Shadow Program Coordinator You must have been a Distinguished Member for two semesters to apply! Must have 2.75 GPA with the University and not be on academic probation.

Name: ______Year: ______

Phone number:______Email address:______

How many hours are you currently taking this semester? ______

Hours you’re planning to take in the fall and spring (2012-13):______

Do you currently have a job? If yes, how many hours do you work and do you plan on working in the upcoming academic year? ______


Are you willing to devote 5-9 hours per week to meeting with officers and advisors, as well as being committed to the improvement and promotion of the Shadow Program? ______

We will have events almost every other weekend in the fall and spring; will you be able to attend most events? If not, please explain.______

Do you have any previous leadership experience? Explain______


As Shadow Program Coordinator of the Pre-Vet Society, you are responsible for promoting the Shadow Program to new students and veterinarians as well as handling all applications and evaluations in a timely manner. How will you adjust and cope with the conflicts that may arise between school, your social life, volunteering in the community, gaining veterinary experience, and your duties and obligations as the Shadow Program Coordinator? ______Please explain why you want this particular officer position along with why you are qualified.

Do you have any previous experience in dealing/communicating with veterinarians? If so, please explain.

Have you participated in the Pre-Vet Shadow Program previously to applying for this position? If so, please explain.

Have you spoken with the previous Shadow Program Coordinator about the position, if so, what is one thing you learned from your conversation that you previously did not know about being a Pre-Vet Society Officer?

*As Shadow Program Coordinator, one must be available by email and phone over the winter and summer breaks to resolve questions/issues regarding the Shadow Program. *You must be able to communicate professionally through email and phone with veterinarians.

This application is due NO LATER than 5pm March 7th in email (just typed answers; feel free to expand answers as much as necessary) to [email protected] OR turned in to the cube at Koldus in the Shadow Program Binder.