by individuals, or e: tim.nurse@national- promote wider understanding of the oceans and the threats they face.. n of community groups, schools, or These projects may be science-based but could equally be based £1,20 other conservation charities. around arts or drama - the more innovative the better, as long as they 0- make a contribution to raising awareness of the marine environment. £5,00 0 The Oak An international foundation giving sizeable grants. In the Europe At They will accept unsolicited See website Foundation Programme, the main goal is to restore (and maintain) European marine least applications but most grants are ecosystems. This is articulated as an aim to fund organisations that $25K awarded to projects invited to ensure the European fleet operates sustainable practices whether in Ave apply by their programme staff. European waters or elsewhere. The funding criteria for projects are: grant acros Target root causes of problems. s all Are replicable either within a sector or across geographical progr locations. amm Include plans for long-term sustainability. es is Have secured co-funding. $480 K Strive to collaborate with like-minded organisations. Value the participation of people (including children) and communities. The Bromley Closed until further notice but worth keeping an eye on the website. For Offer See website Trust registered charities. Previously interested in work to protect the seas s and oceans and to promote marine biodiversity, particularly the grant establishment of marine reserves. Worldwide. s of £5,00 0 - £20,0 00
Landfill There may be opportunities to fund marine work through Landfill Varie Different LCF distributors have See websites Communities Communities Fund Trusts such as SITA, Wren, Viridor etc. provided that s (up different application processes. Funds sites are within an eligible distance from a landfill site (normally 10 to Most funders require applicants Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? miles). Projects could seek funding under the heading object - The £250 to provide a third party conservation of a specific species or a specific habitat where it naturally K for contribution to unlock LCF occurs WRE funding (10% of grant). N BAF) Local Enterprise LEPs have designed the EU investment strategies for the delivery of EU Local Nature Partnerships are Links to individual LEP websites Partnerships funding in England for 2014-2020 in their areas. The LEPs prepared actively engaging with LEPs and can be found here. (LEPs) are locally- their first drafts of European Strategic and Investment plans for October these may also provide a owned 2013. The plans will be finalised by July 2014. The different coastal communication route. partnerships LEPs will receive allocations from the pot of €6.2bn over 7 years. between the It’s always good to make links to public sector LEP plans when apply to other (local authorities) funders (particularly Gov/EC and private sector funds) (businesses).
LIFE - the EU The ‘Environment’ strand of the new programme covers three priority The LIFE projects should be Beta Technology is contracted financial areas: budg a catalyst to develop new by Defra as the National Contact instrument for environment and resource efficiency; et for thinking, new models of Point (NCP). Their service supporting nature and biodiversity; and the implementation includes a helpline, pre- environment and environmental governance and information. perio screening of proposals for nature LIFE supports projects that contribute to the delivery of European d Calls for application are eligibility and fit, partner conservation Directives (MSFD, WFD etc.). Recent marine projects have included: 2014 expected to open in June. searching and advice on projects. Development of new/innovative technologies. -2020 The deadline for submission administrative and contractual Demonstration of good practice or management techniques. is will be October. issues. Stakeholder engagement and awareness building. €3.4 Richard Findon, Defra Data collection and data management. billion Available match funding Monitoring. in is 60%. Phil Denham, NE Policy. curre The ‘Climate Action’ strand covers nt The UK (not just Ed Clegg, EA climate change mitigation; prices England) should be aiming to climate change adaptation; and . No secure between £16-20m climate governance and information. min worth of grant each year, or roughly 8-10 projects. See LIFE marine thematic report max
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? grant. EA estimated 0.5FTE Ave. equivalent to develop a LIFE marin bid. e grant is €1m.
Interreg 359m€ DCLG Sam Lucas
There are a number of Interreg programmes that England can apply to, each with a different geographic focus and set of priorities. Interreg projects require an international partner. Programmes are still being signed off by EU. Each has focussed down onto a narrower set of priorities that previously, all aim at making a noticeable contribution to the EU2020 strategy (smart, sustainable and inclusive growth). Co-financing rate and size of pot included where known. All of the programmes have online facilities for finding partners/sharing project ideas. Examples of types of actions that might be funded are listed – these lists aren’t exhaustive.
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ?
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ?
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ?
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ?
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ?
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ?
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ?
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ?
