COURSE: AP Biology INSTRUCTOR: David Grecek ROOM: 201 PHONE: 708-599-7200 PREP PERIOD: 7th E-MAIL: [email protected]

The AP Biology course is equivalent to a two-semester college introductory biology course.

Instructionally, AP Biology focuses more on enduring, conceptual understandings and less on factual recall. This approach enables students to spend more time on inquiry-based learning of essential concepts, and will help COURSE them develop the reasoning skills necessary to engage in the science practices DESCRIPTION: used by universities and the scientific community in general.

AP Biology is a lab-based course that focuses on the interactions between living organisms and their environment. Particular attention is paid to understanding the diversity of life, the structure and operation of cells, the types of interactions between living organisms, and how energy flows through ecosystems.

Upon completion of this course students will understand and be able to elaborate on how: 1. The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life 2. Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to COURSE grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis OBJECTIVES: 3. Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes 4. Biological systems interact, and the complex relationships among these interactions

Promoting a Student-Centered Environment! Page 1 of 3 Feb-09 Biology, 8th Ed. - Campbell



A+ 100-89 B+ 79-77 C+ 69-67 D 59-55 A 85-88 B 76-74 C 66-64 F 54 and below A- 84-80 B- 73-70 C- 63-60 CLASSROOM POLICIES

REQUIRED  3 ring binder, 3” EQUIPMENT  Notebook AND  A #2 pencil is required for all quizzes and tests MATERIALS:  Textbook

GRADING  Grades are based on a total points system and will consist of tests, quizzes, lab write-ups, and various other assessments. Homework is not graded in this class. PROCEDURES:

 Tardies to class are dealt with as per the policy outlined in the student handbook.  Makeup work from excused absences is accepted as per the student handbook. ABSENCES  As per the student handbook, students are not allowed to turn in work or make up tests or quizzes AND TARDIES: from absences classified as “unexcused”.  Students are expected to attend Ram Period to make up any missing quizzes or tests.

HOMEWORK:  Homework is not typically assigned in this class

OTHER (PROJECTS,  Use of cell phones and electronic devices during this class is prohibited FIELD TRIPS,  Extra credit assignments are not offered. EXTRA CREDIT,  Ram Period is available for any student wishing to get help outside of class. ACADEMIC SUPPORT):

Promoting a Student-Centered Environment! Page 2 of 3 Feb-09 REAVIS HIGH SCHOOL PARENT SIGNATURE SHEET AP BIOLOGY, 2015-2016

My signature below certifies that I have received and read the syllabus for this course and understand its content.


STUDENT NAME: ______I.D. ______


Promoting a Student-Centered Environment! Page 3 of 3 Feb-09