Unit 3 Review Genetics and Animal Breeding

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Unit 3 Review Genetics and Animal Breeding

Animal Science Unit 3 Review – Genetics and Animal Breeding

3.1 Define Terms

Match the following terms with their BEST definition listed below:

A. Cell B. chromosome C. gene

D. genetics E. genotype F. transgenic

_____ 1. A unit of inheritance composed of DNA. _____2. The basic unit of life. _____3. Genetic makeup of an animal. _____4. An animal that has had a “foreign” gene incorporated into its makeup. _____5. A strand of genetic material that contains genetic code. _____6. The study of heredity.

Match the following terms with their BEST definition listed below:

A. Crossbreeding B. heredity C. phenotype

D. purebred breeding E. reproduction F. hybrid vigor

G. conformation H. Expected Progeny Difference (EPD)

_____7. The breeding of animals within the same breed. _____8. The process by which new organisms are derived normally involving the union of the male and female sex cells. _____9. The outward expression of a gene. _____10. A set of numbers that are estimates of what a bull or cow will transmit to their offspring. _____11. Desired type, shape and form in an animal. _____12. A major advantage of crossbreeding over purebreeding. _____13. The breeding of two different pure breeds. _____14. The passing of traits from parents to offspring. Match the following terms with their BEST definition listed below:

A. Egg B. sperm C. breeding

D. conception E. ovary F. testicle

G. artificial insemination

_____15. Sex cell produced by female animals. _____16. Primary reproductive organ of a female. _____17. Placing semen in the female reproductive tract by artificial techniques. _____18. Sex cell produced by male animals. _____19. Primary reproductive organ of a male. _____20. Occurs when an egg and sperm unite. _____21. Promoting animal reproduction so that the desired offspring result.

3.2 Discuss Mendel’s contributions to the study of genetics 22. Who was responsible for the first experiments with genetics and formulated the basic laws of heredity?

23. Give a brief explanation of the first experiments in genetics, including what type of organism was used.

3.3 Identify the parts and explain the functions of cells, chromosomes, and genes 24. Give and brief description of each of the following and identify their major function in terms of genetics:

A. Cells:

B. Chromosomes:

C. Genes: 25. Give a brief description of the discovery made by Watson and Crick:

26. What is the major difference between the cells of plants and animals?

3.4 Differentiate between genotype and phenotype 27. Give an example of the genotype of an animal for a specific trait:

28. Give an example of the phenotype of an animal for a specific trait:

29. Genes that are represented by capital letters are referred to as ______.

30. Genes that are represented by lower case letters are referred to as ______.

3.5 Compare pure breeding and crossbreeding

31. Briefly explain purebreeding and give a benefit of it:

32. Briefly explain crossbreeding and give a benefit of it:

33. Briefly explain the Punnett Square and explain how it can be used to predict characteristics of offspring:

Using a Punnett Square, give the predicted offspring for each of the following matings:

34. AA x Aa:

35. Bb x Bb:

36. ff x Ff: 3.6 Identify factors to consider in selected breeding animals

37. Briefly explain why conformation is an important characteristic to look at when selecting which animals to breed:

38. Why should market demand for products be considered when selecting breeding animals?

39. Briefly explain what Expected Progeny Differences (EPD) are and how they are used in cattle breeding:

3.7 Describe reproduction processes in agricultural animals

40. In a male, the primary reproductive organ is the ______, which produces ______, the sex cell.

41. In a female, the primary reproductive organ is the ______, which produces ______, the sex cell.

42. At what point does conception occur during the reproductive process?

3.8 Explain artificial insemination and identify its advantages and disadvantages

43. Briefly explain the process of artificial insemination: 44. Frozen semen is stored in what substance:

45. Identify at least two common causes that could make artificial insemination unsuccessful:

46. Explain the benefit of sexed semen:

3.9 Discuss genetic engineering and its effect on animal agriculture

47. Identify at least one benefit of genetic engineering:

48. Briefly explain what a transgenic animal is:

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