Two Seas Priority 3: Adaptation to climate change €250 60% co-financing Michelle Armstrong Programme m (Southern Examples of types of action that might be funded: First call Jan 2015 National Contact Point England, Formulation of common strategies, protocols and action plans to [email protected]. Northern France, optimise ICZM practices in the maritime basin complementary to those developed by national authorities uk coastal Belgium and Netherlands) Establishment of joint measures (e.g. protection programmes, monitoring tools) which address biodiversity loss and climate change in an integrated manner to fully exploit co-benefits and Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? avoid ecosystem feedback issues that could accelerate global warming Establishment of integrated tools and technical solutions such as soil management, coastal defence lines or concepts (e.g. managed realignment) and flood protection by maintenance and enhancement of marine ecosystems as natural protection and defence lines Establishment of better coordinated monitoring systems, e.g. impacts of climate change on eco-systems and biodiversity and transformation of the coastline, etc. France (Channel) Priority 3: Enhance the attractiveness of the territories 50-65% co-financing tbc [email protected]. England Examples of type of action that might be funded: (Southern Joint research and scoping studies to manage environmental Early 2015 Call England, Coastal and natural risks, biodiversity and ecosystems, and natural France) assets with the aim to raise awareness of natural heritage, biodiversity, and local ecosystems and their services; Joint analysis, comparison and evaluation of the management of protected; .areas (marine areas, UNESCO biospheres, areas of outstanding natural beauty, etc.), especially where new activities are emerging (natural marine resources, marine energy, offshore aggregates, etc.) leading to concrete proposals that will improve how ecosystems are managed; Pilot projects on the definition and implementation of new management systems for ecosystem services; Joint awareness and training events on the theme of sustaining, improving and managing ecosystem services; Development and implementation of measures to influence local planning policy especially focused on maritime and coastal planning;
(Previous programme funded the Panache project)
Atlantic Area (UK, Priority 4: Enhancing biodiversity and the natural and cultural assets Co-financing rate 75% United Kingdom Spain, France, (50+m €) CONTACTS Ireland, Portugal) First call May 2015 Mike Pollard Examples of type of action that might be funded: Mike Ford WEFO Development of coordinated initiatives to better Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? understand the conservation status of ecosystems or species in Welsh Assembly Government geographical areas that are beyond the competence of a single Merthyr Tydfil Office, Rhydycar country Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1UZ Harmonisation and coordination of environmental Wales - United Kingdom management strategies in the Atlantic (e.g. implementation of Phone: +44 (0)1685 729410 / the Marine Strategy Framework, Natura2000 networks, 426 Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems-FAG International Guidelines, E-mail: Marine Protected Area-OSPAR, Ecologically or Biologically [email protected] significant areas-CBD etc.) to protect natural and deep-sea E-mail: ecosystems. [email protected] Development of initiatives to preserve and protect the Atlantic natural species, landscapes and sites of major natural interest of AA regions Development of concerted management procedures concerning emblematic species or species with strong economic interest (fisheries resources, migratory species) and combating invasive species Development of pilot actions to test new solutions and methods concerning the preservation and restoration of biodiversity Development of initiatives aiming at mapping natural species habitats and the seabed. North Sea region Priority 3: Sustainable North Sea Region: Protecting against climate Co-financing rate 50% Tbc – see website (Norway and change and preserving the environment – Climate change adaptation; Denmark, the Ecosystem management No examples but Cooperation Programme document says: eastern parts of Date of First Call to be A robust natural environment provides food and resources, as well as confirmed. the United regulating water and air quality and nutrient cycles. It is an essential Kingdom, and element of quality of life, and protects against the most severe effects of parts of Belgium, climate change. Although awareness and actions to manage Germany, environmental threats have improved significantly over recent years, Netherlands and there are still serious challenges that have to be addressed if NSR Sweden) environments are to continue to provide these functions. Actions under this objective should stimulate an exchange of knowledge and joint action to: Develop and implement long-term strategies for sustainable management of North Sea landscapes and the North Sea itself
Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? Develop and test new methods and technologies for tackling environmental problems Use participatory processes to win stakeholder support for environmental measures including promoting understanding of ecosystem services
Horizon 2020 is It is aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness and runs from Budg Applications can be Innovateuk is the national the research 2014 to 2020. Its emphasis is on: et of made for 100% of direct contact point for Horizon 2020. programme that excellent science, nearl eligible costs. Their service includes: Guidance succeeds FP7. industrial leadership and y €80 on choosing relevant H2020 tackling societal challenges (3.8 billion euros- and most billion Requirements include topics and types of action; likely strand to be useful). over working with partners from Advice on administrative The goal is to ensure Europe produces world-class science, removes 7 other countries procedures and contractual barriers to innovation and makes it easier for the public and private years issues; Assistance on proposal sectors to work together in delivering innovation. “Environmental . writing; Distribution of research and innovation finds its centre of gravity in Horizon 2020's: documentation (forms, "Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials", guidelines, manuals etc.) which has the objective of achieving a resource efficient and climate change resilient economy and society, protecting and sustainably CEFAS have experience of managing natural resources and ecosystems and ensuring a sustainable funding from Horizon 2020’s supply and use of raw materials, in order to meet the needs of a growing predecessor - FP7. global population within the sustainable limits of the planet's natural resources and eco-systems”.
Based on challenge based approach with an emphasis on bringing together critical mass of resources and knowledge to address challenge. Research to market, innovation- piloting, demonstration, design and market take up of innovations. Can be 1 or 2 stage application process. Different deadlines.
NERC NERC’s research remit includes: Ecosystem-scale processes and Next closing date for CASE is See website land use - Large-scale ecology (including marine ecosystems). likely to be July 2015. Catchment and regional studies. Landscape ecology. Interactions between ecology and land use patterns. Main opportunity seems to be via CASE studentships: Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? case/ or an independent research fellowship, in partnership with an academic institute.
Royal Society Grants are given to early-stage scientists within the first five years of The The grant is for a maximum See website Research Grants their career. Grant support is intended to complement that provided by sche period of 12 months. Support is the host (academic) institution. me for scientists who are new to provi research and have not yet des a achieved the track record that grant would the basis of a sizeable of up grant application to a research to council. £15,0 00 (incl. VAT) for the purch ase of speci alised equip ment, essen tial consu mabl e mater ials and Natural England December 2014 Funding What sort of things does if fund? How Key points Contacts mechanism (with much web link) ? servic es, and travel and subsi stenc e for essen tial field resea rch. Royal Society Funded by RS and NERC, the scheme encourages a scientist (PhD or Basic One application round per See website. Industry equivalent) to work with industry or for someone from industry to work Salar annum. Fellowships within an academic institution or not for profit research institution e.g. y plus Marine Biological Association. resea rch expe nses of up to £2K. Pensi on and NI still cover ed by empl oying organ isatio n. Natural England December 2014 Contract Opportunities
It may be possible for an organisation to generate income for marine related work by tendering for contracts. There may be grants available to set up business elements /slight change in focus accordingly.
E.g. JNCC is operating as a European topic centre for inland, coastal and marine water, employing a project coordinator.
The main information source about contracts is: Other sources of information
CORDIS is the primary information source for EU-funded projects since 1990
The Projects Service is a one stop shop for information on EU-funded research projects.
It includes all the European Commission's information in the lifecycle of each project: the grant details, funding and participants, the projects' own Report Summaries, multilingual Results in Brief and project Top Stories, and links to scientific publications and other documents.
CORDIS project data includes FP7 List of projects funded by the seventh framework programme, FP6 List of projects funded by the sixth framework programme, FP5 List of projects funded by the fifth framework programme and earlier programmes stretching back to 1990.
The Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) is a coordinating and integrating platform, open to all EU Member States and Associated Countries.
While bringing together the interested Member States and Associated Countries JPI Oceans aims to add value by:
avoiding fragmentation and unnecessary duplication planning common and flexible initiatives facilitating cooperation and foresight establishing efficient mechanisms for interaction and knowledge transfer between the scientific community, industry & services, and policy makers at high level in order to solve the grand challenges more effectively Natural England December 2014 In its role as a coordination platform, JPI Oceans will focus on making better and more efficient use of national research budgets, which represent 85% of the marine-maritime funding within Europe. One of JPI’s goals is to develop joint research programs in which countries can be involved on a voluntary basis (variable geometry). Participating countries will also decide what contribution to make: this may include institutional, project-related or new funding. UK contact – Caron Montgomery at Defra.
In its infancy on land, Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) involves managers of environmental assets receiving payment for good management that ensure ecosystem services continue to be provided. It requires a monetary value to be calculated for such services. Marine examples might include payment to protect reef features that play a part in reducing coastal erosion, or sea grass that reduces impacts of tidal surges?
Biodiversity Offsets might also provide an opportunity for funding.
Part Two- • Examples of externally funded projects
Key to colours – note that categories overlap.
Management of Protected Areas Evidence Other
Examples of marine externally funded projects
UK marine SACS - To develop and promote the necessary conservation measures for UK marine SACS 1996 Project Lead – English Nature LIFE96 NAT/UK/003055 2.5m€ from EU
Living with the sea - Living with the sea: Managing Natura 2000 sites on dynamic coastlines 1999 Project Lead - English Nature LIFE99 NAT/UK/006081 1.1m €
PISCES - Partnerships Involving Stakeholders in the Celtic sea Eco-System 2007 Project Lead – WWF LIFE07 ENV/UK/000943 1.1m €
TaCTICS - Tackling Climate Change-Related Threats to an Important Coastal SPA in Eastern England 2007 Project Lead – RSPB LIFE07 NAT/UK/000938 1m €
Natural England December 2014 Examples of marine externally funded projects
IPENS (Improvement Programme for England’s Natura Sites) This project will develop a programmed approach for achieving target conservation status on all (terrestrial and marine) Natura 2000 network sites in England. It will work with key stakeholders at national and regional levels, in the public, private and voluntary sectors, to help them adopt and implement this strategic approach. Project Lead – Natural England.
CSP (WWF UK) : The CSP project will support the implementation of EU environmental and maritime policy, using a stakeholder-led approach to contribute to the development of marine strategies, particularly under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, for the achievement of good environmental status of marine waters. The project will develop appropriate stakeholder engagement mechanisms and build stakeholders’ capacities to enable them to support delivery of integrated management; to reduce conflicts between coastal and marine-resource users; and to enhance the environmental, economic and social sustainability of the Celtic Seas Marine Region.
The Living North Sea project will solve problems surrounding the management of fish species which rely on moving between the North Sea and freshwater systems of partner countries. These species are under considerable threat, some even in hazardous decline. UK partner - EA
Coastal Communities 2150 (CC2150) is a communications project to engage vulnerable communities who are at risk from coastal change. UK lead - EA
Living with a Changing Coast (LiCCo) - a project working to raise awareness of coastal change and how communities can adapt successfully. UK lead - EA
The MESH (Mapping European Seabed Habitat) drew together scientific and technical habitat-mapping skills, expertise in data collation and its management, and proven practical experience in the use of seabed-habitat maps for environmental management within national regulatory frameworks. UK lead - JNCC
MAIA has the aim of creating a network of MPA managers and stakeholders. Spearheading initiative in MPA designation, governance and management on an international scale, this technical group works to develop a recognized, coordinated, effective and representative network of marine protected areas in the Atlantic arc. UK project lead -
PANACHE (Protected Area Network Across the Channel Ecosystem) is a project in collaboration between France and Britain. It aims at a better protection of the Channel marine environment through the networking of existing marine protected areas. UK project lead - Plymouth University
VALMER aims at developing methodologies that will be used to quantify the economic, social and environmental values of services provided by marine and coastal ecosystems in the Western Channel. UK project lead - Plymouth University
Horizon 2020 (formerly FP7)
JERICO proposes a Pan European approach for a European coastal marine observatory network, integrating infrastructure and technologies such as Natural England December 2014 Examples of marine externally funded projects moorings, drifters, ferrybox and gliders. 6.5m Euros. May 2011 – April 2015
EMFF/EMFF (some examples of EFF)
Cefas Innovation - Shark By-Watch UK 2011 £99,454.50
Cefas Under 10 Sector Discard Project 2011 £100,000.00
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Yorkshire's Living Sea - Full 2013 £80,636.88 Programme
Seafish Industry Authority Responsible Fishing Scheme 2009 £26,885.50 Expansion - Pan UK
Seafish Industry Authority Innovation - Fishermen 2011 £39,233.85 Environmental Monitoring
Charitable Trusts
Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom / Project Twitter Page project to survey marinas, harbours and aquaculture sites around the English coast to assess the current distribution and rate of spread of non-native species (NNS) and to raise awareness of NNS amongst marina and aquaculture operators. The Bromley Trust grant - £10,000, restricted to Survey of non- native species in English Marinas Marine Conservation Society The Bromley Trust grant - £10, 000 restricted to the MPA stakeholder project
Note all details correct at time of drafting. Please check websites, use contacts, read guidance thoroughly! Please send any updates/amendments to [email protected]
SUMMARY Geog. Surveys MPA Practical Comms & Staff More Eligibility Deadlines focus Mgt Actions campaigns Posts than 1 year
Natural England December 2014 Atlantic Area EU Any legal entity Annual (Interreg)
D’Oyly Carte UK as not LA.s/ 3 x pa Charitable overhe Universities/ Trust ad only colleges
Esmee Any not not capital + Not for profit. Not Anytime Fairbairn research overhe large UK charities ads
European EU ? ? Any legal entity Quarterly tbc Maritime and Fisheries Fund
France EU Any legal entity Annual (Channel) England (Interreg)
Heritage UK + Any legal entity Anytime, Lottery Fund overhe quarterly, ads annually
Horizon 2020 EU Any legal entity
Landfill UK Legal entities – but Check ind. Communities check ind. funds funds Funds LIFE EU Any legal entity Annual
Local Local ? Any legal entity Check ind. Enterprise LEPs. Partnerships (LEPs)
Natural England December 2014 Marine Crown Estate ? 3yr max Any legal entity No formal Stewardship process Fund
Mercers UK not ? not for applicant quarterly Charitable capital that have applied in Trust last 3 yrs
National Worldwide ? ? ? main not Inds, Schools, 2 x pa Aquarium interest core charties Ltd. costs
North Sea EU Any legal entity Annual region (Interreg)
Sea-Changer UK not capital not Marine 2 x pa Grants core charities/organisatio costs ns
The Bromley Worldwide UK Charities Closed at Trust present
The Oak Worldwide ”credible civil Not for profit Foundation society orgs. only Two Seas EU Any legal entity Annual Programme (Interreg)
Natural England December 2014